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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-05 19:03:46

At 4/5/05 06:08 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote: No, I didn't. You caught me this time, I just assumed he was injury prone. I've never been a big ECW fan so I don't know much about the history or the players. At first I read your bio's, but doing them constantly....

Anyways, sorry.

Apology accepted.

Triple H has been World Champion 10 times because he fucking deserves it. Igf you haven't noticed, he's the reason people still buy Raw PPV's. We want to see him get his ass kick so badly that we pay to see it. Besides that, Triple H continues to improve himself, and also he is willing to put guys over. Being able to put guys over in a convincing fashion as he does is an invaluable ability.
I never said he was the ONLY reason. But if your hatred for Triple H blinds you from seeing that he plays a role in the PPV rates, then fine. Thats just fine. I'm fine with that. Fine and dandy.

I know he plays a role, I'm not saying H is valueless, he has a lot of value, I thought I made that clear, I just don't think that value lies in him as perenial champion, I think it lies in him doing what he did for Batista and Orton, using his name value, to take someone, and put a spotlight on them so that they can become a star, and I think creative needs to realize that. H all over the tv all the time is just harmful, I don't think anybody could consistently be "on" as much as Triple H is being asked to be, cut back on my doses of The Game, and I'll appreciate him, and his appearances and everything else, a hell of a lot more.

The tag team division was hot when and only when he and Benoit teamed up, and When Los Gurreros were in business. Other than those two teams, the tag team division has been an absolute joke, even with the Dudleys around.

Totally agree, that's exactly the time I was referrencing, when you could watch that division for months and months, and never get sick of the work. It's sad how far it's fallen since then. Hopefully with The Dudleys coming back, a resurgence is on the way.

I have to admit, The Undertaker has done a lot, including putting over guys these past few years. Okay, so Kurt hasn't done it on his own. I was riding the emotion wave then. But however you look at it, Kurt was the backbone I guess you could say. The Undertaker helped out big time as well., although he hasn't won the title back in a while (which I'd LIKE to see, even though I know he's on his way out)

Yeah, I agree, Angle is definitely a guy who can carry, and that's probably why he beat Michaels at Mania. A healthy Kurt Angle is nothing but an asset to the company, especially Smackdown!, where there really isn't a lot of top tier talent. I just wish they would find a better way to use them then what they've currently been doing.

I don't mind Taker getting the belt again for a little while I guess, but I don't think he honestly needs it either, Taker's proven all he needs to prove, and right now he's getting a great deal, and a nice final run. Which is completely deserved.

I don't like Austin on a personal level. It has nothing to do with his gimmick, character, or in-ring ability.

Yeah, that I understand, I'm just saying that his personal ethics and mistakes aside, Austin did a lot, and can still do something, for the business.

You hurt me deep.

Yeah, that I apologize for, that was uncalled for.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-05 20:27:38

At 4/5/05 07:20 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote:
At 4/5/05 07:03 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Apology accepted.



When ARE they coming back? Those Bashams really annoy me, and aside from them there isn't a legit tag team on Smackdown worhty of mention.....No, Rey and Eddie aren't legit cause Rey's tagged with just about everyone.

SD tag division is a waste land. They could mix the cruiserweight in. They did almost with Kidman and London, but they decided to let Kidman turn heel with the wicked shooting star press. They could reunite the WGTT may be it could help

And you know whats really sad? I think this was the first Wrestlemania in which neither Tag Belts we're defended, Neither of the rising star titles, and unfortunately neither was the cruiserweight title.

Hell I would be up for a triple threat tag team match at mania in lieu of christy.

But they managed to give us the womens title bout >: ( Oh how the mighty have fallen. Poor, poor divisions.

Yes thanks to never putting on real women wrestlers on victoria, molly, gail kim.

Who knows? We'll have to wait until SD! To see what they do with him, but hopefully they'll cut the hometown hero bit. :/

You can always look a spoilers (No posting spoilers in here)



Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-05 21:40:04

Well. All i can say is. Wrestlemania was pretty good this year. But lets face it. It wasn't as good as WM18 or 19 or 20. They just did something so much more. So far, Kane is my favorite wrestler. I'm insane also, I like people to suffer at things. Chris Benoit got so killed at Wrestlemania.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-05 22:09:48

Hey mind if i join the club?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-06 01:55:00

At 4/5/05 09:48 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote: Well....to each his own I suppose. And I'm sure you'll get different opinions from around the board regarding where this years wrestlemania ranks. Personally, I believe it had the best structure, but the past wrestlemanias have had much stronger main events.

No doubt of that, The Batista H main event has to be considered a shot, since the booking was poor, but it's encouraging that people didn't care, and are still behind Batista's ascension. The Cena match didn't have a lot of built in heat, and that's a real problem they have to address.

Like Kurt Angle v.s. Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit V.s. Shawn Michaels V.s. triple H from last years card.

Definitely, I think they booked the main events wrong, and maybe should have had one of the title matches before Michaels Angle, but yeah, the structure was really good, and the work was good early on, making it easier to sit through Trish vs Christy, and Big Show Akebono, which were both booked as mercifully quick bouts.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-06 08:19:19

viciousdave316 you are # 125 welcome to the club!

It's sad to see the tag divisions right now. Especially on Sd where they could put together some cruiser teams that could really do some good. Think about it, wouldn't a team of.. Moore and Scotty seem better than them just floating around? and of course the dudlyz return would really help too.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-06 08:33:32

I'll Join, too

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-06 15:01:08

ok then you are # 126. Welcome one and all.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-06 17:10:44

This happens only once a year so here it is:
Wrestlemania MOTD!
It has to be the Ankle Lock.
He used it so many times and it was so effective.
Also, the emotion he put in to it was fucking awesome.
I have to say the best match of Wrestlemania 21 was the Angle and Michaels match.

Overall a good Mania, maybe some other oldies will come back next year in Chicago for Wrestlemania 22.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-06 21:12:01

Rhyno has major heat with the WWE office after breaking a flower pot in a hotel lobby during a fight with his wife that was witnessed by several people (including fans). He was not used at last night's RAW and is not currently being used. The feeling is that he was representing the company at that point since he was checked in.

OH FUCKITY FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!! If ECW titles were planned on being used at One Night Stand, it is a MUST that Rhyno must be there, and defend his heavyweight title belt, it MUST NOT be forfeited. Paul worked for years to make sure that title never had it's lineage broken, to fuck that up now would be wrong, if they want Rhyno to just show up, drop the thing fast, and then get the hell out and the new champ have a match, fine, but he should not be barred from that show. Though I'm sure the incident should have blown over by then.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-07 08:28:38

It's not the fact that he broke a flower pot, its the fact that people saw him do it, know who he is, and tie him in with the rest of the WWE.

Personally I don't blame the man for being frustrated. WWE has been doing nothing for him for a while. I don't think he'll get fired over this, worse had happened lately (Edge/Lita) witrh little or no repricusion.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-07 10:47:46

well, i did read from wrestlezone.com that rhyno was released for his actions. vince is one of the biggest assholes in the company, but there is that point of rhyno embarrassing the company. edge and lita didnt. it aint like they did anything in the public or in front of important people. goodbye rhyno

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-07 12:06:37

Then Vince and the rest of his staff are a bunch of idiots. Pure morons who ignore some things and punish too harshly for others. With Rhyno relesed they might exlude him from the ECW PPV which would be a total travesty. Like him of not Rhyno is indeed the last ECW champ. Him not being there to defend it would be a total ripoff and shame.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-07 12:56:30

At 4/7/05 10:47 AM, cobain4ever wrote: well, i did read from wrestlezone.com that rhyno was released for his actions. vince is one of the biggest assholes in the company, but there is that point of rhyno embarrassing the company. edge and lita didnt. it aint like they did anything in the public or in front of important people. goodbye rhyno

Eh, I didn't exactly like him much anyways. : /

Hope I remember to watch Smackdown tonight, I usually forget to.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-07 16:30:52

with the WWE gearing up for the draft it seems kinda weird that they are cutting people now.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-07 16:39:40

PWInsider.com has actual sources within the company, and have not reported Rhyno's release, until they do, I would say he's still with the company, he was just sent home.

Super Crazy has now officially signed a three year deal with the company, so I'd imagine he will face Tajiri at one night stand based on their old rivalry.

I'll try and finally get to that Stevie Richards bio tonight.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-07 16:43:03

I just saw that suprer crazy thing and was about to post it. heh ya beat me to it. They do say, however that he is headed for SD. So if they doi plan of re-kindling his fued with Tajiri, then some things will be changing with the tag belts before the draft.

I'm sure Richards bio will be good. I know he's been wrestling for a while now.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-07 18:19:33

Justrude's Question of the week!!

How do you think the WWE can improve the MOST?
A. Less talking and more action
B.Better superstars
C.Less commercials
D.Put the roster back together( kill the 1 year draft )

Well I'll eliminate to my answer. I'm ok with how the superstars interact on television, as long as it's humorous and unique. I'm ok with the superstar at the moment. I just think they need buffer guys. However that's nothing special. I do hate commercials during the matches that bring ratings up, but half the time no amazing things happen. If they do, they show you what happened. So I'm ok with that. So that leaves me with "D". I really didn't liike the draft thing since it was ever created. It stops you from seeing your dream matches until MAYBE Wrestlemania. That's like a full year. Besides. I'm not the only one that wants to see Batista and Angle go at it. =)

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-07 22:23:30

·Wow London really bladed himself good. Chavos a full time heel, >:)

·Damn it. the stupid crowd always votes for torrie quit being so predictiable.

not that I care.

·This time I wanted JBL to win. (oh its rey in san diego 619 his familia was there he should have won) Thank You! Eddie, but sadly you have to tap out next week.

·They would release ryhno from an agruement, it would be asinine of them.
· Hell Ya Reds Rant. That's cool.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-07 22:42:15

Lordkooler's smackdown review
1.JBL segment
JBL talks about losing the WWE championship to John cena at Wrestlemania 21. Then Booker T, Eddie guerrero, Big show, Rey mysterio, and Kurt angle come out saying that they want to face John cena for the WWE championship. At the end, Theodore long comes out and announces a tournament with JBL, Kurt angle, Rey mysterio, and eddie guerrero and the winner will face John cena for the WWE title.
2.Paul london vs Billy kidman
A week after winning the cruiserweight title, Paul london defends his title against Billy kidman. A man who injured London at No mercy last year. At the end, Chavo guerrero & Billy kidman attacked London.
3.Luther reigns vs Big show
Seeing the big show in a thong in the Sumo match at Wrestlemania may have been disturbing, But this match wasn't anything special. Big show won at the end.
4.john cena segment
New WWE champion John cena comes out and says that this will be the last time JBL sees the title like this. That means he will modify the WWE title like what he did to the U.S title. At the end, Cena celebrates with the chain gang.
5.Kurt angle invitational
Kurt angle's invitationals continue. This time he wrestles a guy from San diego. Kurt angle defeats him easily and says that was a message sent to Eddie guerrero who he will face next week.
6.Diva contest
I can't remember what it was called. But this is like all the other swimsuit contests WWE had. Torrie wilson won at the end.
7.JBL vs Rey mysterio
JBL survived Texas bull rope matches, Steel cage matches, Last ride matches, Fatal four way matches, Triple threat matches, and Barbed wire steel cage matches during his reign as WWE champion. But he lost the WWE title to John cena on sunday at Wrestlemania. And JBL wants it back. After the match, JBL and his cabinet attacked mysterio until WWE champion John cena saved mysterio.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-07 23:26:43

cena cheated i sawed him in real life

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-08 08:09:22

At 4/7/05 11:36 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote:

You're cool. Let's be friends ;)

this post causes sezures in small children from laughter.

Sd was decent enough, but damn Eddie is over. Even with everybody in the ring they were still chanting for him, till rey came out. Kurt was so freakin funny on the mic then too, "You have to be an adult". classic.

Was it me or was that whole bikini thing a waste of time?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-08 13:16:08

Out of those in the torunament for the number 1 contender who do you think it will be?

JBL has won his match so he goes on to the triple threat. I think Angel will be in it too, Rey mighyt interphere and get Eddie DQed. As for teh Show/Booker match that one is in the air for me.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-08 18:08:56

At 4/8/05 01:16 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: Out of those in the torunament for the number 1 contender who do you think it will be?

I think it will be Jbl.

JBL has won his match so he goes on to the triple threat. I think Angle will be in it too, Rey mighyt interphere and get Eddie DQed. As for teh Show/Booker match that one is in the air for me.

yeah its going to be jbl and Angle for sure in the triple threat. Show and booker I'lL roll the dice 4. ok Big show then.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-09 02:33:17

Sorry bout the lateness, meant to do it last night, but my computer locked up, and I wanted to try and get as much research on Stevie's ECW time as I could. Anyway, here we go.

Stevie Richards debuted in ECW under the name Dancing Stevie Richards (three guesses what his gimmick was). He was a capable worker, in fact, Todd Gordon felt Richards would be the next Shawn Michaels. Richards was almost immediately paired up with Raven as his chief lackey (probably because Richards had the most outright charisma in the group, and cut a decent promo, the other guys were sort of just there because of their odd gimmicks, like Super Nova who dressed like a super hero, and The Blue Meanie, an extremely overweight guy who wore belly shirts, painted a mask on his face, and had blue hair). He and Raven went on to hold the tag team championships on two occassions (the first on 6/20/95 defeating Public Enemy, and then again on 10/7/95 defeating The Pitbulls). But all was not well, Raven humiliated and beat up on Richards regularly, the poor guy was just trying to make his "friend" happy, and usually what he got for his trouble was a horrendous beating from either Raven, or whatever person Raven had pissed off, and decided to feed Stevie to. His story was that he was alone, a misfit, an outcast, and a loner throughout school and his life (something that a lot of wrestling fans could relate to).

Stevie's biggest success would come out of a prank. As Paul Heyman recounts it on the Rise and Fall of ECW, the bWo was just another prank. Stevie, and the other guys in Raven's Nest would just come out and do parody on different wrestling gimmicks, it was an idea of Raven's to just entertain Raven and others, but the bWo became HUGE. The fans loved it, it even grew. But Raven was jealous, these were HIS guys, they shouldn't be out having fun and doing things independent of him. Raven tried to tighten his control on the bWo, but was shocked to find Stevie fighting back! Stevie had finally had enough of Raven, and was taking his gang with him! In fact, Stevie even tried to bring The Sandman into the bWo based off their mutual hatred of Raven (it didn't take, but it certainly proved to the fans that this group was for serious). The bWo became the hottest act in ECW history (I've heard many times how the bWo t-shirt outsold any other piece of merchandise ECW ever sold, and the nWo guys in WCW were said to love the parody). By the time Barely Legal rolled around, the bWo had expanded from it's initial membership of three (Big Stevie Cool the leader, Hollywood Nova, and Da Blue Guy), into a group of 5 americans (the aforementioned 3 guys, plus 7-11, played by RF Video founder Rob Feinstein, pre-disgrace, and "The Inchworm" um, I think they called him Dennis Thompson), but then there was an international contigent from Michinokou Pro in Japan, which consisted of Taka Michinoku, Dick Togo, and "Terry Boy" Mens Teio. Richards wrestled in a three way dance against Terry Funk and The Sandman, with the winner facing Raven later on in the show for the Heavyweight Title, this was Richards's oppurtunity to finally come full circle, to become a man, and defeat his tormentor, but it was not to be as Stevie was the first man eliminated.

Still, the bWo's success, and the impressive performance he gave at Barely Legal had definitely helped Stevie, as he was booked to face Terry Funk at Wrestlepalooza 97 for the heavyweight title a month or so later. Would Stevie have been the man that night? We'll never know, shortly before the match, Stevie suffered a career threatning neck injury that put him out of the match, on May 17th 1997 at the Buffalo Invasion show, in a four way match, It was Funk, Sandman, Raven and himself, and he was ultimately going to be wrestling Funk in June (at Wrestlepalooza for the belt), Raven was eliminated first, then when Richards covered The Sandman, Funk lifted the metal guard rail over his head, and it was supposed to come down on Stevie's back, but it clipped him in the neck, and he was paralyzed in the ring for an hour, obviously, he was scared to death (Stevie recounts this on The Rise and Fall of ECW). Wrestlepalooza was in Stevie's hometown of Philly, at The ECW Arena, I'd like to think Stevie would have gotten the belt that night too, the company was very behind him as he still had his bWo momentum going. Stevie appeared at the show, cut a very emotional promo (because honestly, none of us, Stevie included, knew if he would ever get back in the ring at that time), it was very passionate, and is not diminished by the fact that he did get back in the ring, this is a show worth hunting down a copy of (DVD might still be available from Pioneer).

At this point, Stevie was trying to work through the injury, and was not seeing eye to eye with Paul E. on some things. As Stevie himself admits, he was very young, very immature, and listening to the wrong people, and made some rash and bad decisions, one was working for WCW in July with almost no notice, and regrets it, burned his bridge with ECW, and got into an arguement with Raven while there over a finish at Clash of the Champions. Left WCW in December, went back to ECW, got a lot of heat, which he says is justified, got another stinger from Chris Chetti, went out and got surgery and was down for five months, and then went to the WWE, and says he's spent his time since trying to mend fences (and I am happy to report with the influx of ECW talent, he has been able to do that, including mend fences with Raven who is still one of his best friends today). He publicly apologized for his actions on the ECW DVD.

Stevie will be available for One Night Stand, Simon Dean, who was Nova in ECW will also be available, and I imagine a call has already been placed to Brian Heffron (The Blue Meanie, 3PW promoter) to appear as well. It won't be a reunion show without the bWo, and I really look forward to Stevie having the oppurtunity to show everyone that never saw his ECW work, that Stevie is more then just a great character, he's also a great wrestler, and good human being.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-09 02:52:00

Ok. Here are the rules

1. I say I know every Pro Wrestler's finishing move from WWF/WWE, ECW, WCW, NWA, & Indy's

2. It's your job to try and stump me.

3. Here is how you go about doing it.
3A. In your post, post the wrestlers full name & what wrestling company he worked for. If you can't remember or just forget the company just give me the full name & I will relpy with the wrestler's finishing move. Try & stump me I dare U!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-09 14:59:10

simce we were on thre topic i'll try and recount what stevie did when he came to teh WWE

His initial gimmick was that of a mimmic. He would come out dressed as somebody else, like the Brood. Which was funny since he followed them to the ring without them realizing it until he got in there. (I remember he wore a huge cross around his neck to keep Gangrel away and it worked! lol) Needless to say, though often times his mimmcry was pretty close to the actual wrestler, the gimmick never really caught in. The Blue Meanine also joined while this was going on and he to did some of that. Some of their memerable copyies were Stevie Love (Dude Love) and Prince Meanie (Prince albert) complete with huge puffs of cotton for body hair. However during a match with the Acolites stevie broke his foot sending him out of action for a while. His next big gimmic was the Right to Censor group.
Originally made to mock the censors contining harassment of the WWE and certian gimmicks (Mostly the godfather and the brood) they send stevie out there to do it. He cut his hair and made his ame Steven instread of Stevie for the role and really got into the character and really inpressed the WWE to the point of contining the gimmick and making it a stable. It consisted of Steven Richards, Bull Bucanan, The Goodfather, Val Venis, and Ivory. At one point they had a the tag team titles and the woman's title at the same time. It lasted agood while but dissolved. Stevie had a brief run as manager of Kronic. A tag team that put on a match on PPV so bad that one of them got fired and teh other was sent to be a traineer. This happened when they had the WCW invasion.

After that Steven re-emerged as a hardcore wrestler and got the Hardcore title numerous occasions. He wokred well with Victoria and had some really funny moments with her too. Since then he has been on the Raw brand either oh Heat (Stevie Night Heat) or appering on Raw. He recently appeared and worked on Ring of Honor and should be just about healed after having his nose and cheek broken by Chris Masters.

I'm sure I'm leaving something out so if you know it please fill in the blanks.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-09 16:51:16

At 4/9/05 02:52 AM, Blue_Elvis_Boy wrote: 3. Here is how you go about doing it.

Bonesaw some indy in NYC.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-09 17:04:11

Well, this sucks on so many levels:

According to several sources, World Wrestling Entertainment informed Rhyno this afternoon that he was being released, stemming from the post-Wrestlemania 21 incident at the Universal Sheraton in California. As noted earlier this week on PWInsider.com, Rhyno shattered a large flowerpot vase in the foyer of the hotel during an argument. WWE management brought Rhyno back to his hotel room and he flew home from Los Angeles the following day, as opposed to staying for the Raw taping.

The former ECW World and World Television champion was signed by the then-WWF shortly after Extreme Championship Wrestling shut down operations in 2001. He debuted with the company on 3/19/01, aligned with Edge and Christian (who he broke into the business with). When ECW was revived as part of the Invasion storyline, Rhyno was moved to that faction but was quickly gone from storylines, undergoing surgery in November 2001 to fuse a herniated disc under Dr. Lloyd Youngblood.

Returning a year later, Rhyno made his Wrestlemania in-ring debut at Wrestlemania XIX, teaming with Chris Benoit in a Three-Way with Team Angle and Los Guerreros. He was never utilized in a major pushed singles role, but did hold the WWE Hardcore championship on three occasions. His most recent run was as part of a tag team with another former ECW star Tajiri, challenging and losing to then-WWE World Tag Team champions La Resistance.

There's no word if the release will change Rhyno's status for the ECW One Night Stand PPV, which will utilize outside talent on 6/12 in New York City.

I understand he caused them a public black eye, but the bottom line is that the guys getting sued over the "Flight From Hell" incident still work there for the most part, and in fact were working there after the incident, released for seperate reasons. So this to me is just a situation of "oh, well, we had nothing for you anyway, so lets just kick you out now since we've got this great excuse"

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-04-10 01:11:25

Tna Impact Review.

Chris Sabin v. Michael Shane. Winner:Chris Sabin Shane was in control the whole match. Shane was going for the 3rd shortarm clothesline. Sabin ducked and got a nice pin on Shane. After the match Shane was mad a superkick Sabin he couldn't wait for Lockdown

>Dusty Rhodes announces that all matches at lockdown will involve a cage.

Aj v. Chase Stevens(with Naturals) Winner Aj Styles. Aj was on fire before the commerical he dodged and blocked mostly what Chase dealt. Chase had control of the until he got too confident. Aj kicked of an Alabama slam. Chase went for a powerbomb but was counter into a styles clash.

Lex Lovett and David Young v. Dustin Rhodes and Cassidy Riley Winner: Cassidy Riley. Rhode would start the match with Young he had control. He set him up for shattered dreams and got it. Cassidy threw Lex into young while he has still on the turnbuckle. Cassidy went for a springboard something but was cut of by Lex. Cassidy won by pin (not a rollup)

>Jeff Jarret segment. Jeff says he king of the mountain stuff. He has a plan to attack ddp or waltman. DDP attacks Jeff while he was yelling at the camera. Outlaw was thrown over the top rope ddp escaped before outlaw could have a chance to touch Page.

>Fallen Angel tries to get Elix(former triple X partners) to forfeit his X-division championship match. By saying he would lose 2 cage matches in his career.

Kid Kash v. Apolo Winner: Apolo by Dq (Hoyt pulled the ref when Apolo hit sit-down powerbomb like a-train). The match start out with Apolo throwing Kash around. Hoyt as always was by ringside. Kash would eventually go outside the ring to catch a breath. Commercial. Kash Had control of the match using dirty moves whenever possible. The match went to only 10 seconds or so left. After the match Sonny Siaki came out and all four members brawled outside the ring. Apolo and Sonny ended up winning the brawl. The camera goes backstage showing Nash beat the crap out of Cannido getting his revenge.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

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