I thought RAW was a mixed bag tonight, I think the segment between Austin and Vince brought back a lot of great memories, and highlighted that WWE is still in need of these sorts of characters to carry segments like that.
I missed the first half hour incidentally, because my VCR didn't go off when it was supposed to.
I thought the Flair H angle was well done, but the ladder match was too short and just not a good blowoff to the Edge Hardy issue in any way. Hardy will hopefully be treated better on SD! (yeah, that's where he's headed).
The Legends segment was good for what it was, fun to see some of these guys in action, but it's just further proof that Rob Conway is going absolutely nowhere in WWE.
The bra and panties match was about what you'd expect, clothes ripping and asskicking. Are they trying to start a lesbian angle between Trish and Ashley with that pre-match segment? And did Ashley have her hand on Trish's ass when they came out? Almost saw a full moon over Dallas, and a nice bush too in that one.
The SD! match's interruption by Bischoff really made sense. If the brands are supposed to be in competition, and trying to be "number 1" then it makes perfect sense that Eric Bischoff wouldn't want Smackdown! to be able to look good on "his show". Sucks though that we were cheated out of what should have been a good match, I imagine it'll be re-booked for SD! this thursday.
Hogan's segment was good, I'm pretty sure Michaels won't be taking him up on that offer anytime soon...call it a hunch. The biggest thing to come out of that though is to wet fan's appetites for Hogan/Austin, but I have to wonder why, if it's a Mania match, why would they start to push it in October? Maybe it's just to get the anticipation up.
Kind of surprised that USA is giving RAW an overrun since the ratings on it haven't been great, maybe they just feel like it's giving them more add money, and well, USA is still not getting numbers on their other shows like they get with RAW I'm sure.
Bischoff and Cena was about what you'd expect, the crowd really seems to love Cena, me? I don't get the fascination, I don't hate the man, but here's a guy that in my mind has a tremendous amount of potential, and is in a tremendous spot, and is not improving himself or making his own mark right now. Some of that is booking some of that is the man himself. Onto the match itself, we got the familiar set up of "the odds against Austin...er...Cena", Cena dominates and hits about one or two of his big moves, Angle interferes, shot to the nuts....you know I hate Bisch, I do, I really usually enjoy bodily harm done to him, but the guy IS a fucking black belt legit, he could do a bit more offense then he was doing...but I guess that just won't happen ever in WWE. Bottom Line, glorified squash, as we knew it would be, if you like Cena, you're happy, if not? Well, you pretty much knew what you were getting going in.
Nice to see the SD! guys not just be sent home embarrassed. Nice to see WWE let those guys "take over" at the the end and beat the heck out of Angle and Cena. It really dosen't hurt them because of the numbers game. Also logical that the RAW locker room would empty into a big battle with the "invaders".
All in all? From what I saw, what should have been a home run of a show got off to a strong start, then absolutely pissed out and started to become more like "well, this is x amount of minutes off my life I'll never get back" maybe I just expected too much, but this show was very disappointing in my eyes.