At 4/5/05 01:50 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote:
Outlaw said something was off about Red's arguement, I agree, it's not based in reality, Red's letting his own leanings effect how he perceives things.
First, I'll dismantle your statement. Kane brings people in....BULLSHIT. That guy couldn't goad a fan into watching a match of his over any other former wwe champion. Hell, I'd rather watch the Big Show because at least Big Show has improved his repitoire over the years whilst Kane does the same shit day in and day out. Kane is stuck as a mid-card wreslter because of his LACK of talent, and LACK of the ability to bring anyone in.
No arguement there, Kane's time has totally passed, and at this point, he should be happy he's still getting any sort of meaningful use, on occassion they find some story to do with him, because hey, the guy has a decent amount of acting range, not a lot, but for the stuff they give him, he's fine. But yeah, this guy never was, and never will be main event level talent, he's just somebody you use in that position in an emergency.
Cena on the other hand, Cena can draw people in. But this burst of popularity will end in time, because Cena doesn't have the in-ring talent to keep even the most faithful fans intrested for long.
Well, I won't disagree here with your assesment of Cena's in-ring ability, he isn't horribly good, but neither was Rock, and he got by on exactly what Cena is getting by on, two big moves, and a character and promo style people really like. Although Rock had really good opponents to carry him, Cena is going to have a problem with that, so he probably does need to step it up very fast, or he's going to die on the vine.
RVD will never be champion because he's a liability. He's always getting himself injured with that 'extreme' mind-set. so how can he even get the chance? Would you give the title to a man who is injury-prone? I don't think so.
What the...? Do you not read? Did you not read my RVD bio? The man worked for ECW for let's see...96-00 injury free would be about 3 or 4 years, yes? INJURY FREE! There are guys in the WWE now who can't go two or three months without some sort of injury. RVD has a whole routine designed so he can do the spots he does, and not become seriously injured, but yeah, I'll agree, you can't do that style without paying a price, RVD is paying it right now. But fact of the matter is, RVD worked with the injury he's rehabbing now for 4 FUCKING YEARS NO TIME OFF, AND NO LOSS OF PERFORMANCE! None, his match quality did not go down because of the injury, he was still having excellent matches, if anything, his "extreme" mindset, which he learned in ECW to work through injury and keep going, has given us all more hours of enjoyment. ECW built guys tough, that's a fact, now let me ask you: why do you hate RVD so much that you want to make this kind of groundless stuff up?
Triple H has been World Champion 10 times because he fucking deserves it. Igf you haven't noticed, he's the reason people still buy Raw PPV's. We want to see him get his ass kick so badly that we pay to see it. Besides that, Triple H continues to improve himself, and also he is willing to put guys over. Being able to put guys over in a convincing fashion as he does is an invaluable ability.
I don't buy RAW PPV's SPECIFICALLY because I am sick of Triple H chasing Flair's record, I hate Triple H all over my TV, and I hate that Ric Flair has been made his toadie, I can name at least three other people I know of who would echo my statements, and much of the internet segment of the fan base would say the same, so your statement about H being the only reason people buy RAW shows is, in fact, the opinion of a Triple H mark with nothing to back it up. I want the guy off my TV, and will actually be more inclined to buy RAW brand PPV's, when I know he is no longer in the title picture.
Kurt Angle. There's a reason he got the victory at Wresltmania. When you win a big time match like that, the company is basically saying, "Hey, you're the guy we need to get people to watch us. You're the guy. keep up the good work" Kurt Angle has been carrying Smackdown! Single handidly for over 3 years. Tell me he can't bring people in you moron.
Single-handedly? Oh come on, he's had help, the tag division when it was hot, The Undertaker, Paul E. as GM. Angle has worked hard and long, no doubt, but he isn't the be all end all you're making him out to be.
The point YOU are missing is that there is a REASON he wins. He's got talent, he can talk the mic, he puts people in the seats and he can put guys over. Try to keep up.
No arguements here.
You like Stone Cold........thats it. I can't do it. Arguing with a Stone Cold punk is not worth my time.
There's a reason Austin got over, he brawls sure, but brawling don't mean you suck, he also knows psychology, it's real easy to write Austin off as just a man with a great gimmick, but he was more.
Do me a favor. Learn a bit about the business before coming in here and running your mouth again.
One could say the same to you.