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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-07 09:08:11

I don't know if you have heard this but former TNA superstar Frankie Kazarian will move into the WWE mybe after WrestleMania. I think he'll be on Smackdown for the cruiserweight championship. But i really love to see AJ to be on the WWE (my personal opinion).

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-07 10:05:58

i'm sick of smackdown and all their little crusier weights.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-07 10:42:05

At 3/7/05 10:05 AM, AnzRage wrote: i'm sick of smackdown and all their little crusier weights.

lil bastatds, there like ants, they get everywhere. i think they should do a cruiserweight division versus the big show and see how it turns out :P

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-07 12:37:55

hey come on, the cruisers are some of the most talented wrestlers on the roster.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-07 14:54:27

Indeed they are. Some of them can go up against the bigger guys and win in fair match. But I have to say I'm seening more and more of them pop-up. :/

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-07 22:20:40

yo, i think they're trying to push randy back into a heel spot so they can mae taker maintain the streak. then again, a lot of people might have already known that but i just thought of it now.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-07 22:28:46

if they don't i will be pissed because i hate face vs. face or heel vs. heel matches

it is impossible to hate taker
hell or face you gotta love him and the crowd goes wild

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-07 23:01:30

a-fuckin-men.... taker needs to win, i don't know if i'd root for anyone over him at wrestlemenia... maybe in some other cases, but not many for sure

yo aview, whenever you get a chance, could you give a summary of undertaker's transition from dead man to biker and back? all i know is vince beat him in a buried alive match at survivor series (03?) and he came back as the deadman... but i stopped watching for 4 years so i dont know much.... thanks, bro

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-07 23:05:33

sorry to double post, but ric flair didnt even come CLOSE to batista's head with those rights a minute or two ago... it was... ugly lol they need to teach him that shit again haha

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-07 23:09:35

i will give a simple one

At survivor series 03 taker went against mcmahon in a buried alive match. Wiht thehelp of kane taker was buried alive. Then starting in January of 04 kane started to get messages from undertaker during RAW such as lightning bolts, videos, and crucifix's engulfed with flames. take challenged kane at wrestlemania 20 and kane accepted. at wm 20 undertaker cam back old skool with his long hair his hat and his manager paul bearer. he ended up wining the match with a tombstone piledriver and that started the new legacy of the old skool taker.

thank you very much lol
short but effective

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-08 00:02:38

wow paul fuckin bearer hahaa but what about from dead man to biker?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-08 02:07:23

A bunch of news and notes on the ECW PPV:

There has been a lot of talk over the Internet the last several weeks about a rivalry of sorts between WWE's ECW One Night Stand PPV on 6/12 in New York City and the Shane Douglas promoted 6/10 event at the ECW Arena. From different sources that I have spoken to over the last 7-10 days, most of (if not all) these accounts are false. At no point was any talent contacted with offers to work for the WWE event and in return not work the Douglas show. WWE is taking a stance that the outside talent that they use for the show are independent wrestlers that are coming in for a short term one week deal and getting a payday to appear on the ECW PPV, as they want to present what was described to me as, "authentic ECW." So, while some talent may work both shows and others may not, depending on who is booked where, there is absolutely no truth to WWE paying talent not to appear on Douglas' event. I don't know where it started but there's nothing to it.

In a move that is equally shocking and surprising, according to TNA sources, WWE representatives (I'm assuming Tommy Dreamer) contacted TNA last week about the possibility of TNA sending Jerry Lynn, Kid Kash, Douglas, and Raven to the 6/12 PPV since all four were major components of Extreme Championship Wrestling during their runs there. It doesn't appear at this point that TNA will be sending their talent to the show at this time. Just the fact that WWE even considered allowing TNA talent to appear can't be seen as anything but a major positive for the ECW PPV, as it shows they are going into the show trying to be respectful to the old ECW talent and not omitting anyone. In all actuality, this wasn't going to happen though due to the political issues at large in the business, but it was classy of WWE to ask.

For those who have asked about whether the longtime voice of Extreme Championship Wrestling Joey Styles will be calling the show, he was approached at the same time Sandman, Justin Credible, and other outside talents were contacted. Styles has been very vocal on his website 1Wrestling that he will only be appearing at the Shane Douglas promoted event on 6/10 (and vocal about WWE in general after turning down a job opportunity with the company several years back), so it will be interesting to see if he appears at the PPV.

NWA Wildside announced on their weekly TV show this weekend that Tony Mamaluke (who works regularly for Wildside) had come to terms with World Wrestling Entertainment and would be appearing at the 6/12 ECW PPV. It stands to reason that Mamaluke will be reprising his great Full Blooded Italians tag team with Little Guido (aka Nunzio in today's WWE) at the show. The pair held the ECW World Tag Team championship in 2000.

Also reported is that Paul Heyman has been at WWE Headquarters the last few weeks pitching ideas for the show, so it looks like Paul E. and Tommy Dreamer are working together again on ECW, which is the way it should be.

Also Matt Hardy was supposed to be backstage at RAW tonight, considering they decided to trot Lita out and give her a spot at Mania...well, you know what? I really have nothing to say to that, other then WWE is just the land where reality takes a damn holiday. I think Lita and Edge should have at least ben forced to miss the Mania payday due to their conduct, at the LEAST.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-08 03:45:18

At 3/7/05 11:09 PM, darkdevil92 wrote:

:he ended up wining the match with a tombstone piledriver and that started the new legacy of the old skool taker.

that's the biggest bullshit story line i've ever seen.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-08 04:47:59

I can't stand in the sidelines any longer. Here it is, a special edition of...

Kraidle's RAW IS... REVIEW!
HBK Segment:
Well, RAW started off with HBK taunting Mr. Angle, saying stuff about what he had done last week, and showing footage of SmackDown!, where Shawn was dressed as a cameraman. And he went on to say that Angle's problem was that he had never gotten in the ring with HBK. And he was right; Angle came on to say that he was right, saying that it was an issue from all the way back in 1996, when Kurt won the medal, but all he was getting was "Shawn did this awesome match at WM!", ouch. Then, Angle threatened to break all of Shawn's records in the coming 4 weeks. Oh joy...

Triple H vs. Rosey: 2.9/5
It was a pretty decent match, and I think we all know how rare it is to actually see Triple H wrestling one-on-one on RAW. Anyway, they did pretty well, and Triple H landed a REAL Pedigree this time, winning the match. Then, he went and got a sledge, and nailed Rosey after his match.

Evolution Segment:
Well, we see Ric with a worried look in his face, and with good reason. He's wrestling Batista. But Triple H came and talked him out of the worry, saying that he would be there in his corner, with Ol' Faithful. For those that don't know, that's a sledgehammer.

Ladder Match Announcement:
Yep, Jericho's idea became true, with this hellish lineup for a Ladder Match. It will be Jericho, Benoit, Benjamin, Christian, Edge, and another person, fighting for an ambitious prize. The winner will get a contract, which will be in effect for 12 months, even WM22, to compete for the World Heavyweight Championship. The name of this match will be "Money In The Bank". Indeed it is...

Christian vs. Kane: 2.1/5
The other person in the ladder match? Kane. Holy shit, that ring is gonna crumble if he jumps off a ladder! But anywho, the match wasn't too great. It was strictly Kane domination the Creepy Little Bastard, with a few interventions from Tomko. But Kane won with a chokeslam, and got a thank-you from Tomko: A ladder to the face. As they left the ring, however, Kane sat up, like he always does. Is Kane a face now? Yes... He ain't getting any chance to speak backstage anymore.

Randy & Stacy:
Well, Randy K. Orton was getting ready to make an announcement regarding WM21, with the help of Stacy Keibler. She really has nothing else to do but whore up to the wrestlers, huh? At least she's got legs...

Chris Jericho vs. Edge: 3.4/5
A pretty entertaining match, actually, even though there was nothing out of the ordinary for the most of it. Just wrestling and countering, until the ref went down. Then, Edge went and got the Ladder (It's the same one from Kane vs. Christian; they had it up on the rampway), and after a few reversals, nailed Jericho on the grapefruits, with the ref back just in time for a 3 count. Hooray, Edge. You won AND got laid with Lita. I envy you. -.-;

RKO Announcement:
Yep, he announced it, people. He annouced his challenge to the Undertaker, to fight him at WrestleMania, and that he would end The Phenom's undefeated streak. The crowd's reaction was pretty mixed, actually, pops and jeers all over. Then, Bischoff came and told Randy of how this would benefit him and RAW. But Randy had another idea in mind, calling Bischoff a LEGEND, for beating RAW's ratings for 88 weeks in WCW with Nitro. Yeah, we all saw this coming, and we ALL like seeing Bischoff getting his ass kicked. The RKO went down smoothly, actually.

Chris Benoit vs. Shelton Benjamin: 3.5/5
Oh yeah, this match was finger-licking good. Everything went pretty routine, until Benoit did that suicide dive. Then, after that, it went on to be another good match, ending with Benjamin tapping out to the Crossface. If only this had been an Intercontinental Championship match...

Christy Segment:
Our lovely Playboy bitch has just grown some guts, apparently, and called Trish out. What did she do? She challenged Trish for the Women's Championship at WrestleMania! Gasp! And then, she revealed that she was being trained by another WWE Diva, wait for it... Lita! And she's walking just fine (but had some bracing in her injured leg). And with this appearance, Christy did the Reverse of Fate on Trish. If someone can tell me what the name of that move was, I'd appreciate it.

The Sledge goes Bye-Bye:
Yep, Bischoff grew some balls once more, demanding Triple H's sledgehammer, or else he wasn't going to go to the ring with Ric. Triple H had no choice. Yay.

Ric Flair vs. Batista: 2.2/5
It wasn't as good as it was hyped up, but could it have been, anyway? Batista's all about Power wrestling, and he has to modify his moves for Flair, especially the Batista Bomb, which ended looking like crap. In the end, Batista won, even with Triple H in the surroundings.

Triple H Attacks:
Yep, this didn't stop Paul Levesque from running up to Batista and knocking him down from behind. Hell, he even got ANOTHER sledgehammer from below the ring, and tried to use it on Batista. But, it didn't work, and Batista actually ended up BREAKING the sledge. There was a telltale that the sledge was dodgy, seeing as how Triple H used it before attacking Batista (he merely tapped the ring steps, grabbing on to the top, while usually, he uses all his strength).

And with that, another episode of RAW ends. But you guys want some advice from me? Spend some money this Sunday, at TNA's Destination X PPV. That Ultimate X match is NOT something you want to miss.

Later, mortals!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-08 08:13:54

anyone else find it wrong that they had both edge and lita on raw and no matt hardy anywhere? Well I can't say anywhere since the crown clearly knew what was up, chanting "you screwed Matt, You Screwed Lita, We want Matt" and had numerous signs. And for making matt a miserable peson they both get to be part of mania, Lita just storyline wise and edge in the ladder match. Great way to lay down the law WWE, last time I checked, cheating on your wife with your friends girlfriend isn't high on the classy list.

I think the problem here is that WWE has no idea what to do about this. Should they fire someone? No, both Lita and Edge are great to have on the roster. Should they move Edge? They could but that leaves Lita on Raw where she needs to be, so basicly it come down to moving matt or Edge to SD. I dunno man.. tough one to call. I will say this though. If they for whatever reason release Matt for no reason hell will break lose. I know that sounds strange, but WWE has done some sleazy things.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-08 14:54:06

At 3/8/05 08:13 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: anyone else find it wrong that they had both edge and lita on raw and no matt hardy anywhere? Well I can't say anywhere since the crown clearly knew what was up, chanting "you screwed Matt, You Screwed Lita, We want Matt" and had numerous signs. And for making matt a miserable peson they both get to be part of mania, Lita just storyline wise and edge in the ladder match. Great way to lay down the law WWE, last time I checked, cheating on your wife with your friends girlfriend isn't high on the classy list.

Matt was asked not to be there because they were going to use Lita, and I guess they just don't want to have to deal with them together on a show until this shit cools. The locker room behaved though by all reports, but the obvious whispers and such were going around when Lita and Edge weren't in earshot.

It's not just the class issue, because honestly, if this was a situation where Lita had cheated on Matt with someone who wasn't employed with the company, it wouldn't be WWE's business, and they wouldn't need to deal with it. But because the three people involved with this have contracts, then it does become WWE's business to have to handle this situation. I said previously that Lita and Edge should have missed Mania at the least because they're conduct was unprofessional in the extreme, and they absolutely should not get the biggest possible payday of the year by working Mania.

I think the problem here is that WWE has no idea what to do about this. Should they fire someone? No, both Lita and Edge are great to have on the roster. Should they move Edge? They could but that leaves Lita on Raw where she needs to be, so basicly it come down to moving matt or Edge to SD. I dunno man.. tough one to call. I will say this though. If they for whatever reason release Matt for no reason hell will break lose. I know that sounds strange, but WWE has done some sleazy things.

I think there should at least be fines, and frankly, I feel like the company owes Matt a push out of all this (and certainly, he is deserving of one). If this does nothing else, it's going to give Matt a lot of sympathy and support when he gets back, but I will say it right now: THIS SHOULD NOT BE THE BASIS FOR AN ANGLE!!! I hope somebody in the WWE brain trust is reading this, with all the sleazy shit they've done, I would not put it past them to try and make an angle out of this, this is a situation that they should publicly ignore, and privately make attempts to handle. Matt probably should just be shipped back to Smackdown! I think he has more options there anyway (since he could be Cruiser champ, get a partner and be a Tag champ, or even be U.S. Champ).

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-08 14:57:55

I havent been here in awhile did ja miss me. Ok lots of rumors of people returning. the keyword is rumor. Damn Edge what an idiot, and what a dilemma for him financial and emotionally.

At 3/7/05 09:08 AM, NewlyFoundPhantom wrote: I don't know if you have heard this but former TNA superstar Frankie Kazarian will move into the WWE mybe after WrestleMania. I think he'll be on Smackdown for the cruiserweight championship. But i really love to see AJ to be on the WWE (my personal opinion).

No keep AJ on TNA. I hope they push Elix (the black guy) at Desination X. I watched Impact last saturday at 1 am please tell me that is not the time slot for it.

At 3/7/05 10:05 AM, AnzRage wrote: i'm sick of smackdown and all their little crusier weights.

WHat the fuck. Ok Smackdown is going down and all but the crusierweight division is thew only reason I watch SD oh and see Angle pwn some jobber in the KAI (I find it funny)

At 3/7/05 10:20 PM, MrCarmine wrote: yo, i think they're trying to push randy back into a heel spot so they can mae taker maintain the streak. then again, a lot of people might have already known that but i just thought of it now.

Yeah I think orton needs to be heel. The crowd booed him when he said he will beat the undertaker. I like the Legend Killer gimmick when he was in evolution. I will be pissed if he does actually win at WM. Think of all the hatemail wwe will have in the inbox.

At 3/8/05 04:47 AM, Kraidle wrote: Christy Segment:
Our lovely Playboy bitch has just grown some guts, apparently, and called Trish out. What did she do? She challenged Trish for the Women's Championship at WrestleMania! Gasp! And then, she revealed that she was being trained by another WWE Diva, wait for it... Lita! And she's walking just fine (but had some bracing in her injured leg). And with this appearance, Christy did the Reverse of Fate on Trish. If someone can tell me what the name of that move was, I'd appreciate it.

:NO fucking way will the red-head even come close to a 2 fall. This will be the worst match at WM. As for the move,Your guess is as good as me. I would call it inverted twist of fate. (or three quarters headlock bulldog)

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-09 10:48:33

I can't wait for this ECW PPV. With Heyman back to work on it with Tommy Dreamer it is bound to be damn good. I just hope WWE doesn't make them tone it down.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-09 14:25:27

At 3/9/05 10:48 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I can't wait for this ECW PPV. With Heyman back to work on it with Tommy Dreamer it is bound to be damn good.

Yes, they are the ones most suited for the job. I'm glad to see Heyman on this project so to say.

I just hope WWE doesn't make them tone it down.

They might. But they again they maynot. Who knows. :/ I hope they don't, cause it would kill the experience.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-09 23:52:13

ECW: One Night Stand updates:

Tracy Smothers has confirmed he will be at the show. Smothers tagged with Nunzio (working as Little Guido) as the Full Blooded Italians. Now all that are needed are Big Sal, JT Smith, and Tommy Rich, and it'll be a complete FBI reunion!

The ECW referees, Molino, Finnegan, and Mike Kehner will be at the show as well.

Bill Alfonso who managed Taz, RVD, and Sabu after a great run as a heel ref has also been contacted.

Super Crazy will definitely begin work in the Cruiserweight division once his visa problems are cleared, so expect him there as well.

This is the kind of show I wanted to see after ECW ended, and suggested to Tony Lewis who ran StrictlyECW and helped ECW get a lot done. I don't often say this but thank you Vince!

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-09 23:56:14

The best match would be a three way tlc match with RVD,Sabu and Raven

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-10 01:54:59

At 3/9/05 11:56 PM, darkdevil92 wrote: The best match would be a three way tlc match with RVD,Sabu and Raven

Unless you mean "tables, ladders, and canes" then no, they should NOT do a match like that since ECW never did matchs like that.

A three man Stairway to Hell would be good though.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-10 08:13:08

thats assuming Raven comes.

welp, SD is tonight and they had better show it damnit! Now we get to see if the spinner title stays.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-10 11:15:25

Some News today:
- Expect New Jack to work the WWE/ECW Reunion PPV

Matt Hardy has been pulled from his scheduled appearances at house shows before WrestleMania. This is likely to avoid problems and indicates a switch to SmackDown! is likely.

As far as WWE DVDs go, a bunch of new tapes are set for release. "Legends Volume 1" and "The Legion of Doom" 2-disc set is scheduled for a June release. For August, a 2-disc set on The Undertaker. For September, a 2-disc set on The Ultimate Warrior.

John Finnegan, Mike Kehner and Jim Molineaux have been confirmed to work the WWE promoted ECW reunion PPV in June as referees. All three originally worked for ECW in the same role.

WWE has recently added two new members to their creative writing team. One is a female, making her the first lady to be part of the creative team, aside from Stephanie McMahon.

-- WWE management met with Lita and Edge individually regarding their recent personal issues, they are not denying their relationship, and are saying they are in love. Right now it does not seem like management will break up the relationship like they have with others in the past.

-- According to several live reports from RAW, the live crowd was about the boo Lita when she came out. WWE however put her music on just at the right time to come over the booing. There were also several anti-Edge chants.

-- Two veterans in WWE, amongst others, claim that Edge will most likely be viewed as "the bad guy" out of the whole situation. It appears that there isn't really an "other side of the story" about the incident, according to the sources there isn't even a hint of anything that would suggest that Matt Hardy was treating Lita badly. At this point in time it doesn't look like the break up had anything to do with Matt, but rather had to do with Lita and Edge traveling together and bonding.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-10 12:37:49

Steve Corino has confirmed that he will not work either ECW show saying that the company is done, and doing these shows taints it's legacy. I wholeheartedly disagree, but the man is entitled to his opinions. It's a shame Corino has decided not to show since he was one of my favorite performers near the end of ECW, and he's one of the all around most appreciative guys in the business of his fans.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-10 14:54:11

At 3/10/05 02:36 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote: I'll be back...eventually. but I gotta know, is that news about Kazarian coming to SD! true? If so, a big thumbs up to whoever made that happen. A big pick up for the cruiserweight division.

HAHA! Maybe SmackDown! should be have a title change and be called 'CruiserweightNight!' XD But from what is being said, I don't think the management can change Lita and Edge's minds, unless it's work related, like one is fired or something, then maybe they will clean up thier acts. But whatever happened to Lita saying "Oh I love you Matt. Please don't leave me Matt." And crap like that eh?

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-10 15:04:28

At 3/10/05 02:57 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote: Lita lost alot of respect when this happened, as did Edge. The worst part is, they don't even seem to mind. It's like something from Disney. Knight goes to war, evil king seduces fair lover and makes her evil too.

Hey, but you can't deny that they are good wrestlers, it's just that they both made a foolish choice. And if they don't mind, why not fire them both? To set them as an example of those who don't care nor respect the rules and regulations of the WWE? I mean it would suck for them both cause they would be out of job, but TNA would probably pic one of them up[namly Edge]. But only time can tell, so we'll see.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-10 15:41:40

At 3/10/05 03:09 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote: Edge isn't going anywhere. He's still being polished and brought up. I believe that he has yet to reach his full potential. In fact, with all the time the wwe has spent on him, it's only a matter of time before he gets another chance to be champ. It's only logical.

Maybe. But some punishment needs to be given out. When stuff like that goes on with out any kind of reaction, it's just bad management. And yes, I do belive Edge is going to get his time in the sun, just not anytime soon, not after this mess occured. But we'll just have to wait and see.

Huge popularity (face or heel), King of the Ring, IC champ multiple times......speaking of which, who's great idea was it to wipe out KotR?! That was an awesome PPV!

Well, mummy didn't like all the violence, so she at it. :P

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-10 17:03:19

In all honesty, this is a personal matter that has become public, it's sad that it did, but the only thing the company can do is move Matt to SD! and give him a push. It's really not WWE's fault that this happened, and they probably honestly should just stay out of it, although I believe Lita and Edge should be at least docked some pay about this. They handled their personal lives very badly, and now it's leaked into their professional lives.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-03-10 22:17:57

LordKooler's Smackdown review
1.JBL segment
JBL comes out saying the same stuff that he always says, Saying that he's a Wrestling god, And Bashes John cena. And then sets John cena's U.S title that Orlando jordan won last week on fire. Is the U.S title now vacant because of that? No! Instead, JBL gives Orlando jordan the Original U.S title, The one worn by Eddie guerrero, The Big show, John cena before he introduced his own version at Armageddon 2004, Booker T, and Carlito.
2.Booker T vs Heidenreich
In the Third meeting between these wrestlers, Like the matches at No way out and Last week, Steel chairs were involved. But this was a no DQ match. No one got disqualified like the last two matches. Booker T won at the end after hitting Heidenreich with a steel chair. But unlike last week, He didn't get disqualified.
3.Luther reigns vs Mark jindrak
These guys started feuding after they lost the tag team title match against Eddie guerrero & Rey mysterio last week. But I think that they started feuding after they left Kurt angle. This was a short match. Mark Jindrak won after knocking out Luther reigns with a punch. I think they'll meet again at Wrestlemania.
4.John cena segment
John cena comes out all mad and calls out JBL and his cabinet. But instead, Theodore long comes out and says that John cena will have to wait till Wrestlemania 21 to get his hands on JBL. John cena gave Theodore long an F-U at the end.
5.Kurt Angle invitational
Kurt angle shows a video clip of the classic Shawn michaels vs Razor ramon ladder match from Wrestlemania X. And that's what today's Kurt angle invitational is, A ladder match. After Kurt angle won, He showed a video clip of Shawn michaels' wrestlemania debut at Wrestlemania V in a tag team match with marty janetty. And that's who Kurt will wrestle next week.
6.Carlito segment
Carlito has been suffering lately, First he was forced to shovel snow with one hand last week, Now he has to ask the Undertaker if he'll accept Randy orton's challenge at Wrestlemania. After looking for the Undertaker backstage, He came to the ring to call out the Undertaker, When the Undertaker came out, He accepted Randy orton's challenge and gave Carlito the Tombstone.
7.Eddie guerrero & Rey mysterio vs JBL & Orlando jordan
In Smackdown's main event, Rey & Eddie face JBL & Orlando instead of the Bashams. If the Bashams were in this match and won it, JBL & his cabinet would'ive held all the titles on Smackdown. Eddie & Rey won the match by DQ after JBL hit Rey mysterio with a chair. After that, The bashams came out and attacked Eddie & rey until John cena came out and attacked JBL & his cabinet.

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