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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-25 17:56:54

At 7/25/05 05:28 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: Well it is offical
"Reliable sources have informed WWE.com that Muhammad Hassan will be out indefinitely as a result of the Last Ride delivered to him by the Undertaker at The Great American Bash. At this point, it is doubtful that he will return to action."

So that means "hey our writters went to far but since we can't fire them we will send the charcter away" they are so wrong. i mean it is not his fault. true he will return ne day with a new thing but it will be no where as good as the hassan gimmick and he won't get that much attention and then bam he will get cut, why? cause the writters did a great thing, but on the wrong show. if he was still on raw and he did it on raw their would have been no problem. causethe show would be on monday, the bombings were on tuesday. no contervesy, no bad press, and hassan would still be in action. but since they downgraded him to SD, it all went to shit

well im glad he is gone but raw and sd are losing too much talent because of thier writers so wresteling is going down hill form the good days when they had just one show not 2 or 3 or 4!!!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-25 18:44:30

WWE had a great storylines when it had its Attudite style on. But WCW Nitro killed Raw on the rating for 63 weeks. Good thing WCW is no more.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-25 18:50:04

At 7/25/05 06:44 PM, GeneralMBison wrote: WWE had a great storylines when it had its Attudite style on. But WCW Nitro killed Raw on the rating for 63 weeks. Good thing WCW is no more.

yea really because if they were raw would go down hill more tha nwhat it is right now!!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-25 18:58:30

They should bring back DX or nWo again or both and have a group rival like the WWE(F) vs. ECWCW Invasion.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-25 21:30:23

wow eugene comes back and takes angles medals do i sense a summerslam match???

midgets are back again, my favorite was the horny black one calacas!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-25 22:00:52

Hey I'm an old member of the club if you guys look back to the earlier pages where the club had like 20 members you'll find me.

ANyway I really hate it how John Cena wins every match simply cause it keeps the ratings up. If he was entertaining I would ok with it. But keeping him champion because he meets the demographics its sad. Hip Hop is going places it shouldn't wrestling isn't about people who who are to busy talking to a 3 mote beat and calling it music it's about cages and extreme moves. Be pretty soon my only escape from this "music" will be to lock myself away forever either that or move to Iraq. Anyways what do you guys think about those Angels of Rock commercials the ones with the uncensored DVD offer. Personally I think there're funny. Its like WWE is pulling these recent ads out of their asses.

My sister take wrestling way too seriously she's called Chris Jericho a bitch like 20 times. Another blind Cena fan <Insert old NG angry face>

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-25 23:08:02

Srry for double post but...

CENA LOST!!! Its about time he actually lost in an immpossible situation instead of pulling an FU out of his ass and winning unrealisticly.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-25 23:15:14

Yes, this will be off topic, but...
V1! Where the fuck have you been, man? All of us in the AAHC thought you died or something!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-26 01:21:37

At 7/25/05 09:30 PM, DarkDeviL92 wrote: wow eugene comes back and takes angles medals do i sense a summerslam match???

The eugene invintional is going to be kurt I think hes going to snap and break eugenes ankle and take the medals back.

midgets are back again, my favorite was the horny black one calacas!

I liked the pocket rocket better.

Damn I wish the security guards would let matt brawl but seeing lita tombstoned was funny.
Did anyone hear when the stretcher went up the ramp the sound it made. I thought it was a sound effect.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-26 01:48:52

Did you hear and see what Kane did. He puched both medics guyes and a police officer before he gets inside the ambulance and drives off the arena. Before that ha said to Lita that she is going to the "Highway to Hell"! Kane is having his fun with the help of Matt Hardy.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-26 05:41:45

The new diva search sucks donkey's ass. More importantly, I have no clue why Eric Bischoff always gives y2j challenging John Cena. I think that Kurt Angle deserves a shot. By the way, the Edge, Kane feud is getting way too long. If Edge wants to be a champion, he really shouldn't waste too much time with Kane just because of Lita.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-26 09:10:24

You know for a fact even though CCC beat Cena last night he aint going to beat him next week cause the match fpr summerslam between Y2J and Cena is just to good for WWE to let go, orr maybe they could make a triple threat match?

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-26 10:19:18

Hey DD you shoulda made a sign so we could see who you were lol.

I'm back. Call the Police

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-26 21:08:05

cause lita is a fucking ugly ass slutty whore who fucks every 1 even for a nickel so shes probally pretty loose and all dat shit but w e and kane is prob gunna do sumtin rember its fucking scripted

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-26 21:29:13

Raw sucked balls again. I mean I don't know why so many of you are saying "Oh raw was so awsome" raw was not good it sucked. they didn't do anything new. they are just rehashing old story lines but with new charcters so that it looks new.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-26 23:52:49

lol why do they call CCC just Carlito now. I liked CCC. Oh yah Jerico was awesome when he kicked him in the balls and did his special. I wanted Carlito to use his modified swining neckbreaker. I haven't seen him use that in a while.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-27 00:37:03

Stevens A. here with my point on whats going down in the WWE. Well i think Cena was bamboozled(however you spell that). That match was stupid. Cena shoulda won cuz Carlito is an idiot. "Y2Cheapshot" is a cheapshot giving coward who will get pwned by Cena at SummerSlam. Batista vs. JBL...I dont like JBL. He's what Batista said he was, "a bully and a phony". That Jonathon Coachman is a real douche bag. I dont like him. Not only for disagreeing with every damn thing J.R. says, but he hosts that Raw Diva Search. Lucky bastard!! But not to get of topic...I see a match between Big Show and Masters at SummerSlam. Also about the Kurt Angle invitational. It was good to see Eugene actually kick that bald bastards ass. Well, at least last three minutes in the ring with him. Anyways, I really cant say who will win in the Icon vs. Immortal match. you know, Hogan vs. HBK. Both are amazing athletes, even though the whole damn thing is scripted. Well, I sure dont give a damn. Well unless there is something that i missed, thats all in my opinion. Someone fill me in on Smackdown stuff cus i dont get the channel it comes on. Until then, Stevens is out.

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-27 01:02:34

Next time on SmackDown!:

GM Teddy Long will annouce the SD! main event for SummerSlam, also on SmackDown!, emotions from The Great American Bash will boil over to Thursday night when Torrie Wilson battles Melina. Will Torrie get revenge for her loss at The Great American Bash? Or will Melina make it two in a row over Torrie? Also in action this week, United States Champion Orlando Jordan will team up with Christian to take on Booker T and Chris Benoit. Will JBL or Batista have to say anything about GAB or SS. Plus we'll have a update on Hassan and what will the new Tag Team Champions do. Find out this Thrusday on UPN.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-27 02:03:11

That is a nice copy and paste post but it dont look that good?

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-27 09:32:11

Hell yeah i'll join wwe kicks ass!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-27 09:43:17

What do you think about chavo being Curwin white now?. i think its pretty funny but he is a good wrestler i hope he does not get left out of the good matches.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-27 09:50:11

At 7/25/05 11:08 PM, V1master wrote: Srry for double post but...

CENA LOST!!! Its about time he actually lost in an immpossible situation instead of pulling an FU out of his ass and winning unrealisticly.

There is no way for Carlito to win next week. the world heavyweight championship can only change at each ppv.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-27 14:59:25


Complete Spoiler Warning for July 28, 2005 Smack Down

*Smackdown General Manager Teddy Long came out to announce the main event for Summerslam when JBL came to the ring and said that his contract stipulates he gets a rematch with Batista and that makes him the number one contender, not the Undertaker. Long announces JBL vs. Undertaker for later tonight with the winner being the number one contender to Batista's WWE World championship.

*Chris Benoit & Booker T defeated WWE United States champion Orlando Jordan & Christian when Benoit forced Jordan to tap out to the Crippler Crossface. Christian had the chance to save Jordan but instead walked out.

*Backstage Road Warrior Animal told Heidenreich it was time for the "next step" and began shaving his hair into a mohawk.

*WWE World Tag Team champions Road Warrior Animal & Heidenreich defeated Chris Hamrick & Chuck Tealy (name here may be wrong).

*Backstage, MNM announced they had hired a publicist (it was WWE developmental diva Jillian Hall). The publicist announced Melina vs. Torrie Wilson for later tonight.

*Rey Mysterio came out with his son Dominic. Eddie Guerrero came out and said that even though he promised not to reveal the secret, he lied. He reveals that he, not Rey is Dominic's father. Dominic hops the railing and runs away through the crowd, with Rey chasing him. Eddie says that back when he and his wife were separated, he "got a sl** pregnant" with Dominic, and he "out of the goodness of his heart" allowed Rey and his wife to adopt him because they couldn't have children. They played it off like more would be revealed next week.

*Melina (with Jilliam Hall) pinned Torrie Wilson (with Candice Michelle) with her feet on the ropes.

*Backstage, The Mexicools are mistaken to be concession workers.

*William Regal vs. Scotty Too Hotty never took place as The Mexicools came out carrying concession items and attacked them both. Psicosis shoved the referee as well.

*JBL pinned The Undertaker to become the number one contender to the WWE World championship after Randy Orton hit Taker with an RKO.

Dark Match:

*WWE World champion Batista pinned JBL with a Batista Bomb.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-27 15:15:07

Thank god i finaly found out the secret and it is what I was guessing all along too!
It'll be LOD 2005 lol!
Rko is back with a vengeance too, i sense a summerslam match.
this smackdown looks really interesting i cant wait to watch it!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-27 20:51:16

At 7/27/05 09:50 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:
At 7/25/05 11:08 PM, V1master wrote: Srry for double post but...

CENA LOST!!! Its about time he actually lost in an immpossible situation instead of pulling an FU out of his ass and winning unrealisticly.
There is no way for Carlito to win next week. the world heavyweight championship can only change at each ppv.

it's possible it will mean good script writing and summer slam will mean vengance.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-27 20:54:46

we can only hope it is good scripts and vengance

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-28 04:46:08

i love wrestling , but it is fake

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-28 04:58:23

Choryagraghed NOT fake they do get hurt and most of the time there bodys are never at 100% some do actulay hurt each other take kurt angle he has realy stiff uper cuts(forarms) you can see he is realy doing them real damage.True it is scripted but the slaming and high risk manouvers are real.You can't fake a chair shot to the head or suplexing some one of a ladder most of it is not fake.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-28 05:26:08

I wonder how AnzRage knew what would happen tonight on SD!... I think that a Randy Orton, Batista and Undertaker triple threat match for the belt would be awesome. Just like HHH, JBL just has way too many shots. It is unfair.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-07-28 10:29:11

well wwe.com is trying to play it off. they posted on their site that lesner was offered a contract. do they really think people are this stupid that they can't see beyond all the bullshit and know that he already signed his contract and that the story writters (the horrible asswipes that they are) are just working on something for him. anyone who doesn't know that is a tard. Oh and the SD gm put up something telling hassan he is off SD and he can go to hell. you know what I say those of us who really know the truth about the wwe should make a group letter and send it to the wwe andlet them know that their story lines suck. they over use people (that is why you don't see HHH on raw) and that long time fans like us are getting really bored really fast. and just throw in a NG plug and tell them about this club and how we tell the truth about their shitty stuff. that would be fun