At 7/20/10 08:06 AM, BaronVonBadGuy wrote: I've just obtained the first season of One Piece for only 8 dollars.
Haven't watched it yet, but how the fuck can anyone pass up a deal like that?
That's actually a pretty amazing deal. I think my best deal was like $15 for a Trigun box set. It was just my luck that they were about to just trash it because almost everyone in my area is too indulged in pop culture to give two shits about anime or manga so nobody would buy it and they needed more shelf room. That's how I scored a box set for $15.
In an unrelated note, soma for some reason I'm drawn to your signature. It's probably because I could picture Skwisgaar describing something as "dildos" so I can admire the humor to it. Either way, nice sig, lol. xD
God tier? Lol last time I checked, it was called "You suck at this game."
PSNID: Gran-Turismo-Man
Credit to Mr. Ryu of DustLoop for the pic below.