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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-13 15:33:48

Since I was unable to see the PPV myself and also I've been hearing a lot of conflicting things, I did me some reasearch and read some things written about it and talked to a few people I knew who had seen it. All say it was like watching sn extendid version of raw.. Thats a bad thing. PPV's are supposed to be something spacial, with blockbuster stuff.

From my sourse the HHH win was a typical raw event and should have stayed there. A total handicap while the ref is out to win a match should not have been done. This hurts randy too. But I expect them to have a rematch in the near future. thing is they rushed this. They had wanted to have that match saved for WM, but decided to do it early.

I heard there were a lot of missed spots during the ladder match but overall was probably the best of the night.

An impromtu match between tomko and richands... I know richards can wreslte but he had to friggin job to tyson who, guess what? sucked so bad doing moves that a boring chant started. A BORING CHANT DURING A PPV! Save it for raw... oh wait, chances are they did.

Rodney mack was on heat and lost to maven after two dropkicks... nice comeback. not.

Lets just hope SD can pick up the slack since teh raw brand did a crappy job this time around.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-13 17:16:45

hopefully tonight they can make up for some of it.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-13 17:20:00

The Move of the Day!

The move of the day is...

The Pedigree!

Oh shit! Raw Writers really Stumped us on that shit! Well, maybe Randy will go back to Evolution and order shall be restored!

But, now it is...

The Move of the Week!

The move of the week is...

The Stroke/Figure 4

Oh shit! I told you Jarret is better than that fuck, Jeff Hardy! After a Guitar shot he won the match 1, 2, 3! Now choke on that, slapnuts!

Hopefully Raw dosen't go down the tubes by eliminating Joy tonight and doesn't focus more on The Kane baby shit than kane Kicking the shit out of someone whenever he feels fit to! But, I give the Raw Writers an A for stumping us on the title matches, Tag and Heavyweight!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-13 18:37:32

At 9/13/04 08:52 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I heard the ladder match was awsome. I'm guessing mallrat saw it, so how was it?

The ladder match was incredible. A lot of ladders to the face, and what not. I'm sure that they will show the highlights tonight.


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-13 19:22:45

I hope so. As I said if it weren't for the missed spots it would have stole the show. This just proves the fact the christian has exceeded edge, despite his loss. For what it's worth christian has stayed in good condition longer than edge has and does. Edge has been out quite a few times while christian has been out just once. Take what you want from that but the CLB has some indurance to him.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-13 23:23:46

Before I do my Move of the day, just a few points...

Raw ranking before start: 1/5

After first hour: 1.9/5

No more Baby!!! AHAHAHAHA! They killed the storyline! Yay! That puts their ranking at 5/5! They did me a favor, I pyed them back! Yeah! I like the kid who destroyed the storyline!


Joy is gone! NOOOOOOO! The other 2 suck! God I hate fans! They are probably saying: "Hey I keep voting for Carmella to be voted off, but she keeps staying! Why?" fuckin idiots! Now we have a bad choice, the Fucked up, cocaine freak of a red-head or Carmella, the dumb bitch? Tough. Their plummets to a 2/5

Great fight in last segment thing! I am glad we have such talent in this no-talent business! I smell a 6-man tag match! Also, Benjamin, Orton, and Benoit are some of the few faces I like. They get a 3/5


MrMacMahon! Oh shit! What is his announcement going to be? Whatever it is, it will boost ratings because whenever Vince has an announcement, things always go well! Yay!

Final ranking: 3.5/5

Well, it is time for...

The Move of the Day!

Well, the move is going to have to be...

The Stinger Splash!

Great use of splash Benjamin!
I just hope you have another, more original, finisher to go with that! Just a though.

Well, tune in on Thursday for another SD Move of the Day! Will Big Show reign Supreeme and get his second M-OT-D? Find out next thursday!

Til then I leave you with this fun Knowledge: A cat will blink when struck with a hammer.

That's my segment, so fuck you, Slap Nuts!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-13 23:26:15

My buddy was at unforgiven and he got me this HBK shirt that's awesome! He called me from the middle, and I could hear Y2J getting violated by the ladder.


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-14 00:30:20


Okay, now that it's out of the way, let's get to what happened at RAW tonight with the one, the unique, the $20 shorter...

Kraidle's "RAW IS... REVIEW"!
Evolution Segment:
Evolution was celebrating Triple H's victory at Unforgiven, as he was giving one of his "I am the best!" speeches. But the celebration was cut short when Orton came out of a cake (those bachelor party cakes) and attacked everyone in the ring. Bischoff makes the match: Evolution vs. Randy Orton

Chris Benoit vs. Rob Conway: 2.9/5
Eh, it was an okay match, but it didn't have the intensity of the other Wolverine matches.

Diva segment w. Bischoff
This was SUPPOSED to be the Seattle Slutfest (not a typo). But as Stacy calls the Hopefuls down, all hell breaks loose. Molly, Nidia, Gail, Victoria and Trish get down to the ring and start beating each other down. So, Bischoff made a 6-Diva Tag match.

6-Diva Tag match: 2.5/5
Molly, Gail & Trish vs. Stacy, Nidia & Victoria: This match would have actually gotten a slightly higher score, but the match started in commercial. Pretty good and short, but as soon as Stacy tags in, she rolls Molly and wins. What the fuck?

Kane & Bischoff segment:
Kane bitches about how he lost to HBK, and threatens Bischoff. So he signs a No DQ match with Kane and someone...

The Highlight Reel:
Special Guest: HBK. Well, the 7-time IC Champ Y2J and HBK discuss their wins the night before, which lead to them almost having a match, but like all the Reels, something goes unplanned. CLB and Goat Boy (Tomko) appear, and one thing leads to another, thus making the next match.

Tag Match: 3.7/5
HBK & Y2J vs. CLB & Goat Boy
The best match of the night. Would have reached 4, but like the Diva match, it started (and continued) throughout commercials, and that pisses me off. Ultimately, Shawn nails the SCM on Tomko for the pin, but gets an Unprettier on the outside for his trouble.

Diva Search:
Oh yeah. This crap goes on for one more week. Joy was eliminated, and this were my thoughts: Damn it! MILF walking out the ring, DAMN IT! Anywho, the Seattle Slutfest (again, no typo) was going to start, when Mr. McMahon (dun dun duuuuun) announces that another announcement would take place next week.

Seattle Slutfest (look above): 2.3/5
Well, they beat the crap out of Coach, instead of each other, so it was hilarious, but not an actual match. Christy wins the SS and I predict that she will win (Joy is gone, so I go to plan B).

Kane vs. Jobber: N/A
What happened here, you ask? Hopefully, the end of a god-awful story. Long story short: 330 lb. man + pregnant woman + man falling on woman due to a chair shot = miscarriage for sure. Way to make us happy! Really!

Evolution vs. Randy Orton: 2.7/5
Could have gone a whole lot better, since it was a main event. Orton won by DQ (don't know why, I didn't pay attention).

Final Segment:
Evolution attacks Orton, and Mr. Benjamin appears! All right! And Benoit too! Whoo! After clearing the ring of HHH and Flair, they go medieval on Batista, with a Stinger Splash, an RKO, A Swandive, and a few chair shots. Not bad.

And that's it for my review. Didn't like it? Too bad. I try to enjoy RAW, and I do. Bye!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-14 08:06:28

hells yeah benjamin is back! Now we have some more bonafied wrestling talent.

The raw diva search is almost over and I couldn't be happier. Maybe now we can devote some air time to matches now huh?

That weight loss guy is Nova BTW. "The one who was in ECW?" Yeah that Nova. In a gimmick destined to fail and he hasn't even gotten really started yet save for a few house shows.

And WWE got smart and killed the baby story! I loved it when the crowd was chanting "Baby Killer" it made me laugh. Speaking of laughing have you noticed that kane does that too much in his promos?

Goat Boy! YES! Thank you Y2J!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-15 01:21:03

Frogman's opinion of RAW...

BOOYAH! CHRISTY IS IN THE FINAL TWO! Oh wait, I forgot that I started to hate her after she started acting like a dumbass. But at least she's in the final two, unlike Joy and Amy and Tracy and all the other divas you guys were rooting for. Dude, Carmella...she should not win, she probably will win, which will suck because she sucks, but think about it, the WWE is a heel community and that fans hate Carmella, so with that being said Carmella gets the vote >:(

Trish is still the Women's Champ? It's ok, it's ok. The Women's Division = Gail Kim, Ivory, Jazz, Lita, Molly Holly, Nidia, Stacy Keibler, Trish Stratus, and Victoria. Hmm...I see at Survivor Series Trish will lose the title, hopefully the contender won't be Victoria. I hope the contender is Nidia, with Stacy a close second and Lita a close third, let me explain that...now

Kane/Lita/marriage/baby thing. Hmm, is the baby angle over? Did they decide to kill the baby angle early? If so, yay for them and getting WWE back onto track because now Lita can go compete for the Womens Championship again. Man, I gotta tell you though they should get rid of Kane because whenever they use Kane they come up with the stupidest storylines. I mean first the whole Kane is a necrophiliac storyline and now this.

La Resistance are still the World Tag-Team Champions? Dude, they've held the title for five grueling months. Give the f*%#ing titles up allready. Oh wait, maybe at Survivor Series we'll see La Resistance face Benoit and Regal for the Tag-Team championship, and then they will finally lose the Tag-Team championship giving Regal and Benoit a small push.

Jericho as the IC Champ? WTF? I said Jericho would lose, and he ends up winning? WTF? Oh well. When come Survivor Series Christian will regain the IC title, either that or Edge will regain it, either that or Jericho will successfully defend it with DQ by return of E & C. At least now Jericho gets a small push towards the World Heavyweight Championship, which he hasn't won since 2001.

Triple H is once again the World Heavyweight Champion. I told you guys I had a small feeling Triple H would regain what's rightfully his, and he did. Orton no longer champ? :(. Survivor Series, hopefully, we'll see a re-match between Triple H and Randy Orton.

BTW, did you guys forget? When they originally had the Seattle Slugfest, Stacy was all like come on out, but Molly came out instead and told them to stay in the back because she was pissed off that they got all the attention instead of her and was pissed that Stacy was cheering them on and whatever, so Molly challenged Stacy to whatever match she wanted and they had a Danceoff. Molly's danceoff was hella funneh while Stacy's was hella sexeh, then the 6 woman tag-team match took place.

If you don't like green, then you don't like me. If you don't like me, bite me. And if you don't like what was said right now, then GET OUT OF THE DARK WATER WORLD!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-15 06:06:26

It seems that something happened at the PPV, something that we were unaware of, and something that concers everyone in the WWE. I don't want to dig too deep (Too late. I love the Internet), and I don't want to ruin the surprise for you guys. All I can say is that we will be hearing a very familiar song with these lyrics next week in RAW:

"...my turn..."

I couldn't have made it any more easier. But even without it, it's obvious who's gonna get the boot.

And you people are great. No one noticed I lost the bet. I love the Internet!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-15 07:42:18

"my turn" huh.. Nope I can't remember that off the top of my head..

I'm pretty sure vince's big announcment has to do with Taboo Tuesday.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-15 18:04:18

My Time is from HHH's old music.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-15 18:19:01

Cena pins Booker to tie the 5 match USA champ thingy.
GM Teddy hands Big Show two contracts for Ediie and Kurt, he faces whosever contract he signs at No Mercy.
Michael Cole interviews Kidman and calls him a quitter. Paul comes out and slaps him but Kidman walks away.
RVD and Rey defeat the Dudley Boys after RVD pins D-Von with the 5 star frogsplash. Spike kicks D-Von down under for losing.
Backstage Eddie tells Big Show to sign his contract.
FBI get ready to face Kenzo and Renee for the Tag titles.
Kenzo and Renee defeat FBI.
Heidenreich comes out a kidnapps Michael Cole. Tazz tries to save him but fails.
Backstage Heidenreich tells Michael Cole he's been wanting to give Michael something ever since he first saw him.
JBL calls out Undertaker. The two brawl for awhile until Orlando Jordan, VISCERA AND GANGREL come out. Undertaker tries to fight back but gets nailed with the Clothesline from Hell.
Backstage Luther Reigns tries to convince Big Show not to sign Kurt Angles contract.
Backstage Heidenreich, get this, READS MICHAEL COLE A POEM!!!
Charlie Hass defeat Spike by DQ after D-Von and Buh-Buh came out. Rico came out to make the save.
Final Segment: Big Show, Kurt Angle and Eddie are all out in the ring. Big Show decides to sign Eddie's contract but teases it by signing Kurt Angles. Kurt and Luther attack Big Show but Eddie makes the save. GM Teddy makes a tag team match for next SD!.
****What we wont see**** After the show Eddie and Angle got into an actual fight backstage after Kurt said Eddie made him look weak in the last segment. The two got a talking to by Vince.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-15 20:06:07

OK, don't put spoilers. Not cool, but...

Viscera and Gangrel? Bold print? Would be awesome! But, probably is false.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-15 21:00:44

At 9/15/04 08:06 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote: OK, don't put spoilers. Not cool, but...

I put the spoiler warning.

Viscera and Gangrel? Bold print? Would be awesome! But, probably is false.

Ohh just wait, its going to happen.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-15 22:34:10

Visera??? Why on earth would WWE bring that tub'o lard back? He sucks in the ring and he can't talk. WTF?!

Gangrel on the other hand. Damn glad to have himbakc. He had the coolest enterance.

Breaking News: WWE Has released Jamie Noble! I have no idea why yet, but they friggin did!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-16 10:43:19

here is what I found of his release

Jamie Noble, with WWE for the past few years, was officially terminated by the company earlier this week. WWE sources felt that he did not bring enough to the table, and was not getting over despite being given many gimmicks. The feeling is that he's a small wrestler with a heavyweight style, and just wasn't someone anyone would make excuses to keep on board.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-16 18:34:00

I liked Noble on WCW. He had some good matches. He just got the Trailer park gimmick and that fucked him up! Too bad, so sad.

SD Move of the day tonight! And, I think you know what Viscera+Gangrel+The Undertaker means! I will only abbr. the result of those 3: MOD

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-16 19:29:34

I wonder why they didn't bring back Midion?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-16 20:52:09


i dont no if anyone else noticed but in the lumberjack match when the basham brothers made their entrance in the alcove thing they accedentally showed luther reigns name lol

P.S. if anyone has a pic of this please post it with quote

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-16 21:30:27


check this site theres a funny script of Star Wars where the characters are replaced with wrestlers

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-16 21:34:01

LordKooler's Smackdown review
1.John cena vs Booker T rating:***
A good match to start off Smackdown. Torrie wilson came out and announced the names of the wrestlers instead of Tony chimmel. But Tony chimmel annouced the winner of the match. Cena won at the end to force a 5th match in the Best of five series at No Mercy.
2.Billy kidman segment rating:***1/2
A decent segment. Billy kidman explains that he didn't hit the shooting star press in last week's tag match was because has was afraid to injure someone. Then Paul london came out and blamed him for losing the WWE Tag team titles.
3.RVD & Rey mysterio vs The Dudley Boys rating:***1/2
A decent tag match. it was just like their match from Judgement day.
4.JBL Segment rating:***
JBL calls out the Undertaker and both start fighting, Then JBL smiles and Orlando jordan, Viscera, and Gangrel attack Undertaker. That was unexpected. Why wasn't Mideon there? And it was cool to see Gangrel return, And why did they bring back Viscera? He is big and fat and has bad ring skills. Remember Men on a mission? When Viscera was known as Mable and his tag team partner was Mo? They also had a rapping manager named Oscar. And remember PN News from WCW? Men on a mission was just like him, But there was 3 people instead of 1 making a living hell out of everybody that had ears.
5.Kenzo Suzuki & Rene Dupree vs The F.B.I rating:***
A good tag team match. During the match, Heidenreich kidnapped michael cole! Rene Dupree and Kenzo suzuki won at the end.
6.Charlie Haas vs Spike dudley rating:***1/2
After haas' former tag team partner Shelton Benjamin along with Chris Benoit saved Randy orton from an Evolution beating on RAW, Rico saved haas from a Dudley boys beating. Haas won by DQ.
7.Big show contract signing rating:***
A good segment to end Smackdown. Show signs a contract to face eddie guerrero at No mercy, But Big show rips the eddie guerrero contract and signs a Big show vs Kurt angle contract at No mercy instead!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-16 22:12:54

Nice Kooler, but you forgot something:

During the Cole segment, didn't it seem like he was raping cole as he was talking to him? Just a sick and odd thought. Strange day today.

The Move of the Day

This was a tough one. There were not a lot of moves done. So, decided to say my favorite.

Big Splash

Yeah! Viscera and Gangrel! Two of my favorite guys. It would have been better if they helped taker. But I see taker beating them next week. JBL will lose at No Mercy.

Well, unless someone does the Impact review tomorrow, i will have no new Move of they Day for Friday...unless...well, if there is no impact review, I will do the move of the day SP edition! Plus Move of the week and super-magical-flying midgets! Ok, no Flying Midgets, but there will be an SP edition of move of the day if there is no impact review!

That is my story, so fuck you, slapnuts!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-16 22:22:19

wait so they fire noble and bring back visera? thats just mismanagment period end of story.

lets face it after this undertaker gimmick visera will once again have no place in the wwe where as noble should have always had a place there, same is true with gangrel unless he changes his gimmick. and what ever happened to mark henry?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-17 09:02:56

You know what the weird thing is? Neither Gangrel of Visera are signed!

here is the article: Gangrel and Viscera returned on SmackDown! last night during the Undertaker-JBL segment. We have been told that they were brought in to work a program with 'Taker as a way of using more 'established' stars but also not to kill some of the company's younger talent. It was really a move done by WWE as a way to not get any negative heat on their current workers but still be able to do the angle anyways.

Both men will appear on next week's show as well, but they are not back full time.

You know what else is weird? They were mentioning the M.O.D. all night after that but they neglected to mention that Bradshaw was part of it himself.

The weird thing is Taker had been pushing for a Midion return. Maybe they will bring him in to help taker.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-17 13:20:04

but yeah Visera is just not money well spent. At least noble could wrestle and do stuff.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-17 15:23:18

i like Noble when he went out with Nidia. He was funny.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-17 15:47:34

At 9/16/04 09:30 PM, SkuSiLl wrote: http://www.btinternet.com/~wwf.mania/index.htm

check this site theres a funny script of Star Wars where the characters are replaced with wrestlers

it says site closed

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-17 15:56:13

what do you guys think about all this hype for the season premeir of SD?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature