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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-11 22:48:51

Sorry about the long absence, but i got caught up trying to watch Raw, go to the site for info on that Bret Hart thing, and much more. And some good news is i finally got the channel SmackDown comes on now. But thanks everyone for informing me on what happened last week. Now to my opinion. Eugene still has Kurt Angle's gold medal. I hate how that match turned out. But even though the match was unfairly judged, Angle shouldn't have tried to beat the hell out of Eugene. Especially when Hogan came out. Now about that Rob Conway guy. What a...God i cant say the word but i hope you know what i mean. Fine i'll just say "queer", what a "queer". Viscera shoulda kicked his ass. But now about Masters and Shelton Benjamin. Well, i see that the WWE is trying to get more rivalries for SS. But to me, it isnt working. That is a cheesy beef. But Matt Hardy's first match against Snitsky. Not bad, but looked kinda fake to me. Course, thats not all. And i'm not talkin bout the Face to Face. I mean when Cena not only saved that poor ref( which explains why ref's should never wrestle!), but also showed his video for "Right Now". Good song by the way, cuz i own the album. Now back on topic. The Diva Search. Yes, Ashley is in the final round. Well, thats who i voted for. Not to get of topic again, but everyone should have seen the Face to Face. Good, no need to review or express an opinion about that. Now about SD. Or at least what i saw. Randy Orton back in the ring only to face Kamala. That guy,unlike Tatanka, hasnt changed a bit. Course, I didnt see all of that. So someone fill me in here. Rey and Eddie at it again for what, the hundredth fucking time!? Come on, their rivalry goes back to WCW days. For all the veteran wrestling fans like myself, you should know that. But about that "tag match" between the Mexicools and Scotty 2 Hotty and Regal, that was a fluke. Regal bailed out, leaving Scotty defenseless. Hmmm, a match at SS? Only time will tell. Chris Benoit beats the hell out of that guy name Simon Dean. Ha, what a loser. He talked all that shit to the Rapid Wolverine, and winds up tapping out to CB's Crippler Crossface. Finally, the main event. Batista(hell yeah) versus Christian. Before i get into the match, who names their show,"The Peep Show"? Other than Christian. Course he had it coming. Batista almost had the Batista Bomb, but that phony JBL came and disrupted every thing. Course Batista won by DQ, but he didnt enjoy his victory. Then again, Batista won that match before it even started. Thats a true athlete right there. See, someone said awhile ago, that Batista just throws a few punches, spinebuster, then goes for the Batista bomb. Not true. Any decent fan of wrestling should know no wrestler just does that. No, you have to do more than that. People pay good money to see these guys. To do that would fuck the whole business up. But JBL had to smack Batista around with that chair. And the show ends with JBL looking at Batista, basically beaten the hell out of with that chair. I dont even think Batista knew where he was after the way he was slapped around with that chair. But that is all the time i have. I'll be back later. Until then, this is Stevens A.

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-11 22:49:31

At 8/11/05 10:18 PM, LordKooler wrote: 6.Mexicools vs William regal & Scotty 2 hotty
I didn't get to see who win at the end because I had to get a snack. But I think it was the Mexicools because they were giving scotty 2 hotty a beating because William regal walked out of the match.

Yeah, I saw that match, and thats what happened. Is it me, or does it look like Scotty is losing some hair?

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-11 22:58:43

At 8/11/05 10:24 PM, Fall_Out_Boy wrote: okay i am new and i just joined this site like a week ago but i am wondering how the **** do i join a club and what the **** is the difference between light and dark people answer me question and i want a cool thingy at the bottom of my post too O_o

Okay, one, quit editing your stuff. You can say stuff like fuck, just not in excess. Two, just contribute something to the forums. Make sure it has something to do with what the club is talking about. Three, light and dark, well, ask someone else. Im a little busy right now and dont got time to deal with all these noob questions. About the thing you want on the bottom of your post. Well, ask someone else. Cuz i dont need one, so i dont bother with it. But i would, to everyone else, like to know what they know about this Bret Hart ordeal. Until then, Stevens is out. For a snack.

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-11 23:56:31

which do u think will get higher ratings? TNA on spike or WWE on USA? both are cable channels and both do have big fan bases. I am happy that anopther brand is getting on Tv again. reminds me of the old WCW,WWF,ECW days.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-12 01:13:53

I enjoyed tonight's Smackdown. Little brother and I were laughing our asses off at Christian's inability to do much to Batista. I also enjoyed Booker T's match with Mercury. Good to finally see the refs taking responsible action against MNM by sending the other 3 away from ringside.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-12 05:23:10

At 8/11/05 10:22 PM, DarkDeviL92 wrote: This is the worst sd! ever! It was so boring and was not interesting at all. I am gettin so fed up with the creative team!!!!!!!!!!!

JBL needs to get his ass kicked badly this time for good. He sucks at wrestle and he doesn't have any sense of entertainment. Just like Triple H, he spoils everything. The only good thing last night was that Randy Orton wrestled again.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-12 06:06:16

At 8/12/05 05:23 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:
At 8/11/05 10:22 PM, DarkDeviL92 wrote: This is the worst sd! ever! It was so boring and was not interesting at all. I am gettin so fed up with the creative team!!!!!!!!!!!
JBL needs to get his ass kicked badly this time for good. He sucks at wrestle and he doesn't have any sense of entertainment. Just like Triple H, he spoils everything. The only good thing last night was that Randy Orton wrestled again.

JBL is going to get his ass kicked by Batista at Summer Slam in less than 9 days. JBL should hunting for the World Heavyweight Champonship and let others at it like the Undertaker or Chris Benoit. Its been a long time (2002) since the Undertaker has won any belts.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-12 10:26:34

At 8/12/05 06:06 AM, GeneralMBison wrote:
At 8/12/05 05:23 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:
At 8/11/05 10:22 PM, DarkDeviL92 wrote: This is the worst sd! ever! It was so boring and was not interesting at all. I am gettin so fed up with the creative team!!!!!!!!!!!
JBL needs to get his ass kicked badly this time for good. He sucks at wrestle and he doesn't have any sense of entertainment. Just like Triple H, he spoils everything. The only good thing last night was that Randy Orton wrestled again.
JBL is going to get his ass kicked by Batista at Summer Slam in less than 9 days. JBL should hunting for the World Heavyweight Champonship and let others at it like the Undertaker or Chris Benoit. Its been a long time (2002) since the Undertaker has won any belts.

Undertaker was tag champion with some other guy in 2003, i remember watching him defending the title against a train and big show at wrestlemania 19 then his partner ran in and saved him.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-12 19:07:29

I gotta agree. Cena will be champion for a while. People like him. Smackdown should give Benoit some chances at the WHC. At the moment he's doing pointless singles matches.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-12 19:50:42

Well, SD! last night was just a horrible show, virtually no wrestling, dull promos, the complete idiocy of the Rey and Eddie angle (Dominic looks like Rey for god's sake! How can any sane person believe he's Eddie's kid?), and the continuing moronics that is Jillian Halls obviously faked facial cancer. WWE looks less and less like the number 1 wrestling company on earth, and more and more like a bush league level company in terms of it's creative, but still a-level in it's production. I really don't know how much more of this shit I want to take.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-12 19:58:06

At 8/12/05 07:50 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: the truth...

well said. WWE has been terrible for the past while now. ECW came along i said to myself "wow, looks like WWE might be interesting now". Nope. The next night they almost didnt ackonwledge ECW at all. It was as if it never happened. And the rosters.... what garbage... snitsky sucks. then vince comes out and talks about a huge returning superstar to shake things up. I say to myself 'cool maybe brock lesnar, but probably HHH". Nope neither. he calls out matt hardy. who cares? which matt hardy did he call out version 3.7? the only thing to look forward to is the bret hart DVD... i would pay $100 for it and not complain.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-12 20:41:30

At 8/12/05 07:50 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: what he said

you know when they had to compete with wcw they had to really think up of good shit to keep people watching but since they have no compitition they don't care. I bet even after TNA hits spike they won't try any harder then they are now and that is why TNA is going top get a much larger fan base and the higher ratings. I really can't wait till TNA hits spike. anyone know whne that is gonna happen?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-12 22:04:44

I don't think it's lack of competition, lack of competition certainly helps keep them in the rut their in, but I think it's just bottom line that creative has no fuckin clue how to improve the show, and don't care to try, Vince has said that he knows what the fans want, even if they don't. Is he retarded? You know what I want better then I do? No way ass! That's the stupidest justification for this dreck I've ever heard, ratings are down, fans are complaining, PPV buyrates are down. Every fan everywhere is finding a way to tell you this simple truth: YOU HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT WE WANT!!!

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-13 00:34:07

At 8/12/05 10:26 AM, SkuSiLl wrote:
At 8/12/05 06:06 AM, GeneralMBison wrote:
At 8/12/05 05:23 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:
At 8/11/05 10:22 PM, DarkDeviL92 wrote: This is the worst sd! ever! It was so boring and was not interesting at all. I am gettin so fed up with the creative team!!!!!!!!!!!
JBL needs to get his ass kicked badly this time for good. He sucks at wrestle and he doesn't have any sense of entertainment. Just like Triple H, he spoils everything. The only good thing last night was that Randy Orton wrestled again.
JBL is going to get his ass kicked by Batista at Summer Slam in less than 9 days. JBL should hunting for the World Heavyweight Champonship and let others at it like the Undertaker or Chris Benoit. Its been a long time (2002) since the Undertaker has won any belts.
Undertaker was tag champion with some other guy in 2003, i remember watching him defending the title against a train and big show at wrestlemania 19 then his partner ran in and saved him.

He was bald and he was from the land down under. His name is still in my mind (Nathan Jones). He was cool but that sucks that he stayed back in his country. I have the tapes from WM 19 and it was a 2-on-1 match. Jones got knocked out by Show and A-Train before the match started.

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-13 07:35:15

At 8/12/05 10:04 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I don't think it's lack of competition, lack of competition certainly helps keep them in the rut their in, but I think it's just bottom line that creative has no fuckin clue how to improve the show, and don't care to try, Vince has said that he knows what the fans want, even if they don't. Is he retarded? You know what I want better then I do? No way ass! That's the stupidest justification for this dreck I've ever heard, ratings are down, fans are complaining, PPV buyrates are down. Every fan everywhere is finding a way to tell you this simple truth: YOU HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT WE WANT!!!

I think he knows that but in vinces mind he is saying "hey I am king shit and I can do what I want. I can have a wrestler come out and jingle keys at you and you will still watch" the said thing vince is not doing this for people like you and me avie. you and me are old school fans, the shit that he is doing is for the young people cause to them it is new and it is cool. I mean look that si why I barely see raw and I don't watch SD. they are both crap and why waste my time watching that shit. I am telling you, with them going back to USA spike will get TNA and they will get some big ratings. TNA is what wrestling should be, not crap like wwe. You can tell I am right cause if you look at thios place you see the young people post here saying "Oh wow SD was so cool" but us older fans know it is rehashed shit so we know it sucks. like I said vince is doing this for the young people and no one else, that is why they are flashing john cena around all the damn time. cause apperently this wigger is a big draw to young wiggers

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-13 07:43:59

its what Shawn Michaels said at the Summer Slam press conferance: "Every time you watch WWE you see this guy (pointing at Vince McMahon) throwing puppets at the tv just so you can see guys like me work double the time just to be here and watch new guys come in and take their spot in the light and I'm not going to stay for that and I'm not going to sit here and watch the rest of theses puppets and talk their crap out to you!". I know when some parts of WWE or the storyline is fake or easy to tell what's next.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-13 13:19:35

At 8/13/05 12:34 AM, GeneralMBison wrote: He was bald and he was from the land down under. His name is still in my mind (Nathan Jones). He was cool but that sucks that he stayed back in his country. I have the tapes from WM 19 and it was a 2-on-1 match. Jones got knocked out by Show and A-Train before the match started.

I remember him, he came out at the end of the match to make the save for taker. e was really good.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-13 18:17:57

At 8/11/05 10:49 PM, boloneyman wrote: Yeah, I saw that match, and thats what happened. Is it me, or does it look like Scotty is losing some hair?

I'm sure he had cancer. Unless that was some storyline they mentioned then didnt follow up on.

At 8/11/05 10:58 PM, StevensA wrote: Okay, one, quit editing your stuff. You can say stuff like fuck, just not in excess.

Fuck, Fuck, Fuckedy, Fuck. It can even be in excess if you really feel like it, dude

At 8/12/05 07:50 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Dominic looks like Rey for god's sake! How can any sane person believe he's Eddie's kid?

They should make Rey keep his contacts in, then at least the eyes wont look the same, but they both have such huge brown eyes.

and the continuing moronics that is Jillian Halls obviously faked facial cancer.

Reminds me of Morgans stutter. Therefore she will probably end up being releasd because creative dont know what to do with her.

WWE looks less and less like the number 1 wrestling company on earth, and more and more like a bush league level company in terms of it's creative, but still a-level in it's production. I really don't know how much more of this shit I want to take.

Its all right for people who will get Spike TV, and will e able to see TNA, but i dont even know if TNA will be shown anywhere in England, apart from the 6 month old shows they have now.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-14 02:18:20

I agree with Ryo, it's all about recycling shit now and hoping the audience has turned over enough for it to work, but I don't think that's the case, I don't think it's the case because the die-hard is pretty well still the fanbase, and I think that the casual viewer who watched from 97-2000 (I'm roughly calculating the years when the boom was happening), is going to tune in now and go "I've seen this all before, it's just new players acting it out". Cena is being portrayed as Stone Cold John Cena, and Batista they seem to want to have the early Lesnar killer instinct in the ring, but talk like The Rock when cutting promos.

So it's beginning to look like I might actually have time to be home more, and actually try to watch more wrestling, and well, that means I'll probably have more to complain about so...I'm gonna try to get back to having a feature around here, I hope to really try to get back into the bio groove soon, and yes, I still think the focus is going to be ECW wrestlers, since that's the only product I really give a crap about, and I really like being able to point out to you guys how abused the talent is right now that came from "the little promotion that could"

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-14 02:34:11

thats just it, they are having current wrestlers act out old gimmicks and success stories. but the guys they are modeling themselves after are unique and carved out there own images... The rock, austin, HBK these are trailblazers and just rehashing them is silly...

Also alot of these storylines go waaaaaaay to far into the depths of stupidity and unrealisticness. child custody? cmon in a WWE ring? yeah sure thing... A retarded pro wrestler? there are others i could name, but i wont...

Who brings back hawk? who would then make hawk champ?

Snitsky is the new A-train, and i didnt think anyone could suck as bad as a-train... but here we are.

jericho. i love him, everyone else does too. Hes one of the few bright spots on every show. Will he be rewarded? not likely...

JBL? take off that silly ass hat. didnt everyone stop caring about this guy a year ago?

they push all these idiots, and then youve got Kurt Angle (the best all-around guy in the company right now!) fighting a handicapped man for his gold medals? what a farce and what an insult to the olympics, and the olympic spirit. Really would everyone else like to see angle vs Y2J for the belt?

And lastly, everyone always rags on HHH, but look what we have in his absence. Are we any better off?

PS: kamala? kamala? cmon, show us some respect.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-14 04:49:33

At 8/11/05 10:18 PM, LordKooler wrote: 6.Mexicools vs William regal & Scotty 2 hotty
I didn't get to see who win at the end

Pscosis with top rope leg drop.

At 8/11/05 11:56 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: which do u think will get higher ratings? TNA on spike or WWE on USA? both are cable channels and both do have big fan bases. I am happy that anopther brand is getting on Tv again. reminds me of the old WCW,WWF,ECW days.

I still think wwe on usa will get better ratings

At 8/12/05 08:41 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote:
At 8/12/05 07:50 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: what he said
what he replied

I like TNA beause it was more Wrestling and has cooler moves. There are some promos like Jeff Jarrett and such. But I dont think tna going to spike will revolutinize wwe creative and such.

At 8/13/05 07:35 AM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote:

"Oh wow SD was so cool"

OMfg jbl drilled batista with that chair. He suckes I hope he loses I luff Batista

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-14 04:59:34

SD! is making Randy Orton become a heel star. I hope that he can beat Batista soon. It is kind of boring to have two face champions at the same time. In addition, Both champions have had the belts for some time already. But I won't buy Y2J or JBL beating them in SS. WWE just fail to pick the right heel challengers. By the way, just like HHH, JBL sucks as the top heel of SD! His feud with Batista is also getting old. It is time to put an end in SS.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-14 22:53:07

Well, im waiting for SS like everyone else. But for the known matches..
Batista Vs JBL..Batista, because JBL is a bitch compared to Batista.
John Cena Vs. Y2J...Cena, because i dont think Chris Jericho would be fit for the WWE Championship..Speaking of which, has he even held it before?
Randy Orton Vs. Undertaker... Undertaker, Orton has no chance of defeating Taker...remember Wrestlemania 21? Deja vu all over again...and thats coming from someone who didnt even see Wrestlemania 21 yet..(uh oh..)
Hogan Vs. HBK...good match this will be...but im gonna go with Hogan. No real reason behind that answer.
Rey MestrioVs. Eddie... Rey,ahgun! How many times will Eddie get his ass kicked by Rey to realize he sucks? We will never know...
Well thats all the matches i know of at this time. And these are guesses and mine especially. So if anyone knows what else will happen at SS, please let me know. Until then, Stevens has left the building. To watch old WWF reruns, that is!

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-15 02:48:15

At 8/14/05 02:34 AM, shadowmoses_sol wrote: thats just it, they are having current wrestlers act out old gimmicks and success stories. but the guys they are modeling themselves after are unique and carved out there own images... The rock, austin, HBK these are trailblazers and just rehashing them is silly...

Sure, but since creative isn't very...well...creative, that's the best they can come up with.

Also alot of these storylines go waaaaaaay to far into the depths of stupidity and unrealisticness. child custody? cmon in a WWE ring? yeah sure thing... A retarded pro wrestler? there are others i could name, but i wont...

And now we're going to have the custody papers hanging above the ring...I've said it before, I'll say it again, Vince Mcmahon has absolutely no soul. He's got a big black fucking void where his soul should be. There aren't words to describe how awful that is.

Who brings back hawk? who would then make hawk champ?

Hawk died man, that's what makes this new "LOD" and I put that in qoutation marks because this is not the LOD, and damn sure not the Road Warriors, this is an old man who sold out his dignity, and an overhyped, overpushed loser who might be a nice guy, but has absolutely no real talent, in a shame of a title run.

Snitsky is the new A-train, and i didnt think anyone could suck as bad as a-train... but here we are.

I think A-Train had much more upside then Shitsky does, it used to be a toss up between him and Heide for who sucked the most, but Shitsky has well eclipsed Heidie in that regard me thinks. P.S. Stop calling him Snitsky, start calling him Shitsky, cause that's what he is.

jericho. i love him, everyone else does too. Hes one of the few bright spots on every show. Will he be rewarded? not likely...

Oh hell no! Why Jericho isn't in TNA right now I don't know, if I was him, I'd be counting the minutes until my WWE deal expires so I could go somewhere where I'd be appreciated. Or just used as more then a glorified job guy, seriously, can anybody remember the last time Jericho meant a damn? How did this guy go from dueling mics with the Rock in his debut to being John Cena's SS body donner. Once again, I am so going to get my "shoot a WWE Creative team member today!" campaign up and running soon.

JBL? take off that silly ass hat. didnt everyone stop caring about this guy a year ago?

I didn't care about him ever, but yeah, for the rest of the world, JBL is desperately hanging onto those fifteen minutes of fame like they were the jaws of fucking life.

they push all these idiots, and then youve got Kurt Angle (the best all-around guy in the company right now!) fighting a handicapped man for his gold medals? what a farce and what an insult to the olympics, and the olympic spirit. Really would everyone else like to see angle vs Y2J for the belt?

I would, but that might actually make some fucking money. Angle is working Cena as the next big program, which, again, unless he kills Eugene hard...I'm just not sure what Angle's done that screams "WWE Title contender". Hopefully it'll actually teach Cena some new tricks in the ring. Seriously, I'm getting tired of being able to watch a John Cena match and the only difference is the guy he's FU'ing, and yeah, it does sound sexual when you say it that way.

And lastly, everyone always rags on HHH, but look what we have in his absence. Are we any better off?

Sure, I don't have to listen to his rambling promos, have his nose all over my tv set, watch Ric Flair forced to metaphorically lick his balls at every turn, and have him always ten seconds or more from being given whatever the hell world title is the top belt on RAW at the moment.

PS: kamala? kamala? cmon, show us some respect.

Actually, that's the only thing this week that I thought was kind of ok...and that tells you so fucking much about the state of the product then dosen't it? I'll be back soon with even more bitterness, and the fun and bitter Summer Slam predictions.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-15 02:55:30

At 8/14/05 04:59 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: But I won't buy Y2J or JBL beating them in SS.

Y2J is on of the best wreslters and most talented performers in the company. If he won, it would be the best thing WWE did in a long time.

By the way, just like HHH, JBL sucks as the top heel of SD! His feud with Batista is also getting old. It is time to put an end in SS.

HHH sucks ass? are you kidding me? no one puts on a show like HHH. yeah he held the title for too long, but who else couldve carried it for that period? eugene? HHH is the top man in the company period. If his absence is a long one, (like the quad injury) you will be salivating for his return. JBL isnt anywhere near HHH on any level and the fact you mention them in the same breathe is a shame...

look what we have in HHH absence: eugene segments. viscera segments. Rob conway as a gay biker or something? with HHH around they dont have time for that garbage...

Bottom Line: HHH is aweomse so is jericho... hey doesnt an HHH vs Y2J fued sound good? just like wm18!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-15 03:11:44

Well tonight on Raw will be great because you got Hulk Hogan vs. Kurt Angle. That is the only match the got's my mind on. The 2-on-1 match with Cena in it will be crappy.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-15 18:02:01

I already know raw is gonna suck ass. that 2 on 1 match will suck and of course they will let Y2J and CCC win so that they can say "Oh my is this a sign of things to come at SS" and all that crappy banter, the hogan, angle match I have no need to see of course hogan will win cause that is what the fans want and he wouldn't wrestle unless he was gonan win, why come backto get your ass kicked? speaking of which it is sad that he is gonna fight HBK, if you see it he will be all out of breathe and slow and hurting and it will look more planned then what it is and they will let hogan win cause of course hogan is the good guy. WWE sucks my ass

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-16 05:56:09

I know that Y2J should beat Cena, but I don't see it happening. Normally, the guy who has the laugh just before the ppv loses. In addition, I don't think that Y2J is Raw's top heel. So I guess that they will let Cena keep the belt for a while.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-16 07:23:19

best part of raw was when hbk came out and played bret's music. for those of you who don't remember he did that same but years ago when bret went to wcw and he played his music and a midget came out

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-16 13:59:36

sup guys. Been a while huh?

Well I might as throw a few of my two cents in there.

I'm in total agreement about jericho not being used to his full potential. He would make a much better champ than cena could ever be. Maybe it's me, but al of cenas matches look the same. Especially when if you really think about it his finisher is a death vally driver. If he was really tall maybe that would be a good finish for him, but he's not. It's just a body slam type move.

Damn.. Simon Dean is back again.... What the hell happened? Maybe they want to puch back the b.w.o. for whatever reason but why in the hell would they bring back that awful gimmick? I mean come on, would you belive that a guy trying to sell fitness powder could kick anybodys ass? It's like richard simmons in there just without the afro.

Remember when Eddie was in the title picture and putting on one hell of a show every night? Sad that he's in a storyline like this. It also looks like they are going to make benoit the us champ. Wouldn't a Benoit vs Batista match be kickass? I think so.

Man they hate HBK in canada. I wonder if he fly's out the moment the show ends...

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