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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-23 14:55:34

I heard that Moore got in a car accident, but he is ok. He might be out for a few days though.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-23 14:57:24

At 3/23/05 02:55 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I heard that Moore got in a car accident, but he is ok. He might be out for a few days though.

Oh, that Shannon Moore fellow? I don't, or never really did, see him perform much. :/

And another piece of the Sandman bio, very nice. :D

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-23 19:02:46

he was on SD not too long ago, he is currently doing a "Prince of Punk" gimmick... which should be renamed "I shop at Hot topic!"

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-23 19:37:19

At 3/23/05 07:56 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I want to hear one about Sabu personally. I know absolutly nothing about him. But if not I'd want to hear about Taz first.

I agree, sabu or taz profile would be good. But evn the dudleys are interesting, so do them in your own order i guess

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-23 20:50:49

At 3/23/05 07:02 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: he was on SD not too long ago, he is currently doing a "Prince of Punk" gimmick... which should be renamed "I shop at Hot topic!"

lol Well atleast he's getting paid for it. I wouldn't mind doing something like that if I was in his shoes.

And I was wondering, why doesn't Tazz wrestle much anymore?

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-23 23:51:11

At 3/23/05 08:50 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: And I was wondering, why doesn't Tazz wrestle much anymore?

Because he's moved into full-time broadcasting since that's how the company has decided to use him. A shame as they left a shitload of money on the table I feel by not pulling the trigger on a feud between him and Austin.

I'll do Taz later on tonight, and then shoot for Dreamer or Sabu next. We've actually covered a fair bit of Sabu's major feuds, but we've still got a bit left that I can cobble together for him.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-24 01:18:33

Two things I need to tell you before I begin this biography:

1) I believe Taz is the greatest ECW Champion in history, I will explain why later on, but I felt I should say that up front.

2) I believe that Taz is one of the true franchise players of ECW, and is the second most important wrestler in the history of the company, I will also explain that later.

I wanted to have that said off the bat because I think it's important I'm honest with you guys at the top since this is going to be a fairly long ride as we've covered really nothing of Taz yet.

Taz debuted in ECW when it was still Eastern Championship Wrestling. He worked with a gimmick where he dressed sort of like tarzan and called himself the Tazmaniac, he also had his hair in dreadlocks. There's still some footage floating on the net, and on an ECW DVD release if this is a must see thing for you. I think he also actually worked the first ECW show, though I don't have the results handy to check on that.

Tazmaniac captured his first major title on February 4th, 1995 when he and his partner Sabu defeated The Public Enemy (R.I.P Rocco Rock), to capture the tag belts. They dropped them two months later to Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko. During a three-way bout in which they were booked along with Public Enemy and Malenko/Benoit, Sabu no-showed the event and was fired, Taz had to work the match alone, and Taz lost, it would be the break Taz had been looking for.

Paul Heyman said that he felt Taz would be the best promo man in the business when he stuck a mic in Taz's hand one night without telling him during a promo Paul was cutting for Sabu and Taz. When they got to the back, Taz told Paul if he ever did it again, Taz would kill him. Paul was now in a position to push Taz as a singles wrestler, but tragedy struck. Taz broke his neck during a match, and was out for nearly a year, it's hell to be out that long in the majors, but in an indy? Even a fast growing indy like ECW? It could have killed his career. This is why Paul is so brilliant, when Taz recovered, Paul completely repackaged him, gone was the leotard and dreds, gone was the name "Tazmaniac" he was now simply, Taz...and he was pissed.

Taz immediately railed against the fans, saying that he broke his neck trying to entertain them, and they gave him no sympathy. No cards, no letters, nothing to show even an ounce of sympathy or compassion, well that was fine. He didn't give a damn about the fans either, but the guy he really blamed for his injury, and all the bad things that had happened to him...was Sabu. Taz enlisted the aid of Bill Alfonso, who had been having a great run as a heel referee who enforced the rules of count out and DQ (and in ECW, you may as well have been pissing on the American Flag, the sacrilege in what Alfonso was doing was that huge). Taz is a legitimate Black Belt in Judo, he used it, he used an arsenal of hardhitting suplexs, and kicks, and punches. Taz didn't wrestle so much as he shoot fought (very smart, since shoot fighting was all the rage at the time). He came up with a finisher called the Tazmission, real name: The Kahta Ha Jimay (I'm sure I'm spelling it wrong), it is a choke, which is so dangerous, it's illegal in Judo, but was legal in ECW because there were no rules. He created a catch phrase "Beat me, if you can! Survive, if I let you!" he was ready for the next level.

Taz issued a challenge to Sabu, to face him, and when Sabu did not answer it, Taz left a standing open challenge to anyone in wrestling, shoot fighting, any sport, who thought they had what it took to beat him. For 18 months, Taz fought wrestlers in ECW, he fought shoot fighters, he fought stars of the past, stars of the future, and guys who never were more then cannon fodder, he beat them all (including a young Chris Jericho). But the story here is what he did every time he would beat one of them, he would lift the man up after the match, he would shake his hand, and he would say: "You're more of a man then Sabu is". It seemed insane, Taz issuing a challenge to a man who didn't work for the company, who'd left on such horrible terms he could never come back...I mean, hell would HAVE to freeze over before Sabu came back. One night, in the ECW Arena, hell did indeed get a few degrees cooler, as Paul Heyman welcomed Sabu back to the promotion. The components for what would become billed as "the grudge match of the century" were now in place. ECW only needed to find an event big enough to let these two tear each other apart.

April 13, 1997. ECW had cleared all sorts of legal hurtles, but they were finally on Pay Per View. This would be the night Taz and Sabu would finally settle their issue. Taz came out to his theme music (which is a version of Kiss's "War Machine" but done by ECW Music Director Harry Slash, the words are removed, except for Taz saying his trademark phrase). Taz came out with his trademark towel over his head, and flanked by his personal security force, Team Taz (actually, students of his at ECW's House of Hardcore. Eagle eyed fans will note Taz's cousin Chris Chetti, Danny Doring, and future Angry Amish Warrior Roadkill, among the group). The match was spectacular, it's hard to live up to the kind of build that had been created for this contest, but Taz and Sabu had an awesome contest in which they blended both their unique styles together to create a violent, entertaining classic. Taz in the end choked Sabu out with the Tazmission. Post-match, Taz waited till Sabu woke up, and explained to him that he choked him out, he then extended his hand saying that Sabu gave him a hell of a match, and he respect him for it. They shook hands and Taz raised Sabu's arm...but then Sabu's partner RVD charged the ring and beat the hell out of Taz. Sabu at first seemed pissed at what Van Dam was doing, then he joined in. Alfonso jumped into the ring, ready to fight Sabu and Van Dam, but as he pulled off his Team Taz shirt...he revealed an RVD and Sabu shirt underneath! The Human Suplex Machine had been set up by his manager. In a promo that to this day I still can't figure out the fucking logic in, Alfonso explained his actions: "Taz, you cost me a lot of money tonight, I had a lot of money riding on you, and you let me down" (um, Bill? Taz won the match). Taz was left laying, embarrassed, and betrayed, he wanted revenge, but a new challenge awaited...

Back with part 2 of this look at Tazz soon.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-24 01:24:20

At 3/23/05 11:51 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Because he's moved into full-time broadcasting since that's how the company has decided to use him.

*sigh* I figured as much. I wish they didn't do that though, he was awsome in the ring.

A shame as they left a shitload of money on the table I feel by not pulling the trigger on a feud between him and Austin.

Yeah well, they weren't the smartest back then with judgements, and haven't progressed as much still. :/

I'll do Taz later on tonight, and then shoot for Dreamer or Sabu next.

Cool. I'd like to know more about Taz. He was my fave back when I WAS able to watch it. :/

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-24 03:32:39

After Barely Legal, the Taz/Sabu issue was still red hot, but another angle ECW was running was also still ongoing. The cross promotion with the WWF that had helped ECW promote Barely Legal was still ongoing as RVD, Alfonso and Sabu were portrayed as traitors. The culmination of this was when at Wrestlepalooza '97, the trio, along with Jerry Lawler, ambushed Tommy Dreamer after he had finally defeated Raven, Lawler directed traffic as Sabu and RVD pummeled a helpless Tommy Dreamer: "So this is the famous ECW Arena" Lawler bellowed "This place oughtta be made out of toilet paper, because it's full of SHIT!" The locker room emptied out, literally everyone on the roster attacked, and were turned away by Sabu and Van Dam. All seemed lost...and then a familiar tune hit "Survive, if I let you!" It was Taz! Taz stormed the ring, and the four invaders seemed to recall that they had a yellow streak down their backs, and high tailed it out. Taz baited them, saying he'd lay down for Lawler to get in the ring, free shots if they'd just have the balls to get in there with him. After he'd chased them off, Shane Douglas who'd been watching the assault from the crow's nest position, told Taz to take a walk. Taz was never one to take kindly to being told what to do, and invited Douglas to come down and make him leave. Douglas declined saying he'd already wrestled (he beat Taz's cousin in the opener to retain his TV Title) and had nothing left to prove. Taz told Douglas he'd like to play "let's make a deal" Taz said he could make Douglas tap out in 5 minutes, and if he did, he'd be the new TV Champ. Douglas said "well, that's real nice for you mother fucker, but what do I get if you can't?" Taz said "I will take a vacation for 30 days, no pay, I'm suspended". Douglas is intrigued, but won't sign off on it yet, the pot is sweet, but it's not sweet enough for him to bite yet. So Taz realizing that says "ok, I'll sweeten the deal for you...I will make you tap in 3 minutes" NOW Douglas is really interested, he's about ready to bite, just needs a little more proding...Douglas "I don't tap in 3 minutes, you're out of here, 30 days no pay?" Taz "That's what I'm saying, yes" Douglas "You're fucking family is gonna starve mother fucker, you got a deal!" Douglas climbed into the ring, and he and Taz went at it, as the time limit ran down, Taz slapped on the Tazmission, as we got into the 5 second warning, Douglas tapped. Taz had captured his second major ECW championship, the TV Title. But he had also made an enemy who's reach would shadow Taz's career for the next two years.

As Taz was enjoying his TV Title run, and continuing his war with Sabu, Douglas had won back the Heavyweight title from fellow Triple Threat member Bam Bam Bigelow. For most, that would be it, Douglas couldn't want anything more...but he did. Douglas told Taz he could get a shot at the Heavyweight Title...but ONLY if he beat the Triple Threat. Taz made short work of Chris Candido, Bam Bam Bigelow however proved a bigger challenge. At Heatwave '98, Taz defended the TV Belt against Bigelow. A man who was bigger, heavier, and had the hometown advantage (the event was held in Asbury Park), as a scrapper with a chip on his shoulder...Taz couldn't be happier. Bigelow and Taz brawled all over the building and had a very good, very physical match, the finish however overshadowed everything else. Taz clamped on the Tazmission, but wrapped his legs around the massive Bigelow before he went down, this commited Taz to the move earlier then usual, and would prove disastrous. Bigelow fell, and he and Taz WENT STRAIGHT THROUGH THE RING!!! They crashed to the floor and there was a gaping hole in the ring, they didn't move for a good three minutes or so, finally, Bigelow climbed out, and dragged an obviously unconcious Taz after him, pinning him, to end Taz's TV title reign.

Taz was undaunted, debuting his own title on television in the weeks following. The Fuck The World Heavyweight Championship was born. Taz had cleverly combined his own motto, with a jab at Douglas...the result was an irrate Douglas, who could not stand Taz walking around defending this unrecognized belt, but what could he do? It was Taz's personal property, and if he wanted to put it on the line against any challenger, it was his right to do so. Taz taunted Douglas for months with the belt, turning away all challengers (including Sabu, and perenial thorn in his side Bam Bam Bigelow). It seemed after a time that Taz would content himself with this belt since Douglas wouldn't give him a crack at the real heavyweight title. Until Taz layed down in the ring one night, and allowed Sabu to pin him and win the belt. Thus ended Taz's reign as FTW Champion (since it was defended, and won by another person, I recognize the belt, making this Taz's third major title reign).

Taz was now entering 1999 titleless, and with no prospet of a shot at Douglas, as Sabu had been named no.1 contender for the January show, Guilty as Charged. But Douglas came to Taz with a deal. He offered Taz money, his manager Francine, and membership in the Triple Threat to take Sabu out of the match. Taz agreed, and at a house show (which ECW then employed "fan cam" footage of), Taz snuck into a match Sabu was involved in, and Head and Arm Tazplexed him through a table breaking his neck instantly. Douglas then went to pay off Taz the next week, Taz said "I do the heist, you pay the price, that's how it works...price just changed, I want Sabu's spot at the PPV". Taz had Douglas by the balls. He got his wish, and at Guilty as Charged '99, Taz defeated Shane Douglas via choke out to become ECW World Heavyweight Champion, a Triple Crown Winner in the eyes of ECW, a Quadruple Crown Winner in my eyes.

Tommorow, we'll cover Taz's title reign, and his last few matches with ECW. Sorry guys, but I just got too busy to finish it up tonight, we're looking at at least one more post here.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-24 08:17:14

damn good bio aveiw!

The main reason they made Tazz a commentator is that his neck had been a nagging problem for him ever since he broke it as aveiw pointed out. So to help keep him on the roster and all WWE let him do an angel with Lawler in trying to steal his spot, which he eventually did. He would have a few matches after that and an almost fued with Austin but he ended up statying with commentary as he got better at it. Aveiw can probably give better detail on this but this is what i remember.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-24 10:07:35

Batista Bomb
he fucking killed kane with that shit
i knew he would be able to do it to kane but the force he used in it
i am suprised the ring didn't collapse like it did with lesnar and show
**cough fake ring cough**

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-24 11:11:19

hey that was cool! It was so unexpected and totaly crazy, and I was shocked when I saw it happen. Was it rigged? Probably, but it was still and awsome stunt.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-24 14:32:10

hey can i join,if yes what number am i and has Roadogg been taken yet

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-24 14:40:17

At 3/24/05 02:32 PM, donnie_darko_lives wrote: hey can i join,if yes what number am i and has Roadogg been taken yet

hey good to have you here
sure you can join just wait for outlaw to give you a #
take roaddogg too if you want

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-24 19:04:17

24/05 08:17 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:

The main reason they made Tazz a commentator is that his neck had been a nagging problem for him ever since he broke it as aveiw pointed out. So to help keep him on the roster and all WWE let him do an angel with Lawler in trying to steal his spot, which he eventually did. He would have a few matches after that and an almost fued with Austin but he ended up statying with commentary as he got better at it. Aveiw can probably give better detail on this but this is what i remember.

Yeah, that's about the size of it, it was Tazz's choice to stay in that position, which I think personally was influenced by the fact that WWE really wasn't using him at all, and he realized he was good at commentary, and liked it. Tazz is in my mind the best color man in the business (especially during Paul Heyman's time as GM), I will not dispute that, the problem I have is that Tazz still had time left, and was never used to his maximum potential in WWE. But that's something I think we'll probably get into more with part 3 of my look at Taz tonight.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-24 20:35:37

How long has Scotty 2 Hotty been back. I used to love watching that guy do the worm. I saw him do it on JBL, that was great. But will GrandMaster Sexay come back, with Rikishi.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-24 20:40:06

Terry Funk confirmed on an appearance with the popular radio show Between The Ropes that he will in fact work BOTH the Hardcore Homecoming, and ECW: One Night Stand shows. He's not sure who his opponents will be, he's thinking/hoping to work with Tommy Dreamer again though (more on that when we cover Tommy Dreamer).

Excellent news, I think there's a possibility as well that he may face Tanaka, it would certainly be a good match for the Japanese audience (I'm assuming they'll be getting this PPV), as both Funk and Tanaka have extensive followings in the Japanese hardcore scene, and I believe both have worked for the now defunct FMW promotion (I know that Tanaka was a mainstay there).

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-24 20:45:12

At 3/24/05 08:35 PM, boloneyman wrote: How long has Scotty 2 Hotty been back. I used to love watching that guy do the worm. I saw him do it on JBL, that was great. But will GrandMaster Sexay come back, with Rikishi.

Grandmaster wore out his welcome awhile back, he had a basically one week return that he blew, after being fired for drug possesion. Rikishi was let go due to issues with his weight, and a feeling he was perhaps milking an injury. There really wasn't much left for either guy to do, ditto Scotty, who just seems to be circling the drain until they decide to downsize the roster again.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-24 20:48:54


What's the craziest match that you can think of?

Mine is a TLC match combined with the Hell in a Cell match. The belt hangs a few feet above the cell, so that means the only way you can win the match is getting on top of the cage. A ladder is already on top of the cell. That would be alot of help. The chairs and tables would also cause mayhem in the ring.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-24 22:26:36

LordKooler's Smackdown review
1.Big show segment
Like last week, Big show talks about being the biggest man in wrestling and his Sumo match against Akebono and shows footage of one of Akebono's matches. Then Luther Reigns comes out with a Jeep and says that the Big show always talks about how big he is. And says that the Jeep is Heavier than the Big show. At the end, After Big show attacked Reigns, He tried to lift up the jeep and after a few unsucsessful attempts, Big show finally tilted it over in his last attempt. It was a boring segment.
2.JBL vs Scotty 2 Hotty
It was originally Orlando jordan vs Scotty 2 Hotty for the U.S title, But it become a squash match when JBL got involved. At least it wasn't Shannon Moore.
3.Carlito segment
Theodore long came out and looked at the Jeep that the Big show tilted over earlier in the show and intuduced The King of Rock'n roll, Elvis presley. But it was really Carlito dressed up as Elvis. And he did some awful singing.
4.Charlie haas & Hardcore holly vs Eddie guerrero & Rey mysterio
Before the match, The undertaker appeared and said that he would sacrifice someone tonight to send a message to Randy orton. After Eddie & rey won, Rey talked out their match at Wrestlemania 21. Can eddie finally defeat rey mysterio?
5.Kurt angle segment
Shawn michael's music plays, But he doesn't come out. Instead Kurt angle comes out with Shawn's old manager, Senstional Sherri. It was just like last year when Brock Lesnar came out using Stone cold steve austin's music and driving his ATV before the Brock lesnar vs Goldberg stinker at Wrestlemania XX. Kurt talks about Sherri until Shawn michaels shows footage of his rivalry with Kurt angle. At the end, Angle attacks Sherri.
6.Dawn marie vs Michelle Mccool
Like the Rey mysterio & Eddie guerrero vs Charlie haas & Hardcore holly match, It features the Undertaker playing mind games on his random victim. But the victim wasn't Dawn or Michelle. Dawn won at the end.
7.Booker T vs Rene dupree
Finally, A Booker T match that Heidenreich isn't involved in. And Undertaker chose his victim in this match, And it was Rene dupree!
8.JBL vs John cena: The debate
It wasn't their match for the WWE championship, That match will be in 10 days. And if John cena attacks JBL before their match, The match is cancelled. But if JBL attacks John cena before Wrestlemania 21, John cena can fight back. It featured John cena giving JBL's limosine a flat tire, Putting graffitti on JBL limosine that says, "JBL Sucks."
Cutting JBL's tie, And filling JBL's Cowboy hat with water. Similar to when Eddie guerrero made people stuff food in JBL's hat last year.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-24 22:29:55

At 3/24/05 08:48 PM, justrude88 wrote: Justrude88's QUESTION OF THE WEEK!

What's the craziest match that you can think of?

Mine would be the elimation chamber and the chain is replaced with razor wire.

Bigshow 2 Cars 0

Omfg What a disgrace Angle did that was pitiful. Taping over HBK on the shirt he was wearing.

Carilto. Carribbean. Cool. This guys gets funnier every week, I spit in the face of fans that dont like CCC.

Well I hope that mysterio lose at WM. Think how eddie will be set back in the tag team division and not in the top carders.

Whoops watching your footing taker. I was hoping something better than a tombstone on stair for the sacifice.

Another worthless main event. Cena and JbL have a unstructured debt. Cena tries to get jbl to hit him so he can spaz out. But Hey Spring of Trivia already determined that a ten gallon hat can hold 2 gallons of water.

My WM Trailer Votes
Favorite Male Performance: JBL
Favorite Female Performance: Stacy Keibler
Best On Screen Tag Team: Ric Flair & Donkey
Best Punch Line: Christian – “I love you.”
Favorite Movie Trailer: Basic Instinct
NC-17 Award (Most Shocking Moment[More like funniest]: Mae gets “interrogated”
Taxi Driver "You talking to me" Award: Gene Snitsky
Best Hair: Kurt Angle
Most Promising Movie Star: John Cena [because he already is]

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-24 23:36:16

donnie_darko_lives you are # 121! Welcome to the club.

Big Show vs Jeep-- insane! He actually tipped it, cool.

CCC is now my hero. He gets funnier every week, and he really is co.. HEY! He bashed Funaki with the guitar! never-mind, he's not my hero.

Craziest match ever? hmmm
A Hell in the Cell/Casket match maybe... I dunno, i'll have to think on this.

Can't wait for part 3 of the bio!! Sweeeeet!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-24 23:57:17

Do you guys remember that site that darkdevel made for us? Well i decided to put our member list there so you can all see it anytime you want and it also serves as a backup for me.


BTW- Aveiw, did I ever give you a member number? I don't see your name on it so did you have a different name or did i not give you one?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-25 01:06:16

At 3/24/05 11:57 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: BTW- Aveiw, did I ever give you a member number? I don't see your name on it so did you have a different name or did i not give you one?

Never got a number because I really just started hanging around, never officially said "I'm joining" I think I was mostly doing a trial thing to see if this place was for serious fans, or just casual watchers who didn't care about anything beyond what was presented on TV. But now I'm pretty hooked

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-25 01:59:25

Taz had won the ECW Heavyweight Title. He was now a Triple Crown Winner, and he had reached the top of the heap...there was only one problem, he had no real opponents. As we all know, in these situations it's customary for the champion's initial feud to be a return bout with the former champion. But Douglas was going to WCW (he said he was retiring, I tend to think that what happened is he was going to retire, then WCW threw some money at him, and his ass went there, I'm still pretty pissed that he lied and left another guy in the lurch), so Taz could not really feud with a guy who was on his way out as Paul Heyman decided Douglas's last feud would be with Justin Credible to help establish him further. Taz was inserted into a quick feud with Sabu to get him through the February Living Dangerously PPV. The match is historic as with his victory, Taz unified the Heavyweight, and FTW titles (Sabu hated holding the thing, and without Taz's grudge with Douglas, the belt no longer had any meaning).

I would love to be able to dominate this post with the classic bouts that Taz had as ECW Champion, but frankly, I can't. Taz became champion at a time when ECW had lost a lot of top acts, and were going into a rebuilding process. The nature of Taz's character as supreme badass didn't help either as there was almost no one you could put against him, and have him sell for that could convincingly hurt him. He was jumped by The Dudley's once, he was attacked by the newly formed Impact Players, but he beat off both challenges. He was engaged in a sort of non-physical feud with Steve Corino, where Corino being too small and geeky (he grew some balls later) to fight Taz himself, would send in guys to do it for him, Rhino debuted in ECW being squashed by Taz, Tajiri fought Taz at Heatwave 99, and while they had a good match, Taz pretty much smashed him, as no one doubted, the match is also notable for Taz ripping a piece of barbed wire from the ECW sign and stuffing it in Tajiri's mouth, cameras cut away as Joey Styles screamed about how "that miserable bastard is gonna get us kicked off PPV!"

By September, rumors were swirling that Taz was leaving, and that he and Paul E. had had a falling out. The Dudleys had departed in August, and indeed, Taz was going as well. Paul E. had taken the stance that if anyone didn't like what they were payed, they could pick up and go. Taz needed more money, and realized there was no challenge left for him in ECW, he was like Superman battling a bunch of Batman's non-powered villians (no disrespect intended to the roster, I'm just trying to give an illustration of the kind of mismatch that Taz vs. just about anybody in ECW at the time was), perhaps Taz realized that as well. He was booked for a title match against Masato Tanaka at Anarchy Rulz. To build up Tanaka, he had a match with long time rival Mike Awesome on Hardcore TV, ECW's syndicated show, and then footage of Tanaka winning that match were used to build him up for his match with Taz. When the match was to begin, Awesome burst through the crowd with Judge Jeff Jones (former heel ref, gone manager...gee, where have we seen that before?) who had stooged off the fact that footage of Tanaka beating Awesome was being used to fuel the match. Awesome wanted payback, but Paul Heyman and security tried to send him out. Taz got on the mic and said if Awesome wanted some, he could have some. Heyman then ordered the match be changed to a Three Way Dance, and Awesome was released. After a brutal few minutes, Taz was pinned by both challengers and eliminated. Awesome eventually won the match, and the belt. Taz then came out, and raised Awesome's hand high, as the crowd chanted his name, Taz held up his hand, shook his head, pointed at Awesome and mouthed "you cheer for him now", he got on the mic and said that Awesome was now the champion, and he was the fans champion, and he walked up the ramp. The locker room greeted him in an impromptu and emotional ceremony, with tears in everyone's eyes, they hugged, and celebrated, and raised the hand of a man who was one of the true legends of extreme. Taz's last few matches were put over jobs, and he was turned heel for them, something I totally disagree with. He finished his ECW commitments at the November to Remember putting over Rob Van Dam who was TV champ. We all thought we'd seen Taz's last bout.

In April, Awesome had signed a deal with WCW, while ECW champion. He created a lot of heat as he basically held the belt hostage to get out of his contract, and of course, Eric Bischoff received tons of heat for yet another cheap bullshit tactic. ECW needed Awesome to drop the belt, and fast, before Bischoff could have him disgrace it. While the lawyers stared each other down, Paul E. placed a call to Vince Mcmahon...he needed Taz. Taz came in on his day off, and defeated Awesome to begin his second ECW title reign, a total surprise, a historic surprise (as a WWF contracted wrestler, beat a WCW contracted wrestler, in an ECW ring), and Awesome left flanked by security as the fans really wanted him dead for what he'd done. Taz wrestled once on Smackdown! with the belt, jobbing to Triple H (I will never forgive Vince for that shit), and then dropped the belt to Tommy Dreamer. In my mind, this makes Taz the best ECW Champion ever, as very few men in the business would have come back and done such a favor for a promotion they no longer worked for.

Taz made one more ECW appearance, at the last Hardcore TV taping (we didn't know it at the time), as he congratulated his students, Danny Doring and Roadkill, who were tag champs at the time, on all their success, and told them how proud he was of them. It is the sort of moment that is quintessential Taz, and quintessential ECW.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-25 02:32:03

At 3/24/05 11:57 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: Do you guys remember that site that darkdevel made for us? Well i decided to put our member list there so you can all see it anytime you want and it also serves as a backup for me.

Of course I was the first to post in it.

BTW- Aveiw, did I ever give you a member number? I don't see your name on it so did you have a different name or did i not give you one?

I think he would get number 4 he posted on the first page. So I would be #25, boo. Or just determine when he became a regular member.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-25 03:59:27

At 3/25/05 02:32 AM, Iscrulz wrote: I think he would get number 4 he posted on the first page. So I would be #25, boo. Or just determine when he became a regular member.

I did? *looks back, sees incredibly pissed off bitching post*, and so I did. Well, still true of the PPV's, and things still suck pretty much as badly as they did then, but at least I have One Night Stand to look forward to, and the prayer that RVD is right and these ECW shows will be annual.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-25 04:10:21

outlaw and iscrulz i made you guys mods on our user forums so you guys and me can update them as needed

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-25 08:13:32

At 3/25/05 02:32 AM, Iscrulz wrote:

I think he would get number 4 he posted on the first page. So I would be #25, boo. Or just determine when he became a regular member.

when I made the list I only included people who wanted to join. We get a lot of people who just run-in, scream something, and never come back. Sooo since I don't want to throw off any numbers right now...

Aveiw- you are now offically # 122! Yeah you were here longer but now it's offfical.

Those later things Taz did are the things I got to see. Really a good guy and awsome wrestler.

Thanks DD.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-25 11:58:29

i need to know if the match that Roadogg had at Armageddon 2000 where he was partnered wit K-kwik in the four team match was his last match in the WWE. if it wasn't let me know