At 7/29/05 09:03 AM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote:
SD sucked ass, everything was easy to guess what was gonna happen. I knew orton was gonna come out, I knew JBL would win, I knew the secert from the beginging cause it was easy as hell top guess what it was.
The secret part was so lame, ill admit.
the WWE story writters are easy to read and see what they will do.
ll agree with this on the most part.
at SS JBL will win and he will finally get his belt back. odds are jbl will turn thsi into a NO DQ match since it was a DQ at the GAB. and sinceit will be a no DQ match JBL will cheat and win his belt.
JBL would have no need to make it a no-DQ match to screw Batista over, and i honestly dont see how he would get that kind of sway with Long as GM, maybe on Raw with Bish.
Orton will win against taker. taker will get cocky and out of no where, he will hit the rko and beat him.
Since when has Taker got cocky in a match, as a character he always keeps his composure and takes the match back to his pace to gain the advantage. Orton is the one who has shon more cockness over his career, for example during his first injury with the "Updates", and blindsighting Taker to screw him over more than once. Remeber at WM when he tried to pull the Tombstone? That cockyness was his downfall. I think if anything, there could be an interuption from, i dunno, hassan on his last apearance, anything through to the Boogeyman saying he is the new phenom in the WWE. This would fit creatives need to re-hash and overuse previously succesful and entertaining storylines.
you people need to see between the lines. if any of thsi stuff comes as a shock to you then youare not a true fan. most of this stuff is rehashed bullshit from the past
I think it's a bit harsh saying someone is not a true fan if they cant predict what will happen.
ut you're right, it is too easy to predict what will happen sometimes. The most surprising storyline in the past year was JBL not losing the title for nearly a year. And that wasnt entertaining in one way.
At 7/29/05 09:19 PM, DarkDeviL92 wrote:
Yea, I am really intrigued by the X-Divison. They are 10 times better than the WWE's cruiserweight division. I also think they have some very promissing young talent that are better than some of the WWE roster.
On that note, i just looked, and it appears that thy have re-hired spanky (Brian Kendrik streaker and bell-boy extrordinaire), whose finisher was sliced bread #2, as well as Jamie Noble, of the Jung ragons, and trailer trash relationship with Nidia. And Frakie Kararian is now appearing on SD!'s roster. I think these 3 should be a real boost after the loss of Chavo, Spike, and Shannon Moore. Akio would have gone well with Noble though i think, if they bring Noble back as what he should be, especially considering where he got the name Noble from.