Happy 2000th page, onwards to 3000 and so on. I'm sorry for the late arrival, been busy with other stuff.
Now that's out of the way, back to watching anime, feasting on microwave pizza and beef jerky.
Just stop worrying, and love the bomb.

Happy 2000th page, onwards to 3000 and so on. I'm sorry for the late arrival, been busy with other stuff.
Now that's out of the way, back to watching anime, feasting on microwave pizza and beef jerky.
Just stop worrying, and love the bomb.
At 8/7/10 11:05 AM, Sense-Offender wrote: added Soul Eater and Claymore to the Netflix queue. still haven't been able to start Wolf's Rain, thanks to vol. 5 being indefinitely on wait.
I've read Claymore and watched Soul Eater
Both are quality series in my opinion
happy 2000 guys man i remember joining back in 06 good times hears to another 2000
At 8/7/10 10:49 AM, Edward wrote: Right now, I am juggling 3 series and 2 OVAs. While Dagwon and Gaiking show promise, I have no idea where Kiss Dum is going, but blerg. As for Detonator Orgun and Dangaioh: fucking awesome. And I think it should be 4 with Tekkaman Blade.
Brushing up on your Tatsunoko?
You might want to watch the original Tekkaman first; just sayin'. There might be naked boobs.
At 8/8/10 12:49 AM, thdrkside wrote: anime sucks
Oh shit, seriously?
I better stop watching anime. I don't want to watch something that sucks.
I've been watching Wolf's Rain, albeit very slowly. I've only been through the first three episodes.
I'm not particularly impressed so far, but it's enjoyable enough for me to keep watching. I really hate the character design of the white haired wolf-guy.
Hey everyone! Congrats on your 2000th page! Recently I was introduced to "Last Exile" by a friend. I think the whole steam-punk theme and the battle formats are pretty interesting and the dub's okay. I think I might check further into it in the future.
Happily ETS'd.
At 8/8/10 04:03 AM, TailsPrower wrote: Recently I was introduced to "Last Exile" by a friend. I think the whole steam-punk theme and the battle formats are pretty interesting and the dub's okay.
It's a great show for the first 15 episodes or so. Then it goes a bit downhill towards the end. I really didn't like the ending.
Still good overall, though. Definitely worth watching.
By the way. This club has 60,000 posts.
That's as many as sixty thousands.
And that's terrible.
god damn it i was gonna get the 2000th page why'd you guys have to do it while i was out of town
At 8/8/10 02:24 PM, LaForge wrote: Why in the fuck does Jaice have an Australian accent? Is he from plant Australia?
You can blame funimation for that, considering at the time, most of the characters had VAs that came off the streets and with little, if any experience. Almost like what DIC and 4kids does with any anime the get their hands on.
I suppose you could also lump in the Hollow guy[I forgot his name, sorry] from Bleach in a similar boat, what with a cheesy Brooklyn accent and all.
Just stop worrying, and love the bomb.
At 8/8/10 02:24 PM, LaForge wrote: Why in the fuck does Jaice have an Australian accent? Is he from plant Australia?
Who cares
It does a better job making him seem alien than him having the exact same accent as every other character in the show.
At 8/8/10 02:11 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: god damn it i was gonna get the 2000th page why'd you guys have to do it while i was out of town
You could always delete a bunch of old posts to make it look like you did, I thought you loved doing that.
At 8/8/10 12:08 AM, HibiscusKazeneko wrote: Brushing up on your Tatsunoko?
You might want to watch the original Tekkaman first; just sayin'. There might be naked boobs.
I would if there was any to watch. Damn italy gets all the good stuff.
Yeah, I'm thinking I'm back.
At 8/7/10 02:01 PM, LaForge wrote: Just for the record, I'd rather overthrow modern society than accept Kermit as any kind of leader.
Stop taking it so seriously.
I can't find Kai anywhere ;_;. And Cooite got me all excited about it.
You could have just been watching it on Nickelodeon. I'm sure they'll start over from the beginning when it's done. It's the same show, though, only with some stuff cut, a redone dub, and a little bit of new animation added in here and there.
At 8/7/10 09:38 PM, Gobblemeister wrote: I've read Claymore and watched Soul Eater
Both are quality series in my opinion
cool, hope I'll like it, though Soul Eater appears to have more episodes than most shows I end up liking. A lot of the good ones seem to be no more than 26 episodes, but there are exceptions. I saw the first episode of Claymore a while back, but I never continued watching it because I was distracted by other shows.
And I for some reason forgot about Michiko to Hatchin. I should start watching that again and finish it.
At 8/8/10 04:03 AM, TailsPrower wrote: Recently I was introduced to "Last Exile" by a friend.
one of the best animes ever. I still don't have the box set. gotta get that.
At 8/8/10 04:36 AM, Aigis wrote:At 8/8/10 04:03 AM, TailsPrower wrote: Recently I was introduced to "Last Exile"It's a great show for the first 15 episodes or so. Then it goes a bit downhill towards the end. I really didn't like the ending.
I disagree with this. I loved the whole show, though...
I was mad that Alex Row died, but at least he choked the bitch. Isn't it great how they made it even sadder when that chick who's in love with him finds out about his last words?
At 8/8/10 02:40 PM, orangebomb wrote:At 8/8/10 02:24 PM, LaForge wrote: Why in the fuck does Jaice have an Australian accent? Is he from plant Australia?You can blame funimation for that, considering at the time, most of the characters had VAs that came off the streets and with little, if any experience. Almost like what DIC and 4kids does with any anime the get their hands on.
DiC doesn't exist anymore; they folded into the Cookie Jar Group (a Canadian children's entertainment company) in 2008.
I suppose you could also lump in the Hollow guy[I forgot his name, sorry] from Bleach in a similar boat, what with a cheesy Brooklyn accent and all.
They may have done that to parallel an accent in the Japanese version. For example, in the Japanese version of Sailor Moon, Naru Osaka talks with an Osaka accent; in the English version, where she's known as "Molly", she has a poorly faked Brooklyn accent. It seems to be a common theme in dubs to do this.
To be honest the one thing that really bothered me about DBZ was at the beginning with Raditz
Now at this point the Saiyans are all but erased
Raditz comes and he does his spiel and he notices Gohan even recognizing him as Goku's son
No here's my problem
Did he never think
"Wait a minute, he has a son, a saiyan son, with a tail and all!"
If I was the Saiyans I would've figured they'd be I don't know...happy to find a planet they could use to repopulate their race. Instead they decide to try and kill all of mankind...
They're might be a reason or they just might be that stupid...
At 8/9/10 01:36 AM, Mendou wrote:At 8/9/10 01:30 AM, Gobblemeister wrote:I figure that the Saiyan race would be too full of pride to do that. They don't want human heritage to be mixed into their races blood.
They're might be a reason or they just might be that stupid...
I guess even Vegeta needed adjustment to warm to Bulma. Still, it depends on how you think of pride.
Proud enough to let their race die unmuddied or proud enough to ensure its survival
I would've thought even if Raditz didn't Vegeta and Nappa saw Gohan first hand, knowing him to be unnaturally powerful. I guess a smarter saiyan would've put 2 and 2 together and found that a human x saiyan child is even stronger than a saiyan by itself.
Anyway, watching Gundam X now, pretty cool so far.
I watched Gundam 0 I think
It was the one on Syfy
At 8/9/10 01:49 AM, Mendou wrote:At 8/9/10 01:40 AM, Gobblemeister wrote:
Eh, I wouldn't think too deeply into things if I were you.
Well, I'm the one who imagines how cool it would've been if Nappa and Raditz had become Super Saiyans. SSJ3 Nappa would've had the most epic handlebar EVER.
Well don't watch that one, bro. Holy shit was Gundam 00 ever so dull and pretentious, it was like Gundam Wing all over again.\
I watched Gundam 0 I think
It was the one on Syfy
I liked how it tried to create a large scale world but it really takes itself far too seriously.
Not to mention that one scene where the girl shoots those people celebrating in the lobby area for no real reason just pissed me off.
Has anyone just thought that Toriyama was making it up as he was going along and didn't really care?
At 8/9/10 04:10 AM, RobotTaco wrote: Has anyone just thought that Toriyama was making it up as he was going along and didn't really care?
Toriyama wanted to end the series after the Freiza Saga so MAYBE he was making it up on the spot from there.
At 8/9/10 04:10 AM, RobotTaco wrote: Has anyone just thought that Toriyama was making it up as he was going along and didn't really care?
I've often wondered this for most anime.
At 8/9/10 01:36 AM, Mendou wrote: Anyway, watching Gundam X now, pretty cool so far.
Son, I am MOST pleased. It's a shame that they canceled it due to low ratings, one of the best in the Gundam Universe. It goes into further explanation as to what a New Type truly is.
On a Gundam related note, I've came across a CD called 'Gundam Unplugged'. It's all acoustic and it's absolutely wonderful. It's music from the original MSG that will take all the stress and stiffness out of your bones. If you like acoustic or Gundam I seriously recommend giving it a listen. Lalahs' Theme is probably the best one on the CD.
[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]
XBL / PSN - Voidist
Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.
I know this is off topic but....... tomorrow the brits attack us with robots D:
At 8/9/10 11:31 AM, Kisuke wrote: Son, I am MOST pleased. It's a shame that they canceled it due to low ratings, one of the best in the Gundam Universe.
Dohohoho, poor Frost brothers causing mischief because they weren't Newtypes.
It's like Hitler prosecuting the Jews because he wasn't Jewish!
At 8/9/10 01:03 AM, LaForge wrote: ...is that what they did?
seriously? I just explained this to you two whole posts above that.
I've been looking for a place I can watch Mobile Suit Gundam
I've looked in a couple places but haven't had any luck finding a complete collection of the episodes.
At 8/9/10 03:36 PM, LaForge wrote: /rant
lol, DBZ only has such a strong place in our hearts because we all watched it as kids. It's honestly worse than Bleach, which is just filler and "AAAAAAAAAAH HE'S TOO STRONG BUT NO WAIT I'M STRONGER".
Dragonball was fucking awesome though.
At 8/10/10 12:42 PM, LaForge wrote:At 8/10/10 06:50 AM, UCanCallMeJesus wrote: Evagelion 2.0 was so fucking amazing.Off to the torr- er, I mean, anime store.
You can't buy it in the us yet?