At 1/30/05 06:36 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote:
Saddly I can't. :'( I'm begging whoever watches it to give a super indeapth review on it.
Sorry I watched it but I cant remeber what happen in conclusion winners
Edge by a reverse roll up and held the rope
Taker put heidrich in the casket
Jbl won duhrr see below
HHH by pedigree
RR winner 1 piont for everyone Batista.
Ok Edge vs. Hbk I really did pay attention to the mtch funny part was HBK did a bad elbow drop and went into a seizure and humped the apron LOL. The edge won by a normal rollup after about two reversed each other.
Casket match. Hmm were to start Taker was in control the beginning of the match. (Snitsky and HD met agian grunting couldnt hear what they said. It wasnt my fault I dont like caskets.) Snitsky comes out and attacks undertaker. Where the hell is Kane. Coffin open OMG Kane sets up he helps his brother. Snitsky and Kane go up into the crowd Afterwards HD tries to push the casket out of the arena hes stop. Um I forget the rest. Hd was head first in the casket feet in the ring casket shut on him Vintage Undertaker leg drop major pops. Tombstone. Taker puts HD in the coffin.
Triple Threat. Um I remember is show gets mad removes the steps put them by the annouce table. Sets up jbl for the show stopper angle low blow hits with tv show fall breaks the table. FF to the end. bigshow spears or shoulder tackles jbl and broke the barrier Wow!<sarasm> Kurt was in the ring droggy big show pins kurt but jindrak pulls the ref. The cabinet helps jbl up then goes and attacks show. Fucking crappy clothesline from hell damn angle lost.
Basckstage: Jbl was drunk on champage pouring it all over each. Holla holla holla Listen up dawg the person that didnt lose will be in the next ppv No Way Out. And it will a barbed wire cage match Do ya beliv dat playa.
Unforgiven Rematch: Another one I didnt pay attention to. Basically HHH attacks randys leg setup figure-4. it shall and was reversed. Then ref bump HHH gets sledgehammer doesnt do anything. Randy had a mini-concussion not from the hammer from somethingelse . Pedigree teh end.
The Rumble match: Eddie and Benoit started out. Benoit lasted a long time. but Puder comes out. gets the crap chopped outta him Hardcore comes out. more vicous chops by holly. alambaslam puder gets thrown out then like 5 second later holly gets elimated. Screw it I can recall most all of it. about #14 hassan comes out and gets jumped by everyone, Everyone in the ring. Americans vs the american hater hassan is threw out. He will bitch about it on Raw. A glimpse of the wgtt Haas had rey, I think, setup Benjamin goes hey I didnt forget about ya charlie I think the move is called play leapfrog. Um the fucking best part of the match. around #24 london comes in slides across the ring no that wasnt the good part. Ok london tries putting the sleep on Snitsky. A little bit later London was stand on the apron outside the rope dodges a punch moves of to the side snitsky get mad and clotheslines the fuck out him. HOLY Fucking cow London flipped and land face first on the floor. normal it would have bee fell down hit the ring and land on the ground. but london sold it really good. Huge reaction from the bar. Once flair and batista double teamed up on someone batista wasnt looking and flair tries to throw him out batista didnt budge. Flairs Oh noes I didnt do it. Ok ... final four ah edge and rey (raw dint sell the 619 on tiny bit.) final two Cena and Batista. Ok batista sets up for b-bomb and was going to alleyop cena out. they both fall out Fuck not another tie. Vince comes powerwalking out, hurts himself some how gets in the ring and just sits there while batista and cena throw each out of the ring they get back in the ring restart the match batista throws Cena out. RR winner 2005 Batista.
But wait the highlight of the night Backstage kurt steals nunizo number he enter german, belly to belly, angleslam, angle slam on HBk blocked. Scm on angle blocked Kurt gets tossed out didnt last more than a minute. Later Kurt goes in the ring elimates Hbk hits him with the steps and puts the anglelock on. Set up for WMXXI. Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Micheals. Then I think the brothers of destruction vs the crazy nut guys could be a match.
Damn took a long time to write joo better read and enjoy it and with all the bad spellings and shit. My score 5/5 total 26/41 (since unforgiven)
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)