At 10/24/03 04:58 PM, RugbyMacDaddy wrote:
He can get the crowd up on their feet faster than most people, he doesnt have to do much to get the crowds all wrild up. His mere presence is enough to sell tickets.
Well again thats a half truth. The rock does it better than anyone, as well as the fact that the goldberg cheering is canned... So yes the crowd is loud but it is from the speakers.....
Triple H in my opinon is overhyped. If he is so great why must he repeatedly get DQ so he can retain the title.
Thats just part of the story line. Who hasnt HHH beaten?
IM assuming your refering to the Angel slam and F-% that have been given to the Big Show. If I rememeber right (I may be wrong) they just got him up and then down very quickly. Goldberg walked around the ring holding up Henry the second time. And I know he doesnt do insane moves like foley, but he has a differnt style than foley, he is more of a powerhouse wrestler, while foley is a risk taker.
No. Goldbergs "jackhammer" on herny was the fastest one ever. "walked him around the ring"??? Did we watch the same match? Yes goldberg is a powerhouse, but with his limited arsenal, and his constant blowing spots and injurying guys he doesnt have the finesse, or prowess of a half decent wrestler....
Does anyone else remember goldberg "walking henry around the ring" when he had him the the jackhammer? please speak up im interested to know....
What about when he beat Hogan for the title, was Hogan not the cream of the crop back then?
No, hogan hasnt been in his prime since the mid to late 80's. He is still entertaining but not talented...
I am neither Goldbergs mom nor am I homosexual, but asking that question makes it sound like perhaps you are in denial about your own sexuality.
no my sexuality is not in question. You are the one who posts here once a week about the supreme greatest of goldberg. Its weird, you come in here and tell lies about the man.... It just made people speculate....
What have I said that wasnt true. He did go undefeated for a very long time, he did win titles, I never claimed he has a massive arsenal of moves, I siad he brings to the table what alot of superstars dont, the ability to excite the crowds. I never siad he was the best, actually I believe I referd to him as a diamond in the rough.
do you know what a diamond in the rough means? it means something great surrounded by bullshit. you can honestly say that benoit, y2j, HHH, angle, cena, lesnar, eddie, and rvd to name a few are the rough to goldbergs diamond? youre full of shit.... and again yes he did go undeafeated for a long time, but who did he beat:
La parka 11x
Mongo McMichael 13x
glacier ??x
virgil ??x
Prince iyakya 17x
hugh morrus 9x
wow! what a streak! yes he did win titles but who did he beat? saturn? an aging hulk hogan? and again that crowd excitement can never be proven because they used canned cheering to get him over and keep him there.....
I dont believe I have made up any facts in my posts.
well yes you did.....
When you look at it from the spot of your commion everyday fan, Goldberg is much better than how you portray him. But you are entitled to see things however you wish as am I.
definetly we are entitled to our opinions. You can like him whatever. GREAT. but opinions and facts are different and you seem to blur the two. Also I dont portray him in any fashion other than what I see on raw. Bad matches, limited moves, poor mic skills, and too much hype....