Well, ladies (if there are any) and gentlemen, it's time. The debut of...
Without further ado, let's get to it.
Eric Bischoff announces BOTH the IC title was stripped from Edge and that HHH and Eugene would fight in a steel cage. After Christian and Y2J get down to the ring, Bischoff makes the match: Chris Jericho vs. Christian in Ladder match for IC title.
Tag match: 4/5
Regal, Benoit, Rhyno & Tajiri vs. Evolution & La Resistance
Best match of the night, actually. Chris Benoit makes Rob Conway submit with the Sharpshooter.
Randy Orton Interview:
Randy talks about how the match against Kane is about HHH, and makes fun of HHH.
Trish, Lita & Nidia segment:
Trish is a bitch to Lita once again, to which Lita threatens Trish again. Nidia then comes along and yells at Trish in Spanish, and throws some juice on her.
Trish vs. Nidia: 1/5
What a crap match. Nothing special here. trish wins over Nidia after a Chick Kick,
HHH & Bischoff segment:
HHH tells Bischoff that Eugene is about Randy Orton, pretty much a mimic of Randy's interview earlier.
Steel Cage Match: 2.8/5
HHH vs. Eugene
A pretty good match actually, but nothing out of the ordinary. HHH wins the match via Escape. After the match ended, however, HHH separated Eugene's shoulder by dropping his knee from the middle rope and slamming the cage door onto Eugene's arm.
Edge Interview:
Edge talks about how Bischoff doesn't know what it is to be a champion, and that how he is always puckering up to kiss Evolution's ass.
Kane & Lita segment:
Kane shows Lita how he put HBK out of action and explains to Lita how she will be responsible for HBK's demise at Unforgiven, because she and Kane are "partners". He also orders her to go to the ring in his match against Randy.
Y2J vs. Tyson Tomko: 2/5
Too short to be considered a match. Christian interfieres and Tomko wins by pinfall. Then Christian attacks Y2J with a ladder. It's just last-minute build-up for their match.
Diva Search segment:
An arm-wrestling tournament takes place. Christy wins and gets to dump chili all over the other hopefuls. Amy is eliminated.
Kane vs. Randy Orton: N/A
Not even 5 minutes into the match and Randy dq's himself. However, Bischoff orders the match to restart, with a little difference...
Steel Cage match: 3/5
Pretty good match to end RAW. Kane was about to win when Randy takes a steel chair placed prior to the cage being lowered, and nails Kane, followed by the RKO. HHH tries to stop Randy, but Randy kicks the cage door, hitting HHH. Randy wins the match by Escape.
Evolution attacks:
Yep, after the match, Batista and Flair come down to the ring, ambush Randy and throw him back to the ring. Randy then picks up the chair once again and hits Batista and Flair. But now, it's 4 vs. 1, Evolution & Kane against Randy. So he throws the chair at the coming HHH and desperately climbs out of the cage.
There ya go, if you don't like my scores, tough luck. I try to enjoy RAW. I am not responsible if the review offends anyone.
See ya!