Which group is better? bWo or Mexicools. I go for Mexicools. Their flying moves are good and some of their gimmicks (lawn motors entrance) are funny.
Which group is better? bWo or Mexicools. I go for Mexicools. Their flying moves are good and some of their gimmicks (lawn motors entrance) are funny.
At 7/8/05 02:57 AM, GeneralMBison wrote: Which group is better? bWo or Mexicools. I go for Mexicools. Their flying moves are good and some of their gimmicks (lawn motors entrance) are funny.
bWo I think has more money making potential, they have more personality, and they are just a totally ECW gimmick. bWo pwns all, "they're taking over people!!!!"
lol Man Batista looks terrible now. He lost 20 pounds and now he looks like a tall cut up skinny guy, no longer big and massive.
Like some users mentioned previously, RAW needs some excitement. HBK's kick on Hulk Hogan started the feud between the two superstars. When Hogan left wwe last time, (3 years ago) he lost the wwe championship to Undertaker. As one of the greatest wrestlers and a hall of famer, he needs to leave the ring forever as a winner instead of a loser after a classical match. That explained why the kick happened. Too bad for HBK, he has to be a heel after being a hero for almost all his career. I dare to say, the match will be the best ever since 1990's. I cannot wait for the classical showdown.
now hold on a second Dobio, you made alot of valid points but i wanted to point out a few things.
I understand that Dawn Marie was not fired because she was pregnant. I was just saying that it seemed heartless that she was fired WHILE she was pregnant. Also nobody said Dawn Marie roxxors my boxxors because she was ECW, i was just pointing out that she was not always completly useless and could play the role of valet or manager like she did in ECW. But I also understand the part about her contract and the fact that they could hire some slut from the DS to do her job for half the money. Oh and the Vince Mchman thing was meant to be a joke.
You are right for the most part about Spike Dudley, although i always thought he played a decent underdog, and i do think they could have capitalized on ECW's recent popularity by useing him somewhere in some form.
I still disagree with you on Holly being over, and I also have heard the story about Dupree and the car. From what i heard though Holly gave Dupree a legitimate ass kicking you may be right maybe he did just work stiff with him but thats just not what i heard. I am well aware that there are probably alot of dicks backstage but i bet half of them are probably alot more talented than Holly andprobably more over to.
As for the Dudleyz I was not aware of any kind of contract disagreements. And you have a good point about bringing in new blood for the tag division but who better to help new tag teams get over and established than expierienced teams?
Also when I talked about Kidman's feud with London I know that Kidman was not fired because of Heyman being taken of the writing team that's just insanity, I was just saying that that was the last noteworthy thing he did.
ONS did about the same as an average WWE ppv this is true, but the best buyrate for a ppv ECW did before it folded was something like 80,000 so it was a success by those numbers.
Moore had plenty of non squash matches on velocity and before Hardy was traded to Raw.
I cant argue at all with you about Kidman's jacket it was aweful by biblical standards.
Kenzo did suck but tell me you wouldent put it in Hiroko's mouth.....now i'm just being perverted.
At 7/8/05 05:52 AM, Dobio wrote: ^^
OMG, you are such a fucking mark.
Hogan vs. HBK will BLOW ASS. Hogan can't do shit in the ring. I'm glad Michaels is a heel...but SERIOUSLY, it will be the worst match on the card.
There is a 99% chance of this being true, but Hogan did suprise me in his first match with the Rock, so maybe it will be watchable.
I am in total agreement with you, I respect Hogan for all of his acomplishments and I'll be honest with you i enjoyed his active role a couple of years ago (saddley i even liked Mr. America it was just stupid fun) and I marked out when he beat MH's ass at Wrestlemania. Hell I even accepted that he would be coming back for another match just to bring attention to his new show. And i was shocked to see he could still give the legdrop. But when they announced that he was coming back for the Cabana I knew it was gonna suck because I knew he would get another match. Enough is Enough already. As much as I enjoyed watching that big goofy orange man get kicked in the mouth I dread a Hogan HBK match.
Anyone remeber when Lesnar made Hogan tap to the Bear Hug...and kept going on about how he ended Hogans career that was great it was almost a total squash match.
I think the WWE is losing it's touch. their was a timewhen you could watch it an dit could be intresting. whne I watch it now Iknow everything that is gonan happen cause it is so predictable. they just rehash old story lines but throw new people in it. I just watch so that I can come here and say how much they suck ass. and yes hogan vs HBK will be a joke. Hogan is a old man who can't do much. we all know how it will end. HBK will whoop his ass then for no reason after HBK taps him Higan will "Hulk up" and punch him 3 times then the leg drop and it is over.
Oh yeah last night on SD they were really pulling for ratings when they did that thing where "Terrorists" came into the ring and attacked the undertaker. See this is what I am talking about. they are losing their touch
I think the bWo could be the next big seller in t-shirts.. i'd get one.
I thought this was weird:
Jim Cornette has been released by WWE after an incident at this past Wednesday's TV tapings where he verbally assaulted and then slapped a student multiple times (ten to fifteen) in the face.
A number of people have said Cornette seemed very burnt out over the last few months and it all came to a head in the last few weeks. One source even stated that he walked out last week and claimed he was done with the company. He returned about an hour later.
We have no word on who will be taking Cornette's spot as Lance Storm finished up yesterday. Storm, Tommy Dreamer, and Al Snow had been handling duties while Jim was serving a suspension from WWE.
Just to note, if you're JBL and you hit someone in the face multiple times, that is apparently fine. Anyone else, see ya!
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 7/8/05 12:57 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I think the bWo could be the next big seller in t-shirts.. i'd get one.
I could get into the bWo, they would be fun plus you are right it is a great way to bring in money.
At 7/7/05 09:57 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Kyzaskiwi # 140
Do i have to pick a wrestler? And if so is HBK already taken?
At 7/8/05 12:57 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I think the bWo could be the next big seller in t-shirts.. i'd get one.
I still have my old BWO shirt from 1998 in ECW.
It is a large in kids so I can't ear it as I am a Medium in Mens but it is a nice collectors item
At 7/8/05 02:20 PM, Kyzaskiwi wrote:At 7/7/05 09:57 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Kyzaskiwi # 140Do i have to pick a wrestler? And if so is HBK already taken?
No we don't do that anymore but if you want feel free to pick anyone!
so anyone want to take bets as to which show brock lesner will show up on. I say RAW
At 7/8/05 05:06 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: so anyone want to take bets as to which show brock lesner will show up on. I say RAW
I would say raw too cause the big show but I would think smackdwon because I could see a feud with JBL or better yet Lesnar vs. Batista!!!!
At 7/8/05 05:08 PM, darkdevil92 wrote: I would say raw too cause the big show but I would think smackdwon because I could see a feud with JBL or better yet Lesnar vs. Batista!!!!
Like I said before, if Lesnar joins Smackdown, then Smackdown will be way better than Raw. Raw will still be pretty good though. I think the draft evened out how much Smackdown sucked and everything.
Anyone gonna watch Hogan Knows Best on VH1 this Sunday?
I'm back. Call the Police
At 7/8/05 05:35 PM, MattAC wrote: Anyone gonna watch Hogan Knows Best on VH1 this Sunday?
If there's nothing else to watch, then probably.
I really hope he goes to raw. bigger names on raw plus I can't stand SD to little names and stupid shit on SD. besides we all know Brock would F5 the shit out of Batista and win
At 7/8/05 05:39 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: I really hope he goes to raw. bigger names on raw plus I can't stand SD to little names and stupid shit on SD. besides we all know Brock would F5 the shit out of Batista and win
I hope he goes to Raw as well, but then I would feel sorry for Smackdown. =)
At 4/14/03 01:23 PM, -Frank- wrote: this is the wrestling club! Talk about anything that has to do with wrestling (preferably the wwe).
Let me explain this to you as best as I can. I love the World Wrestling Federation (WWF), I grew up on the WWF and it'll always one of my favorite wrestling shows ever. But, GODDAMN I hate WWE.
At 7/8/05 05:35 AM, Dobio wrote: The Dudleys have had basically the same gimmick forever. Last time they were in a WWE ring, they were fat and out of shape. The WWE is going in a different route, getting rid of a team who has so many creditentials, such as the Dudleys, isn't as big of deal as you make it?
I actually think it is, The Duds are still over, proved that they can work effectively as heels or faces (they're last heel run on SD! was pushed pretty well) and they add credibility to the tag division of the brand they're on because of they're rep. They can be used like Hogan is used, a legendary team able to help put younger teams over, and get that magic number 20. That's why this release dosen't make sense to me, plus, they've always been good soldiers.
Who wants to deal with a team that will bitch and whine about how great they are when it comes time for them to job out to another young team clean? Plus, they couldn't come to contract terms, so they'll probably end up in TNA or ROH anyway, so you'll still get to see them. I've never been that high on the Dudleys...the Tag Division is in shambles anyway, they need to bring in some new blood, not go back to someone like the Dudley Boys.
EXCUSE ME? I really want to see some evidence that the Dudleys have ever bitched or whined about putting someone else over. The Dudleys are class acts, they came in and worked a show for ECW FOR FREE! Just to help keep the company going. They put over London and Kidman, and have never been reported in any way as hard to deal with, or unreasonable about their jobs, so I don't see where you can use any sort of "prima donna" attitude here to justify getting rid of two guys who never displayed one. I again point out that the Duds with their name can help revitalize the tag division by working with that new blood you mentioned, and solidifying them, why they didn't feud with MNM to help put those two guys over is a mystery to me.
And ONS didn't do that good, it was only like 250,000 buys, which is around the same amount of buys as New Year's Revolution, you can take it from there.
275,000. I don't think New Year's Revolution did that many, most of the shows I've seen single brand are qouted as double digit thousands, so I'd like to see you're source that says a single brand show like NYR did the same, but you also have to consider if it did, that the event was held in Puerto Rico, a place where no such event had been held before, and I am not exaggerating when I say that helped the buyrate because my friend who is Puerto Rican bought the show because of where it was more then what was on the card. I'm not saying that SOLELY sold the show, but it helped it quite a bit.
It was a GOOD PPV, but it didn't do OMG WRESTLEMANIA good, in a buyrate sense.
True, but the crowd was hot, and WWE is making quite a good amount off the merchandising.
....as what? ECW punching bag gimmick? WEWT WEWT! Spike Dudley is fucking useless, I'm sorry. With the way WWE matches go, he cannot be utilitized in a way that would make him affective at all.
I actually think Spike was never really allowed to show all he could do in ECW, and was actually getting more of a chance to show he was a capable wrestler in WWE. I think they were on to something with his heel turn, but failed to really utilize him when they sent Bubba and D-Von on vacation.
You know what the problem with qouting the Torch is? The Torch is basically a gossip rag that has been proven to be false many times over the years, that's why if PWInsider or 1wrestling dosen't report it, I don't consider it really to be truthful. The Torch is a muckraking organization, they like to embellish shit, and grab guys after they leave to get a nice and pissed off interview out of them, burning their bridges, and making the Torch money.
At 7/8/05 05:52 AM, Dobio wrote: ^^
OMG, you are such a fucking mark.
Hogan vs. HBK will BLOW ASS. Hogan can't do shit in the ring. I'm glad Michaels is a heel...but SERIOUSLY, it will be the worst match on the card.
As a 19-years-old boy, did you really see Hogan wrestle in 1980's? Hogan is consiudered to be one of the greatest wrestlers all time and he is also a hall of famer. Just like HBK, he is also known as a gem-figher which means that he would fight to the end. Remember, the match is between two hall of famer and it does not have any reason not to be classical. By the way, wrestling has nothing to do with ages, it is all fake.
Thats exactly what i've tried to point out to people for years..... Scripted yes.. still hurts.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Dobio is right, hogan was not a great wrestler he was a great entertainer. all he did was just bring people to the shows and give them a reason to keep throwing money at him.
As for the releases, I already said it and I was right, if they were not doing anything for the company and not showing themselves around then why not cut them. ut them and take all their money and pay lesner to come back which is what vince did.
Oh yeah and hogan vs HBK will suck ass for one reason. hbk will whoop his ass to the very end of the very end of the macth where at that time hulk will "hlk up" throw one punch, hit the leg drop (worst finsher ever) and win the match. I watched wrestling back in teh 80's when it was good, when teh story lines were not so cheesy and you couldn't predict what was gonna happen. now I can guess everything that happenes and Iam never shocked at anything. Does anyone else out their feel that the WWE is losing it and just writing complete BS storylines cause they don't feel like thinking fo anything good.
I don't think Lesnar should get a ton of money right away. He does not deservie it, no matter how good he may be. You don't walk out of the company and expect to get just as much when you crawl back.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
For Brock Lesnar to run, then come back to get a huge grip of money isn't right. What kind of example is that showing to the other high ranked wrestlers? If he keeps this up, he'll end up screwing himself to a higher degree.
Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.
I'm back. Call the Police
Wow, I can see it now, can't you? Battle of buldge. Hulk Hogan Vs. Brock Lesnar. Both claim not not to be fat, but you can see the aftermath of what happens when you don't go to the gym anymore like you used too. This is what happens, or, he probably over ate after realizing that he wasn't cut out to be in football.
Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.