At 4/5/05 06:08 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote: No, I didn't. You caught me this time, I just assumed he was injury prone. I've never been a big ECW fan so I don't know much about the history or the players. At first I read your bio's, but doing them constantly....
Anyways, sorry.
Apology accepted.
Triple H has been World Champion 10 times because he fucking deserves it. Igf you haven't noticed, he's the reason people still buy Raw PPV's. We want to see him get his ass kick so badly that we pay to see it. Besides that, Triple H continues to improve himself, and also he is willing to put guys over. Being able to put guys over in a convincing fashion as he does is an invaluable ability.
I never said he was the ONLY reason. But if your hatred for Triple H blinds you from seeing that he plays a role in the PPV rates, then fine. Thats just fine. I'm fine with that. Fine and dandy.
I know he plays a role, I'm not saying H is valueless, he has a lot of value, I thought I made that clear, I just don't think that value lies in him as perenial champion, I think it lies in him doing what he did for Batista and Orton, using his name value, to take someone, and put a spotlight on them so that they can become a star, and I think creative needs to realize that. H all over the tv all the time is just harmful, I don't think anybody could consistently be "on" as much as Triple H is being asked to be, cut back on my doses of The Game, and I'll appreciate him, and his appearances and everything else, a hell of a lot more.
The tag team division was hot when and only when he and Benoit teamed up, and When Los Gurreros were in business. Other than those two teams, the tag team division has been an absolute joke, even with the Dudleys around.
Totally agree, that's exactly the time I was referrencing, when you could watch that division for months and months, and never get sick of the work. It's sad how far it's fallen since then. Hopefully with The Dudleys coming back, a resurgence is on the way.
I have to admit, The Undertaker has done a lot, including putting over guys these past few years. Okay, so Kurt hasn't done it on his own. I was riding the emotion wave then. But however you look at it, Kurt was the backbone I guess you could say. The Undertaker helped out big time as well., although he hasn't won the title back in a while (which I'd LIKE to see, even though I know he's on his way out)
Yeah, I agree, Angle is definitely a guy who can carry, and that's probably why he beat Michaels at Mania. A healthy Kurt Angle is nothing but an asset to the company, especially Smackdown!, where there really isn't a lot of top tier talent. I just wish they would find a better way to use them then what they've currently been doing.
I don't mind Taker getting the belt again for a little while I guess, but I don't think he honestly needs it either, Taker's proven all he needs to prove, and right now he's getting a great deal, and a nice final run. Which is completely deserved.
I don't like Austin on a personal level. It has nothing to do with his gimmick, character, or in-ring ability.
Yeah, that I understand, I'm just saying that his personal ethics and mistakes aside, Austin did a lot, and can still do something, for the business.
You hurt me deep.
Yeah, that I apologize for, that was uncalled for.