Well, it seems that we have been busy over here, eh? And so have the storms and hurricanes. Puerto Rico got beaten down by Jeanne, but our dumbass government (Bush ain't got nothing on our leader) ordered that the electricity and water was shut down completely, so I (along with people that didn't have to) went through hell for 4 days.
I watch Velocity, but only because I don't have UPN, and thus, I can't watch SmackDown!. I also watch HeaT, because I don't have anything better to do on Sunday.
Letting Noble go has got to be the worst move WWE has made all year. He was one of the best cruiserweights around. So what if his style was a little toward heavyweights? When he did his matches, he did them right. I think that he was the Benoit of the cruisers.
Gangrel and the others... I have no idea who the hell they are, and by the way you are talking, I don't want to know. If you guys could be so kind as to clue me in as to who they are, I'd be very thankful.
And it IS Stephanie who is going to replace Eric. Those lyrics were from "I'm all grown up". And I thought that I gave out TOO much of the song.
One last thing before I go, I may not be able to do the Review tomorrow, on account that Mrs. Calderon seemed to have taken away our cable privileges. Oh, and good joke, Outlaw.
Bye, freaks!