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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-15 08:18:35

At 12/14/04 08:02 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Also, the Muhammad Hussan angle continues to just get worse and worse, and that's sad as hell, I think just based on his promos, the man has some talent, but due to the fact that he's been saddled with this horribly offensive gimmick, I think his entire career is going to be flushed when this ultimately fails to work out. This is not like when Sgt. Slaughter was used as an Iraqi sympathizer during the Golf War, I mean, that was a terrible idea as well, but Slaughter at least had about 20 years of experience and name value under his belt when that happened so that after it was over he could flip back to his original gimmick and undue the damage. Hussan dosen't have that option, he's coming right out of the blocks in this offensive and idiotic gimmick, and this is what he will be remembered for unless he and the (un)-creative team can figure out how to repackage him in an acceptable way after everyone involved realizes this gimmick is getting the wrong kind of heat.

I agree. They're really getting him off to a bad start. If anything, the fuel of the characters rage is justifiable, so this same gimmick could just as easily get over as a face gimmick, and be less offensive as a result. However, wwe is banking on the ignorance of red neck idiot fans, and the hicks are too stupid and racist to realize it. Take the USA chant...he IS supposed to be an American, and is angry over the racism in society.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-15 08:38:20

At 12/14/04 04:14 PM, bestjeffhardyfan wrote: i think lesnar will come back because big show udes his move just a thought

I hope he does! I'd like to see him and Heidenrigch go at it!

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-15 11:11:18

The last heel to have the title before HHH? Thats a tough one since he's been in the title picture for a long freakin time. I think it was Lesnar. He had the undisputed title then jumped to SD. So Eric brought the other title out and gave it to HHH.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-15 14:03:37

Did Bishof ever decide who to give the title to?

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-15 15:12:40

At 12/15/04 02:03 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: Did Bishof ever decide who to give the title to?

the winner of the chamber on nyr which is going to be batista.

At 12/15/04 11:11 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: The last heel to have the title before HHH? Thats a tough one since he's been in the title picture for a long freakin time. I think it was Lesnar. He had the undisputed title then jumped to SD. So Eric brought the other title out and gave it to HHH.

I think that was right lesnar was heel and turned face after he lost to the big show @ SS 02 and heyman show angle and the orginal team angle were all agaist lesnar.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-15 16:13:27

but i fbrock came back sable would have to come back because brock and sable are engaged sooooo........ maybe we see her and lesnar together as a team like she was with marc mero

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-15 16:37:36


Smackdown started out with the ring decorated red, white, and blue and Orlando Jordan already in the ring. He introduces "the greatest champ of all time" as balloons and confetti fall. JBL along with the rest of the cabinet make their way to the ring. He rambles about how Nashville should be happy to see a winner in JBL instead of losers like the Tennessee Titans. Then he goes on about how he beat 3 of the greatest wrestlers when YOUR OLYMPIC HERO Kurt Angle comes out along with Luther Reigns and Mark Jindrak to crash the celebration. Kurt says that not JBL but rather Kurt Angle is the greatest champion of all time (oh it's true it's true). Kurt says the Armageddon 2000 he beat SIX men in a Hell in the Cell match, which is way more impressive than a normal fatal four-way. JBL is quick to remind Kurt that he had just lost his handicap match when it was 3 on 1 and said, "My, how the mighty have fallen". Kurt then says, "Well if you're so sure of yourself, then why don't we have a match for the title tonight bucko". Yes, Kurt said "bucko", and sure enough a "bucko" chant started. You read right, "bucko" chant. JBL says the idea of JBL vs Kurt Angle was a great idea......just not tonight, for JBL has given himself the rest of 2004 off to relax. Not so fast, for GM Theodore R. Long makes his way out, noting the GM says if anyone gets a vacation or not, and no vacation for JBL, for he would indeed have to right Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship, right here in Nashville, TN.

First match saw Rey Mysterio & RVD defeat Kidman & Akio. (non-title I think). Good but very short match, win came from 5-star on Kidman.

Then, out of the crowd comes Heidenreich. He throws a chair into the ring, sets it up in the middle, sits down, and we are all treated to a "poem by Heidenreich". Basically just says even though he lost his match to the Undertaker, he has twice ruined Taker's chance at the title, so Heidenreich feels he has a 2-1 advantage over Taker.

Orlando Jordan is outside of GM Long's office door, but Michelle McCool is in the way saying that the GM doesn't want to talk and the title match is still on. As Orlando turns around , Luther is in his face, saying that JBL isn't great. They cut a pretty funny little promo where each one says how good their employers are (JBL gives money to chairty, Kurt Angle is kind to animals,....etc.) Then Orlando says JBL gives full benefits (Dental Plan , Health Insurance..so on) Orlando asks if Kurt gives Luther any benefits, Luther gets mad and says it doesn't matter because Kurt is going to win tonight.

Booker T & Eddie Guerrero defeated Kenzo & Renee Dupree. This match went on longer than the earlier tag match, Booker and Eddie seemed to work real well with each other, though nothing spectacular happened. Eddie hits the frog splash on Kenzo.

Time for the Tough Enough winner. Al Snow is in ring along with a table and the Tough Enough trophy. He then calls out both Miz and Puder. No long recap of the dumb challenges (thank God!). This was quick and to the point. Puder is the winner. Miz says it sucks that he lost but the experience has shown him that the WWE is where he belongs and will continue to pursue it. Puder is then allowed to say something but, I didn't get it cuz some jackass behind me was screaming "Puder!!" at the top of his lungs the whole segment. Al Snow congratulated Puder one more time and said that he talked to Theodore Long and Puder is one of the 30 participants in the Royal Rumble.

Backstage in Kurt's locker room, Kurt continues to say he is the greatest champion of all time. He is sure he will win, and says he knows that if JBL's boys try anything funny that Jindrak and Reigns will have his back. Jindrak says he does, but Luther starts to complain of back pains, and says that JBL gives his staff medical benefits. Angle, confused , told Luther to quit talking because he needs to concentrate on the match.

Main Event: Kurt Angle vs. JBL for the WWE Championship.

Kurt Angle defeated JBL via DQ (JBL keeps the title).
Not really a good match , Kurt did all he could to carry it but even Kurt seemed a bit off, some good parts to match but not great by any means. Finish came when Kurt had the Ankle lock applied (for about the 3rd time) and Orlando Jordan comes in, Kurt actually flipped Orlando over the ropes without ever letting the ankle lock go, and when the Bashams came down they were quickly intercepted by Jindrak and Reigns. It was looking like we might get a clean finish, but Orlando clocked Kurt with the title while the ref was distracted but the Bashams Jindrak & Reigns brawl. JBL makes cover as ref turns around only to get a 2 count. OH BOY it will be a clean win for sure now....right? Angle grabs the ankle lock yet again, but this time Orlando breaks it up with the ref looking, who immediately calls for the bell. (Darn it all!)

Post Match: everyone gets into the ring to fight when...."WEEELLLLL , it's the Big Show"
Show comes into ring and clears house. Giving choke slams to Jindrak, Reigns, Double choke slam to Bashams, and to top it off, an F5 to Orlando. JBL, who made it out of the ring with his belt, was laying on the floor scared with Big Show staring him down and motioning that the belt was all but his for the taking......and here is where Smackdown ends.

....after everyone left the ring, Tony Chimmel gets on the mic and orders JBL and Orlando back to the ring (restart the match.....nope but....) there will be a special handicap CASKET match with.....THE UNDERTAKER. JBL says he probably has a broken ankle and Orlando has internal injuries so they can't possibly wrestle rig....BONG!!

Undertaker defeats JBL & Orlando Jordan in a handicap casket match.
JBL and Orlando pretty much worked Taker over the whole match but finish came when Orando held Taker up for a free shot, but Taker ducked and Orlando has booted in the face by JBL. Taker choke slammed JBL, then took the limp body of Orlando and closed the casket on him, ending the match.

Post Match: Undertaker wasn't done as he tombstoned JBL and threw JBL on top of Orlando Jordan and closed the casket again (or tried to, but casket wasn't big enough to fit both)
Taker does his pose, slowly makes his was up the ramp, stops at the top, puts one fist up to a roaring ovation and walks to the back. Chimmel thanks us for coming and says that we can watch ourselves on Thursday on UPN.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-16 03:44:14

At 12/15/04 08:18 AM, -Rook- wrote: I agree. They're really getting him off to a bad start. If anything, the fuel of the characters rage is justifiable, so this same gimmick could just as easily get over as a face gimmick, and be less offensive as a result. However, wwe is banking on the ignorance of red neck idiot fans, and the hicks are too stupid and racist to realize it. Take the USA chant...he IS supposed to be an American, and is angry over the racism in society.

That was what WWE was trying to say in the beginning, that this would be a face character whose anger would make us all stop and think about how we may be treating Arab Americans. But in typical WWE fashion, it turned out this was a lie to try and grab some positive headlines while doing the classic wrestling idea of "he isn't white, and he isn't saluting the flag and kissing babies, so of course he's a foreigner heel!" It is an insulting gimmick for the reasons you point out, it sends a message to the fans (or at least to this fan) that WWE thinks we're a bunch of stupid, red necks and racists, and that we'll hate this guy because of our own in born racism. It's sad as hell because RAW has been really been getting it's momentum back of late, and then they stick this crap on here.

On the post about who was last heel champ before H? It was indeed Lesnar who was Undisputed Champ, then signed exclusively with Smackdown! prompting Bischoff to ressurect the World Title and hand it to Triple H the next week (I heard something awhile back from someone who claimed to be a fired member of the writing staff saying the original story called for a tournament which RVD would have then won and become Heavyweight champ. But H nixed that saying RVD couldn't draw like he could, and that it would be better if he were just handed the title). The other stuff about Paul Heyman turning on Lesnar to join with Big Show, Angle, and Team Angle is also correct, Team Angle was created by Heyman as a way to watch Angle's back.

Also, from everything I hear, Vince loves JBL as champ, and he is expected to keep the title at least till Wrestlemania.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-16 12:31:59

From what I have heard that gimmick is causing several arab-americans to feel uncomfortable or even scared to go to WWE events. Not good for buisness to scare off customers. And that shouldn't be happening anyway. I hate racism gimmicks, to me thats the lowest WWE can go for a cheat storyline.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-16 13:23:38

I think he means no harm, he's just trying to stick up for the arhab-americans that have been looked down upon since 9/11. Thats all...

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-16 13:30:49

Omg.. WWE was so like 10 years ago..

Doesnt WWF stand for some saving the panda baloni iswell? hehehe.. pandas. :D

"Actually, the server timed out trying to remove all your posts..."


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-16 14:31:36

just to change the subject....

which wrestler currently has the best ring attire?

which wrestler had the best ring attire in the past?

currently: jeffhardy( TNA ) and Rey Mysterio

past: STING(white and black paint) and KANE( withethe mask )

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-16 15:12:24

Id say that maven has the best attire. oooooooo those tight trunks....erm....i mean stacey keibler, what legs eh?......
Stacey's attire probably is the best. Nice short skirt lol. I agree with the Rey Rey thing. How many masks do you need?
Who do you guys think looks best in a suit? Angle sucked in a suit as GM, but Randy's is pretty kool

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-16 19:02:32

At 12/16/04 03:44 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
Also, from everything I hear, Vince loves JBL as champ, and he is expected to keep the title at least till Wrestlemania.

I'd have no real problem with that 8D Call me crazy, but I think JBL makes for a damn good champ. The man plays his character well, and I think that's just as important as inring skill.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-16 21:34:33

Lordkooler's Smackdown review
1.JBL segment rating:**
A boring segment to start off Smackdown. JBL comes out with his cabinet and rants about what a great champion he is again. Then he says that the Tennesee titans are losers and he is a winner. The reason why the titans suck is because of off-season losses to Eddie george, Jevon kearse and injuries to their best players. Then kurt angle comes out and challenges John "Bucko" Layfield to a WWE championship match. I read wrestling news the past few days and it said that JBL will be champion until Wrestlemania.
2.RVD & Rey mysterio vs Billy kidman & Akio rating:***
A good tag team match. Akio hasn't had a tag team partner since Sakoda was fired in August. RVD & Mysterio won at the end.
3.Heidenreich segment rating:***1/2
A decent segment. Torrie wilson comes out dressed up as Uncle sam to promote the Smackdown in Iraq next week. Then Heidenreich comes out and reads a poem about the Undertaker.
4.Eddie guerrero & Booker T vs Kenzo suzuki & rene dupree rating:***
Another good tag team match. Booker T & Eddie won at the end.
5.Armageddon match: John cena vs Jesus rating:****
A great match from Armageddon. It was just like when The score showed the Brock lesnar vs Kurt angle match from Summerslam 2003. John cena won at the end.
6.Tough enough segment rating:***1/2
A decent segment to end Tough enough. Daniel puder won and got into the Royal rumble.
7.Kurt angle vs JBL rating:***1/2
A decent match to end Smackdown. Joy giovanni came out dressed up as Santa claus and gave candy to JBL. Amy weber got mad and the 2 ladies from the 2004 RAW diva search nearly stripped eachother of their Bra & Panties before Theodore long broke it up. Angle won by dq at the end after Orlando jordan attacked him, But angle didn't win the WWE title. Then the Big show came out and attacked JBL's cabinet and Kurt angle's Bodyguards!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-16 23:14:59

JBL does have a good character and acts it out perfectly, i'll give him that and agree with you there rook, but I still think he should not be a champion. Check that, He shouldn't be the world champ. A U.S. Title would be fine. Besides, he is a weak champion. All his matches are won either by cheating or a move out of nowhere. Sure other heel champs have done that but at least when HHH is champ he dominates a fwe times and can win without cheating.

Best ring attire? Never really thought about it...
um... Edge?

Put some pants on people, your on t.v.

HBK should be returning soon. Hpefully by the end of the year or the beginning of 2005.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-17 02:16:57

At 12/16/04 11:14 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: JBL does have a good character and acts it out perfectly, i'll give him that and agree with you there rook, but I still think he should not be a champion. Check that, He shouldn't be the world champ. A U.S. Title would be fine. Besides, he is a weak champion. All his matches are won either by cheating or a move out of nowhere. Sure other heel champs have done that but at least when HHH is champ he dominates a fwe times and can win without cheating.

I agree with Outlaw here in why I don't like JBL, I applaud the man for trying to pick up his game overall and try to grow into the role as champ, but no matter how much he tries, he's simply just one of those people who was not mean't to be the heavyweight champ. When you're the heavyweight champion, heel or face, you have to look like the standard bearer, and you have to draw money. JBL did not win the title clean, and has never had a retention of it that was clean, it makes JBL look weaker then his opponents because it looks like anyone on the roster can beat him straight up, that's the wrong way to book a champ. He also is not drawing any money, buyrates are actually WORSE since he became champ, now, that isn't entirely his fault, but hey, when you're champ, you carry a lot of the weight, and frankly, if the main event of a show dosen't look good (and I hear many fans say over and over they don't want to pay for a JBL title match unless it's the one he loses, I'm among them), then the rest of the show suffers. JBL has worked with the top babyfaces on the Smackdown! brand and failed to draw money with any of them. He's a failure as champion, and his booking almost guarantees that when he drops the strap, he's going right back down to the mid-card. Vince shouldn't be wasting his time on guys like JBL, he needs to be building new stars on SD! Raw is WAAAAY ahead of them in that department. Time for Vince to wake up and steer the ship correctly.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-17 12:38:07

My thoughts exactly. He does seem like if ot for Orlando or whoever he hires jumps in he gets beat up. His character and how he portrays it is great, he has surprised me with that, but I still don't think he is world champ material. His matches are just not good enough for that.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-17 16:10:32

I finally got to see tna impact the second half.
John swinger v. Dustin rhodes is he related to dusty rhodes. it was an avgerage match. rhodes won with his finisher dont know what its called somethig like the one and only.

Raven v. Eric Watts DDp clockes raven ffrom behind watts doesnt go to the ring end of match

Hector garza v. JJ God damn fucking jarrett still still has the title jeez. But wtf is the esponal announcer there for screw that. I forget how trthe match went but the finish hec pwerbombs JJ goes to the top rope JJ git his gitar and hec does corcscrew whatever and JJ nail him in mid air. nash and Hall come out and attack Hec. JJ pins hec and wins

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-17 16:14:46

Well, I guess I'm in the minority in my opinion, brcasue Iactually think that JBL's weak appearance makes him a better heel champ then being a strong looking character. It makes him into the sneaky, weasely blowhard, and actually makes me want to see him MORE than someone like Triple H, out of the hope of seeing him lose, and by having him hold the title so long over so many top tier competitors, it will make the person who finally beats him look all the better because he finally knocked the "champ" of his high horse.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-18 11:08:45

Also WWE intends to put on an ECW PPV. The plan is definitely on according to those I've spoken to in the company, and the talk is that it will take place on 6/5/05 in New York City at the Hammerstein Ballroom, the site of ECW's final two PPV events.

We don't have much else in the way of details right now, but in my opinion, if Tommy Dreamer and Paul Heyman aren't at the helm of this thing, WWE is starting off on the wrong foot with the concept already. WWE has a chance to do something very special with a brand that fans legitimately miss and want to see, as seen by the ECW DVD sales, and I hope they realize they only have one chance at doing this right.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-18 12:07:42

There was also a rumor of them using a Barbed wire match, but that was before they took heymen off the writing team.

The ECW would be awsome but it has a major road block named Steph McMahon. She hates ECW and has been against anything to do with it. She has been very againts an ECW return of any kind.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-18 12:49:41

Chris Jericho, Ric Flair, and Dave Batista had files charged against them for allegedly harassing a Huntsville, Alabama man in a local Hooters this past Monday evening, according to WAAY 31 TV in Alabama.

Dana Mixx claimed that the three stars took his cowboy hat and wouldn't give it back to him. Mixx also claimed that they pushed him and threatened to beat him up if he tried to retrieve it, but eventually returned the hat.

Huntsville Police are investigating the incident. When contacted for comment, WWE told WAAY that one of the wrestlers named (not citing who) was actually in another location when the alleged incident took place.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-18 13:58:46

At 12/18/04 12:07 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: The ECW would be awsome but it has a major road block named Steph McMahon. She hates ECW and has been against anything to do with it. She has been very againts an ECW return of any kind.

Geez, I knew she'd have something to do with this. Why can't she just keep her freakin' oppinons out of our entertainment. Is it that hard to ask that she be tied up in a burlap sack and dumped in the river?

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-18 16:00:13

Lol guys can I join?

(Btw did you see Big Show F5? LOL)

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-19 00:54:20

At 12/18/04 12:07 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: The ECW would be awsome but it has a major road block named Steph McMahon. She hates ECW and has been against anything to do with it. She has been very againts an ECW return of any kind.

I have never heard that, from my opinion, and the evidence presented, Vince keeps talking about making ECW a third brand, or doing something with them since he believes a fan base still exists (which is true, it does, I would still watch a version of it, and many others I know would, and you still get ECW chants in the arenas). The problem as I see it is the same thing that made the Invasion angle flop, Vince's ego. We've seen over and over that Vince hates to push anything that he didn't create, be it talent, or concepts. The Alliance was booked like idiots because Vince wanted to prove how much better his company was over the other two, and I am seriously afraid that if Vince put any ECW type show or brand together, he'd starve it, or have it "invade" the main brand and then get trounced just to prove that the WWE is, and always was, the dominant company and no one can beat them.

Also, the site I read, www.pwinsider.com, who have PROVEN sources and contacts within the industry, have said not a peep about any ECW show, so until I hear it from them, I take it as gossip and rumor mongering.

Also, on the Dustin Rhodes question, he is indeed related to Dusty Rhodes, he's Dusty's legitimate son.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-19 02:05:25

Well to start I was glad to see Angle show up JBuckoL but the part was sad he is gong to lose or not win.

I sense perhap a long tag title reign for rvd and 619 and the frat or whatver boys wgot some attention wants next 6 1 9 when theys in san d.

Booker t and eddi meh it wont last.

Fucking Lamo strange RR promo

thanks wwe home video the jesus cena streetfight was so one sided figures cena would disgrace the us title yeh it looks cool but watch when a heel wins they switch it back to classic.

Damn Angle was centimeters away from win I was like kurt get him in the ground ankle lock but the funny part was whenb angle magical throw OJ out the ring with his hands tied up. Kurt wins via dq thats still good because bucko cant gloat about beating angle. Then the wmxi or RR contender for the wwe title clears the ring clothesline after chokeslam and big boot And the return of Brock Lesnars F5. If and when lesnar returns a wonder if he use show rarely used final cut.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-19 02:46:18

Also, on the Dustin Rhodes question, he is indeed related to Dusty Rhodes, he's Dusty's legitimate son.

(sorry for the double post had to respond to may post directly ands indirectly wait I not sorry.)

Legit so it his flesh and blood or some other story happened.

Ecw has a 3rd brand I would like that you can still hear the EeeCeeDub chant during a great hardcore match going on e.g. Backlash randy v. foley hmm that should be the match ol the year screw beniot wmxx win. But vince would fuck it up it make it shitty has hell. Family Guy sales made FG return this spring so Ecw RandF DVD may hint the same thing.

I think JBL is a effective heel I dont like him has a champ but still the win show angle taker booker eddie someone else at wrestlemania the victory win be on so sweet.

Torrie in her great american bash attire. as from the attire question past Ultimate Warrior. Present hmm confused I say Kenzo win his robe when he was carried out to the ring.

I just thought of this who was the last heel on SD to have the title Answer Brock Lesnar until No way Out isnt ironic.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-19 11:22:09

Vilarion you are # 113. Welcome to the club!

FG is coming back? Sweet!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-12-19 12:55:19

is FG family guy, like that cartoon, or something else altogether?