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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-02 10:23:15

Not bad raw, the invitational sucked, the tag match rocked and the final match was good. I cant beleive cena pulled it out. He seriously kicked calitos little carribean ass cold!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-02 12:34:46

Some News

Jamie Knoble and Spanky are being brought back to the WWE in an effort to bolster the cruiserweight division, due to the fact that creative has plans for the Mexicools that focus more on the tag team division, thus opening up some slots in the cruiser division. Jamie Knoble was released by WWE last year due to a staph infection that was related to steroid use. "They told me to clean my act up, not to go out and bash the company, and to try not to go to TNA if I can afford it and once you clear everything up and we think you're straight, we might give you a second chance," Knoble said in a recent interview. Knoble never signed with TNA, and it looks as if WWE is resigning him as a possible shot to Ring of Honor, which had designs for him as a main eventer.

Spanky left WWE in 2004 because creative didn't have a plan for him at the time, and Spanky wanted to explore opportunities with ZERO-ONE in Japan. Spanky left WWE on good terms and was told the door would be open for his return, as they were impressed with the way he handled the situation. Spanky is about to get married and is reportedly tired of the toll working indies and in Japan are taking on his body, and working for WWE will provide some stability.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-02 14:02:04

At 8/2/05 12:34 PM, DarkDeviL92 wrote: Some News
Spanky left WWE in 2004 because creative didn't have a plan for him at the time, and Spanky wanted to explore opportunities with ZERO-ONE in Japan. Spanky left WWE on good terms and was told the door would be open for his return, as they were impressed with the way he handled the situation. Spanky is about to get married and is reportedly tired of the toll working indies and in Japan are taking on his body, and working for WWE will provide some stability.

That's good news,i always thought Spanky was hilarous when he went streaking that one episode which was first started by the Legendary Mideon. :)

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-02 21:28:40

hahaha if u look a few pages back you will find i said brock lesnar wont return wwe lied and its true they said he withdrew from the contract lol and well he isnt returning and who ever thought he was ur a dum ass hahaha

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-02 21:53:24

At 8/2/05 09:28 PM, cloudstrife335 wrote: hahaha if u look a few pages back you will find i said brock lesnar wont return wwe lied and its true they said he withdrew from the contract lol and well he isnt returning and who ever thought he was ur a dum ass hahaha

no, your the dumbass. this is all a plan. like we all said they are gonna hame this up all long as possible till the day comes when they won't say it on WWE.com andbrock just pops out at a PPV. This si just one bg stunt to get fans talking so that they will get a huge crowd of people wathcing, they bring brock back. it's an instant money prize for WWE. it's not nice to call people dumb, and it issader that you can't spell dumb

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-03 00:27:34

At 8/2/05 09:53 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: no, your the dumbass. this is all a plan. like we all said they are gonna hame this up all long as possible till the day comes when they won't say it on WWE.com andbrock just pops out at a PPV. This si just one bg stunt to get fans talking so that they will get a huge crowd of people wathcing, they bring brock back. it's an instant money prize for WWE. it's not nice to call people dumb, and it issader that you can't spell dumb

He's right, there is NO WAY WWE would be talking about any of this on WWE.com unless they had Brock signed to a deal, or so close to locked in it's just a formality, what I question is the fact that Brock has not dropped his suit yet, if Brock and WWE think they'll be able to use the court system to help them pull this little stunt off, I'd say they have another think coming, not to mention it'll fuck it up for basically any wrestler with a legitimate gripe against a company from filing suit as the courts will be afraid their being drawn into some elaborate work.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-03 10:06:55

Look this is what is happening. Brock is already with the WWE again. if he wasen't they wouldn't be throwing his name left and right every chance they get. As for the lawsuit, they are gonan use that too, they are gonan amke brock go forward with this so that people can be like "WOW, brock is suing the WWE, oh man I have to watch it more and go on wwe.com more to seeif they talk about it." this is all a stunt to draw up a big following behind lesner so when he shows up at a PPV everyone goes crazy and all brock t-shirts and shit sell like hot cakes. I am telling you between now and the Royal rumble lesner will show up. odds are he will show up at the rumble to win it and go to wrestlemania to win the title and become the top dog again. this is all a stunt people.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-03 21:43:38

Stevens A is back to take another crap on the matters in the WWE. With his opinion of course. Well its awesome that Matt Hardy came back. This ought to be interesting. And who knew that dude from Duece Bigalo would be on RAW? I sure as hell didnt. But I tell ya, it was interesting, but like the wrestling, the "Queen of the Mountain" thing was scripted. Now notice that I said scripted. Not fake like some people like to say. Some of the things they do in the ring do hurt. Like Cena getting busted in the face with that video camera. Damn that had to hurt. But not to get of subject...I want Angle to beat the hell out of Eugene on RAW next week. That will be a relief from the annoying cheerleading uniform Christy Hemme is wearing. No offense, but perhaps it's a little too...skanky?Well thats my opinion, not yours. Well i got nothing else to say about the WWE. Cept the fact that the Larry King spoof was kinda stupid. Good God man, i knew it was HBK before hand. Well im done letting out my opinion here. For now anyways. Stevens A., out!

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-04 09:07:14

I agree with Dumo and Aview on this matter, I think if it is a papperview it would be SummerSlam or Survivor Series in a couple of months, I think in November.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-04 16:47:21

Well, I like that Matt Hardy is back. I would of been p'd off too if I had real relationship and than I get kicked out of an organization, this being WWE. He kind of has an attitude of the punisher now, revenge and the livliness of being alive. Sure maybe he got fired before, but he's a great athelete. I can't wait till Kane comes back after he just drove Lita off in that ambulance. I'm sure he's going to be taking vaction while this Edge vs. Matt Hardy thing goes on. I'd like to see more of Chris Benoit out there, he needs to get back in the big picture, plus he's my favorite wrestler. and Eugene is probably gonna lose to Kurt next week and Angle will be all happy he got his metals back. Interesting how fast we got used to the new draft of superstars. Oh, and on Smackdown, Undertaker was once again screwed out of a title shot after 14 years of his career. Geeze, he's gonna retire in like 8 more years, give him a title shot.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-04 16:47:51

interesting idea with brock!! oh and lookie what i found!!

Kickass Unofficial WWE Site!

its kool!!!!!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-04 18:49:55

At 8/2/05 01:37 AM, X_Naut wrote: Has anyone noticed that EVERY time that the WWE goes to Oklahoma City,OK (J.R's hometown) J.R always gets his ass kicked,i find that funny as hell for some reason.

Is it unforgiven in oklahoma a raw ppv something special is going to happen then.

At 8/2/05 05:25 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: I won't forgive this bastard just because Matt is back. wwe is slowly losing its fans.

So are you randy orton fan. I hope Matt turns heel so the crowd can say You screwed us We want Jeff.

At 8/2/05 10:23 AM, DarkDeviL92 wrote: Not bad raw, the invitational sucked, the tag match rocked and the final match was good. I cant beleive cena pulled it out. He seriously kicked calitos little carribean ass cold!

You cant believe it come on I knew cena wouldnt lose it when CCC won the match two raws ago.

At 8/3/05 09:43 PM, StevensA wrote: I want Angle to beat the hell out of Eugene on RAW next week.

I like the way you think.

Cept the fact that the Larry King spoof was kinda stupid. Good God man, i knew it was HBK before hand.

I dont like the way you think.

At 8/4/05 09:07 AM, DarkDeviL92 wrote: papperview it would be

Rofl haha paperview lol@typo but yes brock will make a surpise appearence leik omfg here comes the pain Its off da hook in the jiont.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-04 20:48:38

At 8/3/05 09:43 PM, StevensA wrote: Cept the fact that the Larry King spoof was kinda stupid. Good God man, i knew it was HBK before hand.

Your joking right? dude everyone knew it was HBK. because it was called a spoof. remember DX and how they used to poke fun at people? I mean if you couldn't catch on to that then you must be slow. what you wnat a cookie cause you found out it was HBK?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-04 20:50:36

Well chapter 2, I hate when they delay it till the end, the suspense ills, cept for the fact I am a spoiler freak so I know what happens!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-04 22:26:57

LordKooler's Smackdown review
1.The Peep show
Smackdown has been without a talk show since Carlito's cabana was moved to RAW after Carlito got drafted to RAW. But Christian starts a new talk show called "The Peep Show" and Rey mysterio is his first guest. Christian talks about Eddie being Dominic's father and Rey mysterio wants eddie to come out. Eddie appears and is about to read Chapter 2 his his bedtime story and rey doesn't want him to read it. Christian attacks rey and a Rey mysterio vs Christian match will be Smackdown's main event. Eddie says that he'll read chapter 2 after the Rey mysterio vs christian match.
2.MNM vs Chris Benoit & Booker T
A good tag team match. And what's that on Jullian hall's face? I can't remember who won at the end.
3.JBL vs Batista contract signing
Theodore long comes out and brings out Batista & JBL for their contract signing for their World heavyweight title match at Summerslam. After both wrestlers sign the contract, JBL suggests that the match should be a No holds barred match. Theodore long announces the match will be a no holds barred match.
4.Heidenreich & Road Warrior Animal vs Jobber tag team
Not much to say about this match. Animal & Heidenreich won at the end.
5.Randy orton segment
Randy orton talks about about his match against the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 21 and talks about all the wrestlers the undertaker faced and all the legends Randy orton faced. And randy orton also talks about being the youngest World heavyweight champion at last year's Summerslam. Then the lights go out and the undertaker plays mind games on orton. The letters "RKO" appear on the screen but change to "RIP" after Undertaker tells Randy orton to rest in peace.
6.Rey mysterio vs Christian
Eddie guerrero came out during the match with a woman and with his "Eddie's bedtime story" book to read Chapter 2 after the match. Rey mysterio won at the end.
7.Eddie guerrero's bedtime story Chapter 2
After the Rey mysterio vs christian match, Eddie says that the woman's name is Anna and says that she is his lawyer. Then Anna gives rey mysterio the "Eddie bedtime story" book and Eddie wants rey to read chapter 2 or eddie will read it. When rey opens the book, He finds pieces of paper and eddie says those are custody papers that prove Dominic is eddie guerrero's son and Eddie wants rey to bring dominic next week and hand him over to eddie. Then eddie says if rey could show him how much he loves dominic, Eddie might let rey keep dominic. Then rey said that he planned on telling Dominic that his father is eddie guerrero when he is old enough to understand. Then he says when eddie guerrero said he was dominic's father, Dominic wouldn't speak to rey for a week. Then rey says how much he loves dominic. Eddie says that isn't good enough and dominic will be handed over to eddie next week.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-05 01:32:05

Seemed like one crappy Smack Down to me.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-05 04:03:16

At 8/5/05 01:32 AM, AnzRage wrote: Seemed like one crappy Smack Down to me.

Hence why I didn't bother taping it, and my god, can they stop with this Guerrero/Mysterio crap? They're obviously trying to ape the Tyler angle from the Sandman and Raven's feud, but in typical WWE fashion, they take what was once a great, if controversial, idea, and completely piss all over it and make it nothing but a disgusting and illogical display of "how low can we go".

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-05 05:40:09

i like wrestling i will join the games are well good and have you heard brock lesnar is coming back and his first match is against rob van dam!!! that will be a top match.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-05 09:09:10

At 8/5/05 05:40 AM, Mark583 wrote: i like wrestling i will join the games are well good and have you heard brock lesnar is coming back and his first match is against rob van dam!!! that will be a top match.

I dont know about the RVD angle but yea we know he is comin back.
You can join. just wait for outlaw to give you your number!
Also, everyone knows the angle isnt true in reality so why are they going on about this, it is just so dumb with this guerro/mysterio shit!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-05 18:43:06

Well bret hart is back and making a dvd talking about his whole time in the WWE. they have a pic of him and vince shaking hands. none thought that would happen after vince scwered bert at Survior series many years ago

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-05 18:57:25

At 8/5/05 09:09 AM, DarkDeviL92 wrote: I dont know about the RVD angle but yea we know he is comin back.

I doubt Lesnar will work RVD immdediately after coming back, RVD is still about two months away from returning, and Lesnar will probably debut at Summerslam, or right after. I do think it's possible they'll work together down the line though, hopefully the Office realizes what an asset RVD can be when used correctly after his One Night Stand promo.

Also, everyone knows the angle isnt true in reality so why are they going on about this, it is just so dumb with this guerro/mysterio shit!

WWE likes to do these crappy soap operas cause they think it's good soap opera.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-06 13:34:36

I doubt Lesnar will work RVD immdediately after coming back, RVD is still about two months away from returning, and Lesnar will probably debut at Summerslam, or right after. I do think it's possible they'll work together down the line though, hopefully the Office realizes what an asset RVD can be when used correctly after his One Night Stand promo.

Ya. Its likely after what Carlito did to RVD on his return to RAW in the draft lotery, RVD will likely return to take the Intercontinental title from Carlito. After that fued is over, then he and Lesner may work together..

Sig provided by HellboundNinja

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-07 00:58:28

At 8/5/05 06:43 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: Well bret hart is back and making a dvd talking about his whole time in the WWE. they have a pic of him and vince shaking hands. none thought that would happen after vince scwered bert at Survior series many years ago

vince really didnt screw brett that was all for t.v the real reason brett would never appear on wwe again is because of what happened with owen. he has held a grudge ever since.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-07 01:19:23

At 8/7/05 12:58 AM, DarkDeviL92 wrote:
At 8/5/05 06:43 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: Well bret hart is back and making a dvd talking about his whole time in the WWE. they have a pic of him and vince shaking hands. none thought that would happen after vince scwered bert at Survior series many years ago
vince really didnt screw brett that was all for t.v the real reason brett would never appear on wwe again is because of what happened with owen. he has held a grudge ever since.

The Montreal Screw Job did changed the face of the WWF to the Additude of WWF with the guys of Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold, Mankind, Triple H, The Rock and the Undertaker. That made the WWF go down for weeks while the WCW/nWo era was happening strong. But now that Bert Hart is making this new dvd, i feel like i want to now what he has to say about that time.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-07 01:24:49

It would be nice if Bret Hart did retun to the WWE, he really doesn't have much left. And I might be the only one to remember this, but does anyone besides me remember the feud between Bret Hart and Stone Cold? To me, that was one of the best, and funniest fueds in wrestling history. I think Stone Cold was the first one to make fun of his pink and black tights. Although I can't remember which feud started first, the one between Owen, or the one between Bret, either way, both of them were quite good, and it's things like that that make me miss the way the WWF before the E used to be.

Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-07 01:45:48

At 8/7/05 01:37 AM, BadReligionSkater wrote:
At 8/7/05 01:24 AM, Mast3rMind wrote: Although I can't remember which feud started first, the one between Owen, or the one between Bret, either way, both of them were quite good
The feud with Owen came first. Bret Vs Owen at WrestleMania 10 and Bret Vs Austin at WrestleMania 13 are easily in my top 5 favourite bouts of all time.

and it's things like that that make me miss the way the WWF before the E used to be.
Yeah, back when the second 'W' stood for 'Wrestling". I'm not quite sure what it stands for now, but it sure as hell is 'Wrestling' :P

Today now, wrestling just like any talk shows, you got the wanabies "Piper's Pit" like the Highlight Reel, Carlito's Cabana, and the newest show, The Peep Show. All three can't be like Roddy Piper's. That show was the best. All the best guys are gone from wrestling like The Rock, Mick Foley, Stone Cold, Triple H (out for a while), Goldberg, Bert Hart, Undertaker (doesn't wrestles a lot). Some legends are trying to make come back like, Hulk Hogan with the rival Shawn Michaels and a LoD re-make with Anmial.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-07 01:50:44

At 8/7/05 01:37 AM, BadReligionSkater wrote:
At 8/7/05 01:24 AM, Mast3rMind wrote: Although I can't remember which feud started first, the one between Owen, or the one between Bret, either way, both of them were quite good
The feud with Owen came first. Bret Vs Owen at WrestleMania 10 and Bret Vs Austin at WrestleMania 13 are easily in my top 5 favourite bouts of all time.

Yeah, I remember that fued almost like it was yesterday when Owen Hart came out with an Owen 3:16 shirt that said "I just broke your neck" Those were the goodtimes in my opinion, but the fued between Bret and Austin was interesting because it caused many of his original fans to dislike him, it was that changing time when being the bad guy, was a cool thing. In some ways, just in some, I believe that Stone Cold took off where Razor Ramon left, and when you listen to their tracks carefull from back then, they sound alike, which is quite wierd. But once again, this is just my opinion, and things I've noticed.

Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-07 02:21:46

At 8/7/05 02:13 AM, BadReligionSkater wrote: Ahh, nostalgia..... :)

I think that is one of the big problem with the company's direction these days. They're trying to figure out how to make "Rock and Wrestling" and "Attitude" blend together into the next big thing. Creative and Vince don't seem to know how to go forward and break any new ground really, so they're just trying to take old ground, chuck it back out, and make people care. Granted, the wrestling business has used the past to make money in the present many times before, but usually, the promoter is smart enough and able enough, to use the distant past, stuff that most of the current fan base hasn't seen before to give the illusion that it's "new" but when you're dredging up things that are still fresh in the minds of fans, or made such an impact that no one is ever going to forget it. Unless you're giving them a brilliant re-treading, it's just a re-tread.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-07 03:33:17

At 8/7/05 02:21 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 8/7/05 02:13 AM, BadReligionSkater wrote: Ahh, nostalgia..... :)
I think that is one of the big problem with the company's direction these days. They're trying to figure out how to make "Rock and Wrestling" and "Attitude" blend together into the next big thing. Creative and Vince don't seem to know how to go forward and break any new ground really, so they're just trying to take old ground, chuck it back out, and make people care. Granted, the wrestling business has used the past to make money in the present many times before, but usually, the promoter is smart enough and able enough, to use the distant past, stuff that most of the current fan base hasn't seen before to give the illusion that it's "new" but when you're dredging up things that are still fresh in the minds of fans, or made such an impact that no one is ever going to forget it. Unless you're giving them a brilliant re-treading, it's just a re-tread.

Just like having the stars of Hollywood mix with wreslters at WrestleMania. Just stop and take a look from the first one to today's. Many stars have been in a WrestleMania or more like Pete Rose, Limp Bizkit, and Motorhead. Some have wreslte like Mr. T and L.T., while others were just there for to be part of WrestleMania history. How many stars do you think were in the past 21 years of WrestleMania history? Which ones were you think cool to be part of WWF(E) WrestleMania?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-07 03:58:54

I'm sorry but i had to post this here. :)

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

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