uh because it happend at a house show in a match between the two?
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
uh because it happend at a house show in a match between the two?
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 9/1/04 07:56 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: uh because it happend at a house show in a match between the two?
You fucked up my joke. I hate you now! lol. I wasn't being serious, I was saying his Groin Got Pulled and Jericho was his Eyewhitness! Get it?! If you don't I shall hate you!
I know I have been stuck on this diva thing... But go Carmella! It's not like these bitches are going to wrestle! Their going to be there for there tites, and ass. So I say... Let the hot one win!
At 9/1/04 11:32 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote: You fucked up my joke. I hate you now! lol. I wasn't being serious, I was saying his Groin Got Pulled and Jericho was his Eyewhitness! Get it?! If you don't I shall hate you!
I got the joke, and it was funny. I just wanted to add my own stupid humor which you didn't get.. so we are kinda even now.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I told you I had a supise today! It is caption thursday! Now, caption this or my gargantuate bad spelling will over came j00! lol
Flair : Dude, we gotta think about something else then chops and back drops
Jericho: Stfu I am talented and i'm wasting my talent on a hasbeen like you!
At 9/2/04 05:49 PM, EdgerMan wrote: Flair : Dude, we gotta think about something else then chops and back drops
I have never heard Ric say "Dude" lol.
Flair: Come on, man! Let me win, please?!
Jericho: Fuck no! I gotta beat you! I gotta get up the ranks! I WANT A TITLE TO HOLD MY ABS BEHIND, DAMN IT!!!!
Damnit.. because of the hurricane I can't watch SD due to all the news coverage... So tonights review better be good.
Flair: No No, please don't tell me that "How I was the first undisputed champ and now I'm doing nothing but crap" story again!
Jericho: (sob) you will listen damnit! AHHHHHH
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Hey does anyone know why refs. wear ear pieces?
At 9/2/04 09:34 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: Damnit.. because of the hurricane I can't watch SD due to all the news coverage... So tonights review better be good.
You mean Francis? Damn, that thing passed over us for like a mile. It was a very close call! Sorry about you, Outlaw.
At 9/2/04 09:41 PM, justrude88 wrote: Hey does anyone know why refs. wear ear pieces?
ya that is weird...........wat happened on smakdown?I missed it
LordKooler's Smackdown review
1.Booker T segment rating:***
A good segment to start off Smackdown. Booker T says that he won Match 3 of the best of five series for the U.S title. Then Rey mysterio comes out and makes the crowd chant "619." Then Kenzo Suzuki comes out and calls Rey mysterio a disgrace to America. Then Rene Dupree and RVD come out brawling. Then Theodore long comes out and makes a Six Man tag team match between RVD, John cena, Rey mysterio vs Kenzo suzuki, rene dupree, and Booker T.
2.John cena & RVD & Rey mysterio vs Kenzo Suzuki & Rene Dupree & Booker T rating:***
A good six man tag match. John cena's team won at the end.
3.Kidman & London vs The F.B.I rating:***
A good non-title match. After the F.B.I won Heidenreich attacked london, Then he targets Michael cole but Paul heyman comes out and tells heidenreich to stop.
4.Orlando Jordan vs Charlie haas rating:***1/2
A decent match. Orlando jordan won at the end.
5.The Dudley Boys vs Hardcore Holly & Billy Gunn rating:***1/2
A decent tag team match. Holly & Gunn return to Smackdown after many appearances on Velocity. The dudleys won at the end.
6.Eddie guerrero vs Kurt angle rating:****
A great match to end Smackdown. Eddie almost had the match won but Luther Reigns hit eddie with a steel chair. Michael Cole said "It's a damn shame." The last time I heard Michael cole say that was when Kurt angle stripped John cena of the U.S title back when he was the Smackdown GM.
Well, It is that time again! Time for...
The Move of the Day
I think you know who gets it this day!
Angle slam/lock
Angle has not lost one singles match since his return! Oh it is true, it is damn true!!
Oh, and if ya didn't notice, Cole, Eddie blasted Kurt and Luther with a chair shot! Just stfu, you always sound like a suckup FuckNut!
Well, Fuck teh Faces, Hazza Fo' Heels!
Another caption? Yes!
Oh I forgot!
Tune in tomorrow for another suprise maybe!? Ooooo! And for The Move of the Day!
Also, as if I forgot, It is MY Impact review! Will a new move be crowned king of the Day for Impact? Or will The Stroke and Jeff Jarret live onto a 3 week streak?
Also, what move will be crowned Move Of the Week?! Tune in tommorow to find out!
Gawd Dayum Goodbye!
SD sounded good. I wish I could have seen the angle/eddie match.
Paul: Ok Rob just lay off the huka for a while so you can pass the drug test comming up.
RVD: Elephants and mongooses dance all night in norway... heh i'm a kitten!
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
This will be short and quick...due to Newgrounds deleted my original message(I hate coming up with another message because the second message isn't as grand as the first)
Is it just me...or is the RAW Diva quarter million dollar Search getting stupider and stupider? Or maybe Christy is getting stupider and stupider...I dunno. But I mean the Ice-Cream thing...stuupid, and the pie thing...also stuupid. Because of Christy's stupidity, I haven't been voting for her in the RAW Diva search for quite some time now, and I won't vote for Carmella, even though she's hot naked. Yes, I know I can vote for Joy or Amy, but I'll die before that happens...they just don't interest me.
Haa, I tried making this short and sweet, but it looks like it's going to be just as long as the original.
This week's RAW...(one of the) best...RAW('s)...evar. I mean one of the two things that made RAW great was...FINALLY, MARIA THE UGLY ASS BITCH...WHORE...CUNT...ETC. HAS BEEN ELIMINATED FROM THE RAW DIVA SEARCH! I've wanted her eliminated for quite some time now...and they just wouldn't listen to me...until now. The other one of the two things that made RAW great was because of RKO...err...Randy K. Orton...FINALLY EUGENE HAS BEATEN TRIPLE H! It's not the first time Triple H has been upset, and I'm sure it won't be the last.
Last note, Carmella...haa, she got pwned once again.
This is all...for now.
If you don't like green, then you don't like me. If you don't like me, bite me. And if you don't like what was said right now, then GET OUT OF THE DARK WATER WORLD!
At 9/2/04 10:50 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: SD sounded good. I wish I could have seen the angle/eddie match.
Paul: Ok Rob just lay off the huka for a while so you can pass the drug test comming up.
RVD: Elephants and mongooses dance all night in norway... heh i'm a kitten!
Here is my Caption:
Paul: Rob, I just heard something! Masturbating causes Blindness, is that true?
RVD: Paul...I'm over here!
anyone else notice the dudley's recent shabby ring work? the match with holly and gunn on SD just proved it further....the dudley's are washed up
At 9/3/04 01:49 AM, -78- wrote: anyone else notice the dudley's recent shabby ring work? the match with holly and gunn on SD just proved it further....the dudley's are washed up
heh yeah. but Bubba ray looks hilarious when he comes down to the ring wearing his bandanna like that!
Thanks to Ninjar for the sig. -NGSM
The dudleyz just need something to do. They don't excel in regular matches anyway. They are in their element when there are no rules to hinder them.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 9/3/04 11:07 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: The dudleyz just need something to do. They don't excel in regular matches anyway. They are in their element when there are no rules to hinder them.
yea. We need a 6 man elimination table match. Then the dudleys will excell!
Look for the impact review around 4:00!
Another caption? Hell yeah!
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Val Venis(i think):Get your hand off my ass you freak!!
Edge: Hey, I gotta do something, they're booing me!
At 9/2/04 03:00 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote: I told you I had a supise today! It is caption thursday! Now, caption this or my gargantuate bad spelling will over came j00! lol
Flair: don't give me that horny look jericho
Jericho: hey baby
Impact review Time! Gawd Dayum Straight!
Match 1, refereed by Rudy Charles: 3 Live Kru vs. Alex Shelley, Nosawa and Abyss (w/Goldilocks.) BJ/Konnan tossed Abyss to the floor then threw Shelley into Abyss as Killings hit Nosawa with the scissor kick. As the show went to commercial they once again hinted to Abyss snapping on Goldi and Shelley.
Quick highlights of the “asylum Street Fight” from last night was shown.
Match 2, refereed by Mike Posey: “Notorious K.I.D” Kid Kash (w/Dallas) vs. Kid Romeo. Dallas carried a folding table that had AJ spray painted around a big X. it was over before it started as Kash hit his double underhook piledriver. Dallas then put the table in the ring as Kash came off the top rope and put Romeo through it.
Footage from last night’s World Tag Team title match was shown for the following match.
Match 3, refereed by Rudy Charles: NWA World Tag Team champions the Naturals vs. Shark Boy & D-Ray 3000. D-Ray is over as the comedic talent that he is trying to be but the good feelings were short lived as D-Ray was hit with the Natural Disaster.
Footage of Bobby Roode, Frankie Kazarian, Michael Shane and AJ Styles giving opinions on the World title match.
Match 4, refereed by Mike Posey: Team Canada manager Scott D’amore (w/Team Canada vs. Chasyn Rance. This match was a warmup for D’amore’s match this Wednesday night with Dusty Rhodes. D’amore came wearing a Ric Flair/Rick Rude style robe. Team Canada made Borash read a overhyped card on D’amore’s ring credentials but he showed off his skills(D’amore runs Border City Wrestling and a training school that produced Petey Williams among others.) D’amore hit a moonsault but hit Rance on the legs then hit a DVD into a Michinoku Driver. D’amore trash talked! Rhodes on the mic. After the show went to break Team Canada sang the Canadian national anthem which got huge heat.
Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Goldilocks and Raven gave opinions on the world title match.
Match 5, refereed by Rudy Charles: “Alpha Male” Monty Brown vs. CZW star Adam Flash. This was good but too short as Brown hit the POUNCE (yelled real loud and said long ways.) Brown told Jarrett and Hardy that he was waiting for the winner of their match.
“The Franchise” Shane Douglas interviewed Dusty Rhodes about the upcoming PPV match with Scott D’amore where Vince Russo will be the special referee. Before the main event Shane Douglas and Jerry Lynn gave opinions on the match. Jeff Hammond’s “Six Points of Impact” was once again with Elliot Sadler.
Match 6, refereed by Mike Posey: “the Phenomenal” AJ Styles and “the Charismatic Enigma” (no not Goldust) Jeff Hardy vs. Elite Guard members Onyx and Hotstuff Hernandez. During the match Vince Russo joined Mike Tenay and Don West for commentary. Good match that saw Hardy hit Onyx with the Swanton bomb to win the match. After the show ended Jimmy Hart came out to thank the fans for coming out and to tell the fans that the Impact tapings will be moving to Tuesday’s beginning Tuesday September 14th.
And now, it is...
The Move of the Day!
It is a new move, since Jarret didn't wrestle.
The D'Morealizer!
Yea! He will fight Dusty but I personaly want Dusty to win. Scott also did a 300 pound Moonsault! Holy shit!
And now, the even more exciting...
Move of the Week!
This one Came across as a champion's move!
Angle beat eddie not once but twice with this move! That is why it is the move of the week!
And now... nothing!
Well, Tune in on monday for the next move For Raw and some meaningless dribble! Yay!
funny caption guys so cap it i was thingking dentures when i seen this one
Goldgerg- JAAARGLBARGLE * What they hell am I doing with my life* RAHHHHH WHO'S NEXT!?
Nice tna review. My tv went out and hasn't been fixed yet. damn comcast
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 9/3/04 04:19 PM, bestjeffhardyfan wrote: funny caption guys so cap it i was thingking dentures when i seen this one
Goldburg: *Slurring* Chewwww May Be Shwondering Shwhy I shave no Teef! *Puts in some dentures* well, because Someone finally knocked some sense into my head and knocked all my teeth out. I am leaving wrestling...forever!
Yea, how is The old hurricane coming Florida People? Good luck, hope ya get through it!