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Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2010-04-06 23:43:48

At 4/6/10 10:07 PM, kidd25 wrote: anime wacthing- dragon ball(download it i swear its not online anywere), soul eater.

I tried getting into Soul Eater but I started reading Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicles instead

I don't really watch anime though

Did anyone else here like Gash/ Zatch Bell?

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-07 04:17:40

At 4/6/10 11:43 PM, Gobblemeister wrote: I tried getting into Soul Eater but I started reading Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicles instead

Eh, I didn't really like soul eater that much. I kind of liked the concept, and I think it's a good concept for the type of show that it is. I kind of liked it at the beginning, but as it went further and further I really started losing interest. Also, the humor was kind of corny. For a shounen to be interesting it should also accompany some sort of humor. Or something.

Did anyone else here like Gash/ Zatch Bell?


It's 5 again, the air is thin.

No sunlight through my window.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-07 20:22:01

I'm on episode 9 of gurren lagann. I feel ashamed I haven't watched it sooner. especially since it's one of the few shows where the dub isn't complained about. they got a few barrels worth of voice talent in that thing. I swear I recognized half of the cast on voice alone. plus the show itself is just epic. the characters are interesting too.

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-08 01:20:01

At 4/7/10 08:22 PM, giveupyourwaffles wrote: I'm on episode 9 of gurren lagann. I feel ashamed I haven't watched it sooner. especially since it's one of the few shows where the dub isn't complained about. they got a few barrels worth of voice talent in that thing. I swear I recognized half of the cast on voice alone. plus the show itself is just epic. the characters are interesting too.

Epic, huh?
It could've been much better, namely if Kamina had lived longer than he did...

I maek lolz. I play Steam. I fight for genital integrity.

Anything else you need?

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-08 01:25:07

At 4/7/10 08:22 PM, giveupyourwaffles wrote: I'm on episode 9 of gurren lagann. I feel ashamed I haven't watched it sooner. especially since it's one of the few shows where the dub isn't complained about. they got a few barrels worth of voice talent in that thing. I swear I recognized half of the cast on voice alone. plus the show itself is just epic. the characters are interesting too.

I must have missed something because I found the show to be 'okay'. I found Simon annoying and Kamina was just another stereotypical big brother with a loud mouth whose death really didn't have any staying power with me.

It's like the whole Eli Vance thing all over again where everyone Bawwws about some character who I couldn't have cared less about. I simply stopped watching the show regularly because Simon's emo act kinda ticked me off after a while.

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-08 02:55:34

At 4/5/10 10:33 PM, RadRobert wrote: Anyone like Negima?

Half way through with the Manga of it, and waiting for my DVD of it to get in the mail, it's not bad I like it but it-to me looked misleading by looking at the front, I didn't think it was so perverted until later I realized it was made by the same guy who made Love Hina.

Alucard > Edward

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-08 04:55:52

At 4/8/10 01:20 AM, HibiscusKazeneko wrote: namely if Kamina had lived longer than he did...

Oh geez, thanks for that.

Aigis - Putting the 'ai' back in 'Aigis'.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-08 11:06:21

Bought Laputa and Porco Rosso. You can never have too much Ghibli.

I don't take revenue from my profile.

TV Tropes Wiki

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Response to Anime Club 2010-04-09 13:36:48

I maek lolz. I play Steam. I fight for genital integrity.

Anything else you need?

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-09 14:30:10

Is anyone ever going to make a bleach Dating Sim Game? Im only asking because i myself have no clue how to even make a game.

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-09 16:38:06

At 4/9/10 02:30 PM, Lonewolf2123 wrote: Is anyone ever going to make a bleach Dating Sim Game? Im only asking because i myself have no clue how to even make a game.

I think there are some out there; you might find one on /f/. (WARNING: most Bleach-or other anime-related Flash are pornographic, so if that's not what you're looking for, I don't know what to say.)

I maek lolz. I play Steam. I fight for genital integrity.

Anything else you need?

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-09 21:57:32

Whatever happened to Dating Sim games?

I used to play them all the time because sometimes they were kind of fun...

I wouldn't play one now but the nostalgia would be nice

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-09 22:33:06

At 4/9/10 01:36 PM, HibiscusKazeneko wrote: Suh-weet.

I still want to know what the hell was going through their heads when they decided that Endless Eight would be a good idea. I can understand them doing two or three episodes as a joke, but doing eight entire episodes seems like a huge slap to the face. Not only that, but it seems like the entire concept was a huge waste of money and man power. I feel sorry for the animators that had to recreate the same scenes over and over.

I never did bother watching the entire second season, but maybe some day I'll come back to it.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-10 00:04:45

At 4/9/10 10:33 PM, Deadly-Shadow wrote: I still want to know what the hell was going through their heads when they decided that Endless Eight would be a good idea. I can understand them doing two or three episodes as a joke, but doing eight entire episodes seems like a huge slap to the face. Not only that, but it seems like the entire concept was a huge waste of money and man power. I feel sorry for the animators that had to recreate the same scenes over and over.

I never did bother watching the entire second season, but maybe some day I'll come back to it.

Well, here's what I have to say about Endless Eight:

When they initially started the "second" season of Haruhi for broadcast in Japan, they were also re-airing the entire first season as well, and only one episode was released each week. So, to those who watched the broadcast as it came, they were able to actually sort of bear through each iteration of Endless Eight, while also being able to pick out the few things changed per episode. And, because the originals were showing as well, they were able to kind of tie the story all together.

But, to those of us over here in the West who most likely watched the episodes on some online website, and very likely at a rate faster than just once a week, it became really boring to see the same sort of thing, over and over again. So really, the main problem with it was the execution in bring it to the Westerners and those who were not able to watch the original broadcast. It's one of those moves that a company makes that seems like a risky idea, but might profit off at sometime. And hey, you know how many Haruhi fans are out there who will eat anything up...

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-10 14:53:23

Good news:
Sonic X is streaming for free in Japanese with English subtitles.
Bad news: they still visually mutilated it.
Aigis, consider yourself wise.

I maek lolz. I play Steam. I fight for genital integrity.

Anything else you need?

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-10 23:51:42

At 4/10/10 02:53 PM, HibiscusKazeneko wrote: Good news:
Sonic X is streaming for free in Japanese with English subtitles.
Bad news: they still visually mutilated it.
Aigis, consider yourself wise.


There's no reason for me to watch Sonic X as well... it's Sonic X. 4 Kids or otherwise.

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-11 00:38:19

At 4/10/10 11:51 PM, MattTheParanoidKat wrote:

There's no reason for me to watch Sonic X as well... it's Sonic X. 4 Kids or otherwise.

I can barely make out what you're saying in that video, but if you don't like Sonic X, you don't have to.
True, it left a few things to be desired...

I maek lolz. I play Steam. I fight for genital integrity.

Anything else you need?

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-11 01:45:56

At 4/11/10 12:38 AM, HibiscusKazeneko wrote:
At 4/10/10 11:51 PM, MattTheParanoidKat wrote:

There's no reason for me to watch Sonic X as well... it's Sonic X. 4 Kids or otherwise.
I can barely make out what you're saying in that video, but if you don't like Sonic X, you don't have to.
True, it left a few things to be desired...

It's a little better in the other parts. Though, the relevance has faded...

Still on Spice & Wolf. Really good, and the English language makes the talk about coins easier to understand.

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-11 10:13:40

Sup newgrounds. I've caught up on most of the new series that came out this season and here's my 2 cents. In all honesty, this is the most promising anime season I've seen since I've started watching airing anime.

Heroman- Fucking yes. The first 2 episodes looked very promising. The fight scenes weren't that great, but they weren't bad either. Who the fuck could complain when you see a giant robot punching an alien cockroach in the face? Really fun anime, especially if you dig comic books.

K-on- Mehhhhhhhhh. Nothing much to say here. I didn't really find the first episode that great. The first season had me smiling the whole way through, but I didn't really get much from the first episode. I'll keep watching, but I'm not really expecting much.

Working!- This is where you slice of life fags should go this season. Not really my cup of tea, but I'll probably watch the second episode when it comes out. Very "otaku" friendly.

Angel Beats- I can see why so many people hate this anime, but I'm fucking loving it so far. True, it's nothing deep, legendary, or even meaningful, but it's fucking funny at times. It gives me a couple laughs, guns, asplosions, and a video game-ish world. I don't see the big problem with this anime that everyone's trying to rag on it for. I distinctly remember this one part in the second episode where this bitch is telling clannadmanv2 how she died, and at first it was a tear jerking story about how her siblings were killed. A couple seconds later, she explains she died tripping down a staircase with a vase. I fucking cracked up.

Arakawa under the bridge- Great. Shaft gets too much shit for the good quality shows that they put out. Everyone was expecting some pretentious wannabe comedy and they got a wacky romantic-ish comedy. Really, give the first episode a shot. Watch the whole way through. If you don't laugh at the last "drawer" gag of the episode, you have no sense of humor.

Senko no Night Raid- Honestly, this was supposed to be one of my favorites this season, but the first episode had me kindasorta disappointed. It was pretty much what I expected, but at some parts the horrible voice acting threw me off. Really, I was laughing at how they were laughing. I'll keep watching, but I'm not expecting much after the first episode.

Giant Killing- Fuck yes. Totally badass. Idgaf if you don't like soccer; you should check this out. It sweats, spits and jizzes manliness.

Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou- Alright, if you don't like the typical "Ecchi magic school" concept, this shit's not for you. If you do like the other 123498 anime in this genre, you should check it out.

B Gata H Kei- This is the cancer that's killing anime, and I fucking love it. The whole anime is perverted. It's really about some sloot main who wants to sleep with 100 guys. If you like perverted comedy in your anime, this is the one for you. If not, look somewhere else.

Lilpri- Don't watch this shit. Really, it's worse than shugo chara.

I just finished downloading Rainbow episode 1, and I'll get back to you guys for this one. I really have high hopes for this series. I also still need to check out Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan. I haven't seen a samurai anime in a minute.

Anyone have any suggestions on what I should look out for this anime season? I'm open to any suggestions if you can give me a decent reason.

It's 5 again, the air is thin.

No sunlight through my window.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-11 10:26:28

At 4/6/10 11:35 AM, Wesleyiam wrote: Watching the k-on season 2 stream right now. I feel like such a faggot.


Anime Club

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-11 10:28:51

My bad, the bitch from angel beats didn't die from falling down a staircase. Don't cry to me about it like /a did.

It's 5 again, the air is thin.

No sunlight through my window.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-11 15:03:48


Click here to see a dog/human Hybrid!!!

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-11 20:46:56

can i join the bleach club of the anime club if there is one. Ive been reading the manga. infact i just bought bleach 15 today

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-11 22:01:55

At 4/11/10 08:46 PM, MuteKid wrote: can i join the bleach club of the anime club if there is one. Ive been reading the manga. infact i just bought bleach 15 today

You don't know how much I want to spoil something for you

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-12 06:54:40

At 4/11/10 03:03 PM, yoyoyopo5 wrote: Baka=fool

Actually, Japanese is a tonal language. The meaning of "baka" can range from "silly" to "dumbass" depending on how you say it.

Jack of all trades, Master of none

Head Scientist of NG Mafia

& proud member of Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-12 08:55:40

At 4/12/10 06:54 AM, MrTrivia wrote: Actually, Japanese is a tonal language. The meaning of "baka" can range from "silly" to "dumbass" depending on how you say it.

Actually, Japanese is not a tonal language.

You may be confusing the idea of a tonal language, with the idea of a 'pitch accent'. A 'pitch accent' being similar to stressing syllables in the English language. E.g. HAshi - Chopsticks and haSHI - Bridge.

Or perhaps you're confusing the idea of a 'tonal language' with just simply changing the pitch of the way you say a word to fit the way you mean it. As in "'baka' he said angrily" or "'baka' he said playfully".

I don't know.

Incidentally, in English the word 'idiot' can mean anything from 'silly' to 'dumbass' depending on how you say it as well.

Aigis - Putting the 'ai' back in 'Aigis'.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-12 13:24:18

At 4/8/10 01:20 AM, HibiscusKazeneko wrote:
At 4/7/10 08:22 PM, giveupyourwaffles wrote: I'm on episode 9 of gurren lagann. I feel ashamed I haven't watched it sooner. especially since it's one of the few shows where the dub isn't complained about. they got a few barrels worth of voice talent in that thing. I swear I recognized half of the cast on voice alone. plus the show itself is just epic. the characters are interesting too.
Epic, huh?
It could've been much better, namely if Kamina had lived longer than he did...

Actully, the show is more focused on Simon's destiny more than it is about Kamina, not to mention the massive use of sprial power to throw galaxies, transform into bigger machines, and more cool stuff. As for Kamina, he was really more of a support character than anything else, considering the story is more focused on Simon.

Just stop worrying, and love the bomb.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-12 14:56:57

Wow, the Spring anime season is just amazing this year.

I've just watched the first episode of Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin.

It is just great.
The mood of the anime, the sadness, the reality, the intensity, and just overall, it looks so promising.

Also, Arakawa Under the Bridge is pretty awesome.

I can't tell if you're joking, because you never use emoticons. ~ SolidToad

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-12 16:55:45

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been here in a while, I had Spring break and other stuff happening. Can someone suggest a good anime that's long, but not covered in fillers?

[insert drumroll and obvious observation here, dumbass]

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2010-04-12 17:38:00

At 4/12/10 02:56 PM, ikool wrote: Wow, the Spring anime season is just amazing this year.

I've just watched the first episode of Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin.

It is just great.
The mood of the anime, the sadness, the reality, the intensity, and just overall, it looks so promising.

Yeah, rainbow looks great. The first episode looked really promising. I'm actually hoping that rainbow is in it for the long run.

It's 5 again, the air is thin.

No sunlight through my window.

BBS Signature