At 4/13/10 12:20 PM, Mendou wrote: it was all good.
Especially the ending theme song right?!?!?!?
At 4/13/10 12:20 PM, Mendou wrote: it was all good.
Especially the ending theme song right?!?!?!?
At 4/13/10 12:57 PM, Sawdust wrote:At 4/13/10 12:20 PM, Mendou wrote: it was all good.Especially the ending theme song right?!?!?!?
I meant opening (fuck)
At 4/13/10 01:52 PM, Mendou wrote: It was an Oasis song, so right up your alley, bub.
I take pride in having only that as reason to check the show out.
I'm trying so hard not to watch the haruhi movie in cam quality. I really want to wait for the dvd, but I hear nothing but good things about it all over. I wish I could find a better cam rip. : /
At 4/13/10 06:27 PM, KermitTheMuppet wrote:Enclosed is a picture of Amuro contemplating life sucking
Looks like he has the mumps.
At 4/13/10 07:46 PM, KermitTheMuppet wrote: He's eating a sandwich in a manor which displays his hopelessness. I freaking love this kid...
Now I can't look at the picture without thinking:
"Oh my god. This. Is the best sandwich. Ever."
There are so many new anime, yet I have no access to them.
If there's an official stream of an anime (e.g. the new K-ON! season), how can I access it?
Can we post links here?
(It's not piracy if the copyright holders put it out there for everyone to see.)
At 4/14/10 01:17 AM, Mendou wrote:At 4/14/10 12:26 AM, HibiscusKazeneko wrote: Yawn...Why do you do that? Do we really need to know if you're yawning?
* Types hastily onto computer*
Why of course!
* Gently laughs to self*
At 4/14/10 01:17 AM, Mendou wrote:At 4/14/10 12:26 AM, HibiscusKazeneko wrote: Yawn...Why do you do that? Do we really need to know if you're yawning?
Man, why post anything? Do we really need to know anything about anything?
Just checked out "Working!" and its starting to look bad...
Working! seemed interesting at start but just makes me lose interest after a while... It just works too hard at trying to make comedy in abnormal situations. They've only had 2 episodes and I can already see where it is headed...
On a better note, Bleach finally ended it's terrible filler arcs! I've been looking forward to the fight between Ichigo and Ulquiorra for a while now.
I can't tell if you're joking, because you never use emoticons. ~ SolidToad
I spent a day "getting" Eden of the East and it turns out it was all subless.
Everything's in fucking Japanese and fragmented English. goddamn !!!
At 4/14/10 12:51 PM, Sawdust wrote: I spent a day "getting" Eden of the East and it turns out it was all subless.
Everything's in fucking Japanese and fragmented English. goddamn !!!
It's not hard to find subtitle files in the internet, you know.
At 4/14/10 12:51 PM, Sawdust wrote: I spent a day "getting" Eden of the East and it turns out it was all subless.
Everything's in fucking Japanese and fragmented English. goddamn !!!
I just finished eden of the east yesterday.
I heard there were some sandwiches on myspace videos.
At 4/14/10 05:51 PM, Aigis wrote:At 4/14/10 12:51 PM, Sawdust wrote: I spent a day "getting" Eden of the East and it turns out it was all subless.It's not hard to find subtitle files in the internet, you know.
Everything's in fucking Japanese and fragmented English. goddamn !!!
Google tells me otherwise
At 4/15/10 03:47 AM, Sawdust wrote: Google tells me otherwise
So, I've been watching phantom requiem, and I really remember why I started watching anime in the first place. The anime is dark with tons of gun fights, drugs, and crime syndicates. I think I'm good on k-on until I finish this one. It just oozes style.
I would like to join. I read and watch online and am up-to-date on Bleach, Naruto, One Piece, Fairy Tail, Shaman King, Nurarihiyon-No-Mago and many others.
At 4/16/10 09:48 PM, Darknesse13 wrote: I would like to join. I read and watch online and am up-to-date on Bleach, Naruto, One Piece, Fairy Tail, Shaman King, Nurarihiyon-No-Mago and many others.
I read all of them except NHM
I started up watching Kemonozume again, and I'm up to the third episode.
I just love this guy's style. This show actually managed to make having an incredibly tense scene intercut with a ridiculous looking monkey trying to steal food off a table work.
Sup fags,
so anyway a friend's been trying to persuade me to start watching anime as of late, so I downloaded Cowboy Bebop at his request and thought it was pretty damned awesome. I also downloaded evangelion and thought it was a pile of shite.
so i come to you for suggestions. i'm up for anything, i'll watch anything, and indeed the more varied your suggestions, the better. light and funny, dark and violent, realistic, sci fi, whatever. i'm an open minded guy
one stipulation is that i dont want anything with a billion episodes. i like to be complete, and i dont want to sit down and watch 100 episodes or whatever of whatever. anything <50 is acceptable, ideally the 25 mark is fine.
so yeah
hit me
Speed Grapher was a pretty interesting series
It wasn't terribly long either
At 4/17/10 09:27 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: Sup fags,
so anyway a friend's been trying to persuade me to start watching anime as of late, so I downloaded Cowboy Bebop at his request and thought it was pretty damned awesome. I also downloaded evangelion and thought it was a pile of shite.
so i come to you for suggestions. i'm up for anything, i'll watch anything, and indeed the more varied your suggestions, the better. light and funny, dark and violent, realistic, sci fi, whatever. i'm an open minded guy
one stipulation is that i dont want anything with a billion episodes. i like to be complete, and i dont want to sit down and watch 100 episodes or whatever of whatever. anything <50 is acceptable, ideally the 25 mark is fine.
so yeah
hit me
I've been on a binge with this one lately. Gurren Lagann. It's 27 episodes long, involving the most original story for a giant robot anime since gundam. I mean c'mon on the last episode they are flinging galaxies at each other. It's kinda like evangelion, except it's actually good. on second thought, scratch that. the only thing they have in common is the giant robots.
Pic related:
At 4/17/10 09:57 PM, Mendou wrote:At 4/17/10 09:27 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote:Tokyo Godfathers
Excellent movie, I remember watching that on a lazy weekend
One of my all time favorites is the Black Jack OVA series, think of it as a medical thriller/mystery of sorts, absolutely beautiful, and the movie is also very worth checking out.
Another great series. Watched it On Demand back when I had Comcast. I loved it.
At 4/17/10 12:18 AM, Aigis wrote: I started up watching Kemonozume again, and I'm up to the third episode.
I just love this guy's style. This show actually managed to make having an incredibly tense scene intercut with a ridiculous looking monkey trying to steal food off a table work.
Loved kemonozume. It was pretty much a less trippy trapeze for me. With swords and shit.
I would like to hear your thoughts regarding Full Metal Alchemist vs Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
I haven't had the time to catch Brotherhood on Adult swim and was wondering if it is Better then the original. I hear that it is much closer to the original manga.
At 4/17/10 09:27 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: i'm an open minded guy
so yeah
hit me
Open minded eh? Glad to hear it.
Watch some "Macademi Wasshoi". Homo-eroticism, Machoism and Moe a la mode.
Only 12~13 episodes long.
I can't tell if you're joking, because you never use emoticons. ~ SolidToad
At 4/18/10 01:56 AM, ikool wrote:At 4/17/10 09:27 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: i'm an open minded guyso yeahOpen minded eh? Glad to hear it.
hit me
Watch some "Macademi Wasshoi". Homo-eroticism, Machoism and Moe a la mode.
Only 12~13 episodes long.
Only 28 seconds long and you'll never forget it
At 4/17/10 09:27 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: so i come to you for suggestions. i'm up for anything, i'll watch anything, and indeed the more varied your suggestions, the better. light and funny, dark and violent, realistic, sci fi, whatever. i'm an open minded guy
Alright BananaBread, me and you go back, so you better listen to my suggestions. None of these are long running, most are within the 24 or so episode range. A few are slightly over 50. Regardless, listen up nugga, it's not every members I'd give a shit enough about to share this much information when it cuts into my free time.
For starters, you liked Cowboy BeBop, because of this, I'd also recommend Trigun and Fullmetal Alchemist. Trigun has some pretty good moral lessons within it. Fullmetal is an example of a finely crafted Anime Series.
Despite owning it, I've yet to see it, but being made by the creators of Cowboy BeBop, I'd feel safe saying Samurai Champloo is another series you'd like.
Also, for a movie, check out Ninja Scroll, immediately. There is a chance you'd like Afro Samurai (a short series) as well. Though personally I wasn't a fan.
I've yet to see the new rendition of Hellsing, but the old series is still quite good. Not the best, but a decent action Anime with darker undertones.
Next up comes the very psychological "thriller" Anime. The ones that fuck with your head, well thought out plots woven together to keep you glued with suspense.
For this, despite it's popularity, I will recommend Death Note. If you can get over the fact that there is somehow this Note Book that, when written the persons name within it and concentration is made upon the "victims" face, they will die as you've dictated, you're in for a great series. The animation and style used is also top notch. You're often slightly aware of what is going to happen, yet you have no clue how the fuck it's going to play out, and as such, keeps you glued.
Now here are some of my favorite, less commercially appealing recommendations.
Serial Experiments Lain. Everyone, especially the main character are extremely strange. Actually, everything about this Anime is very bizarre. With it, I come to a different understanding every time I watch it. It's one of my favorites, but not for everyone.
When They Cry, is another psychological mind fuck. I almost wrote it off as childish after seeing the first half of episode one, but pressed through. It starts off, even animation wise, as seemingly light hearted, goofy animation as if for a kids Anime. Yet it quickly changes, as the plot gets darker, so does the animation, everything follows suit. However, A SLIGHT SPOILER, it switches perspectives every so many episodes. So suddenly your back with the same kiddy animation, goofy lightheartedness, and another facet of the show is revealed. You've now a good idea of what you're in for.
Next up, Paranoia Agent, another one of my favorites. If I were to compare it to anything, though I doubt you're familiar with it, back in the mid-early 90's there was a show "The Maxx" on MTV based off of a comic book. Very weird. So is this Anime, here we deal more in metaphor than what is literally presented to us. Though when I say it gets weird, it really does. Some have found it too ridiculous to finish, but it really is worth it.
Perfect Blue is a fascinating Anime movie, that would seem to resonate largely with Lain and Paranoia Agent. It's very strange, often leaving you with a different opinion of what is taking place. I highly recommend this.
Ghost in the Shell (the movie) is a classic. It isn't completely an open and shut movie, it takes you on a ride, not giving some in-depth explanation for all the events taking place. It's not as laid back, or related plot wise, but the movie Fargo seems to come to mind when I think of this movie.
Lastly, for the Psychological Anime is Elfen Leid. There has never been something which details violence with such intricacy, never ceasing. If you were to see a Guro hentai you'd get an idea of what kind of violence to expect. A great deal of nudity as well, though often not for sexual reasons. Out of this Anime category, I'd say this is the weakest link, though you may very well enjoy it.
Romance, I don't have a huge number of such Anime, though I'd like to get more.
My top pick is Kanon, an amazing series, beautifully made, with a plot that is woven with amazing skill. This had been my favorite Anime until I was introduced to Welcome to the NHK.
Now, for Comedy, my top pick is, Welcome to the NHK. This deals with a paranoid recluse (a character I can easily identify with) who explores all the facets of loserdom. I highly recommend this Anime. It includes aspects of Romance and Psychological type Anime, in addition to a very realistic, Slice of Life.
FLCL is a mix between comedy, action and just plan weird. If you're looking for eye candy, (and by that I'm not meaning hot anime girls,) this is where you should go. The animation is some of the best available, while the story is rather nonsensical.
This next recommendation, I highly doubt you'll like. It's only available through fansubs (and due to my awesomeness, the first four episodes can be sent out via DVD.) Is Kodomo No Jikan, which is highly transgressive. And while it's target audience is those who like Lolicon, it is still very humorous, (in a slap stick way) and edgy. If you've seen the 1962 film "Lolita" or read Nabovok's actual book, then you're still a bit off when you think of this series.
It has some serious elements, obviously dealing with some heavy subject matter (a promiscuous elementary school student trying to seduce her teacher,) but the way it's often presented is not "serious business" or even black/dark comedy at all. This could also be categorized as romance. This personally being my favorite comedic Anime.
Finally, though there are more I could recommend, comes Akira. This film is considered one of the biggest landmarks in all of Anime. It's somewhat Science Fiction, dealing with a time after a third world war.
All I'll say is, watch this. Just watch it, no further explanation. Download/pick it up, and watch it.
There are some more I can recommend, but I've already been on longer than I was planning on now.
Now, with all these recommendations listed, from both myself and the other fellow Anime Club members, I want to hear your opinion, BananaBread, on that which you watch. I hope you find some new entertainment to enjoy. And keep in mind, even at Anime conventions where everyone is Cosplayed out. The percentage of people whose whole life revolves around this stuff (and thus makes it seem less cool) are quite low in comparison to those who simply enjoy this medium of entertainment.
Just as one would like Comedy, Horror, Drama, so can one enjoy Anime. Granted it is a universe in and of itself.
At 4/17/10 09:57 PM, Mendou wrote: Fullmetal Alchemist
Kure-nai(Might be a bit odd, but it's another great series that's very short)
Last Exile
Perfect Blue
Tokyo Godfathers
Nearly everything Miyazaki(obviously)
At 4/18/10 03:23 AM, BaronVonBadGuy wrote: I'd also recommend Trigun and Fullmetal Alchemist
I'd feel safe saying Samurai Champloo is another series you'd like.
Next up, Paranoia Agent
Ghost in the Shell (the movie) is a classic.
Finally, though there are more I could recommend, comes Akira. T
I agree with these suggestions. Most of the others I don't agree with as being the pinnacle of the medium, but a few I haven't seen and can't form an opinion on.
As for my suggestions:
Black Lagoon. This is a great action anime, centred around pirates in South East Asia. If you like Cowboy Bebop, you'll probably like this. Though it lacks the amazing pace of Cowboy Bebop.
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. If you like action, science fiction, cyborgs and lots of references to Catcher in the Rye, you'll love this.
.Hack//SIGN. It's a slow-moving anime centred around a person stuck inside a virtual reality online RPG. It's not big and actiony, but it has an interesting atmosphere about it. I enjoyed watching it.
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. It's a comedy anime. The humour is mostly centred around satire of modern Japanese society, and a large cast of extreme personalities. It's a lot funnier than I expected it would be.
As for films:
Millennium Actress and Paprika. They're both by Satoshi Kon, one of my favourite directors, and they're amazing. Satoshi Kon's stuff tends to deal in big ideas.
The Place Promised in Our Early Days. Some of the best art I have seen in an anime. Great film.
Tekkon Kinkreet. Amazing art. Lots of emotion. Just amazing.
That's enough recommendations for now.
At 4/18/10 03:23 AM, BaronVonBadGuy wrote: When They Cry, is another psychological mind fuck. I almost wrote it off as childish after seeing the first half of episode one, but pressed through. It starts off, even animation wise, as seemingly light hearted, goofy animation as if for a kids Anime. Yet it quickly changes, as the plot gets darker, so does the animation, everything follows suit. However, A SLIGHT SPOILER, it switches perspectives every so many episodes. So suddenly your back with the same kiddy animation, goofy lightheartedness, and another facet of the show is revealed. You've now a good idea of what you're in for.
Think he should start with Higurashi or Umineko? While I haven't seen Umineko, from playing the game I'd think it's a bit less bloody than Higurashi. And verity on this? Also, nipaa~