I just finished FMA Brotherhood. I'm simply blown away, here. For a long time I dismissed this as piss poor because of the awful and quickly paced first 12 or so episodes. But it picked up as soon as the new material showed up, this really does blow the original anime out of the water. I loved how there was a bigger emphasis on the development of several cast members instead of just the Elric Brothers and maybe Mustang. Even the most trivial of characters(I'm talking to you, Yoki) had some say and importance to the show.
This is a shonen series done right. No fillers, no dragging, just straight up action/drama intrigue. And I'm glad I got over my problems with the first half and continued, otherwise I would have missed out on an amazing series. My only complaints is that the first anime still had a bit more an emotional punch with Ed and Al's quest to get their bodies back. And the events concerning the Ishbalan Rebellion wasn't covered as much. But those are forgivable.
At 4/4/11 05:04 PM, SomaGuye wrote:
It looks like it will be one of the better anime this season though.
My money is on Kaiji 2 being the best one.