you know someone here posted that UPN did not want hassan on SD anymore cause of what he did, now on they have him responding to those papers that called him a terrorist now why would they do that? cause it is true he is off SD. they will have to put him back on raw. now that is fucked up, cause of a gimmick that guy was banned from air time and doing his job. that is fucked up, look it is just a gimmick but if your stupid you take it to heart and go "Oh he is a terrorist" now think about this. they call hassan a terrorist but what about mel gibson? he made that snuff film about jebus and people praised him....... IT WAS A FUCKING SNUFF FILM. yet hassan who is nothing more but an entertainer does what he is told and they tell him he can't do it anymore. You know look I don't like the guy, not cause he is arab cause he get's on my nerves when he get's on teh mic, but he is a good wrestler, but it is wrong to tell him "we are banning you from being on TV cause of who you are" and the fact that the newspapers had "terrorist Wrestler" in big bold text the day after teh london bombing didn't help either. and you know if he was to stay on SD they would probably make him do something like chavo did, do a whole 360 and.... you ever saw that epsiode of teh simpsons where they were gonna pass a bill to kick out all imigrints and apu was gonan go then homer and lisa helped him become a us citizen? and apu had on a red, white and blue shirt and was talking like he was a texan? that si what they will do to hassan to beat the bad press. Joke or not when you have major newspaper call you a terrorist that will arract bad press and UPN is not in the mood to take shit jsut for a gimmick. Egh well I am done, I will end it by saying....................pie is yummmmmmmmmy