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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-20 00:10:18

do you think that once they film the PPV and everything they will relese it on DVD soon after? I hope so cause I might not be able to order it.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-20 00:12:41

Well, WWE has officially confirmed ECW: One Night Stand for 6/12 from the Hammerstein Ballroom. It's going to be interesting to see how they promote this show, as to me, everything from the name, to the way it's being booked says to me that this is not the beginning of an ECW brand, as Vince Mcmahon has teased possibly happening, but is actually a one night tribute show, that WILL involve contracted talent from both rosters, as well as the outside talent that has been contracted.

I'm trying to think of some good ways to really get you guys as psyched as I am for this show, I've been to the Hammerstein for ECW's second to last PPV, and have obviously seen all of the performers that will be there work. I'm thinking maybe I could do a series of stories about the building, and then the talent involved, also some places you could find them on video (sort of like my Raven bio, which I really enjoyed doing). But before I do, I just wanted to ask if you guys would be willing to sit through that, or if there was anything I could specifically do that would get you more interested.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-20 00:15:46

I'm already interested and uber excited about this, and I would really enjoy more of your bio's and stories. This is something special, a real tribute to a brand that really could have made it had fate not been so cruel.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-20 00:19:43

At 3/20/05 12:10 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: do you think that once they film the PPV and everything they will relese it on DVD soon after? I hope so cause I might not be able to order it.

As I said, it will be a package deal, but the double-shot of One Night Stand and Rise and Fall will hit in early July, WWE is very much looking to capatilize off what they I'm sure expect to be a huge PPV for them. I have said previously that I expect it's buyrate to rival Mania's.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-20 00:38:04

I'll try and get a bio done for you guys tommorow, I'm eyeing Sandman obviously because he really IS ECW, and it would be criminal of me to let anyone buy this PPV not knowing who he is, and what he meant to ECW. Also, I may do a bit of research here as well to get all of my facts straight, since he was involved in many important angles for the company.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-20 01:00:16

At 3/20/05 12:12 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: But before I do, I just wanted to ask if you guys would be willing to sit through that, or if there was anything I could specifically do that would get you more interested.

Please do, I enjoy reading storys and what not. Plus, when you're up at 1am, you don't have much to do, so I think it's a great idea.

At 3/20/05 12:38 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: I'll try and get a bio done for you guys tommorow, I'm eyeing Sandman obviously because he really IS ECW, and it would be criminal of me to let anyone buy this PPV not knowing who he is, and what he meant to ECW.

I would love to know more about him. I'm trying to learn as much ECW history as I can.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-20 02:04:19

TNA Impact Review (4pm Friday was cancelled do to college hockey.)

The show starts off with pictures of the Jarrett DDP match. Monty Brown has joined the dark side. Next PPV is set for Sunday April 24 Lockdown. With not one but two steel cage matches.

-Terrelle Clark v. The Fallen Angel- winner Daniels by Angelwings. Ok the crowd was chanting fallen angel. I sure he is %100 heel. The must respect the X-division Champ whoever it is. Clark with an impressive ddt. Goes to the top rope for 6:30( whatever that is) but Daniels throws him off. After the match he gets the mic from the announce table and says he is Mr. TNA. Primetime comes out and laughs, Skipper: I heard that thousand times. Then walks away

-Mikey Batts v. Kid Kash- winner KK by the Moneymaker**. Batts was at a disadvantage with Lance Hoyt distracting the ref and what not. During the middle of the match. Batts jumps over the tope rope and attempts to cross body Hoyt, but fail and is rammed in to the ring post. I would say minimum damage was done...**Near the end of the match Kash was on the top rope he flips across the whole (nearly) ring and kicks Batts in the back while Batts was in sitting position.

A promo of 3LK is shown. Konnan is still mad at BGJames from the gitarshot. They discuss Outlaw is trying to "Put a wedge between them" BGJames and Outlaw were former tag partners in the passed. I know nothing about it anyone care to tell><.

-Dustin Rhodes and AMW v. Naturals and Chris Candido- winner Amw by Death Sentence. The match started out with Rhodes and Candido in the ring while the rest brawled outside the ring. Wow once AMW got in the ring the picked a naturals up and tossed him to another naturals like a battering ram. Candido gets the same treatment but nope he is setup on Rhodes for a powerbomb. Double team move here and there Amw is on fire finished with Hardy Boyz leg drop (taken from SD v. Raw game).

Mike Tenay is in the ring for an interview with Jeff Jarrett. It was just to announce Alpha Male sold out and joined team Jarrett. Nothing else happened.

American Dream tells his secretaries Tracy and trinity that they’re both his personal secretaries. Even while team Tracy won at ppv.

-Shocker (Impact debut from CML in Mexico and was in a MickyDs commercial) v. David Young (1-xx) i.e. [won-loss record current]- winner Shocker by Shockwave didn’t look like a finisher more off a reversal to hard to explain. The match was too short I was missed most of it taking notes (commercials are to short to write all the stuff down) LOL Young is back on a losing streak I hope. The worst won-loss record is his to keep.

-DDP and Sean Waltman (X-pac) v. Lovett and Quatermain- [guest commentary by Nash] winner Page by Diamond Cutter (the original RKO). The beginning of the match DDP and X-pac had control of the match. A little later X-pac missed his signature broncobuster. Now Lovett and Quatermain (I could tell the difference between the two sorry) have X-pac out numbered, but DDP is tagged in. Yea X-pac hits the bb on both L and B. Ah a simple diamond cutter wins.
After the match Nash gets in the ring. He calls out the DOA and Dusty comes out and listens. Nash: Me, Sean and DDP want the Outlaw, AlphaMale and Jarrett in a steel cage. Rhodes: Erm a yous have to wait for next week.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-20 12:32:52

awsome review! I really need to start watching TNA again.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-21 02:50:52

Jim Fullington was a marginal wrestler with a bad gimmick. That's true of a lot of guys on the indy scene. Fullington went by the name The Sandman, and was cast as a surfer, he had the blond hair, and the look of someone who could possibly be spending his day on the beachs (except of course for the fact that he wasn't a terribly athletic looking bastard). It was a pretty bad gimmick, for a pretty marginal guy...so how is it that James Fullington is remembered so fondly by the fans of the ECW promotion as "The Hardcore Icon"? How is it that the name of "The Sandman" has become synonomous with extreme? Read on, and you'll see.

The Sandman was transforming from the surfer under the brilliant mind of Paul Heyman. The breakout feud was with ECW mainstay Tommy Dreamer (who at this point was basically just knocking around aimlessly). Heyman decided to rip an idea from the headlines. The country was abuzz over the punishment an American boy had received in Singapore because of some graphitti he had spray painted. The boy was repeatedly hit with a cane as was common practice. Well, America just didn't like that, big incident, Paul E. has an idea. He gives The Sandman a "Sinapore Cane" (or in martial arts parlance a Kendo Stick), and sets up a match between the Sandman and Dreamer in which the loser is caned. Dreamer loses, and takes some of the most awful shots to the back I've ever seen, he BLED, Sandman hit him so hard and still, Tommy wanted more. It was a brilliant match, which began a brilliant rivalry, culminating in Dreamer caneing Sandman in the face, and blinding him. This was a HUGE angle, probably THE angle for ECW at the time, as cameras went into the dressing room to show everyone austricizing Dreamer for legitimately hurting, and probably retiring, one of "the boys". Now this sort of thing happens all the time, but back in 94? No cameras ever went into the locker room ever. Sandman to his credit sold the angle like a champ, he stayed home for the duration, and didn't even answer his door! He completely sold eveyone that he was blind. This led to Sandman coming to television where Dreamer would publicly apologize, and officially retire, as Dreamer made his speech, Sandman ripped off the bandages on his eyes, and brutally caned Dreamer, making him instantly the biggest heel in the company. All this is recounted on The Rise and Fall of ECW.

From his wave of momentum, the Sandman got a crack at the departing Shane Douglas at Hostile City Showdown 95, capturing his second of 5 eventual ECW championships (although in the Extreme version of the belt, it was four, since ECW does not recognize it's title history from the time they were Eastern Championship Wrestling). Douglas departed to the WWF, and The Sandman began defending the belt against guys like Axl Rotten, and Cactus, Jack Mic Foley. The Foley match is decent, but really, at this point, Sandman was still building his rep, and if you're not into brawls, these matches won't offer you much enjoyment. But this was the beginning of the publicizing of the beer swilling, and chain smoking persona that would ultimately make Sandman a legend. Which Steve Austin later ripped off to great success in WWE.

Speaking of Steve Austin, yep, he and The Sandman tangled when Austin came into ECW. Austin had a chip on his shoulder from WCW, and Austin, feeling he was bigger then ECW, came in and challenged The Sandman at the beginning of a match with Mikey Whipwreck (Sandman had gone face at this point). Austin learned the folly of his challenge when Sandman caned him pretty good for his troubles, it took the entire locker room to pull them apart. This short, brutal, feud culminated in a three way dance, between Whipwreck (who had won the belt on a fluke, as he always did at that time having absolutely no real offensive ability at first, but by that time, was developing into a very talented wrestler), The Sandman, and Austin. Whipwreck was eliminated by Austin with the "stun gun" (it's where you slingshot your opponent onto the top rope neck first, it only worked in ECW because you couldn't ever be disqualified. Sandman pinned Austin, however, it must be pointed out, Austin's foot was very clearly on the rope. That is how the Sandman, ECW's biggest name, can claim to hold a victory over the WWE's biggest name, the biggest name in the history of wrestling. This also, if I'm not mistaken, marked Sandman's second heavyweight title reign (Also at this time, Sandman was simultaneously tag champs with 2 Cold Scorpio, a feat not seen before, or since the Sandman accomplished it, of holding both the heavyweight belt, and one half of the tag belts simultaneously).

This reign however would be ended by Raven. Around this time, the beginning of the Raven/Sandman issue began, and on and off feud we covered in depth already in our Raven bio earlier, so I don't think it needs recounting here. The only thing I will mention that I didn't mention previously is that Sandman won the belt back for the third time in a very interesting tag match by beating Stevie Richards, who was defending the belt by proxy for Raven.

Sandman's next major feud would be with probably the only man in the company sicker then he was, Sabu. The feud began because Sabu had stolen a victory from the Hardcore Icon, and they wanted to prove who the better man was. It culminated, in a match that is frankly, nearly unwatchable because of it's brutality, the Stairway to Hell. In a Stairway to Hell, a weapon is suspended above the ring (in this case barbed wire) and the opponents scramble to be the first to get it so they can be the first to use it on the other. It was a match which saw Sabu break his jaw, and both men lacerated and bleeding, announcer Joey Styles commented:"This may be the hardest match I've ever had to call, what you're watching is not wrestling, it defies ultimate combat, it's just inhuman..."

The last major feud of The Sandman's initial run in ECW was against newcomer Justin Credible. Credible had a big chip on his shoulder after failing to catch on in the WWF as Aldo Montoya, and PJ Walker. Sandman left to have a horrible run as Hardcore Hak in WCW. Credible took his cane, and his name, proclaiming himself the "Hardcore Icon" for years after. The Sandman meanwhile languished in WCW, until finally being released, and going home...

The year was 1995, the event was the Hostile City Showdown 95

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-21 03:02:47

Just a little commentary on the first part of The Sandman's bio.

I'll be hitting the sack soon, so I'll be doing part two tommorow, it will have a bit more detail of individual events then the last part. I apologize for those who felt there wasn't enough detail on his first run, but I wanted all of that to be in the first part, and I was using mostly archival footage I have from a tribute tape of The Sandman to keep things straight and on the record. Also, I really do feel (and other ECW experts can dispute me if they like) that Sandman created his popularity by being branded as the company icon due to the violence of his matches, and the blue collar nature of his persona (like how Austin carved out his popularity in WWE), and it was more about that, and the fact that he fought guys with very dangerous reps in exceedingly violent match ups, that made him the legend he is in ECW.

Tommorow, we'll look at The Sandman's return to ECW, his last major feud, his last, historic title win, and the last piece of history The Sandman made in ECW, that can NEVER be taken away from him. Hope you'll enjoy it.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-21 08:00:28

I knew some of that but you sure filled me in on a lot of things I didn't know. Kickass bio so far!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-21 08:26:21

Some updates:
from wrestlezone.com
We've just been told that Marty Jannetty signed a contract with WWE after wrestling Kurt Angle on SmackDown!.

We don't have this confirmed but we're told he will be on the RAW brand and will interact with Shawn Michaels in some way, shape, or form.

WWE is hopeful Mark Henry can be getting back in action in two months. He recently tore his quad in OVW.

- Carlito Caribbean Cool is headed back to Puerto Rico on 3/26 to work the WWC show at the Juan Loubriel Stadium in Bayamon. He is also scheduled to work the 3/27 show.

- The current plan is for the Shane Twins to debut on "Raw" after Wrestlemania.

- ROH regular John Walters was paid $250 to be squashed by Chris Masters on "Raw."

- Mick Foley is planning on wrestling an independent date on 5/7 in Johnson City, TN, In memory of former WCW referee Mark Curtis.

Booker T's real life wife Sharmell Sullivan (she used to be a backstage WWE interviewer but was released) is being brought in for an angle with Heidenrich & Booker T. The planned storyline was a 'kidnapping' angle. We'll keep you posted.

To update an earlier report on Hogan and Hassan at WrestleMania 21, all we know is that there have been talks about Hogan wrestling and that's about all there is to it. The feeling is that is will not happen right now but is still open for discussion. It is also well known that Hogan's asking price to wrestle is insanely high and with only a few weeks before the actual show, there really wouldn't be the build that WWE would want. We do know there is a match in the works between Austin and Hassan in the future. As for Hassan at 'Mania, look for a run-in of sorts unless Hogan and WWE come to terms.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-21 11:01:45

At 3/21/05 08:26 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Some updates:
from wrestlezone.com
We've just been told that Marty Jannetty signed a contract with WWE after wrestling Kurt Angle on SmackDown!.

We don't have this confirmed but we're told he will be on the RAW brand and will interact with Shawn Michaels in some way, shape, or form

kickass mabe we can have the rockers back for good

WWE is hopeful Mark Henry can be getting back in action in two months. He recently tore his quad in OVW.

good sexual chocolate is coming in time for the easter bunny to leave him some candy

- Carlito Caribbean Cool is headed back to Puerto Rico on 3/26 to work the WWC show at the Juan Loubriel Stadium in Bayamon. He is also scheduled to work the 3/27 show.

lets hope he stays there

- The current plan is for the Shane Twins to debut on "Raw" after Wrestlemania.

- ROH regular John Walters was paid $250 to be squashed by Chris Masters on "Raw."

hahaha i love jobbers

- Mick Foley is planning on wrestling an independent date on 5/7 in Johnson City, TN, In memory of former WCW referee Mark Curtis.

why can't he just fucking wrestle here

Booker T's real life wife Sharmell Sullivan (she used to be a backstage WWE interviewer but was released) is being brought in for an angle with Heidenrich & Booker T. The planned storyline was a 'kidnapping' angle. We'll keep you posted.

that will be almost like the undertaker and brock lesnar where he stalked undertakers wife

To update an earlier report on Hogan and Hassan at WrestleMania 21, all we know is that there have been talks about Hogan wrestling and that's about all there is to it. The feeling is that is will not happen right now but is still open for discussion. It is also well known that Hogan's asking price to wrestle is insanely high and with only a few weeks before the actual show, there really wouldn't be the build that WWE would want. We do know there is a match in the works between Austin and Hassan in the future. As for Hassan at 'Mania, look for a run-in of sorts unless Hogan and WWE come to terms.

i wish hogan would just not wrestle cause it makes me cry with emotion of old-times

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-21 12:52:12

At 3/21/05 08:26 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Some updates:
from wrestlezone.com
We've just been told that Marty Jannetty signed a contract with WWE after wrestling Kurt Angle on SmackDown!.

Nice, I heard nothing but good things about Jannetty's work on the show.

WWE is hopeful Mark Henry can be getting back in action in two months. He recently tore his quad in OVW.

Meh, guy has never really shown anything worthwhile in my mind.

- Carlito Caribbean Cool is headed back to Puerto Rico on 3/26 to work the WWC show at the Juan Loubriel Stadium in Bayamon. He is also scheduled to work the 3/27 show.

That's cool, I think his father works there, so this is probably a family favor then.

- The current plan is for the Shane Twins to debut on "Raw" after Wrestlemania.

My sources have actually said it'll be Smackdown!, they've worked dark matches there if I recall correctly, and they were definitely told they would be facing The Dudleys in their first major feud post-Mania.

- Mick Foley is planning on wrestling an independent date on 5/7 in Johnson City, TN, In memory of former WCW referee Mark Curtis.

That would be the annual charity memorial show, Foley was extremely close with Curtis (real name Brian Hildebrand) as they are both students of Dominic Denucci, and lived together early on in their careers, they also worked in SMW together.

Booker T's real life wife Sharmell Sullivan (she used to be a backstage WWE interviewer but was released) is being brought in for an angle with Heidenrich & Booker T. The planned storyline was a 'kidnapping' angle. We'll keep you posted.

Oh good god...I don't want to see that...I don't need to see that...I hated it when DDP and Taker did it, I'm going to hate it even more now that Heidensuck will be involved.

To update an earlier report on Hogan and Hassan at WrestleMania 21, all we know is that there have been talks about Hogan wrestling and that's about all there is to it. The feeling is that is will not happen right now but is still open for discussion. It is also well known that Hogan's asking price to wrestle is insanely high and with only a few weeks before the actual show, there really wouldn't be the build that WWE would want. We do know there is a match in the works between Austin and Hassan in the future. As for Hassan at 'Mania, look for a run-in of sorts unless Hogan and WWE come to terms.

Again, from what I heard, it's almost a lock that they will get Hogan to do the appearance, it's possible things changed, but I hadn't heard that they had, I always figured that WWE wouldn't really build this, that it would be like when Hogan won the belt for the 5th time at Mania 9 when Yokozuna issued an open challenge. Hassan would challenge any American to fight him, and Hogan would come out.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-21 13:18:00

yeah, I had heard that the shane twins would be on SD too.

It was Taker and DDP not Brock. It was a uber crappy angel then and it will be now.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-21 13:19:46

At 3/21/05 01:18 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: yeah, I had heard that the shane twins would be on SD too.

It was Taker and DDP not Brock. It was a uber crappy angel then and it will be now.

yea ddp and kanyon had one too but the most recent one with taker is with lesnar about three years ago
witth the ddp one he and kanyon stalked his wife
brock was actually physically doing stuff like touching her and shit

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-21 13:28:35

I don't remember that.. course all I remember about Brock was that he ran in and F-5ed people, won the KOTR, became champ, and then left.

And that is Brocks storied career right there! Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all night.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-21 13:30:03

outlaw i couldn't have put it any better

**cries in happines** encore encore

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-21 17:02:05

At 3/21/05 01:28 PM, Outlaw88 wrote:
And that is Brocks storied career right there! Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all night.

And to add he fueud with angle for about 2 years changing from heel to face to heel. And the former youngest heavyweight champion.

Mighty fine Sandman bio. I love my ecw dvd. The only person I never heard of is Axl Rotten.
Diidnt ECW have a loser belt. I cant remember where I found out maybe it was from watching a dvd.

Ohh boy booker and heidinrich angle is going to suck. Pretty much when family members are involved it will turn out bad (based on current times)

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-21 17:43:37

Man, that Sandman bio was one of the best things I've read this past week. Very iformative and indeapth. I'm looking forward to the second half tonight. :)

But how much is Hogan asking for? I mean, he's good and all, back in the day, but now he's old, like Rick Flare, and needs to retire. It's better to go out as a Legend at the top of your carrear, then go out as a failure at the last ends of your rope. :/

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-21 17:45:25

a loser belt? I don't think so. Aveiw will definatly know all the ecw titles but here are the ones I know of: ECW title, TV title, Tag Titles, FTW title (This was Tazz's custome belt, only he and sabu were title holders of this. FTW stands for F the world, i think). I have no idea if there were more official onews, I don't think they had a lightweight/cruiserweight title, but maybe they did. I dunno.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-21 23:38:28

Abbervation raw. review

Um I forgot. Most of the show. I hope Hassan doesnt screw up next weeks match.

Hooray C&E won.

Beniot vs Tomko filler match. He goes for the head butt wow what a miss but hell lets just both sell it.

Everyone knew batista was going to win.

Hight light of the night. Randy and Stacey finish locking lips. Randy: I have a message and... RKO. Our poor Candian friends are wtf happen. Orton I would say is officially heel.

Raw phrase of the day HHH: I will be him like a bag of puppys (or something like that)

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-21 23:41:32

At 3/21/05 11:38 PM, Iscrulz wrote: Abbervation raw. review

Um I forgot. Most of the show. I hope Hassan doesnt screw up next weeks match.

Hooray C&E won.

Beniot vs Tomko filler match. He goes for the head butt wow what a miss but hell lets just both sell it.

Everyone knew batista was going to win.

Hight light of the night. Randy and Stacey finish locking lips. Randy: I have a message and... RKO. Our poor Candian friends are wtf happen. Orton I would say is officially heel.

Raw phrase of the day HHH: I will be him like a bag of puppys (or something like that)

So, wait, Orton RKOed Stacy? Who won between Benoit and Tomko? Who are C&E? I missed all of tonights RAW. Wah.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-22 01:57:36

At 3/21/05 05:45 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: a loser belt? I don't think so. Aveiw will definatly know all the ecw titles but here are the ones I know of: ECW title, TV title, Tag Titles, FTW title (This was Tazz's custome belt, only he and sabu were title holders of this. FTW stands for F the world, i think). I have no idea if there were more official onews, I don't think they had a lightweight/cruiserweight title, but maybe they did. I dunno.

The belts you listed are the only one's that graced ECW, the FTW title it should be pointed out, was an unrecognized title. Sabu was pissed to win it too, since it had Taz's name permanently engraved on it (they never planned for him to lose it) so he took tape and a sharpie and wrote his name on it. He and Taz had legitimate heat.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-22 02:18:33

At 3/21/05 11:41 PM, chachibenji wrote:
So, wait, Orton RKOed Stacy? Who won between Benoit and Tomko? Who are C&E? I missed all of tonights RAW. Wah.

Benoit by submission. A nice crossface. Actually over the face.
Christian and Edge (normally its E&C but since what Edge did)

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-22 02:32:59

Ok, Second half time, almost didn't get to it because of a bunch of other issues cropping up (running a website sucks sometimes). When we left off yesterday, Sandman was coming back from WCW.

Paul E. swore he didn't want The Sandman. I think deep down we all knew it was crap from the moment he said it. In early Oct. I want to say, 1999, The Sandman re-debuted on ECW's syndicated TV Show. The lights went out, a huge spotlight hit him on the top of the crowd, and his music was blaring, The Hardcore Icon had returned! A quick word here about The Sandman's new entrance: This is the second best entrance experience I have ever been a part of, the music pumps your adrenaline up, The Sandman in the crowd, knowing who he is, what he'll do, makes you rabid. Then he gets into the ring, smashes his beer can across his forehead, busting himself open, and damned if you don't just want him to kill the sorry bastard he's working with. Disbelief completely suspended.

The first month or so of Sandman's tenure was retreading old ground, he teamed with Tommy and Raven against The Impact Players (Justin Credible and Lance Storm) and thier partner who's identity escapes me at the 1999 November to Remember (ECW's version of Wrestlemania). After they beat the Players, Sandman showed Raven nothing was forgiven, or forgotten, by viciously caning him (we've covered this period also in the earlier Raven bio, don't want to eat up space with it here).

Sandman found a new feud which would carry him to pretty much the end of ECW: Rhino. Forget the Rhyno you watch now, ECW's Rhino was big, mean, and unstoppable. In the midst of a monstrous push as World TV Champ, a feud with The Sandman was just the ticket to bringing Rhino into the main events. It also benefited Sandman as the billing of their first major confrontation was that if Sandman could win the TV Title, he would be a Triple Crown Winner (holding all three ECW titles in his career, only Shane Douglas, Mikey Whipwreck, Sabu, and Taz have ever accomplished that feat). When his bid for the belt failed...Rhino made it personal. In an angle I still disagree with to this day (because damn it, she's not a wrestler, she isn't trained, and it was irresponsible as hell to let her do it), Rhino grabbbed The Sandman's wife Laurie Fullington after laying Sandman out. Hoisted her high on the ring apron in Sit-Out Piledriver position (this is where you hold the intended victim like a standard piledriver, however their legs bend over your shoulders, and when you drop, you split you're legs so there can be no covering their head on impact), and piledrove her FROM THE EDGE OF THE APRON THROUGH A TABLE!!! It's one of the sickest stunts I've seen, and luckily, Laurie wasn't hurt, though of course, the angle was that her neck was now broken, and she even appeared in a cast a few times to sell it. Now the feud wasn't just about the TV Title, it was about blood. Sandman and Rhino had about two more matches, and Rhino beat him both times, the point of the feud was so Rhino could have the cred of beating The Sandman repeatedly to establish his monster rep further.

From here, Sandman got back into the World Title picture. In September 2000, Jerry Lynn ended the five-month title reign of Justin Credible, and was set to defend the belt against Credible, Steve Corino, and Sandman in a Double Jeopardy match at the November to Remember (incidentally, it would be the last November to Remember ever held). The rules were this: All four men in the ring at once, HOWEVER, Jerry Lynn would only be allowed to wrestle, or beat Credible, and Sandman would only be allowed to wrestle and beat Corino. In a brutal match, the first eliminations occured by simultaneous covers: Lynn and The Sandman were out. The crowd was PISSED! They went dead silent at the idea, not just because they wanted Sandman to win, but it was obvious he'd actually TRAINED for this! His beer gut was gone, and he actually was pretty muscled up. Sandman and Lynn both sat on the outside trying to get the crowd back into the match, and did so to a decent degree, when Corino won the belt at the end, the crowd was cheering, and back into the moment. At the December PPV, Massacre on 34th Street (which I attended), Corino defended the belt in a three way dance against Jerry Lynn and Justin Credible. Corino defeated them, but then "Enter Sandman" blared on the PA, The Sandman charged the ring and canned Corino, picking up the Heavyweight title he grabbed a mic: "YO! You may be the World Heavyweight Champion...but this belt...now...belongs...to...ME!" The place went NUTS! Chants of "Fuck him up Sandman!" and "Sandman! Sandman!" rang out. Hell, I was a big Steve Corino fan then, but even I wanted Sandman to fucking kill him. That's the power that man had over us.

This led to weeks of Corino and his manager Jack Victory trying to get the belt back, and always failing and getting beaten up in the process. At Guilty as Charged 2001 (the last ECW PPV), the issue was to be settled, as Corino defended against The Sandman, and Justin Credible in a Tables, Ladders, and Canes match. Was personally unhappy with this idea, since it was ripping off a WWE concept, and I felt Paul E. could do better. Sandman prevailed here capturing his 4th ECW Title (actually his fifth counting the Eastern title win) which made him the most prolific ECW champ of all time. The celebration was marred as Rhino came out and attacked the Sandman, challenging him on the spot for the belt. Sandman excepted, and was made pretty short work of by Rhino, who beat him and became the last ECW Champion.

The last piece of history the Sandman would make is that he wrestled ECW's last two matches in Pine Bluff Ark, January 13th, 2001. He was first defeated by Justin Credible, and then defeated him in a return bout (I'm hazy on how this all happened because this was not a televised show). The crew came out and all shared a beer as ECW was scheduled to go dark for a little while after this show as Paul Heyman looked for a new cable deal...it never materialized, and this stands as ECW's last event. It pisses me off to no end.

The Sandman is scheduled to be returning at ECW One Night Stand, he has MANY of his old opponents also scheduled, or expected to show (Credible, Rhyno, Sabu), there cannot be a tribute to ECW without the Extreme Icon. Thank God there won't be. Get ready to Enter The Sandman, one final time.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-22 06:08:33

Sandman is truly the embodiment of ECW. Screw Taz, Rhino, and Sabu. That cane-swinging maniac is as extreme as you can get in this business.

Carlito is coming back here? And you guys think he sucks? Listen to me for a moment. For one reason or another, WWE is not using him as well as they could. Granted, Carlito isn't the best wrestler from Puerto Rico, but damn it, he isn't as bad as he has been in WWE, either. But it HAS to be a family favor. WWC is owned by his dad, national icon Carlitos Colon (whom kicked Ric Flair's ass more times than the Nature Boy would like to recall), and the company blows beyond belief. Even WITH the TNA talent that comes down here once in a while.

But anywho, what I would really like to know is if Steve Austin is coming back to WRESTLE? If he's coming back to just be a nuisance like he did in 2003, he can stay in Victoria. We don't want Steve Williams, we want STONE COLD. Well, at least the majority want him.

Later, mortals

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-22 08:03:05

I got nothing againts ol' chia head, cept I didn't see him wrestle much since he got hurt so early on.

Did you guys see that hilarious commercial done in outake style? The one where they kept sayig "You talkin to me?" That right there is the best one. Hands down.

Austin will not be wrestling. His neck is too bad for that.

awsome sandman bio, i only got to see him in action a few times.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-22 13:28:56

Austin still might have a big match or two left in him he says, but yeah, I really doubt Vince would even run the risk of permanently injuring him.

With Sandman done, I'll need to move on to somebody new biography wise, I'm thinking about possibly Taz or Dreamer, maybe even The Dudleys. I want to pretty much stick with the big names of ECW for now, and work my way down to the guys who didn't really headline. Any preferences in this area are welcome.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-23 07:56:13

I want to hear one about Sabu personally. I know absolutly nothing about him. But if not I'd want to hear about Taz first.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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