Only two good segments on the show tonight, let's look at them:
Eddie Guerrero promo: Is this angle tasteless, insulting, offensive, and terrible? Yes, but Eddie Guerrero is so good in his role when he's allowed to just go out and cut a promo, that even I can almost suspend my disbelief and hate the guy like it's real. Eddie is easily the best performer on either brand right now, and hopefully he's going to be getting another crack at the main events soon, because the way he is taking a shitty angle like this, and making it work is something that no one else working right now could pull off I believe.
Orton vs. Benoit: Man, those guys proved you can still go out and have a great match on TV if your given the proper time. Orton's babyface turn was an utter mistake, as Orton is clearly born for the heel role, I'm not sure I was down with Taker coming in and laying him out in the end, but it got a good reaction from the live crowd, and honestly, sending the live fans home happy, while attempting to create PPV buzz is a good idea.
Now the things I hated:
Sharmin in the ring: Ah, the Power Plant in action...honestly, Charmin (yes, I'm stealing Dave Scherer's name for her) looked decent, as did Melina, but I really have to once more question why the only legit tag team on SD! (and no, I will not recognize the current champs as legit) wrestling a single wrestler, and his annoying as hell wife is beyond me. I don't really want to watch another "break-up" angle, but it looks like that's where they're going here...ah well, if it winds up getting Charmin off my TV, and book back doing something worthwhile, I'll be happy, his US title reign and heel run seems like ages ago now...
The fake LOD: I hate this angle more and more, I actually cringed and made disgusted noises when Animal put the shoulder pads on Heidenreich. I also cringed and yelled "NO!" every time they said Hawk would be proud. Because I honestly don't think Hawk would enjoy seeing a guy with no talent tagging with Animal, who's allowed the LOD name to be dragged through the muck for a buck, and it's ridicolous that they'd actually try to call these guys a dominate team...they only beat one legit team, and that was to start their reign.
Mexicools nail Christian: The are leaving money on the table with Christian, he's a guy the fans want to see used in a positive way, and yet they keep making him a target, hopefully this was to start a Christian face turn, and he'll get it back from the Mexicools, who I enjoy watching, I just don't think they've quite got a clue as to what to do with them.