At 11/7/07 10:31 PM, smc316 wrote: So your a really old user then, around when did you take over the club?
Well lets see, I have an '02 sign-up date. I've been posting on the BBS since before we had a C&C Section. I've been posting since before we had mods. I've been posting since before we had rules. I've been posting longer than 3/4 of all the mods we have now.
No, I'm a fucking n00b.
As to your question, the answer is complicated. See, first the club was made by that jack-off whose name is still there, I forget what he calls himself now I just always called him Kouga. Kouga decided to make Inuyasha also a leader. And Miroku, oh and also Tink (who was represented by the character Kagome, see a pattern here?) So we had four leaders. I had already joined and left several times by this point, and had started posting on the clubs own forums, where I was so good at bitching at everyone and correcting them that I was made a mod. Shortly thereafter Inuyasha disappeared and Miroku was disappearing, so I got made a leader too. I got pissed off at being Kouga's bitch and over threw him. Then I left the club, leaving Tink and MrTrivia to pick up the mess. Then I came back as Second-in-Command, a position I still technically hold. After a while Tink disappeared too and I said "fuck it" and made myself the leader. Later, I proclaimed myself the God-King.
Also, to whatever keeps calling Dr_Hyakuningiri a woman, he's a guy.