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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-19 15:01:02

You know, I'm starting wonder what it would be like if Smackdown was on cable, and Raw was on normal T.V. for only a year. That would be interesting, but on a different topic, why is it that no matter how hated you are, or what you did in the WWE, if you go disappearing for a year or two and come back, even if you're a heel, fans seem to like the person for some reason. If you're looking for an example given, use HHH when he needed leg surgery and was out for a long time. Things are domewhat going downhill for the WWE, I'm not saying that they're failing in anyway possible, it's just that it seems like all of the great ideas was used up in the 90's. With memorable fueds like Shawn Micheals Vs. Bret Hart, or Bret Hart Vs. Stone Cold, and many of the other classics, what's left for the WWE to turn to?

It would be nice to see many of the old school wrestlers come back, but there aren't that many that are willing, although if there is one fued that I would like to see, it would be the fued between Hulk Hogan, and Randy Savage. I remember checking out some of the old matches and that feud was one of the interesting ones from the past. Fueds that got played out would be the Undertaker Vs. Kane saga, there's nothing much that could reignite an interesting spark between them anymore, is it? The WWE has many great superstars, but the ideas are lacking in my opinion. Don't mind me though, all of this just came to mind as I watching an old AWA match, times have changed, and it's easy to see how much.

Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-19 19:52:14

At 8/19/05 03:09 AM, cornontheconn wrote: No doubt that Christian's gonna give Mexicools hell, but I don't see him becoming a "good guy," even though I think he'd play a good guy just as well as a bad.

I think he would play a good guy well. But I think he looks like an angel. He wears bright tights, always smiles, and has blonde hair, making him look like he has a halo. His appearance is more suiting to be a face maybe.
I would like to see Christian face. Im not a total Face Fan, but i like most wrestlers more during a face run. Apart from Cena, he sucks. If they made him a heel, i might like him a bit more. Especially if he denounced the crappy chain gang.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-20 00:04:34

I've got a question here. Does anybody else hate Hogan as much as I do?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-20 00:48:25

I just thought you guys would like to see this. There is a flash that was just submitted and it is a wrestling game based on RAW The SD! one will be coming next week!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-20 02:02:15

At 8/20/05 12:04 AM, Dookie_ wrote: I've got a question here. Does anybody else hate Hogan as much as I do?

Why? Is there anything I missed. A long while ago I used to hate the Rock for some reason, me and my friends would sit in the basement and wonder, what sold out more, The Rock, or The Scorpion King, and then I realized that it wasn't a big deal. Hogan as a wrestler is so-so in my opinion, but when you watch Mr. Nanny and watch him wrestle after you watch that movie, you can't help but to laugh.

Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-20 02:15:35

At 8/20/05 12:04 AM, Dookie_ wrote: I've got a question here. Does anybody else hate Hogan as much as I do?

I dont as much hate him, for moreto feel sad for him. He sold out more than any wrestler, even more than the rock. he talks on raw all about hogan know best and thats all he cares about, it aint like the old days, hulkamania is dead, sad but true!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-20 04:14:46

At 8/20/05 02:15 AM, DarkDeviL92 wrote: hulkamania is dead, sad but true!

Hulkamania was as big a scam as anything else Hogan has done, you put the man in front of a camera, he can't help but turn on the bullshit it seems.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-20 04:20:17

At 8/20/05 12:48 AM, DarkDeviL92 wrote: I just thought you guys would like to see this. There is a flash that was just submitted and it is a wrestling game based on RAW The SD! one will be coming next week!

It's a fucking awesome game. I hope he makes more. The storylines are very recent so it's very cool.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-20 06:27:53

Major News!!

If you type WrestleMania 23 on Google the city to host the event will be in Detroit, MI at Ford Field (home of the Detroit Lions) being the venue for WrestleMania 23 in 2007. This will of course be a historic ‘Mania as it will be the 20th anniversary since the then WWF filled the Pontiac Silverdome with 78,000-93,000 fans.

Also some news about WrestleMania 24, when the Summer Slam meeting at the MCI Center in Washington DC happen, a fan told Vince McMahon in a Q&A part of the meeting that when will a WrestleMania event will happen in Washington DC while the crowd went crazy with a loud chanting of (Wre-stle-Man-ia {clap, clap, clap, clap, clap} Wre-stle-Man-ia) and Vince told the crowd this "Maybe when JBL becomes the next president? What year will that be?" and JBL told Vince "In 2008" and Vince said in so sort of surpised "2008? Well I'll check and Washington DC will be in front of the line to host a Wrestlemania event. Thank you for that." Who knows what city may host the 2008 WrestleMania event.

And there have been some rumors that maybe WrestleMania 25 may go to South of the Border (Mexico and the city the rumors tell is Mexico City) for the first time in WrestleMania history. It's too early to tell about that since the event won't happen till 2009 (4 years). Stay tuned.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-20 23:14:26

At 8/18/05 05:04 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: I am going to break it down. SD tonight will SUCK ASS. if you remember that then you will not get disapointed whne you watch it and come here going "wow that sucked" with the way SD is going you can tell it is gonan uber suck. and if anyone of you say SD was good should be shot. Unless me or avie says it was good it sucks hard.

haha takes for the heads up Ryo I wont get my hopes up when I watch it in 45 minutes

At 8/16/05 01:59 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: sup guys. Been a while huh?

Yeah me to I should check the SS results.

Well I might as throw a few of my two cents in there.

but al of cenas matches look the same. Especially when if you really think about it his finisher is a death vally driver. If he was really tall maybe that would be a good finish for him, but he's not. It's just a body slam type move.

I agree to a cool death valley driver is reversed but you drop the oppent on the head instead of the front part.

Man they hate HBK in canada. I wonder if he fly's out the moment the show ends...

He probably gets heckled and shit before

At 8/20/05 06:27 AM, GeneralMBison wrote: If you type WrestleMania 23 on Google the city to host the event will be in Detroit, MI at Ford Field (home of the Detroit Lions) being the venue for WrestleMania 23 in 2007. This will of course be a historic ‘Mania as it will be the 20th anniversary since the then WWF filled the Pontiac Silverdome with 78,000-93,000 fans.

Hmm maybe I could go to that by 07 I will be out of school so yeah.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-20 23:38:47

I'll be watching Summerslam tommorow, so I should have some live thoughts tommorow night, and some predictions in a few minutes.

Proof WWE is retarded and likes to lose money? The initial post-Mania plan was that Rey would work a program with Randy Orton, and Eddie would work with Batista, but now they're talking about skipping right to Batista vs. Orton. WHY?! SAVE IT TILL MANIA YOU FUCKING RETARDS!!!

That is all.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-21 04:24:20

The WWE has just been going to hell lately, there is still time to reform, I believe. It's just that when you look at the way things are now and how they are going, wow, what happens along in the years to come for the WWE may come to a suprise to many people. Where have all the great ideas gone?

Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-21 05:32:43

At 8/21/05 04:24 AM, Mast3rMind wrote: The WWE has just been going to hell lately, there is still time to reform, I believe. It's just that when you look at the way things are now and how they are going, wow, what happens along in the years to come for the WWE may come to a suprise to many people. Where have all the great ideas gone?

That's right. There have been some great ideas and just stupid ideas that the WWE tried to get more people to watch.

Some great ideas made by the WWFE:
1. the Survivor Series matches
2. the Royal Rumble matches
3. making WrestleMania
4. making Hulk Hogan become WWF champion and starting Hulkamania
5. signing Bert Hart to the WWF and making the Hart Foundasion
6. making the Undertaker wins every WrestleMania match he wrestled (13-0)
7. making the DX group
8. making the best WrestleMania matches (Iron Man match with Bert Hart vs. Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock, Undertaker vs. Triple H, Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant...and so on)
9. turning the WWF to the WWF Additude
10. showing live shows from around the world (Japan, England, Christmas in Iraq)
11. making great rivals (Rock vs. Austin, Hulk Hogan vs. Rock, Vince vs. Austin, Undertaker vs. Triple H, Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant, Kurt Angle vs. Triple H, Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels...and so on)
12. Making new matches (Hell in a Cell, T.L.C., Buried Alive, Iron Man, Ladder...and so on)

Some stupid ideas made the WWFE:
1. making the WWF vs. WCW&ECW war
2. breaking the WWF to Raw and SmackDown! groups
3. having GMs for both shows
4. taking out the Hardcore title and not making any hardcore matches
5. having Raw only and SmackDown! only Pay-per-views
6. not showing that much divas wrestle in a special matche (example: Bra and Panties, Lingerie match...and so on)
7. making some stupid contest go live on the show like the Raw Diva Search and the Tough Enough contest.
8. Making JBL the champion for almost 1 year
9. Releasing great wrestlers like the Dudley Boyz, Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy (but now back), The Rock (making movies), Scott Hall (now on TNA), Kevin Nash (resting in his home from leg injury), Goldberg (hosts a car tv show on Bravo)...and so on.
10. Making crappy maches like the Texas Bull Rope match, Table match, Item on a Pole match, Mixed Tag Match...and so on.
11. bringing back the nWo group and taking out "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan from the group and adding new members like X-Pac and Shawn Michaels.

Right now just what Mast3rMind posted early, the WWE is right now falling from the viewers. But there could be some good ideas to make WWE better. Some of them could be bringing back some great matches like T.L.C., Hell in a Cell, Buried Alive or the Inferno match. This may help the WWE with this idea, make a group like the DX and the nWo (WCW version not the WWE crappy version) mixed together.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-21 11:03:29

Well here is my feeling on tonight on the matches

HBK vs Hogan: I hope and pray that HBK wins cause I can't stand that old fuck he was boring in the 80's and he sucks ass now.

Cena vs Y2J: I would like y2j to win but throught this topic people have been saying that y2j will be taking some time off after SS it sucks that cena will win. cena is nothing more but some wigger, stone cold wanna be.

JBL vs Batista: get your cow bells ready folks cause you will be hearing them tonight when JBL wins back the title.

Hardy vs Edge: don't really give a shit about this match cause this was just one big planned pile of crap that is not intresting. but odds are the wwe will let hardy win as some sort of "oh he got his payback for what egde did to his personal life"

Taker vs Orton: I want orton to win. I think the undertaker is a joke now. they barely show him anymore he is just their cause he is old and didn't want to work that much so they threw him on SD and when he feels like doing something that is when he shows up if not they record his voice and jsut fuck with the lights as we have seen in the past. folks hope and pray that taker get's the RKO and loses.

Eugene vs Angle: Don't give a shit about this match. but I will say angle. it is sad that the wwe has to resort to using a fake retard to get ratings.

Rey vs Eddie: eddie will win this. after all the times rey beat him they will let eddie win to make it seem like it is over but no they will ride with this storyline till maybe surivor series. eddie will win, that kid will go with him and for teh next few months rey and eddie will exchaneg words till survivor series where rey will win hsi kid back and blah blah blah.

Orlando vs Beniot: don't care about this either but I say beniot. they have barely used the us champ and shown him so I am thinking when beniot is the champ they will flood SD with him to make it seem like that is the title to get.

Well that was my feelings. I will not watch SS so I will post here maybe a littel after midnight to see if I was right or wrong and yell some more about how the wwe sucks ass

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-21 11:05:57

I used to be a fan, but now it's boring as all hell. I can't even watch anymore.


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-21 12:13:48

Stevens is back from the long absence. I watched a little bit of SD and that was stupid, cept Orton vs Benoit. But i feel sorry for Hawk as he rolls over in his grave. They made Hidenriech( or however you spell his fucking name) the new Legion of Doom member. But to forget the dumb shit of SD and time for my opinion on SummerSlam. And now...the matches...

Eddie Guerreo vs Rey Mestrio: Ladder match for the custody of Dominic
Hm, i think Rey might win. Well, i hope Rey wins.

Randy Orton vs Undertaker: nothing at stake...
i kinda want Orton to win, but i think the deadman will make RKO rest in peace.

Orlando Jordan vs Chris Benoit: US title at stake
Is there any doubt that Chris Benoit will win this match? I didnt think so.

Batista vs JBL: no holds barred for the World Heavyweight Championship
Batista. Sure JBL has the match advantage, but Batista has the hometown advantage. Come on Batista! (ps: JBL sucks!)

John Cena vs Chris Jericho: WWE Championship
Im starting to have doubts about how long Cena will have his belt. But Cena will prevail in this match.

Matt Hardy vs Edge: grudge match?...tough call, dont really care. But Matt should win. I mean, come on! He just came back.

Kurt Angle vs Eugene: No time limit for Angle's medal
Well, Angle should have never put his medal on the line now, should he? Aw well, Angle better win if he doesnt wanna continue "sucking".

Hulk Hogan vs Shawn Michaels: Legend vs Icon
HOLD IT! Since when did Shawn become an icon? He practically sux! And he screwed Bret over! Hulkster's gonna win. Then he'll retire and continue doing "Hogan Knows Best".
Now to watch SummerSlam! Stevens, out!

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-21 15:35:13

At 8/21/05 11:03 AM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: Well here is my feeling on tonight on the matches

Yeah, I'll just steal this card and work from there : )

HBK vs Hogan: I hope and pray that HBK wins cause I can't stand that old fuck he was boring in the 80's and he sucks ass now.

HBK should win simply because he's the guy that will still be on RAW tommorow, he'll still be working week in and week out, and it'll make it all the more meaningful any time somebody beats Michaels after this will have that much bigger of a win since they'll refer to Michaels as a "legend" after the win. I think Michaels is going to be getting the victory here, probably via some cheating. So HBK all the way here.

Cena vs Y2J: I would like y2j to win but throught this topic people have been saying that y2j will be taking some time off after SS it sucks that cena will win. cena is nothing more but some wigger, stone cold wanna be.

Cena wins, in what one hopes will be a good match, too bad it probably won't do dick to help Y2J's career.

JBL vs Batista: get your cow bells ready folks cause you will be hearing them tonight when JBL wins back the title.

No, Batista wins because the win here would establish him as the number 1 guy on SD! which is really what this is all about. Batista I think has a hell of a lot of potential, but I don't think WWE has been booking him right, he needs to smash JBL tonight to prove his dominance (which is what the people want from him) and then go from there, though I expect it won't happen that way since Vince likes JBL, so expect a back and forth blood bath. Batista retains the World Heavyweight Title.

Hardy vs Edge: don't really give a shit about this match cause this was just one big planned pile of crap that is not intresting. but odds are the wwe will let hardy win as some sort of "oh he got his payback for what egde did to his personal life"

I also think this was a work, I don't care what Hardy says, or Cornette, or anyone else says, I think this was something that Matt/Edge/and Lita cooked up, pitched to Vince, and it got done, I know there's no way Uncreative could have come up with this, and they've certainly botched what should have been a hot, buy drawing match, for this PPV. I see Edge getting the win here to help advance his rise to the main events, and Hardy to continue to languish with WWE, and wait out his contract to go somewhere where he'd be respected. If this was a shoot, then Hardy is an idiot for coming back to this hell hole, to have basically one match with a guy who is gonna beat him.

Taker vs Orton: I want orton to win. I think the undertaker is a joke now. they barely show him anymore he is just their cause he is old and didn't want to work that much so they threw him on SD and when he feels like doing something that is when he shows up if not they record his voice and jsut fuck with the lights as we have seen in the past. folks hope and pray that taker get's the RKO and loses.

Taker ain't winning this, Orton is on the rise, and beating Taker will help to elevate him towards the inevitable match with Batista. But on the subject of Taker being part time, if you saw that character full-time, eating everyone on the brand, you'd be even more pissed off then you are now. Taker can still contribute buys and pops, but only if he's used sparingly, using that character all the time has, and will continue to, lead to boredom. People want the full dead man, and they'd have to "de-power" him if he worked more regularly, like they did before over the years until ultimately he became the biker.

Eugene vs Angle: Don't give a shit about this match. but I will say angle. it is sad that the wwe has to resort to using a fake retard to get ratings.

I agree, on all counts, hopefully then Angle wrecks Cena or something, though I'm not a big Angle fan anymore after he thrashed ECW.

Rey vs Eddie: eddie will win this. after all the times rey beat him they will let eddie win to make it seem like it is over but no they will ride with this storyline till maybe surivor series. eddie will win, that kid will go with him and for teh next few months rey and eddie will exchaneg words till survivor series where rey will win hsi kid back and blah blah blah.

I thought so too...but now I'm not sure...WWE might decide to blow this thing off, but if they really are gonna skip to Orton/Batista, then I see Eddie taking the win here and the kid, to continue to screw with Rey, or Rey wins, but Dominick and/or his wife turns on him to go with Eddie...because WWE is sick that way.

Orlando vs Beniot: don't care about this either but I say beniot. they have barely used the us champ and shown him so I am thinking when beniot is the champ they will flood SD with him to make it seem like that is the title to get.

I think Benoit would be a good US champion, and can get a lot of younger talent on the brand ready, plus, losing the belt could be used as a means to toughen Jordan up and make fans really give a shit about him other then as "the new Virgil".

Well that was my feelings. I will not watch SS so I will post here maybe a littel after midnight to see if I was right or wrong and yell some more about how the wwe sucks ass

I will be watching the show, since me and a couple friends are gonna hang out and split the cost of the show. I think it actually has potential to be good because of the performers involved, so long as the booking of the matches isn't horrible and destructive, this could turn out to be the best PPV of the year, or at least one of them (since ECW: ONS will be the best for me because of the pure emotion involved.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-21 17:50:51

something I just wnated to share, the wwe is using peoplethey have no to make them in to the superstars of before. John cena is stoen cold. he is doing the same stone cold shit just adding a wigger feel to it, Batista is goldberg. same BS and the same thing like GB, 2 move finsiher. the spine buster and the sit down powerbomb. if u look hard you can see it. oh and Avie enjoy the show. I like what you replied to my post but I still think JBL will win. I am tired of bastisa. most likely, batista will lose and ask for a rematch, orton will want a shot, they will fight and orton will win which will lead to JBL and orton, or as they will use in treh promo's "THE LEGEND KILLER VS THE WRESTLING GOD"

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-21 23:09:35

SS Results: (Btw, I didn't watch. Mom doesn't want to pay for PPV wrestling matches. I just looked at the Bell by Bell thing at the website.)

Chris Benoit defeated Orlando Jordan.
Edge defeated Matt Hardy (only because the ref awarded to match to Edge after Matt was found to be too bloody to continue. Matt did not lose by pinfall or tap-out)
Randy Orton defeated The Undertaker (by fatherly interference)
Kurt Angle defeated Eugene, and won his gold medal back.
John Cena defeated Chris Jericho
Rey Mysterio defeated Eddie Guerrero (inteference by both Eddie's own wife AND Dominick. Cold.)
Hulk Hogan defeated HBK (On friendly terms, apparently, since HBK shook Hogan's hand after the match.)

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-21 23:11:54

Hogan needs and must win today. Otherwise, we will see a 50-year-old man wwrestling for another period. For the sake of RAW, he needs too win and then retires.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-21 23:25:51

Sorry for double posting. I just checked all the SS matches' results. I got 4 matches right out of 5 predictions. :) But what surprised me was that Matt Hardy lost. Now his career is over. :( But anyway, I cannot wait the Orton, Batista feud to begin.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-21 23:27:29

OK this is proof that the WWE sucks my ass. thelet hogan win, they fucked over JBL, I am happy as a clam that orton won. youknow I can't wait for TNA then I will stop watching the WWE and stick with tna

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-21 23:28:53

At 8/21/05 11:09 PM, cornontheconn wrote: Hulk Hogan defeated HBK (On friendly terms, apparently, since HBK shook Hogan's hand after the match.)

I see that victory, as a pity victory. I knew that Hogan was going to win, simply because many people miss that old "Hulkamania" madness that only comes back when the WWE needs time to actually think out something interesting. Unlike Ric Flair, he doesn't get any pity victories because he's there, meaning that within next week or so, I expect Hogan to disappear again. It wouldn't be much of a suprise.

Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-22 01:57:05

Summer Slam sucked by the way it is described. My god. I hate Batista and he won. I knew Cena was gonna win and I hate him too. lol Rey won again I didn't really care. Edge winning is quite weird. Why did they rehire him for. Kurt better have won but this just seems like some regular Raw episode. Randy Orton wins and some guy in the crowd interfers like the bashems one time. Benoit won but he beat him like so quick. Alright Hulk you old man you won and please retired. Haha but i'm sure this isn't the last last match.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-22 03:43:18

I'm neither surprised nor disappointed that Batista beat JBL. JBL's entertainment value is limited to him getting his ass kicked. I'd take anyone over him.

Actually, the only SS result that surprised me at all is Edge beating Hardy.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-22 06:04:20

At 8/21/05 11:27 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: OK this is proof that the WWE sucks my ass. thelet hogan win, they fucked over JBL, I am happy as a clam that orton won. youknow I can't wait for TNA then I will stop watching the WWE and stick with tna

Thats a statement for a doesnt observe WWE really well..

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-22 11:02:39

Ok so here is how I see things. the want to do that batista, orton fued cause it will bring back the old evolution days and blah blah and orton will win the title from batista and just go no where cause that is dumb.

The way they are making eddie look is wrong. he is a great wrestler and they are making it seem like he is some loser who can't beat a small guy. now they are gonna throw him on the shelf for awhile till they can think of some other crap to put him threw.

I can see why they would want to give hogan that win. make him seem like big shit before he walks off again. and then what I would like to see is HBK vs Cena. just to see HBK super kick the shit out of that fonny wigger asshat.

they are gonna roll with the hardy&edge thing for a good long while. odds are they will keep it going till it get's boring which in their minds won't be till they stop making money.

I am glad that beniot won the belt. he is a good wrestler and he deserves to be in the light more.

I am hoping that they do something with JBL, hell I will take anyoen so long as they get the belt off batista. that fake goldberg wanna be.

I had a feeling angle would win and he did. finally beat that fake retard and got his shit back. So kids out their (mainly AVIE) I am saying Survivor series Brock lesner will show up, any feelings?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-22 11:05:47

At 8/21/05 05:50 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: "THE LEGEND KILLER VS THE WRESTLING GOD"

worst match ever. dont give them any ideas in case they read here. JBL needs to be forced out the back door soon. he is terrible.

all i wanted was for y2j to win. thats it, thats all. did it happen? nope. and why didnt it? because they WWE creative are absolute asshats. jericho was an awesome champ. he is an awesome wrestler, and an excellent presence on the mic. but i guess none of this counts anymore. just once i want them to make the right decision. its getting harder and harder to tune in every week.

does everyone realize what tonight is? well ill tell you: The Ultimate Fighter 2 is on tonight folks! finally some quality programming on mondays. so right when youre pissed about how much raw sucked and are ready to change the channel, you wont have to because something good is on.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-22 19:04:43

What about Brock Lesnar (if he comes back) vs. Dave Batista? That match could be a WrestleMania match.

Does any of you have a dream match you wanted to see? I would liked to see a match between the Big Shows vs. Andre the Giant but Andre is dead, that match could have an ending like the Big Show vs. Brock Lesnar when both where on top on the tunrbuckcle and both fell to the ring and broke it.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-22 19:06:46

At 8/22/05 07:04 PM, GeneralMBison wrote: What about Brock Lesnar (if he comes back) vs. Dave Batista? That match could be a WrestleMania match.

that match already happened it was called Brock vs goldberg. since dave is nothing more but a brock lesner wannabe, just like cena is a wigger stone cold