I honestly don't remember when his last match with WWE was.. I think they got rid of him for smoking weed.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I honestly don't remember when his last match with WWE was.. I think they got rid of him for smoking weed.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 3/25/05 11:58 AM, donnie_darko_lives wrote: i need to know if the match that Roadogg had at Armageddon 2000 where he was partnered wit K-kwik in the four team match was his last match in the WWE. if it wasn't let me know
he was at survivor series 2001 so i doubt it
k that is false the Roadogg was not at survivor series 2001
heh like the road dogg do ya? He's on TNA now so you can see him then.
speaking of which I saw like a half hour since the have it at four now. I have top go to work so I miss the last part of it.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 3/25/05 08:13 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Aveiw- you are now offically # 122! Yeah you were here longer but now it's offfical.
Works for me, although I'm not a big fan of numbers, I cherish the title of "Mr. ECW" a hell of a lot more, numbers are misleading, and I think a lot of people just hide behind them as a symbol of "status" that they don't feel they have elsewhere in life. Just my opinion, Tommy Dreamer bio coming up.
Tommy Dreamer, more then any other performer, more then the Sandman, more then Taz, more then Sabu, or anyone, is the embodiment of ECW. He has been called "The Innovator of Violence" I call him "The Patron Saint of ECW". In the next couple of posts (or more, but I think it should only take about two) we're going to explore Tommy's in-ring accomplishments, as well as what he did behind the scenes.
Tommy Dreamer came into ECW when it was still Eastern Championship Wrestling, he was a local indy guy who needed work, and I believe worked the first show. We've covered Tommy's biggest angle of the time with The Sandman, but despite the brutality he endured there, and the amount of punishment in other matches he was willing to subject himself to, the fans would not accept Dreamer as anything more then a Pretty Boy. No matter what he did, Tommy could not shake the stigma. As ECW moved into 1995 and 1996, Paul Heyman decided he had an angle to really turn the tide for Tommy. Tommy was already embroiled in a feud with Raven (which we covered pretty damn extensively already, so no need to bore you guys with those details all over again), but Paul E. decided to add some wrinkles to it to establish Dreamer as the embodiment of ECW. One was to take the hardcore legend Terry Funk, and put him in Dreamer's corner as a mentor and father-figure, Paul E. also appealed to Cactus Jack Mic Foley (who had been working in ECW since he left WCW, primarily feuding with Terry Funk as a continuation of their Japanese death match bouts) to turn heel, and feud with Dreamer. Foley consented, and he embarked upon an anti-hardcore stance that made him absolutely hated by the fans. Once he had completed stamped out his old hardcore roots, he began to target Dreamer in his promos. He kept saying that the fans didn't care about Tommy, and that he should have taken the offer that WCW had put forth to him to go there (Dreamer actually turned down more offers to go to the WWF, and WCW, then any other performer). Cactus vowed to beat the hardcore out of Tommy Dreamer, to force him to accept the generous offers of WCW. The result was everything Paul E. could have hoped for, since Cactus was praising the company, and the man (Eric Bischoff) that ECW fans hated more then anyone else alive, Tommy became a hero of the people because he was seen as rejecting the evil of WCW, and affirming the beliefs of ECW. Wearing the company t-shirts no longer seemed like pandering to an audience that hated him, it now looked like a man wearing a badge of honor. Cactus and Dreamer had many memorable matches, usually involving Raven and Funk as well in tag action. One of the highlights of the feud was a tag match involving the four of them, in which Foley came out with a 3 Faces of Fear t-shirt on (remember that gimmick kids?), during the match (a characterisitcally violent affair), Dreamer ripped the offending shirt off Foley to reveal an even more offensive shirt on underneath...a hand painted image of Eric Bischoff, and on the back "Forgive me Uncle Eric". In the ECW Arena? That'd be like having a picture of Hitler, and saying "Heil The Fuhrer!". This was the ultimate insult, and Dreamer responded in kind, he pulled the shirt up so that Bischoff's face was over Cactus's head, got a chair, and beat the crap out of the hated President of WCW by proxy.
When Foley and Raven departed, Dreamer was inserted into a feud with newcomer Justin Credible. Credible had just left the WWF after unsuccessful runs as PJ Walker, and Aldo Montoya. He came to ECW looking to make a name for himself, attacking The Sandman and Dreamer would do it. During a ten-bell salute to Tommy's deceased grandfather, Credible attacked, viciously assaulting and caning Tommy Dreamer. The resulting feud would recur on and off for the rest of their ECW careers. At the Guilty as Charged '99 feud, an attempt was made to settle the issue, a Stairway to Hell match, in which a Singapore Cane would be suspended above the ring, this was the first time the Stairway to Hell would be done on PPV, the subtext of the feud was that Terry Funk had allied himself with Credible, and become HIS mentor now, and that no matter how much Credible and Funk beat on Tommy, Tommy could not strike the man he considered like a father. Tommy and Credible engaged in a violent war, with a great video recap before it (Vince may have had more money, but ECW did some video packages that in my mind rival his for pure emotion), to recap the events of the Credible Dreamer feud leading up to the match itself. About halfway through, both men bring in ladders, and Dreamer nails a Dream Cutter off both ladders! But Terry Funk interfered hitting Dreamer with a trash can, enabling Credible to get a Singapore Cane shot in, leading to That's Incredible on the ladder (Tombstone Piledriver). Post-match, Funk begins beating Dreamer to a pulp. Sadly, there would be no oppurtunity for Dreamer to ever culminate the angle in logical fashion with a match with Funk, as Funk had a bout with Hepititus, and was never seen in ECW again.
As previously mentioned, after the Guilty As Charged PPV, Shane Douglas announced his retirement, and decided to pass the mantle of The Franchise on to Dreamer. But the two would find themselves battling the newly formed Impact Players, Justin Credible and Lance storm. This feud carried into about April, and in August, Dreamer won the tag titles with Raven, as we've previously recounted. As we also previously recounted, Dreamer defeated Taz in April 2000 to win the ECW World Heavyweight title, but Justin Credible came out, threw down his half of the ECW Tag Titles, and challenged Dreamer, within fifteen minutes, Justin Credible had screwed Tommy Dreamer out of the greatest achievement of his career, becoming ECW World Heavyweight Champion, thanks to the betrayal of Raven and Francine. Dreamer would finish his score with Raven (who soon departed to a failed run with the WWF). Dreamer won the Tag Titles briefly with Masato Tanaka, then was involved in a three way dance for Hardcore Heaven with Credible and Storm. Credible wanted no part of Dreamer and swore to throw the belt down if Paul Heyman didn't bar Tommy from wrestling. Grudgingly, Tommy did the right thing. But at Heatwave 2000, Tommy would get another shot at Justin Credible...a Stairway to Hell, leading up to barbed wire!!!
i know right now you are crushed doing these reviews aview b i would like to see one on The Dudleys and Rhino (only their ecw tenure but)
i also found a sweet pic
ahh....the good ol' days
Heatwave 2000 presented a unique challenge to ECW. Indemand was adament that they didn't want a match involving barbed wire on Pay Per View. After much pleading, bitching, and threatning, the match was greenlit. A violent and brutal affair that saw Justin Credible come out the victor when Credible nailed That's Incredible on the barbed wire.
Dreamer's last major ECW feud was against CW Anderson, a young rookie with a hell of an upside (he's worked Velocity a few times lately, Note to Vince: HIRE HIM YOU DUMB FUCK!!!), Dreamer beat him mostly, but the idea was for CW to get rub from working with Dreamer, which he did. Dreamer finished out his ECW run working the final show in a tag match with tag champ Danny Doring (subbing for Doring's partner Roadkill) defeating Julio Dinero and EZ Money.
As impressive as anything Dreamer accomplished in the ring, and perhaps more so, was his tireless dedication in the back. Dreamer was the second in command of ECW, and acted as liason between the talent and Paul Heyman. He also booked almost all of the undercard bouts by the end of ECW. This is I think the greatest indication of Tommy's character, he had so much power in ECW, he had most of the book, he could have used that ability to push himself to the moon, and really hold guys down, but he didn't. He always felt that he was best used as the guy who whenever he got hold of that brass ring, had somebody yanking it out of his hand. Hell, if it were up to Tommy, he NEVER would have won the Heavyweight Title in the first place, it would have gone directly to Credible (and I believe he did have to lobby a bit to get his reign shortened to a cup of coffee). Tommy was also big into promotions, and would come out during, before, and after every show and make a speech thanking the fans their tireless support of ECW (during his back injury in late 1999, before he was able to come back to wrestle full-time, he was almost always out and on the microphone extoling the virtues of ECW). Tommy Dreamer stayed right up until the doors closed, he nearly broke his back for the company (herniating two discs), and gave everything he had both in front of, and behind the camera.
Tommy Dreamer will compete at ECW One Night Stand, he will more then likely book parts of the show as well, and he is the man at the phones bringing the outside talent in. Tommy Dreamer is the Innovator of Violence, but he's also the Patron Saint of ECW. But I think Tommy Dreamer is also something else, something that no amount of bad pushes, lack of camera time, or any other indignity that could be heaped upon him. Tommy Dreamer is a hero, a real honest to God hero in the wrestling business, that's about as rare as they come in this business. There really aren't words to describe what Tommy Dreamer meant to ECW, and it's fans, I'm trying right now, and feel like I'm coming up short. So I'll just leave it at what I've said already, and let you draw your own conclusions.
At 3/26/05 02:16 AM, darkdevil92 wrote: i know right now you are crushed doing these reviews aview b i would like to see one on The Dudleys and Rhino (only their ecw tenure but)
i also found a sweet pic
ahh....the good ol' days
well now i will post the pic (i am such a dumbass lol)
At 3/26/05 02:16 AM, darkdevil92 wrote: i know right now you are crushed doing these reviews aview b i would like to see one on The Dudleys and Rhino (only their ecw tenure but)
The Dudley's are probably going to be my next target tommorow, I've got a DVD that covers their ECW tenure, and Rhino could be a good one to follow up with (since the Dudley's will be very long, and Rhino will be a lot shorter, we've actually covered a lot of his major work with The Sandman piece). I was looking to do Terry Funk, but honestly? I think we covered him, other then to talk about Born To Be Wire (which I know I have here in the past) and the fact that just Terry lending his name to ECW at the promotions inception did a huge amount for it's credibility, I really don't think there's anything much left to cover with Funk. As I've said, my idea is to keep doing the ECW tenures leading into One Night Stand, I'd like you guys to tell me who you'd rather read about, and of course, if people get sick of them, I'll stop doing them (god knows I've still gotta figure out a Monday column for my site, I hate when I sort of get these writer's blocks).
At 3/24/05 10:07 AM, darkdevil92 wrote: Batista Bomb
lol That man does have power for sure. I'd love to see him and Undertaker go at it, I'd pay for that match anyday of the week.
At 3/24/05 07:04 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Tazz is in my mind the best color man in the business (especially during Paul Heyman's time as GM), I will not dispute that, the problem I have is that Tazz still had time left, and was never used to his maximum potential in WWE.
Yeah, he is a good man, and does a good job at what he does. I remember watching SD! a while back, he almost took on Heyman becaues Heyman came out ringside and started talking trash to Cole, then slapped Cole arcoss the face. If it wasn't for Heidinrich[spelling] he probably would've taken Heyman out.
At 3/24/05 08:48 PM, justrude88 wrote: What's the craziest match that you can think of?
Probably a hard core, anything you can find as a weapon, match. I doubt something like this would happen, cause, anything can be used as a weapon. Glass, nails, hammers, the rough stuff. :/
At 3/24/05 10:26 PM, LordKooler wrote: LordKooler's Smackdown review
Geez, from the read, it seems like SD! went to the pits Thursday night, except a few things said. :/
At 3/25/05 01:59 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Taz...
Awsome. I never knew how much Taz had done besides the time I've seen him on WWE. Nice. Thankyou some much for the awsome bio on him. :)
At 3/25/05 12:00 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I think they got rid of him for smoking weed.
Geez. :/ That sucks. About how many wrestlers total have been let go because of drug use?
At 3/26/05 12:33 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: "Mr. ECW"
Funny thing is, The_Redangleprince has given you a title simmilar to that. This and 'The Professor'. :D
At 3/26/05 02:38 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Dreamer's.....
Man, I never knew a guy like this was such an awsome athlete. That stuff he did is just awsome.
Note to Vince: HIRE HIM YOU DUMB FUCK!!!
HAHA! I second this.
At 3/26/05 02:46 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: I'd like you guys to tell me who you'd rather read about, and of course, if people get sick of them, I'll stop doing them
Who ever you want to do is fine by me, any read about a wrestler is an awsome read. And I think that they are awsome. I always enjoy learning and reading about stuff that I enjoy.
[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]
XBL / PSN - Voidist
Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.
i have put awiews bios on my site i made for the users so now you don't have to shuffle threw all different pages to find one
here is the link
i will update this evertime he makes a new one
At 3/26/05 12:19 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: heh like the road dogg do ya? He's on TNA now so you can see him then.
speaking of which I saw like a half hour since the have it at four now. I have top go to work so I miss the last part of it.
ya i know i watch it all the time and darkdevil92 who was roadogg on survivor series 2001 eh??
i meant how was roadogg on survivor series 2001? (not who)
Aview- The numbers aren't really a status thing, more like a "History of the club" thing. Kickass bio of Dreamer. I really think they did him no justice in WWE. heh you really are Mr. ECW, and deservidly so. As for who goes next, yeah the dudleyz sound good. Hell just keep on doing it man, your doing great!
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 3/26/05 11:33 AM, donnie_darko_lives wrote: i meant how was roadogg on survivor series 2001? (not who)
he actually wasn't going by the name of roaddog he was going by the name of b.g james and was in a stable with k kwik
he was in the survior match that year
yo i just drew a pic of batista and it came great i love it tell me what you think
also how do you guys like that i put all of aview's bio's on our site
thank you very much
kickass dude! it rocks, really a great job!
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
good to have you back Red
i can't wait till mania
my dad is leting me invite 10 people over for a mainia party it is going to pwn
Delayed TNA Impact Review for Friday March 25.
>A clip is shown of Abyss getting in the doa. office, Start of the show, Part two Abyss scares off Tracy and Trinity. AJ comes and saves the day, they brawl security breaks it up.
Buck Quatermain v. Trytan (in ring debut). Winner Trytan by T-3 (just like F5) Buck had no offense against Trytan, wait he goes after the knee. Trytan shakes it off. The match was short nothing important happened.
>Konnan is mumbling to himself when Outlaw comes by and plays mind games with Konnan, stuff happens, BG goes to talk with outlaw. Omfg he’s trying to break up 3LK.
Shocker and Jeff Hardy vs. Lovett and Young. Winner Shocker by shockwave (pinning move). Hardy and Young started the match. Shocker is tagged in, followed by Lovett. He tricks Hardy to follow him around part of the ring outside Hardy gets Irish whipped against the guard rail…Young and Lovett and now in control of the match. The crowd cheers Jeff back to an offense. Hardy gets Irish whipped to the turnbuckle wait he runs up to the top. Jumps off and knocks out both Lovett and Young. Shocker is tagged in; he jumps from the top rope drop kick. He sets up for his finisher a locking pin move.
Sharkboy and Cassidy Riley vs. Disciples of Destruction [(D.O.D.) Big-R and Heavy-D] with Tracy. Winner D.O.D. by H-bomb (Larry the Cable Guy’s Right to Bear Arms CD Move). Sharkboy and Riley had no chance they got a dropkick or so off at the beginning. (later on) Lol Sharkboy bite Tracy in the ass via shark-bite. To make it short Riley gets h-bombed.
>DDP comes to the ring and ask for Dusty answers to the match at Lockdown. Dusty makes it official. Jarrett, Outlaw and Alpha Male vs. DDP, Waltman and Nash in a 6-side steel cage match. But then Jarrett is on the screen above the entrance ramp. JJ’s henchmen brutally attack Nash; Page runs out of the ring to go check it out.
>Some guy in street clothes asks Jeff Hardy to join force, Ok I see its Raven, Jeff turned down the offer.
Apolo v. Sonny Siaki. Winner Apolo by rollup (after a little chain wrestling happened). The first part of the match nobody had the advantage. Their like mirror images of each other said Mike Tenay. After the match the shake hand for mutual agreement they have. Kid Kash comes out and says some stuff. Basically that Siaki and Apolo are wusses. Siaki makes a challenge for them the notorious k.i.d. refuses. Siaki and Apolo run up to the entrance ramp, Kash and Lance retreat.
>Dustin Rhodes talks about him wrestling Team Canada Bobby Rude with Shane Douglas. Scott Da’More starts yelling insults. It’s Texas versus Canada at Lockdown Sunday April 24th.
Phi Delta Slam (Bruno and Big Tilly) vs. AMW (Wildcat Chris Harris and Tennessee Cowboy Jay Storm). Winner no contest*. The match started out with Bruno getting beat down by amw. Commercial. Bruno and Wildcat are in the ring fighting. Bruno drops an elbow same for Tilly. PDS is in control of the match for a while. The Tennessee cowboy is tagged in after awhile amw sets up for death sentence. * Team Canada comes out and attacks amw moments later Dustin Rhodes runs out to attack team Canada members.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
-Monday Night Wars
-Ultimate Ric Flair Collection
-1998 King of the Ring (Mnakind v.s. Undertaker Hell in a Cell)
-2003 Royal Rumble (Chris Benoit v.s. Kurt Angle, best match ever)
-Bloodbath, a history of cage matches
-2004 Bad Blood (Triple H v.s. Shawn Michaels, Hell in a Cell)
-Raw 10th year anniversary (TLC IV)
Impressive indeed, man. Kinda impressive...
You're all jealous of my library and you know it.
Pfft. Impressive, but not great. I have most of those, and some other ones. I won't bore you with the details, but it's a LOT.
Dudley Boyz bio? Oh hell yeah. The last ones have been awesome, don't stop now, Aview!
Thanks for the support guys, it's much appreciated, things didn't quite work out tonight for me to do The Dudleys like I was planning, so we'll hit them tommorow, I should have enough time though to talk about Rhino, so I'll nail him after this post goes up.
Rhino debuted in ECW in the summer of '99 (not sure of the month). He was brought in as part of the non-physical feud between Taz and Steve Corino (as we already covered, Corino would bring in guys to do his fighting for him), and was basically squashed in his first encounter with Taz (as we covered previously). From there, Rhino was essentially working as muscle for Corino's group while he was being moved into a larger role on the shows.
His chance would come through a twist of fate in late December 1999, in a house show match with World Television Champion Rob Van Dam, Rhino was tied to the tree of woe, with a chair over his face, and Van Dam hit a baseball slide. The problem was that when he hit it, Van Dam broke his leg, all the abuse Van Dam put himself through had finally caught up with him, and he was knocked out of action for an indefinite period of time. Rhino then started walking around claiming through his mouthpiece (Cyrus, as Corino's little group was now under Cyrus's control as he was portrayed as an evil representative of TNN), and himself, that he had broken RVD's leg. In January, Cyrus demanded on behalf of TNN that because Van Dam was unable to defend the title, it should be vacated because the network demanded a champion who could defend the belt on television. Van Dam was only two months shy of being a two year champion...he wanted that more then anything...but Cyrus threatned to have ECW thrown off TNN if Van Dam didn't comply, so Rob made the only choice he could...he forfeited the title. This led to a TV Title tournament at ECW's February PPV, Living Dangerously. Rhino (after all, he was The Network's hand picked successor) was entered and went all the way to the finals, but not before he viciously Gored the Sandman's wife through a table. But he failed to capture the belt, being defeated by Super Crazy.
Rhino would not be stopped however, as Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Super Crazy and then defied the Network, Rhino took the ECW TV title off of him only a few days later. Rhino defended the belt against a very pissed off Sandman (as we've covered previously), finally dropping the belt to Kid Kash in August. Basically though, I think the switch was just because Kash was getting over big, getting a good push, and they were really looking to make The Hammerstein Ballroom the new New York homebase. Rhino won the belt back about a week later. The he became involved in the tag title tournament at the Hammerstein Shows (the belts had remained vacant since Credible had thrown his down and forfeited it in April), teaming with Credible in the idea that they could then control all the gold. The bid failed as Mikey Whipwreck and Yoshihrio Tajiri walked out champs.
Rhino was now headed into the Anarchy Rulz PPV, and a rematch with Rob Van Dam. The bout was non-title, just a grudge situation, so RVD defeated him. Rhino was then booked into a a holding pattern type match with New Jack for the November to Remember show, and beat the Original Gangsta to retain his TV title. At the December show, Rhino defeated Spike Dudley when he put Spike into a scissored leg choke hold and Spike vomitted and then passed out from the pain. Rhino then worked the Guilty As Charged show in '01 defeating the Sandman to become ECW's last Heavyweight Champion, also, according to Cyrus, though official confirmation never came down, unifying the TV and Heavyweight belts. Rhino defended the title at ECW's last show defeating Spike Dudley. Then in February 2001, he signed a deal to go to the WWF.
Some side notes about Rhino: I always felt Paul E. did a real good job of booking the guy as an animal, he fought tough, he did reprehensible things, and he talked really big. His promos lacked polish, but they were intense, with Rhino just hitting things and yelling and swearing, the swearing was a problem because you could barely make out half of what Rhino was saying on TV he was swearing so much. "RVD, I'm gonna *bleep *bleep* *bleep* your *bleep*. Then I'm gonna tear out your *bleep* and *bleep* bleep* *bleep* down your *bleep* *bleep* *bleep*!". You could never know what his promos were about unless you saw him on PPV.
I have no doubt Rhino will work the ECW One Night Stand show, I do wonder though if the belt will be on the line or not.
At 3/27/05 12:31 AM, The_Redangleprince wrote: Oh god, hey guys. Sorry I haven't been around, I was moving then I was banned after coming back.
Well welcome back then
And there's alot more to see :D
I wonder if they have any ecw footage.
You're all jealous of my library and you know it.
I shall check if my libary has anything I bet no.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
yeah, I've always liked rhino.. rhyno.. whatever. I think on the ecw dvd, rhino was one of the few students of taz to be brought in or something liek that..
i'm not sure how it happened, but rhyno was really doing great when he first came to the WWE, he was indeed an animal and he really gored the crap out them, like when he got jericho through the SD stage set. after he got hurt he seemed to have lost all that momentum that he had and is now struggling. Too bad.. But yeah he was the last ECW champ so he will have that to his name for a looong time.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Can't wait to hear about the Dudley's because I know so little about them. Sounds very intersting.
At 3/26/05 12:26 PM, darkdevil92 wrote:At 3/26/05 11:33 AM, donnie_darko_lives wrote: i meant how was roadogg on survivor series 2001? (not who)he actually wasn't going by the name of roaddog he was going by the name of b.g james and was in a stable with k kwik
he was in the survior match that year
what u r talin about was either at armageddon 2000 or survivor series 2000, not survivor series 2001
At 3/27/05 10:10 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: yeah, I've always liked rhino.. rhyno.. whatever. I think on the ecw dvd, rhino was one of the few students of taz to be brought in or something liek that..
Only four guys graduated from the House of Hardcore, which Taz and Perry Saturn were instructors at: Tom Marquez (The Prodigy), Chris Chetti (Taz's cousin), Danny Doring, and Roadkill (the latter two were the last to hold the ECW Tag Titles).
The House of Hardcore was ECW's personal training school, and was not for whimps, Taz and Saturn (but especially Taz) busted guy's asses so out of a class of about 500 or so, only 4 made it out.
but rhyno was one of them right? I'm pretty sure they said he was.
Can't wait for a dudley bio either :) So many good times ecw had.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
It is an arguable point whether The Dudley Boys are the greatest tag team in wrestling history. What is NOT an arguable point, is that the Dudleys are the greatest tag team in ECW history. 8-time tag team champions, the top heel act in ECW during their run, defeating, breaking up, and/or running out some of the best tag teams ECW ever had. No one, and I mean NO ONE, could stop, The Dudley Boys.
The Dudley concept began life as a family of inbreds that Paul E. created after seeing a film whose name escapes me, maybe Delieverance? I'm not sure. At first, it was a family of freaks and weirdos, a comedy act. Consisting of Sign Guy Dudley, Big Dick Dudley, Dudley Dudley, Dances with Dudley, Little Snot Dudley, Little Spike Dudley, and Buh Buh Ray Dudley. Buh Buh and Big Dick were often a tandem, Buh Buh's name was misspelled because he always had a very pronounced stutter, here's a typical Buh Buh promo of the time: "hi, my name is Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh *someone slaps the back of his head* Ray Dudley!" It was a real hit with the fans, who chanted "what's your name?" often at Buh Buh.
This changed however with the debut of D-Von Dudley, who didn't like that his brothers were disgracing the family name by being comedic, so D-Von and Buh Buh got famous for beating the hell...out of EACH OTHER! It was a violent feud that dominated much of 1996, as the two Dudleys, alone, and with partners, beat the living hell out of one another. At the 1996 November to Remember, the issue was settled, Buh Buh won, the Dudley feud was over. Paul E. was ready to move onto phase 2.
D-Von was working a match with The Sandman, and getting his ass whipped something fierce. After the loss, Joel Gertner came in to announce that D-Von had won on points (he was a heel ring announcer who later teamed with The Dudleys) Buh Buh Ray Spike ran out as D-Von pummeled The Sandman with his own singapore Cane. Buh Buh plastered Sandman with a chair, Spike was in shock. Then they turned to Spike...in a moment that will echo throughout history. Spike attacked, but to no avail, D-Von hoisted Spike up, and Buh Buh dropped him, it was the first ever 3D. The Dudleys then took turns blasting Sandman with chair and cane, until The Gangstas, New Jack and Mustafa hit the ring. But The Dudley Boys got the better of The Gangstas.
Now that they were a unit, The Dudleys were booked as seemingly unstoppable. The Dudleys first beat The Eliminators on March 15th, 1997, and held the belts until ECW's first PPV Barely Legal where they lost the belts back to The Eliminators. They won the belts for a second time, June 28th 1997, once again from The Eliminators, when Big Dick (who had joined his evil brothers) distracted Kronus, into 3D. They then lost the belts on July 19th, 1997 to The Gangstas, in a brutal cage match, which involved a lot of weapons, but the belts were awarded back to The Dudleys for a third time on August 18th, 1997, because Big Dick's post match attack on The Gangstas left them too injured to continue to defend the belts. They had now tied the record of The Public Enemy, for most tag title wins. They then broke up, and ran out The Eliminators (Saturn left for WCW, because he hated working with John Kronus), they then broke up The Gangstas (Mustapha had some issues with showing up on time, and drugs as well I think). The Dudleys dropped the belts to John Kronus and New Jack on August 18th 1997.
The Dudleys began 1998 beltless, but were fighting some of the top stars of ECW, at Heatwave 1998, The Dudleys headlined the show, when it was Buh Buh, D-Von, and Big Dick against their brother Spike, Tommy Dreamer, and The Sandman. Dreamer wanted revenge as The Dudleys had broken Beulah Mcguilicutty's neck a few months earlier, putting her out of wrestling forever (Beulah left to continue her education). This was an affair of pure revenge, which The Dudleys did not come out the victors in. Still, on October 24th 1998, The Dudleys captured the tag titles for an unprecedented 4th time from RVD and Sabu, when the Triple Threat (Shane Douglas, Chris Candido, and Bam Bam Bigelow) interefered, and D-Von and Buh Buh nailed 3D on Sabu for the pinfall. The Dudleys lost the belts again on November 1st 1998, to Balls Mahoney and Masato Tanaka, Tanaka was subbing for a hurt Axel Rotten, Mahoney's usual tag team partner as The Hardcore Chair Swinging Freaks. Five days later, The Dudleys won the belts back for a 5th time, when they nailed 3D from nowhere on Tanaka. They dropped the belts again to RVD and Sabu on December 12th 1998 in Japan.
Some of you may be wondering how it was that The Dudleys were winning the belts so often, in so short an amount of time. But if you're paying attention, there's no great mystery here really, The Dudleys came together at a time when ECW's tag division was in trouble, Paul E. had been relying on three or four teams, with some imported, to keep the division going. But when Public Enemy went to WCW, The Eliminators broke up when Saturn took a deal from WCW, and Mustafa was let go ending the Gangsters, The Dudleys were left as the only time really enjoying working together, and they were fed the outgoing teams to establish their reps. But the side effect to all this was that The Dudleys began to look totally unbeatable, and without many real tag teams to compete with, they were also running out of opponents. Hence why they began to work against, or be involved in, the feuds of headliners like Sabu, RVD, Taz, Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, and others. Hell, they're tag title win over RVD and Sabu in October '98, was all about helping the build to the Triple Threat vs. Taz, Sabu, and RVD, at that years November to Remember, which was really the last stop for Taz in his quest for Douglas's Heavyweight Championship.
But with their disgrace in the land of the Rising Sun, The Dudleys didn't have a title, they didn't have a prospect at a title shot because of Sabu's broken neck (which we covered with Taz) and RVD's business with the TV title. As The Dudleys entered 1999, they were at their most dangerous, no title, no prospect of a title, no major feud, all the earmarks were there for The Dudleys to go on a rampage...Guilty As Charged 1999 would serve to show everyone, just what The Dudleys were all about.