That was an awesome raw! The best part was when Piper called Carlito "Buckwheat" I was laughing forever! Friggin matt hardy! Please come back damnit! The diva search is boring as the other one was so no suprises.
That was an awesome raw! The best part was when Piper called Carlito "Buckwheat" I was laughing forever! Friggin matt hardy! Please come back damnit! The diva search is boring as the other one was so no suprises.
Yeah, that Jericho and Carlito segment was hilarious. Overall though, Raw sucked this week, there wasnt even a main event. Also, Batista was a better champion on Raw then John Cena is. =(
Damn I forgot all about Brain pillmin. Egh well let's hope someone in the writing staff came up with one good idea. You know I just came here and you folks are really cool so let me ask you guys a question. What would it take for you to stop watching the WWE? What stupid storyline or Gimick would it take for you to go "All right fuck this"
At 7/12/05 03:52 AM, Dobio wrote: Secondly, ROH is not like OVW, ROH concentrates more on wrestling, and less on storylines, although, they still do their fair share of mic work.
Basically, it's like an upper class Indy Fed, with awesome workers.
I only knew ROH existed thats it so it was a guess.
At 7/12/05 09:00 AM, darkdevil92 wrote: The diva search is boring as the other one was so no suprises.
I liked how the crowd booed the black chick that did a self portiat. omgiamsosecksay look I poured paint on maself i r so tallented.
At 7/12/05 09:50 AM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: ask you guys a question. What would it take for you to stop watching the WWE? What stupid storyline or Gimick would it take for you to go "All right fuck this"
It would have to be 100% diva search stuff for me to stop watching it.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
If the diva search was the main event I'd turn it off.. other than that.. I don't know.
I like the way they are doing this matt/edge fued. Good way to start it off. Good to see him on Raw again, even if he did get handcuffed.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I wonder if maybe Matt and Kane will be on sides now and try and sop Edge or something like that it would be cool!
I doubt it. Matt will most likely work alone in this ... or at least he should.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I just thought it was funny he kept saying that the wwe could kiss his ass
After Raw went off the air last night, john cena and bastista won a tag match againest jbl and hhh! it was awesome!
They should bring back Jeff Hardy to be with Matt so they can be the Hardy Boyz again.
At 7/12/05 07:32 PM, Poopsonu1230 wrote: After Raw went off the air last night, john cena and bastista won a tag match againest jbl and hhh! it was awesome!
Damn I wish I was there.
At 7/12/05 10:21 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote: If ANYTHING, it'd be Juvie v.s. London.......Actually, thats something to look forward too.....
I want to see juvie in a match we get that there heels and sre cool just put them in a single cw match already.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
Ok, the matt hardy thing was fake cuse they are making a big deal on it on, whichmeans it was a staged thing just to bring matt back for teh fans, second thing is that some newspapers have been getting on the wwe's asses for that terrorist thing they did last week on smackdown. go to wwe.comand look aroudn for yourself
It looks like that WWE still needs Matt Hardy who got released long time ago to bring the fans back. Then why did they fire him? The WWE manager is just being stupid. Boooooo....
At 7/13/05 06:34 AM, Dobio wrote:At 7/13/05 05:31 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: It looks like that WWE still needs Matt Hardy who got released long time ago to bring the fans back. Then why did they fire him? The WWE manager is just being stupid. Boooooo....Because before this contraversy, Matt Hardy was doing shit all.
The only reason he was brought back is because he is now marketable.
Dobio hit it right on the head. if you are not doing much in the WWE your ass is slowly going down (Look at the people who got cut) but if you make a sence outside the WWE and people begin to talk, the wwe is fast to clal you just to get some cash and once your hype train comes to a hault you are back on your ass.
Point is Matt wasn't doing much but he had lots of fans which means lots of viewers!
I just got my Great American Bash tickets yesterday cause they are in my howmetown of buffalo. They only cost 100$ so I was happy. I will give coverage when I come back the next morning.
kickass! What kind of seats do you have?
on the matt thing.. of course they re-hired him.. do you honestly think he could have gotten past security? twice? However.. is the whole angle true up to that point? Did the edge/lita thing really happen? Probably. WWE has been known to take advantage of real life situations and emotions. Why do you think they put HBK and Bret Hart together so much? Bret hated shawns guts. Course that ended in tears too....
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 7/13/05 10:26 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: kickass! What kind of seats do you have?
I told you guys a while ago how my dad is president of the stagehands in buffalo so he got the floor tickets for 100$. They were normally 150$ but he got a deal. I am floor 6 row 5. I could've got comps but they were only 200 level.
and yeah, edge and lita are acually dating. i've learned from a guy who has been obsessed with wrestling(did u know that rey mysterio jr's real name is oscar?)
At 7/13/05 11:31 AM, azkura1 wrote: i'll join your club
sure just wait for outlaw to give you your number
welcome to the club!
what PPv match will Brock show up at to fuck up so that he can let people know he is back?
wwe is cool my favorite from the old ones was hauyabusa and from new ones rey mysterio.the suckiest wrestler ever is john cena
At 7/13/05 12:48 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: what PPv match will Brock show up at to fuck up so that he can let people know he is back?
I am guessing the next Smackdown PPV after the Great Amercian Bash cause the GAB is too soon after he had the meeting.
At 7/13/05 01:22 PM, dArkdeviL92 wrote:At 7/13/05 12:48 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: what PPv match will Brock show up at to fuck up so that he can let people know he is back?I am guessing the next Smackdown PPV after the Great Amercian Bash cause the GAB is too soon after he had the meeting.
yeah I kinda have the feeling he will be going to smackdown. so that he can fight batista so it can be some kind of remake of lesner vs goldberg which sucked ass
azkura1 you are # 141. welcome to da club!
some stuff:
UPN informed WWE that they did not want the Hassan character on SmackDown! due to all the negative publicity in news outlets with the recent London terrorist attack. Vince McMahon was said to have been less than happy about the situation.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 7/13/05 02:13 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: UPN informed WWE that they did not want the Hassan character on SmackDown! due to all the negative publicity in news outlets with the recent London terrorist attack. Vince McMahon was said to have been less than happy about the situation.
I know the whole, arab gimmick isnt the best one to use rite now anyways so maybe they should give him a new gimmick even though fans are taking to this gimmick he has, i dont know people just love to hate!
Thta's fucked up, I mean I can't stand him but it is a good gimmick, but since we are becoming a more PC country shit like this can happen. which means they took away his job cause his gimmick is offending people. First off the show was taped on tuesday, the bombing happened on thrusday. their is no way the WWE could have known some guys were gonna bomb some place in london. Well I guess he will be going back to raw. since raw is on a cable channel they can't bitch, plus spike would be happy with more ratings for people to see the "terrorist" oh yeah on they ahve a tape of Haasain responding to the news papers. I guess they put it up since they don't wnat him on SmackDown anymore.
****************SPOILER ALERT*****************************
At smackdown on thursday MNM beat up on heidenrich and then someone who you will never guess comes out to make the save.......Road Warrior Animal!!! Then heidenrich and Animal beat up on MNM and they rush out of the ring. Then a match is schedueled for the bash with MNM defending the titles against Heidenrich and Animal!!! Wow what a return!
sorry to double post but i forgot one thing that disguste me.
when mercury asked the road warriors to face mnm for the titles nitro blasted out "they can't cause hawk isDEAD!Animal then said him and heidenrich would be partners. I dont know about you but that remark nitro made was just cruel!
If you want to know all the wrestlers real names just look right here.
Adam Bomb/ Bryan Clark
Ahmed Johnson /Tony Norris
Akeem/ Jerry Grey
Alex "The Pug" Porteau /Alex Porteau
Alundra Blazye /Debra Ann Miceli
Animal /Joe Laurinitas
Andre the Giant /Andre Rousinoff
Arn Anderson /Marty Lunde
Axl Rotten/ Brian Knighton
Al Snow / Allen Sarven
Albert / Matt Bloom
Big Show/ Paul Wight
Billy Gunn/ Monty Sopt
Big Bossman / Raymond Traylor
Bradshaw / John Leyfiel
British Bulldog / David Smith
Brooklyn Brawler / Steve Lombardi
Buh Buh Ray Dudley / Marc LaMonica
Bad News Allen /Allen Coage
Bad News Brown/ Allen Coage
Balls Mahony/ Jonathan Richner
Bam Bam Bigelow/ Scott Bigelow
Barbarian /Seone Vailhai
Barry Horowitz /Barry Horowitz
Bart Gunn /Michael Plocheck
Bertha Faye /Rhonda Singh
Berzerker /John Nord
Big Bubba Rogers /Raymond Traylor
Big Dick Dudley /Alex Rizzo
Balck Tiger /Eddie Guerreo
Blue Balzer /(Original) Owen Hart
Blue Meanie /Brian Heffron
Bob Backlund /Robert Backlund
Bob Holly /Bob Howard
Bobby "The Brain" Heenan /Raymond Heenan
Bret "Hitman" Hart Bret /Seargant Hart
Brian Pillman /Brian Pillman
Brutus Beefcake/ Edward Leslie
Bushwhacker Butch /Robert Miller
Bushwhacker Luke /Brian Wickens
Cactus Jack /Mick Foley
Chainsaw Charlie /Terry Funk
Chainz /Brian Harris
Cold Scorpio /Charles Scagges
Chris Benoit / Chris Benoit
Chris Jericho / Chris Irvine
Christian / Jason Reso
Chyna / Joanie Lee
Crash Holly / Erin O`Grady
D`Lo Brown / Daniel Browen
D-Von Dudley / Devon Hughes
Dean Malenko / Dean Simon
Davey Boy Smith /David Smith
Dean Douglas /Troy Martin
Dennis Knight / Dennis Knight
Diamond Studd /Scott Hall
Dick Togo /Shigeki Sato
Diesel (Original) / Kevin Nash
Diesel (2nd) /Glen Jakobs
Dok Hendrix/ Michael Seitz
Doink (1st) /Ray Apollo
Doink (4th) / Ray Liccachelli
Doug Furnas /Dwight Furnas
Duane Gill/ Duane Gill
Dude Love /Mick Foley
Duke Droese /Mike Droes
Eddy Guerrero / Eddy Guerrero
Edge / Adam Copeland
Farooq / Ron Simmons
Flash Funk /Charles Scagges
Freddie Joe Floyd /Tracy Smothers
George Steele /George Steele
Giant Gonzalez /Jorge Gonzalez
Giant Silva /Paulo Silva
Gillberg /Duane Gill
Goldust /Dustin Runnels
Golga /John Tenta
Goon /Bill Irwin
Gorilla Monsoon /Robert Morella
Great Sasuke / Masanori Murawaka
Greg Valentine/ John Winiski, Jr.
Guardian Angel / Raymond Traylor
Gangrel / David Heath
Goodfather / Charles Wright
Grandmaster Sexay / Brian Christopher Lawler
Hakushi /Kensuki Shinzaki
Harvey Whippleman /Bruno Lauer
Headshrinker Fatu / Solofa Fatu
Headshrinker Samu / Samula Anoia
Headshrinker Seone / Seone Vailhai
Henry O. Godwinn / Mark Canterbury
Hercules /Ray Hernandez
Hugh Morrus /William DeMot
Hulk Hogan /Terry Bollea
Irwin R. Shyster / Mike Rotundo
Jack Tunney / Jack Tunney
Jacques Rougeau /Jacques Rougeau
Jake Roberts /Aurelian Smith Jr.
Jeff Jarrett/ Jeff Jarrett
Jerry "The King" Lawler / Jerry Lawler
Jesse James / Brian James
Jesus /Jesus Castillo Jr.
"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan / James Duggan
Jim Fullington / James Fullington
Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart / Jim Neidhart
Jimmy Del Ray/ James Backlund
Jacqueline /Jacqueline Moore
Jeff Hardy / Jeff Hardy
Kane / Glen Jacobs
Kurt Angle / Kurt Angle
K-Dawg /Carlos Ashenoff
Kama Mustafa / Charles Wright
Kamala / James Harris
Ken Shamrock / Ken Wayne Shamrock
Kevin Sullivan / Kevin Sullivan
Kurrgan / Robert Maillet
Lex Luger/ Lawrence Pfohl
Luna Vachon /Angel Vachon
Mabel/ Robert Horne
Marc Henry / Marc Henry
Matt Hardy / Matt Hardy
Mick Foley / Michael Foley
Mankind / Mick Foley
Marc Mero / Marc Mero
Marlena / Terri Runnels
Marty Jannetty / Marty Jannetty
Mikey Whipwreck / John Watson
Minion / Dennis Knight
Mo / Nelson Frasier
Mosh /Glen Ruth
Mr. Perfect /Curt Hennig
Nailz / Kevin Wacholtz
New Jack/ Jerome Young
Nikolai Volkoff / Josip Peruzovic
One Man Gang / Jerry Grey
Owen Hart / Owen Hart
Oz / Kevin Nash
Papa Shango /Charles Wright
Paul Bearer/ William Moody
Perry Saturn / Perry Satullo
Phineas I. Godwinn / Dennis Knight
Quebecer Jacques /Jacques Rougeau
Quebecer Pierre / Pierre Oullette
Randy Savage / Randy Poffo
Ray Traylor /Raymond Traylor
Raymond Rougeau / Raymond Rougeau
Razor Ramon (1st) /Scott Hall
Razor Ramon (2nd) / Rick Bogner
Reese /Ron Reiss
Ric Flair / Richard Fleir
Rick "The Model" Martel /Richard Vigneault
"Rowdy" Roddy Piper / Rodderick Toombs
Raven / Scotty Levy
Rikishi / Solofa Fatu
Road Dogg / Brian James
Rock / Dwayne Johnson
Scotty too Hotty / Scott Taylor
Shane McMahon / Shane McMahon
Shawn Michaels / Michael Hickenbottom
Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley / Stephanie McMahon
Steve Austin / Steve Williams
Steve Blackman / Steve Blackman
Steven Regal / Darren Matthews
Steven Richards / Michaels Manna
Sable / Rena Merowitz
Sabu /Terry Brunk
Savio Vega /Juan Rivera
Scorpio / Charles Scagges
Sgt. Slaughter / Robert Remus
"Sensational" Sherri / Sherri Martel
Skip / Chris Candido
Skull /Don Harris
Sniper /Luc Poirier
Spike Dudley /Matthew Hyson
Stalker/ Barry Windham
Rick Steiner /Robert Rechsteiner
Scott Steiner /Scott Rechsteiner
"Dr. Death" /Steve Williams Steve Williams
Sunny / Tamara Lynn Sytch
Sultan/ Solofa Fatu
Super Nova /Mike Moraldo
Sycho Sid/ Sid Eudy
Tatanka /Christopher Chavis
Ted DiBiase /Ted DiBiase
Terrarizing / Jean-Paul Levesque
Terry Funk / Terry Funk
Thrasher /Chaz Warrington
Tito Santana/ Mercedes Solis
Tom Pritchard /Tom Pritchard
Tommy Dreamer / Tom Laughlin
Taka Michinoku / Takao Yoshida
Tazz / Peter Senerchio
Test / Andrew Martin
Triple H / Jean - Paul Levesque
Undertaker / Mark Callaway
Ultimate Warrior /Formerly Jim Hellwig; Legally "WARRIOR"
Vader / Leon White
Virgil /Michael Jones
Val Venis / Sean Morley
Viscera / Robert Horne
Yokozuna / Rodney Anoia
X-Pac / Sean Waltman