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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-24 11:59:01

you read that right. It's her and X-pac. *Shutters* I don't want to see it. I think I have enough trama in my life right now.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-24 13:04:59

At 12/24/04 11:59 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: you read that right. It's her and X-pac. *Shutters* I don't want to see it. I think I have enough trama in my life right now.

very wild if u could say it was weird
congrats on getting level 16 outlaw

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-24 14:18:46

I did? Holy Crap I did! Whoooo

I haven't been to wrestlecrap in a while.. Guess I should see whats new.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-24 14:23:05

At 12/24/04 02:18 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I did? Holy Crap I did! Whoooo

I haven't been to wrestlecrap in a while.. Guess I should see whats new.

what is wrestlecrap and where is it

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-24 14:26:08

wrestlecrap is a site that list the worst stuff in wrestling. From gimmicks to characters to whatever. They give a gooker award (Named after the gooker himself) to the worst thing in wrestling of the year. They did all of it from WCW ECW and WWE . I don't know if they do TNA yet. It's a fairly humorus site.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-24 15:13:52

those mutherfucker on wrestlecrap put adrian adonis on the crap list he is my fucking uncle damn those bitches to hell

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-24 16:01:04

tna impact review
Dusty Rhodes annouice a triple threat #1 contender nash DDP and monty to face JJ @ Final resolutions

3 live kru v. o reilly and thomas 3lk was in the lead most of the time truth pedigreed o'r to get the pinfall

the monster abyss v. david young really short match black slam to win for the monster.

Pipers pitt hector Garza is the guest win the mexican band playing music of the mexican type. He wants to get the nwa belt. Nash and Hall come out. Hall say bring it. hec hits hall with a guitar the nash the Hall gits it agian.

johnny devine with scott damore(yeah its spelt wrong) v. The phemonal AJ Styles was in control at the beginninng damore trys to distracts him but fails then gets many other sucessfuls. JD hit a top rope leg drop like takers. then it a surfboard... missed moonsault AJ gets fired up JD went for a vertabreaker Aj gets out and setups up for the styles clash to win.

Kid Kash meets up with dustin rhode backstage to say dusty is fat and whatever.

Team Canada with scott v. AMW Amw gets the advantage when they threw rude into his partner young(commerical) Now tc is control scott attack amw member storm outside the ring. young and storm are locked in a small package scott tips them over then wildcat does the same thing. Amw wins pinfall.

jj and nash hall talk but when JJ leaves Hall suggest to you have the nwa belt. then abyss throws a table on someone TEH EDN

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-24 17:49:20

At 12/24/04 08:20 AM, -Rook- wrote:
Wrestlecrap is full of shit then (no pun intended), since the Kane/Lita pregnancy angle actually worked, imo (it had a fair amount of drama, I think, and provided a springboard for the Gene Snitsky character [which is coming off alot stronger than Kane's monster gimmick or Heidenreich's] and it helped build the Lita/Trish feud, making her title win aftre such bad luck seem more meaningful. Just because these type of angles don't usually work doesn't mean they can't.).

I personally didn't like the angle, but you make some good points here, it did help make Lita's title win better, and the actual wedding segment pulled in good ratings for RAW when it aired. Personally though, I feel Snitsky is useless, same as Heidenreich, and Kane's monster push would have worked much much better if he hadn't been put into a feud with Shane Mcmahon where it was made to look like Shane was equal to him.

:Furthermore, despite what the naysayers still say, JBL's title reign HAS been a complete success. And finally, the Mordecai gimmick had unlimited potential, but they just didn't do anything with it. Plus, the Chyna sex tape has as much to do with wrestling as Rock's movie career or Lesnar's football, so it shouldn't even be there.

How? If it's such a success, why do most people state how much they hate JBL in a "get off my tv" way? Why is it that the buyrates of show's he's main evented have been lower then previous shows? Why is it that the ratings have not improved with him as champion? I know, I know, you can't expect one act to save the show, but the fact is, he's done nothing to help enhance it, and, from some of the things I've heard, he's actually DRIVING PEOPLE AWAY. I know of people who refuse to buy a PPV with him headlining it unless they know for a fact in advance that he's going to finally drop the title. Yeah, real successful champion.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-24 18:00:58

When i was 10 i loved WWE
When i became 13 i started to see it was fake

and now ... y'know i love the Rock, and Kurt Angle is my favourite and Kane also is nice (i live in the netherlands so i can;t really follow anymore, it got removed from TV)

but the fights are all the same ... they knock eachother out ... they lay down for 9 and stand up before ten and when they pin eaxchother the referee always get's a fraction of an inch with his hand on the canvas to tap on three and suddenly the guy pops us his shoulder and the crowd loves it and he starts to beat the crap out of the other .... o yeah ... i like RVD too :)

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-24 18:05:25

At 12/24/04 06:00 PM, MasterJam wrote: When i was 10 i loved WWE
When i became 13 i started to see it was fake

and now ... y'know i love the Rock, and Kurt Angle is my favourite and Kane also is nice (i live in the netherlands so i can;t really follow anymore, it got removed from TV)

but the fights are all the same ... they knock eachother out ... they lay down for 9 and stand up before ten and when they pin eaxchother the referee always get's a fraction of an inch with his hand on the canvas to tap on three and suddenly the guy pops us his shoulder and the crowd loves it and he starts to beat the crap out of the other .... o yeah ... i like RVD too :)

good for you this is the wrestling club if u don't like wrestling anymore keep it to yourself and don't bitch about it we don't want to hear it

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-24 18:40:19

i was browsing and i found steven richards website and it had some cool info about stevie corp if u would like to check it out go to www.stevenrichards.com/steviecorp/

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-24 19:34:53

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-24 20:19:04

Wrestlecrap's inducties:

"The Oddities: Sideshow freaks lead to the ring by the Insane Clown Posse. Giant Silva actually became only the world's second worst wrestler, thanks largely to John Tenta's best efforts."

Do you guys remember his finishing move? He would choke you and then carry you out of the ring while still holding your neck. That guy was scary!

"The Val Venis Castration: Evil Wally Yamaguchi decides to deal with his wife's infidelity the old fashioned way: by chopping off the weiner of her porn star boyfriend!"

I thought that was pretty funny. "choppy choppy your pee pee" or something like that.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-24 20:29:31

Did anyone hear there is anew gamecomingout forXBOX called Wrestlemania21 it is supposed to be sweet as hell i will have more news on it within the hour

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-24 21:49:29

THQ has been quiet about WWE WrestleMania 21, offering no details on the upcoming online wrestler for Xbox. After months of begging, praying, and hoping for news, first details on WrestleMania 21 are finally available. Developed by Studio Gigante, who last brought Xbox owners Tao Feng, WrestleMania 21 is set to ship in early March, several weeks before WrestleMania 21 hits the Staples Center in Los Angeles.

Featuring motion-captured animations, voice-over and commentary from your favorite wrestlers, and four-player head-to-head online play, WrestleMania 21 sounds like the wrestling game Xbox owners have been dying for.
WrestleMania 21 introduces a pro-reversal system, which is an innovative countering system that utilizes a different counter for every attacking move. The story mode, which is just as important as the action in the ring, promises a unique character-building element enabling players to upgrade a star's appearance, abilities, entrance cinematic, costumes, and move-set.

Though there are few details available on the Xbox Live functionality, it has been revealed that WrestleMania 21 includes four-player head-to-head support with multiple match types and voice chat. While voice chat in any other type of fighter would seem like a nice add-in, being able to offer your own demonstrative statements to those you're about to smack down is essential for a great online wrestling game. To make the online battles more meaningful, Studio Gigante added a Create-A-Belt option. Design your own championship belt, then take it online. Defend your belt, build your prestige, and become an online legend.

These scant details are just a taste of what WrestleMania 21 has in store for gamers. In just a few weeks, IGN will bring you in-depth details on THQ's upcoming grappler. Until then, you can enjoy the following:

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-24 23:47:26

man its been awile since i posted here...

raw vs smackdown was really good i thought.... except that after 1 season story mode sucked.... and the fact that you couldnt have the legends in season mode.... but otherwise ok.... also wrestling in general is terrible lately, its in a really bad slump, and i dont know when itll get out

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-25 03:06:48

At 12/24/04 11:47 PM, shadowmoses_sol wrote:

:and i dont know when itll get out

Probably whenever the fuck Vince realizes his vision isn't what people want anymore, and that maybe it's time to turn the book over to someone who has DRAWN some ratings when he's in charge of the shows. See, I have a theory, and I don't think I've shared the theory with you. Now we all know the reason the business has these lows is because throughout history, promoters have been stupid in that when something gets hot, they ride it way too long, and act like the fad will never get old, which it does, and then everything goes into a lull until the next hot concept comes along. Now, the three people who have made the most money in this business for their companies when they were in charge are definitely, Vince Mcmahon, Eric Bischoff, and Paul Heyman. Now, all these men work under the same roof, and yet the ratings suck, why do they suck? It's because Paul Heyman is not in charge of creative.

Oh I know what you're going to say "great, another ECW freak sucking Paul's dick because of what he did in the bingo halls" nah, that's not what I'm doing, I'm simply saying that based on track record, the other two guys mentioned are creative retards compared to Heyman, allow me to illustrate:

Vince Mcmahon: Has Vince made more money then anyone else in wrestling? Absolutely. Does that make Vince Mcmahon a genius? No it does not. Does it make Vince horribly creative? No it does not. Now, I know what you're going to say "but wait, how can you sit there and agree he's made the most money in this business, but then say he isn't creative?". Simple, Vince is a great business man, Vince is a great marketer, but when he is micromanaging the writers (as he has been since Vince Russo left really) the product has declined more and more. Vince had one good idea in the 80's Rock and Wrestling, market to kids, and to families, and he had the talent around him that was willing and able to get that done. But after that? Nothing, rode that wave too long, and his company was nearly bankrupted because of it, it wasn't until he started taking Paul Heyman's concepts and talent, and then listening to that talent he had taken, that his product turned around, and attitude started. Vince is a great promoter, the best, and a great business man, but creatively...he pretty much sucks.

Eric Bischoff: Nah, Bischoff stole everything good he ever did, talent, ideas (the nWo was not a horribly new concept, Japan has run that type of angle so much it's as old hat as the concept of gangs here, plus, like it's really hard to imagine a faked WWE vs. WCW situation at that time drawing money and interest). What Bischoff knew how to do was spend wads of cash to get acts that were drawing at the time, but had no clue how to push beyond that, or keep things fresh, and bring new talent up. Bischoff is lucky to even have any sort of job in this industry still. But I give him credit, from Coffee Gofor of Verne Gagne, to executive of a multi-million dollar business, Bisch lived the American Dream, till it turned into a nightmare.

Paul Heyman: Paul E. is a genius, there is no denying that, Paul E. was maybe the first guy in history to understand that if you just give a guy a basic outline of what to do, and then say "ok, now go out there and make it interesting" you will get top to bottom better work, better ring work, better promos, better everything, because the guy is making it with his own talent, not trying to remember a script. He could take guys who no one else could figure out what to do with, and made them stars, big enough stars that the larger promotions stole them, and either made them into even bigger stars, or could never recapture the magic of them. Paul E. inovated in this business, he took everything that was good, and used it, and everything that was bad, and chucked it out the window. Without Paul Heyman you would not have had Hardcore titles, you would not have had Cruiserweights, you would not have had provocative storylines, blue collar characters, high flyers, and greater fan interaction. But I know what you're going to say "hey, that's what he did in the past, what about now? What's he done now?". Everytime Paul E. has been in charge of Smackdown!'s writing, show quality has gone up, and when he was featured as GM, the ratings went up every week, the first week that it was publicly known he was GM, the ratings went up. Nothing was different on that show other then who "was calling the shots" so that has to mean that Paul Heyman's simple PRESCENCE garnered higher ratings.

So why isn't Paul Heyman in charge of Smackdown!? Better yet, why isn't he in charge of CREATIVE period? Two reasons:

1. Vince dosen't trust anyone but his own family anymore in positions of power, because anyone other then family can take a walk. Honestly? Smart business, smart business for the reason I just outlined, when it's your family in there, they won't leave, because it's their money too, you fail, they fail. But the problem here is that Stephanie is not good in Creative, Stephanie dosen't understand what she's doing it seems, and she's just a puppet relaying what daddy tells her, and according to some, the will of her husband Triple H as well. But that's what Vince wants...which leads us into point two.

2. Vince dosen't want people around him who will tell him he's wrong. Vince has a tremendous ego, and he loves to have that ego stroked, Paul Heyman will not do that, if he thinks you're wrong, he tells you. Vince wants yes men, to hold a position of power there, you have to see things "the Vince Mcmahon way" or at least pretend you do, so that you get to keep your job. If you think that's going to change, think again, as long as Vince can pay himself huge bonuses, and the overall war chest of WWE is still fairly strong, Vince is going to keep trying to force us to see things his way, remember, things didn't change before until Vince was on the verge of bankruptcy before.

Until things get so bad again, or until Vince realizes that if he simply did what Todd Gordon did, in handing Paul E. creative control and letting the man work, I think WWE is going to continue to leave money on the table, and continue to flounder. Of course, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-25 10:28:24

Best of SmackDown! 2004 recap...hosted by Josh Mathews in the studios in Stamford - aired 25/12/04 on Sky.

First, we see action from the Battle Royal from the 29/1/04 episode to determine the No.1 contender for the WWE Title at No Way Out, which Eddie Guerrero would prevail in, defeating Kurt Angle among many others.

We then get highlights from No Way Out as Eddie Guerrero took the WWE Title from Brock Lesnar in a match that lasted nearly half an hour. Those were the good days of pops! Well, you know...


In the commercial break a Sky advert aired that confirms the start of the new TV contract at 9:30pm on New Years Eve airs (with SmackDown! airing on a Friday night), stating that Sky is indeed the home of WWE in the UK, and that we would get more than ever.


Best of SmackDown! moment - Kidman and London pin the Dudley Boyz to win the WWE Tag-Team titles in July.

There is a clip shown of Kidman legit injuring Chavo Guerrero with the Shooting Star Press in August. Chavo would return 55 days later on SmackDown! (Josh said that, and I know it doesn't add up)

A match with Kenzo Suzuki and Rene Dupree against Kidman and London that aired in September on SmackDown! saw Kidman bottle the Shooting Star Press (as he had done every week since the injury caused to Chavo), leaving London to be a relatively easy target for the opponents and they would lose the titles. (Note: The pay-off of this feud was not shown from No Mercy.)

Next, we get an extensive recap of Tough Enough from this autumn that only ended just over a week ago. The best man won for me in Dan Puder. I guess MTV doesn’t win over every viewer after all. Anyway, we are reminded that Puder will be in the Royal Rumble match on January 30th.

We get an advert hyping the Elimination Chamber match from Raw’s New Years Revolution PPV on January 9th, which takes place in Puerto Rico.


After being verbally reminded of how JBL won the WWE title from Eddie Guerrero at the Great American Bash in June, we saw highlights from SmackDown! on July 15th, when Eddie Guerrero, having challenged JBL two weeks previous, got a Steel Cage match to try and get the title back. He came up short in the end, largely thanks to an assist from then General Manager Kurt Angle. Of course, JBL is still the champion now…

The following week, Vince would appear on SmackDown!, and make Kurt Angle an active talent again (thus stripping him of the General Manager role.) Remember the crutches…


We see one of the videos that were used to hype the arrival of Carlito Caribbean Cool’s arrival to WWE. He would arrive in on 7th October 2004, and on his debut, would defeat John Cena to win the US Title. (Note: We never actually see the challenge for the match, only part of the match itself.) Josh reminded us of what happened afterwards – the stabbing, etc.

This would take us to Manchester for the following weeks SmackDown!, where Theodore Long would order a battle royal to determine a new number 1 contender for the title. Rey Mysterio would win this match, eventually eliminating Kurt Angle. Carlito would demand that the match took place later on SmackDown!, which it did. A brief video package aired that showed Carlito retained his title.

Still shots were shown from Armageddon as John Cena retained his US Title (yes, they never even bothered telling us that he regained the title from the injured Carlito in November) over Jesus in a Street Fight.


We saw the return of The Undertaker as the dead man from WrestleMania. Yes, we see the full entrance as it aired from Madison Square Garden. Seeing that this match was largely hyped by ‘freaky’ events on Raw to Kane, it airs on a SmackDown! recap...wonderful. Pretty much the whole match was shown. Undertaker would retain his undefeated record at WrestleMania.

We see a video package profiling the devastation that an unstable Heidenreich would bring to SmackDown! throughout the second half of 2004, including how he cost Undertaker a chance of winning JBL's WWE title at No Mercy. This would end up having a match made that saw Heidenreich face off against Undertaker at Survivor Series. Footage from this match was shown, and Undertaker, surprise, surprise, would win with the tombstone. Stills would be shown from Armageddon where Heidenreich again cost Undertaker a chance at the WWE title.

Before commercials, we see an advert hyping the debut of WWE Experience on Sky One in the UK next week. This will be the only WWE Programming that won’t be aired entirely on Sky Sports from next Friday.


Best of SmackDown! moment – RVD and Rey Mysterio win the WWE Tag-Team titles on December 9th from Dupree and Suzuki, three days before they were already due to face the latter duo on PPV at Armageddon.

We saw footage from the celebration last week that JBL had to mark his title retention from Armageddon. Kurt Angle and co would interrupt this, and Theodore Long would make JBL defend the title against Angle later on the show. Action would then be shown as JBL successfully held onto his WWE title with a DQ victory for Kurt Angle meaning no title change, much like the six months of JBLs reign thus far. It looks like Big Show may be next in line for an attempt at the belt after his appearance after the end of the match, cleaning out most of JBL's cabinet.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-25 12:41:09

o my fucking god i just got word that Dawn Marie has agreed to pose for Playboy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hell Fucking Yeah

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-25 12:42:06

I got the rise and fall of ECW for x-mas! But not SD vs. Raw. I'll get that later.

I agree with you on Paul. He is damn good at what he does. You didn't mention Shane though. I think he's a smart guy who knows whats good. He's a decent wrestler too.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-25 12:46:37

At 12/25/04 03:06 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:

It's because Paul Heyman is not in charge of creative.

i agree. he has done some really good stuff in wwe and ecw. he keeps it interesting freash and different. But the shows that something else. I like when guys go on title runs but too much is enough. this isnt the 80s where there was 1 show a month and you could have a champion for years because he was always fresh. you need change. HHH has got to drop it, just to keep the product interesting. And im not saying it should happen all the time, but the title should change hands on raw. just to give you a reason to watch because youll know something cool "might" happen. i mean the ending to every match on raw has been the same for at least 2 years.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-25 12:47:59

hey it is me bestjeffhardyfan i changed my alias i like the new one better

here is some news

A leading source for entertainment news, AintItCoolNews.com, is reporting that both The Rock and Triple H are under consideration for the lead role in the planned Masters of the Universe feature film adaption of the Mattel Toy Line.

According to the website, both of the men’s names have come up during discussion of the He-Man character. The producers intend to make direct offers for the lead roles in the film, as opposed to going through an audition process

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-25 12:48:32

also it would really help if wwe had some serious national competition.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-25 13:00:19

At 12/25/04 12:48 PM, shadowmoses_sol wrote: also it would really help if wwe had some serious national competition.

i know i remember when they were competing with ECW and WCW they had something to prove and the shows were so much better and in depth i miss the old days as i know everyone else does

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-25 13:42:02

At 12/25/04 12:41 PM, darkdevil92 wrote: o my fucking god i just got word that Dawn Marie has agreed to pose for Playboy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where did you hear this?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-25 13:59:45

At 12/25/04 01:42 PM, Krossroads wrote:
At 12/25/04 12:41 PM, darkdevil92 wrote: o my fucking god i just got word that Dawn Marie has agreed to pose for Playboy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where did you hear this?

i heard on <A>www.wrestlezone.com<A> that 9 divas have confirmed they will pose. the issue will be out around summerslam... they only divas to refuse are stephanie mcmahon, trish and stacey.... thats right Christy will be posing, sweet.....

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-25 14:30:26

Is this a reliable site?

This is amazing news if its true. I'm surprised Lilian has agreed. Her, Victoria, and Dawn Marie Im excited to see. I've already seen Miss. Jackie's.

"Still Negotiating: Lita, Molly Holly, Ivory, and Maria."

I cant believe Molly Holly or Ivory would do it. But Lita would be awesome.

Its just too bad the two best aren't doing it (and Steph. would be great too).

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-25 14:42:46

At 12/25/04 01:42 PM, Krossroads wrote:
At 12/25/04 12:41 PM, darkdevil92 wrote: o my fucking god i just got word that Dawn Marie has agreed to pose for Playboy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where did you hear this?

i heard it on www.gerweck.com/wwetalent/
it shows wwe talent and then shows soemthing that is about them and next to Dawn Marie's name it said ( just agreed to pose for playboy)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-25 14:47:20

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-25 14:51:08

Could i ask, any Undertaker fans in here?

There has to be some ^^

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