At 9/28/05 09:59 PM, Rotten_footskin wrote: Sweaty men fondling each other?
If you just wanna spam here, please go away!

At 9/28/05 09:59 PM, Rotten_footskin wrote: Sweaty men fondling each other?
If you just wanna spam here, please go away!
Jerret vs Shatner? No freakin way.. lol
Heat and Velocity only on the internet? That kinda sucks.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 9/29/05 12:28 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Heat and Velocity only on the internet? That kinda sucks.
Especially since I really have to wonder if they're going to find some way to short the workers now since it's only going to be televised in international markets...nah, it'll probably stay the same.
wwe on usa network,counting the days to come...
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 9/29/05 12:28 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Jerret vs Shatner? No freakin way.. lol
Heat and Velocity only on the internet? That kinda sucks.
It doesn't matter for me. Heat is for the guys who cannot compete anyway.
Even though RAW does tend to be the better show, the Smackdown previews always get me excited.
After JBL cost Rey Mysterio a match against Ken Kennedy, he's looking to take them both down. Rey asked for Hardcore Holly's assistance in a tag team match tonight. This will be Ken Kennedy's first tag team match.
More interesting is Batista and Eddie Guerrero fighting the new LOD for the WWE Tag Team Championship. Either Eddie does something evil to give a new intensity to the rivalry, or WWE is having second thoughts about Animal's return and the new LOD.
To pass time between last friday and No Mercy, Bob Orton will fight the Undertaker. This will be a good warmup for both of them.
Also, Melina looks to continue being the most "dominant woman in the WWE." She will fight Christy Hemme, who had just a few weeks ago moved from RAW to Smackdown.
As for next monday's big RAW Homecoming, Teddy Long will make his big announcement tonight about the one match he will be having. And Mick Foley's apparently going to jump straight into a storyline while on the Piper's Pit, because those talk shows can only end violently...
well I had heard that Mick had wanted to do a story with Eugene, but we'll see how that turns out.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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Allright so after watching the Ultimate Warrior DVD i've been on a little bit of a Warrior kick. So I went to his website and was browsing around. I found a link to anouther Warrior site that deals more with his wrestling career.( Anyway to the point, there is a section on the site for people to post fictional storylines for a Warrior return. There is only on the but it is freakin sweet! It sounds like something that would work and go over HUGE! Go and read and tell me what you think.
At 9/29/05 07:18 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: well I had heard that Mick had wanted to do a story with Eugene, but we'll see how that turns out.
Hah, well, they're both scruffy old men. I always like seeing matching tag team partners, but I don't think Eugene's mental handicap can add a whole lot, lovable though he is.
At 9/29/05 09:06 PM, cornontheconn wrote: Hah, well, they're both scruffy old men. I always like seeing matching tag team partners, but I don't think Eugene's mental handicap can add a whole lot, lovable though he is.
I think they'll repackage him out of that soon...don't think it'll be good or logical...I just think it'll happen soon, since that character has basically run it's course
Well thats whats happening on SD! friday? awesome. Whoever said that, I mean. Well, I would enjoy a match between Batista and Cena, but Cena has to go against GM Eric Bischoff. This makes me very ticked. SD's champ against RAW's champ? That would be a match of the ages. Even bigger than Hogan against HBK. About HEAT and Velocity moving to the Internet...that sucks. But of course the shows only have idiot new wrestlers or wrestlers no one really cares about. So no real loss there. I would like to see TNA though. Looks awesome. But I'll stick with SD and RAW in the mean time. Also, did anyone catch "Byte This"? I heard the Ultimate Warrior was on there. I hope he comes back for Homecoming. I honestly dont know what happened in his career and how he left. But I hope he comes back. It'd be better if he went up against Orton(Randy, mind you). Well, we can only wait and see...
Ultimate Warrior was NOT on Byte This!! It was Matt Stryker impersonating the Warrior. It was kinda dissrespectfull I thought.
At 9/29/05 09:44 PM, OriginalFatty wrote: Ultimate Warrior was NOT on Byte This!! It was Matt Stryker impersonating the Warrior. It was kinda dissrespectfull I thought.
Your damn right that was disrespectful! Damn Matt Stryker to hell! He sucks anyways! Why WWE would hire him beats the shit outta me! That pisses me off! I really wanted to here word from the Warrior himself. Oh, dammit, that sucks. But I do hope he appears on homecoming. So, I think you were the one who said they watched the Ultimate Warrior documentary?What did WWE say? And what did the Warrior say on that website? I'm trying to find out why he left. Well, I didnt see that response coming, by the way.
WWE basically shits all over the Warrior. They talk about his promos and how insane they were and make him look like an idiot. But think about how many wrestlers write their own promos? Warrior did the best he could with the materials he was given. They show his WCW debut when he ripped Hogan a new one and (on the DVD) talks abouit how Warrior broke the golden rule of wrestling (Warrior rubbed it in Hogans face that he had never beat him) and had to grit his teeth not to knock him out. Poor Hogan, someone has the balls to tell him how it is and he cries like a little girl. Any way go to to read the Warriors responce. Warrior is really a smart dude and deserves alot more respect than the WWE is giving him right now. Hope its not all one big work like the Hardy/Edge/Lita thing.
At 9/29/05 09:26 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
I think they'll repackage him out of that soon...don't think it'll be good or logical...I just think it'll happen soon, since that character has basically run it's course
And from a story line like that it's hard to rebound in a new character. I mean, what can they say that could change it? He can't up and just get smart all of a sudden since that kinda defies the laws of nature, time and space, and whatever the hell else. He can't also just say he was playing possum either since according to storylines he's Erics "Special" nephew. And since they never said it was due to an accident, we have to think it was a birth defect.
so really the only option is for them to break one of the rules of wrestling: Just admit it was a gimmick and move on and hope whatever new character he gets works. but a recovery from that gimmick could prove to be tough.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I don't think they're about to detard Eugene. Whether Foley gets involved with him or not is uncertain, anyhow. Guess we'll just see if Eugene crashes the Piper's Pit or not.
WWE could easily change Eugenes gimmick. See heres the thing you have to remember. WWE thinks that its fans are a bunch of retards.(Maybe thats why they seem to think so many people can relate to Eugene?) How many times has a wrestler appeared on Raw or Smackdown using a certain gimmick only to appear a week later and had his gimmick completly rehauled with no mention of how or why? Or how bout when a wrestler from anouther orginasation shows up and they act like they have no idea how it is. Remember the WCW buyout? Oh wait you probaly doent cause your a wrestling fan and we all know that they cant remember crap.
Yeah, there's the possibility of them just repackaging Euguene quietly and expecting the fans not to remember him, or they can try and shoot an angle with him getting into some "accident" that makes him smarter, or (and it's really the easiest and most obvious explanation) they just turn him heel, and say he faked the whole thing to get sympathy and attention and point to all the stuff he got to accomplish by making people think he was "special"
either way it's bound to piss a few people off.
I still miss Jericho...
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
How certain is it that Eugene's actually getting a storyline with Foley, anyhow? If he does, I'd see it more like Eugene coming out just as a huge fan (as he is Hulk's and HBK's).
So, tonight's Smackdown. No way of telling how the tag matches tonight will turn out. It'll Ken Kennedy's first tag team match, so we don't know just how he'll do, and it's hard to say who between LOD and Batista and Eddie will win.
Never said it was certian, that was just the rumor going around. It will still be good to see foley on tv again.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 9/30/05 10:43 AM, cornontheconn wrote: So, tonight's Smackdown. No way of telling how the tag matches tonight will turn out. It'll Ken Kennedy's first tag team match, so we don't know just how he'll do, and it's hard to say who between LOD and Batista and Eddie will win.
Sure there's a's called the spoilers man...have you ever considered a job advertising for WWE? : )
avie, your level 20 hammer makes me remember HHH's hammer. Man, I cannot wait to see HHH come back to kick Cena's butt.
tomorrow night, 11pm. TNA comes tospike and the happy is building in me. I mean I can't wait to see it. on a side not I am getting the ultimate warrior dvd tomorrow
At 9/30/05 01:30 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:At 9/30/05 10:43 AM, cornontheconn wrote: So, tonight's Smackdown. No way of telling how the tag matches tonight will turn out. It'll Ken Kennedy's first tag team match, so we don't know just how he'll do, and it's hard to say who between LOD and Batista and Eddie will win.Sure there's a's called the spoilers man...have you ever considered a job advertising for WWE? : )
Ah, thanks for reminding me. I must make sure to avoid the WWE site until I see SD.
And for TNA's premiere on Spike, does it show it live, like 11PM eastern time would play 8 PM western time (my timezone) or does it play at 11 for east then 3 hours later it plays at 11 for west too?
I'm glad to see that the big network switch is getting so much attention. I really hope the WWE makes the best of it and does some SERIOUS improving on its product. But before everyone gets there hope up just remember the old saying "The more things change the more they stay the same."
LordKooler's friday night Smackdown review
1.JBL & Ken Kennedy vs Rey mysterio & Hardcore holly
JBL comes out with his Image consultant/Fixer Jillian hall and talks bad about Mexicans & rey mysterio. During his fued with eddie guerrero for the WWE title last year, There was a video of him in the USA/Mexico border chasing out illegal immigrants, And he wrestled the "Champion of Mexico" El gran luchadore twice, El gran luchdore played by Paul london in the first match, And then Shannon moore for the second match. El gran luchdore appeared a third time in the steel cage match between Eddie guerrero & JBL during JBL's early days as WWE champion. But the el gran luchadore that interfered in the cage match was played by then "handicapped" Smackdown general manager Kurt angle. That caused Vince mcmahon to fire Kurt angle from the general manager position the next week because he faked his injury. When ken kennedy came out, He thought that the mule JBL brought out was tony chimmel and talked bad about him. JBL and ken kennedy won at the end.
2.Christy Hemme vs Melina
In a video on Melina was seen talking on her cell phone and then they show Christy hemme riding her motercycle. Melina says that she has nearly run over and then Melina breaks her nail by accidently touching christy's helmet. Christy hemme got a new gimmick, She's a biker chick. Melina won. Then MNM attempted to do their finisher on Christy but then LOD interfered and MNM fled. Christy might'ive also became the manager of LOD.
3.Undertaker vs "Cowboy" Bob orton
Undertaker sent a message to both ortons before the match at No mercy by defeating Bob orton Jr.
4.Christian vs Orlando Jordan vs Booker T
A good match. Orlando won at the end but Chris benoit will wrestle all 3 for the US title at No mercy.
5.Bobby Lashley vs Jobber
Bobby Lashley crushed the Jobber. And he will wrestle Simon dean at No mercy.
6.Batista & Eddie guerrero vs LOD
MNM interfered and attacked LOD causing LOD to win by DQ.
".Bobby Lashley vs Jobber
Bobby Lashley crushed the Jobber. And he will wrestle Simon dean at No mercy."
wait... what in the world... they are actually putting that as a PPV match? Are they that out of it that they give this match? what the hell..
Sd was actually pretty good. I still get a kick out of when Eddie cheats and gets away with it.
CAn't wait to see the debutt of TNA. Whoooo
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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