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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-04 10:38:41

Very good impact review with keen to detial * claps slowly* to see if anyone else starts. Damn it I will not be able to see impact anymore. ;;cries:: Now I hope that SD is on at midnight not some gay ass cops rerunathon. err

Goldberg: Grraaahhh I loved teh highp pss i injurred bret joo igorant canuckerz woo go america,

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-04 10:53:52

it's very windy out.. i'm just hoping a tree doesn't fall on my car.

Some WWE News:
Dr. Tom Prichard has been officially released by WWE. No reason has been announced at this time, but it happened today and came apparently very suddenly.

Apparently, Tommy Dreamer will be taking over Prichard's responsibilities with WWE, including the work Dr. Tom did in the WWE developmental program. Dreamer was sent to OVW earlier in the week and announced to the guys he was there to observe the developmental process.

As things turned out, Dreamer was there to prepare for his new responsibilities, whether he was at the time aware of it or not.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-04 18:53:09

Dr. Tom Prichard has been officially released by WWE. No reason has been announced at this time, but it happened today and came apparently very suddenly.

Can someone tell me what he did please?

Goldberg: Ha! You were all expecting a good match at Wrestlemania 20, weren't ya? Fat chance of that! I fucked you all over! HA HA HA!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-05 13:41:55

here, go make a caption

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-06 00:17:52

At 9/5/04 01:41 PM, bestjeffhardyfan wrote: here, go make a caption

Val: Oh ri-- Wait, how did we end up here again Rico?!

Rico: Ruffees!

Val: Oh *Shakes head* Oh yea rico!

We already did that pic man!

Raw is in 20 or so hours. Yay fur us!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-06 03:33:25

At 9/5/04 01:41 PM, bestjeffhardyfan wrote: here, go make a caption

Val: oooo that vapor rub feels so good!

Rico: so do you...

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-06 11:54:25

cap this one

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-06 14:03:14

At 9/6/04 11:54 AM, bestjeffhardyfan wrote: cap this one

Kenzo: (in slow english voice) I love america. Charles haas eats chinese food arrr
Haas: look at me a can do top rope manuevers my split legged moonsault.

OR Hirko(the japanese lady h/e its spelled): Oh I like that ass.

ok I couldnt do a good cap to hard.

oh shooting star press is the most dangerous move in sd watch for billoy kidman.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-06 23:18:55

At 9/6/04 11:54 AM, bestjeffhardyfan wrote: cap this one

RVD showing why top rope splits can be dangerous.

Well. It is time for...

The Move of the Day!

Today's move is...

The Pedigree!

Fuck yea! Eugene is dead bitches! That is why Hunter got this award! Randy would have gotten it, if he wasn't playing the good guy! See randy, you may win more as a face, but you get you ass kicked more as well. But, he is still cool because of the RKO. But for ridding the WWE of Eugene, the Pedigree is the Move of the day!

Next Thursday: SD is on...but fuck that! I am watching the Pats and Colts game! Yeah! But i will do the Move of the Day! Go Pats!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-06 23:47:49

Well, ladies (if there are any) and gentlemen, it's time. The debut of...


Without further ado, let's get to it.

Eric Bischoff announces BOTH the IC title was stripped from Edge and that HHH and Eugene would fight in a steel cage. After Christian and Y2J get down to the ring, Bischoff makes the match: Chris Jericho vs. Christian in Ladder match for IC title.

Tag match: 4/5
Regal, Benoit, Rhyno & Tajiri vs. Evolution & La Resistance
Best match of the night, actually. Chris Benoit makes Rob Conway submit with the Sharpshooter.

Randy Orton Interview:
Randy talks about how the match against Kane is about HHH, and makes fun of HHH.

Trish, Lita & Nidia segment:
Trish is a bitch to Lita once again, to which Lita threatens Trish again. Nidia then comes along and yells at Trish in Spanish, and throws some juice on her.

Trish vs. Nidia: 1/5
What a crap match. Nothing special here. trish wins over Nidia after a Chick Kick,

HHH & Bischoff segment:
HHH tells Bischoff that Eugene is about Randy Orton, pretty much a mimic of Randy's interview earlier.

Steel Cage Match: 2.8/5
HHH vs. Eugene
A pretty good match actually, but nothing out of the ordinary. HHH wins the match via Escape. After the match ended, however, HHH separated Eugene's shoulder by dropping his knee from the middle rope and slamming the cage door onto Eugene's arm.

Edge Interview:
Edge talks about how Bischoff doesn't know what it is to be a champion, and that how he is always puckering up to kiss Evolution's ass.

Kane & Lita segment:
Kane shows Lita how he put HBK out of action and explains to Lita how she will be responsible for HBK's demise at Unforgiven, because she and Kane are "partners". He also orders her to go to the ring in his match against Randy.

Y2J vs. Tyson Tomko: 2/5
Too short to be considered a match. Christian interfieres and Tomko wins by pinfall. Then Christian attacks Y2J with a ladder. It's just last-minute build-up for their match.

Diva Search segment:
An arm-wrestling tournament takes place. Christy wins and gets to dump chili all over the other hopefuls. Amy is eliminated.

Kane vs. Randy Orton: N/A
Not even 5 minutes into the match and Randy dq's himself. However, Bischoff orders the match to restart, with a little difference...

Steel Cage match: 3/5
Pretty good match to end RAW. Kane was about to win when Randy takes a steel chair placed prior to the cage being lowered, and nails Kane, followed by the RKO. HHH tries to stop Randy, but Randy kicks the cage door, hitting HHH. Randy wins the match by Escape.

Evolution attacks:
Yep, after the match, Batista and Flair come down to the ring, ambush Randy and throw him back to the ring. Randy then picks up the chair once again and hits Batista and Flair. But now, it's 4 vs. 1, Evolution & Kane against Randy. So he throws the chair at the coming HHH and desperately climbs out of the cage.

There ya go, if you don't like my scores, tough luck. I try to enjoy RAW. I am not responsible if the review offends anyone.

See ya!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-07 01:23:59

Why don't you rate segments and storylines, why only the matches?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-07 02:47:35

At 9/7/04 01:23 AM, MuffDiver wrote: Why don't you rate segments and storylines, why only the matches?

I don't see any need to rate them. It's once in a blue moon when you see a really cool or funny segment. As for the storylines, I'll just let you guys decide if it's good or bad. I've met people that think the Kane/Lita marriage is entertaining, and I want to shoot the WWE writers for that.

But in any case, I'm not going to. So, just be satisfied with the match scores.

Since when is Nidia from Puerto Rico?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-07 03:03:55

And just for the hell of it, here are my predictions for Unforgiven this Sunday in PPV (hopefully, I'll be watching it):

Shawn Michaels vs. Kane: HBK will win this match, without a doubt in my mind.

Benoit & Regal vs. Batista & Flair: Although it's Chris Benoit, I think that Evolution will pull out the victory from the usual place.

Trish Stratus vs. Victoria: Nope, I see Trish retaining the title at Bad Blood, unless we see Richards interfiere.

Rhyno & Tajiri vs. La Resistance: It's a crap shoot here. I would like to see Rhyno & Tajiri win, but it's 50/50 in my view.

Chris Jericho vs. Christian: If Christian wins this one, I see him having a feud with Edge. If Y2J wins, maybe a triple-threat will ensue later? Take your pick, iy's 50/50 here, too.

Randy Orton vs. Triple H: Randy will win. He BETTER win, I have $20 on him. It's too early to see the Legend Killer fall, even to no-sell HHH.

But what are YOUR predictions?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-07 12:05:31

Well, here is my list for Unforgiven. I am swinging .500 for the season so far, bad, so I hope I can get these right.

Shawn Michaels vs. Kane: Shawn, only because Kane is in that fucked up storyline. Bad Writers!

Benoit & Regal vs. Batista & Flair: I feel as if Benoit will win, but I can't help but feel like Evolution will pull one out of their asses. Benoit and Regal will win tho.

Trish Stratus vs. Victoria: Trish. That is all.

Rhyno & Tajiri vs. La Resistance: Blehk. Feel the WWE will have the Underdogs win because people suck. Rhyno and Tajiri are champs. *Sob*

Chris Jericho vs. Christian: Though one. Christian has Tomko and Trish. Jericho is a lone wolf, but a face will win usually...if Edge doesn't interfere. So, I have a condition for my pick. If Edge interferes for Christian, E&C, I pick Christian. If not, jericho will win.

Randy Orton vs. Triple H: Hmmm... Let me compare them.

3rd Generation Superstar
Former IC Champ
Current Hevyweight champ
230 or so pounds.
"Legend Killer"

Finishing move: RKO

Experience: Up and coming Rookie

Triple H:
Need I list his accomplishments. Too many.
That is how good he is.

Finisher: The Pedigree

Experience: Veteran

Results: Well, hunter is craftyer and stronger, but Randy is more confident and is in his prime. Triple H also has a history in the WWE, well over 10 years I believe! And randy is a rookie, but wrestling is passed on in their family. Geneticaly sound if I might say. But, it comes down to my segment: Move of the Day!

Randy will win 1, 2, 3 with the RKO because of him being pushed as Randy Fuckin Orton. He will win, but, as I said before, Randy, Being a face comes 2 things: Winning and Beatdowns. You may win Sunday, but you will have the Shit kicked out of you tho! Just a thought!

There you are, and to recap, here are my picks!

Rhyno & Tajiri
Benoit & Regal
Christian w/ Edge interference or Jericho if no Edge
Randy K. Orton w/ the RKO

And with that, I have an announcment!

Since I am going back to school on the 10th I need you guys to take over the Impact Review. Also, if you do the RAW or SD review, Do my segment move of the day, starting next Monday.But, I will do the move for the week and month. Speaking of which...

Move of August!

The move for August is...


That was Randy's month...can he continue?

Well, that is all till thursday unless I feel like posting! Till then remember:

A cat will blink when struk with a hammer.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-07 12:35:09

My basturd neighbor dean is going to unforgiven... He might not make it through the night...>:)


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-07 20:15:54

school tomorrow life sucks ass
well anyways cap this

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-07 22:34:19

so, Y2J vs Christian in a Ladder match this sunday now. I'm wondering, what do you think was the best Ladder match? maybe it was Benoit vs Angle at the royal rumble? I forget which year it was, I think it was 2002? what do you think was the best ladder match?

Thanks to Ninjar for the sig. -NGSM

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-07 23:17:31

At 9/7/04 10:34 PM, ref wrote: so, Y2J vs Christian in a Ladder match this sunday now. I'm wondering, what do you think was the best Ladder match? maybe it was Benoit vs Angle at the royal rumble? I forget which year it was, I think it was 2002? what do you think was the best ladder match?

My favourite ladder match was the Christian vs RVD for the IC Title match from RAW in 2003. But remember the Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon ladder matches from Wrestlemania X and Summerslam 94? Those were classics.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-08 01:44:54

I have 2 favorite Ladder matches:

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon
Classic. Just plain classic.

Taker vs. Jeff Hardy
C'mon. Phenom vs. Imagi-nation (or whatever it was called). It fuckin ruled.

RVD vs. Creepy Little Bastard
That name was pretty good, considering Austin said it first. And It was pretty odd to see an awesome match like that in the lackluster year of 2003.

As for the caption...

Cade: Control yourself, Cade. You're on national TV. DON'T shove your hand up his ass. His manly, sexy ass...

Other guy: Focus, you faggot!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-08 07:47:17

I'm finally back online! Hurricane Francis kicked teh crap out of florida and I was out of power for a while. Raw was ok, not the best they couild have done right before a PPV but whatever. The ladder match announcment was good enough for me. I;m looking forward to SD. When raw has a PPV SD usually puts on a good before-the-PPV-show.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-08 09:38:36

WWE UPDATE: Paul Heymen has been moved to the raw writing team on a trial basis. He is still part of the SD creative board.

Since I had time to think I have finally come up with a bit of my own. I'd like to welcome you to teh first ever edition of...

Outlaw's Ponderings

What happened to the hardcore match?: For whatever reason the hardcore match has just about dissapeared. Gone are the days when trash cans and stop signs were used, only on a ppv will we see them, and they are usually called a street fight now.. It had it's best time during the attitude era when teh hardcore belt was still in use, but it seems one they handed it to mick in a glass case the hardcore ways went with it. My big question is why? I can think of two reasons but only one seems to fit. 1) WWE want to keep wrestlers in good condition so to speak. 2) Censor problems. That last one seems to fit, because if WWE was really hell bent on keeping their wreslters healthy they would have cut of the chair shots and tables we still see regularly. Thats a Bullshite excuse to me. It may be just me but I miss the hardcore match.

Stevie cool wears a dress: Honestly I just can't see where this can go. The entire story of him saving Victoria has too many holes in it. Him wanting to help her makes sense since they were together for the longest time, but it's what they do after that bothers me. I see him being revieled at unforgivin. He will either help her win, of screw up and make her lose. But either way what will they do next? just drop him back on heat for all eternity? WWE has a long history of wasting talent and it pisses me off when they do. Stevie can and has shined on Raw. He did a tremendious job with the RTC. They want them (Victoria/stevie) to be a item again, that much is obvious, but it didn't work before because they made her womens champ and he was still on heat. If she wins the title again and make them an item they need to feature him on raw and have him win.

Kane and Lita sitting in a tree, ruining my raw tv: Seriouly how many of you were sick of this the moment it started? WWE has literally written themselves into a hole with this one. I bet they will drag it on the damn 9 months just so they can think of something in time. If she gives birth to a hand I swear I will stop watching raw, or at least write the most threatning and insulting letter ever conceived! What can they do with this? Have lita jump trish when she insults her enough and then say she had a misscarage becauseof it? Have her say she lied about the father and the test? Or actually go through with it and find some sort of devil kid.. Worse yet they could say kane's son was a hell spawn and it turns out to be WWeE's brand new wrestler. Yup she gives birth to a full grown man. Listen WWE, wedding and pregnancy storys rarely work. It took them forever to make the HHH/Steph thing be decent. This never will.

This concludes this addition of Outlaw's Ponderings I hope you enjoyed this. A SD version is on the way! Feedback please!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-08 15:04:19

At 9/5/04 01:41 PM, bestjeffhardyfan wrote: here, go make a caption

Venis: Do you like my implants.

Rico: Yah fuck the match, let's go to the back.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-08 16:51:46

At 9/7/04 08:15 PM, bestjeffhardyfan wrote: school tomorrow life sucks ass
well anyways cap this

Cade: Hey! You have spackle over your ass-crack and hole!

Other guy: Yea. Why are you trying to shove your hand up my ass?!

Cade: Uh... Ref, count!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-08 18:04:55

I finaly got my internet back up!

Rodney macks name has been added to teh raw roster again. That must mean something right?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-08 20:03:53

another cap here you go, sorry i found a lot

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-08 20:06:05

canyou belive it mike mizanin (miz) from the real world is wrestling and trying to get in to the wwe working for UPW right now

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-08 20:14:49

Six Man Tag Match: Rey, Holly, RVD defeat Dudleys
Aww man, Kenzo Suzuki and Renee Dupree new tag team champs? Guess Kidman cant get his shit back together after knocking Chavo out
Eddie and Angle both get there asses handed to them by Big Show in a lumberjack match.
Charlie Hass jobs to JBL and the GM announces another Undertaker/JBL Rematch for No Mercy but this time a hearst match great [/sarcasm]
Wow, Heidenreich beats up another jobber (Sho Funaki) and plays tag with Michael Cole

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-08 20:38:41

At 9/8/04 08:03 PM, bestjeffhardyfan wrote: another cap here you go, sorry i found a lot

Eddie: Hey kurt! I tought it was 69?

Kurt: No, I said I will teabag you!

The Miz! Yeah! I hope he can get in! That is the only Real world show I watched all the way through!

Ok, The Big Show is back. Kurt and Eddie get PwI\I3d! In other news, Heidenrich tries to rape Cole...again. Fun!

Tune in tomorrow for the Move of the Day!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-08 21:04:40

hey no spoilers. It takes the fun out of it.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-09-08 21:38:30

smackdowm tommorow whhooooooooooooooo

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