Oh yeah here is ryo to have some fun
Ok, so first was piper's pit with foley and that was good cause I like the RKO but anyone else besides me notice that piper didn't fall right with it?
The iron man match was not so great. I mean they really could have done much more then that but of course they want to drag this out as long as possible.
The ladder match between Edge and Matt was bad. I mean this also could have been alot better, I mean I knew edge would win but come on people they could have made the ending so much more then him getting tied up in the ropes.
Stone cold vince thing was bad too. I mean yes we all knew they all would get stunned but taht was it. no big thing just the same shit when austin was their, stun people then leave. I could care less about the rest of teh mcmahon's so this to me was boring. if I wanted to relieve the old days I would watch wwe 24/'7 and see it their.
The game's comeback was shit. they were trying to play it off as if everyone was yelling their heads off for him when really his comeback was no different then when he usualyy comes back. and as for him hitting flair. all those who didn't see that coming a mile away needs to run into traffic.
Bra and panties match sucked ass. enough said
Hogan promo, now see if they make austin fight him that will make austin lose all credibility. I mean HBK had him beat but since people still like hogan they will amke austin bow down to him and make hogan look good.
I knew SD would not wrestle not because it was raw but due to time, and besides that was all set out just so that SD and raw can have a fight cause that seems to get people happy, but I just yawn.
Now the main event, OH shit Iknew that would happen. I knew wigger boy would walk out of their still the champ. I mean they are going to make him hold that belt for aslong as possible till they work out a storyline for edge so he can take the belt away from him.
See folks this is why I can't stand the WWE anymore and watch TNA. Last night, in 3 fucking hours we had 4matches which all sucked major ass, the rest of the night was people cutting promo's and has been happy hour. I mean if this is what they are going to put on tn now I am willing to give up WWE and stick with tna. I mean 80% orf last night was people talking. I thought you were suppsoed to wrestle, that is why they call it Wrestling. I really can't see how so many of you like it so much. I mean think about what I said. which would you rather have? shit load of talking and bullshit matches or total non stop action?