At 7/9/05 08:02 PM, Mast3rMind wrote:
:he probably over ate after realizing that he wasn't cut out to be in football.
Depression basically.
I'm back. Call the Police

At 7/9/05 08:02 PM, Mast3rMind wrote:
:he probably over ate after realizing that he wasn't cut out to be in football.
Depression basically.
I'm back. Call the Police
At 7/9/05 08:05 PM, MattAC wrote: Depression basically.
That's what I meant. I can't really see what's the big deal with Brock Lesnar. I can think of many other superstars that could comeback that deserve it more than he does, but that's just my opinion.
Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.
There is a rumor that Paul Heymen will take over Jim's duties. rumor mind you so don't get too excited.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 7/9/05 09:52 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: There is a rumor that Paul Heymen will take over Jim's duties. rumor mind you so don't get too excited.
I could see it happening, it would be a good idea, but Heyman is really not a loved figure in WWE because he dosen't kiss ass, and his need to speak up when ideas are stupid, rather then just follow along mindlessly dosen't make him loved. It would be nice, but I'm thinking they won't do it, or they'll install him, and immediately begin looking for someone to replace him.
I usually like to predict some key matches for each ppv. Let's see how my predictions for GreatAmericanBash will go:
1. Batista def JBL (JBL is much better at bullshiting than wrestling, he just sucks.)
2. Benoit def Jordan (Benoit is a good wrestler. Can Jordan wrestle? I don't think so.)
3. Hassan def Undertaker. (Each time, I am going for an upset. I can feel some Edge will be the champion sooner or later. So why shouldn't Hassan get a chance to prove himself. In addition, the feud between Randy Orton and Undertaker is not over yet. In all, I am going for the upset.)
Any other ideas or predictions? You are welcome to post.
yet more WWE tidbits:
- As expected, Todd Grisham did replace the released Marc Loyd on WWE Byte This.
- After this weekend, the newly-WWE-signed CM Punk still holds the Ring Of Honor World Title. Punk defeated two midcard ROH workers in Jay Lethal and Roderick Strong at the Long Island and Manhattan shows, respectively.
- Contrary to rumors, there is no plan for an RVD-led ECW "rebel" faction on RAW. While future ECW PPVs are expected, and former ECW talent will be showing up in WWE, the feeling is that WWE is not going with a full-time ECW return.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
that sucks, they should have put ECW back on TV. give it liek a 1 am time slot on spike and odds are it will be one of teh highest rated shows on taht network. i don't want to watch ECW on raw casue it will be watered down
I still don't like the 2 reasons that put ecw out of bisness, wcw and tnn
At 7/10/05 07:51 PM, Poopsonu1230 wrote: I'm going to see Raw live tomarrow in NJ!
bastard, I wanted to go to that and live in jersey too. EVIL
At 7/10/05 08:08 PM, BareNakedMike wrote: Hey I have a question, was their a wrestler about mid 80s to ealy 90s who would spit in his hands and then slap audiences hands? Because I found out that a cousin of mine that I never got to meet died from some infectious disease because of this.
i find this to be an interesting story:
With the recent addition of The Coach to the RAW broadcast team, some speculation is taking place within WWE that Jerry Lawler could be moved off the team or even released by WWE possibly. The overwhelming opinion of Lawler in WWE is that he is seen as overpaid of what is asked of him and many feel The Coach can fill his shoes for a much smaller salary. It should be noted that Coach is said to be more popular and social with key members of the WWE production staff than Lawler is at this point.
i'm not sure I like that idea....
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 7/10/05 10:23 PM, BareNakedMike wrote: Was their a WWF not a WWE wrestler in like early 90s that would spit in his hands or something?
The only guy I can think of who might fit the bill was a fat guy called Bation Booger, who was portrayed as just being completely disgusting and unwashed.
Paul E. has Corny's old job temporarily until they can find someone to take it full-time. I need to start betting on this sort of shit, how often I'm right about this stuff.
dident MR. Perfect spit his gum and slap it?
At 7/11/05 02:08 AM, velcro wrote: dident MR. Perfect spit his gum and slap it?
Yes, but his specific question was a wrestler who spit on his HANDS. Plus, when Perfect was doing the gum slap, he was a heel, so he wouldn't high five anyone.
I only have Smack Down so i'm hoping Brock goes back to Smack Down. Brock is Smack Down. Also just because Smack Down has Batista doesn't make it good at all. Batista isn't even that big anymore. Pretty skinny now actually for a guy that is 6'5 at only 300 pounds. He's not really a real wrestler Brock Lesnar is. I think Smack Down needs Brock back so it can be good again. I don't know what's going to happen. I have a feeling Smack Down will keep getting screwed.
yeah smackdown should get brock cos most of the good wrestlers r on raw edge,kane,H.B.K etc.
At 7/7/05 10:35 PM, LordKooler wrote: LordKooler's Smackdown review
6.Undertaker vs Daivari
Undertaker easily won this match. But after Undertaker pinned Daivari, Five masked men who looked like terrorists attacked Undertaker. After those men attacked Undertaker, Muhammad Hassan gave Undertaker the Camel clutch and the five masked men carried daivari. Who were those guys?
Interesting, they didnt show this part in England on Friday. I wondered why the show was only 1h45mins this week. It was an unlucky week to pick a match like that really, after the terrorism in London on thursday.
I do actually wish that coach would replace lawler as he sometimes gets annoying example*PUPPIES JR THERE PUPPIES!!!!!* I dont like coach but it would be nice to see some new blood at the announcers table.....for good!
b.t.w add a caption will be coming up sometime in the day so watch for it!
news time:
earlier this week, Big Vito recently signed a deal with WWE. Vito is scheduled to team with Nunzio in an Italian tag team gimmick similar to that of The FBI that was tried earlier on the brand.
Daniel Puder is continuing to work out with Ohio Valley Wrestling and is said to be applying himself and working very hard. Many feel he will be given a shot to make it in WWE seeing as he carries a $250,000 a year, four year contract with the comapny. However, it should be noted that if he doesn't impress WWE officials, he could end up getting released before earning a full four years of pay with the company.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Egh, I am gonan skip raw tonight and watch "Hell's Kitchen" I am sorry but as of late the WWE has been fucking up so bad that they are making long time viewers like me stop wathcing. I mean I watched wrestling from the mid 80's till now. I remember when before RAW they had a show where it was 4 guys like in a group pannel kind of thing where they would just talk and recap what was happening. I am an old school fan and the shit they do today is so predictable and boring. the shit they do today is the same as going up to a little kid and shaking yoru keys around to get the attention
It's the sort of thing where you hope to hell that the writers get some sense in them, and a backbone when vince makes a dumb move.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 7/11/05 04:41 PM, Dobio wrote: ROH Manhatten Mayhem is fucking insane!
I'm envious. You don't see stuff like that anymore, back then in the "WWF" when the Light Heavyweight Championship was around you would see interesting stuff like that, only at a lower level then what you were talking about, those were the days.
Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.
Cool the battle of the shows whois better cabana or highlight reel oh wait pipers pit.
A good IC match Carlito is going to use every cheap trick in the book to get his title back.
Raw diva search how fucking lame YAWN.
Kane laughing edge gets blind sided by Matt Hardy!?!?!? thats what it looked like.
kane vs edge just a normal match until kane was going to chokeslam kane but you could tell gene bacne snitsky would attack him. They brawled out in the stands. OMFG it is hardy let him loose. let him beat the shit out of edge, thats would be cool.
Piper pit:
Piper: why did you do it
HBK: You see I want a match while the hulkster.
Piper: you havent answerted my question
HBK: (about to leave)
Piper: Hey punk *gets super-kicked*
then hbk gets boo and the mute is turned on roffl I guess some fans are pissed off.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
raw was good. not great but good. matt hardy was funny
Raw is getting more weird with all this stuff going on. While SD! is on one crazy side, the Guerrero-Mysterio rival, and the start of the JBL-Batista and Undertaker-Hassan rivals. The Raw Diva serch is getting more boring with the cheap talets. I wonder what will happen next week. This is the third week on Raw that we have seen WWE Legends come out (Hogan, Piper, Slauther).
Ok a couple of things. first off what si ROH?
2. I knew HBk would want to fight Hogan, who didn't see that coming.
3. Is that thing with matt hardy fake or real? cause I am not that sure
4. Banana pie power!
At 7/12/05 01:53 AM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: Ok a couple of things. first off what si ROH?
Ring of Honor in philly area its like OVW. Davari came from there.
2. I knew HBk would want to fight Hogan, who didn't see that coming.
Yeah its going to be a sucky match still.
3. Is that thing with matt hardy fake or real? cause I am not that sure
I guess fake but made to look 100% real.
4. Banana pie power!
boo lemon mergiune.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
I see, well hey if the matt hardy thing was real it would be so good. so far on they have not mentioned it so it could have been real. I think it could ahve been real since matt was let go. I mean he was not doing much. he was just a smuchk and if you heard it close. matt didn't call edge "edge" he called him by his real first name
At 7/12/05 02:11 AM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: matt didn't call edge "edge" he called him by his real first name
He called him Adam. of course edge's real name is Adam Copeland.
Dobs is right, Hardy is trying to be Pillman (which I think most of us figured from the fucking beginning) but it's not going to work I don't think because Hardy won't live the gimmick like Pillman, and I think Vince is probably in control of all of this in the end so, yeah. It's just trying to imitate the brilliance of Pillman, god rest the crazy bastard.