At 4/18/07 08:49 PM, Gendo wrote:
It was a reference to Ichi The Killer...
I KNOW THAT. I was just stating that it SOUNDED like Guro to me. And also that Guro makes me sick to my stomach. Along with other things...
Nancy Grace... *Shiver*
At 4/18/07 08:49 PM, Gendo wrote:
It was a reference to Ichi The Killer...
I KNOW THAT. I was just stating that it SOUNDED like Guro to me. And also that Guro makes me sick to my stomach. Along with other things...
Nancy Grace... *Shiver*
At 4/18/07 08:51 PM, Twilight-Knight wrote: I KNOW THAT.
Really now?
I was just stating that it SOUNDED like Guro to me.
I honestly couldn't care less what it sounded like to you.
And also that Guro makes me sick to my stomach. Along with other things...
I'm so concerned.
At 4/18/07 08:54 PM, Gendo wrote:
Really now?
Isn't that what Wonko said? Oh wait you thought I meant that I actually KNEW what specific manga and/or anime you were talking about. No no no.
Anyways... Bleach. How many episodes have they had so far?
At 4/18/07 08:51 PM, Twilight-Knight wrote: I KNOW THAT. I was just stating that it SOUNDED like Guro to me. And also that Guro makes me sick to my stomach. Along with other things...
Nancy Grace... *Shiver*
I dunno about you, but this makes me wanna post guro.
Kuro - Puting the 'Kur' back in 'inkurable disease.'
At 4/18/07 08:57 PM, Twilight-Knight wrote: Oh wait you thought I meant that I actually KNEW what specific manga and/or anime you were talking about. No no no.
That reminds me, I need to make a point of re-reading Ichi...
Anyways... Bleach. How many episodes have they had so far?
There are 122 as of today.
Right, so I read this quite interesting comic.
It's in Soviet Russia, right?
And there's this naked woman lying on a table strapped down, while her daughter is watching and crying. You find out that she's getting killed for insulting the leader. They start off by chainsawing her arms off, while her daughter screams at them to stop. But they dont' stop. They proceed to cut off her breasts, and taunt the daughter with them, saying "These are the breasts that nurtured you". Afterwards, they cut her open and take out all her internal organs, and about this point the daughter stops feeling anything.
The executioners decide that it would be best for the daughter if the memory is destroyed entirely, so taking a chainsaw, they cut her face down the middle.
The nice executioners decide to give the daughter the meat, so she can sell it to a butcher for money, aww how sweet.
Good times, good times.
Kuro - Puting the 'Kur' back in 'inkurable disease.'
Oh... Kuro...Guro.... now I see. Shoulda seen that coming.
The only guro I like is the type where the person wants to be killed.
At 4/18/07 09:43 PM, Kuro wrote: Right, so I read this quite interesting comic.
Wow, that was unbelievably awesome.
I don't know if I should be sick to my stomach or sheerly amazed.
At 4/18/07 09:51 PM, uhnoesanoob wrote: The only guro I like is the type where the person wants to be killed.
Where the person WANTS to be killed? You mean like...
Kuro - Puting the 'Kur' back in 'inkurable disease.'
At 4/18/07 10:01 PM, Kuro wrote: Where the person WANTS to be killed? You mean like...
Mmmm, I have fond memories of our little psuedomeme.
I miss it so.
At 4/18/07 10:05 PM, Gendo wrote:At 4/18/07 10:01 PM, Kuro wrote: Where the person WANTS to be killed? You mean like...Mmmm, I have fond memories of our little psuedomeme.
I miss it so.
I think it was doomed to fail, since we could only come up with like 2 pictures, and almost no ways in which to use it.
"I saw the meme crumble, but I was too busy brainsturbating to do anything about it.
Kuro - Puting the 'Kur' back in 'inkurable disease.'
At 4/18/07 10:10 PM, Kuro wrote: I think it was doomed to fail, since we could only come up with like 2 pictures, and almost no ways in which to use it.
Yeah, it did have limited range.
"I saw the meme crumble, but I was too busy brainsturbating to do anything about it.
I should modify that to be my epitaph.
Well moving on from guro, I decided to finish watching Azumanga Daioh yesterday.
That was a feat that included watching 17 episodes of it.
It's a really weirdly done show, half of the scenes seem to end before you feel they should end, and there's a bunch of things that seem like normal conversations that you can clearly see are done in a way that they're meant to be jokes.
The idea of after each year making the plots of the episodes the same again seemed alot more irritating when watching it back to back, considering you say "Hey, didn't I just see an episode exactly like this 2 hours ago?".
Kuro - Puting the 'Kur' back in 'inkurable disease.'
Well, I'm back again to insure that I don't get the boot from the club (I don't think my two months are up) and to say hi and ask what everyone is up to.
Gendo your new sig is made of awesomeness :3.
And finally, do the boards I made get used anymore?
At 4/18/07 10:26 PM, Kuro wrote: Well moving on from guro, I decided to finish watching Azumanga Daioh yesterday.
Yay! I finally have a post that lets me use this picture!
At 4/18/07 11:06 PM, Nucksta wrote: Well, I'm back again to insure that I don't get the boot from the club (I don't think my two months are up) and to say hi and ask what everyone is up to.
Good to see you again.
Gendo your new sig is made of awesomeness :3.
You can thank HaroFreak for that.
Also <3.
And finally, do the boards I made get used anymore?
Hmmm, I don't think so.
It's good to see you again too, and seeing as it's time for me to get a new sig I might go bug Haro till I get one.
OK now for the anime talk, I need a new one and the style doesn't particularly matter to considering I've found that anime and the genre it's categorized as are usually fairly irelevent thanks in advance.
At 4/18/07 11:30 PM, Nucksta wrote: It's good to see you again too,
Glad to hear, old friend.
and seeing as it's time for me to get a new sig I might go bug Haro till I get one.
He makes fine sigs.
OK now for the anime talk, I need a new one and the style doesn't particularly matter to considering I've found that anime and the genre it's categorized as are usually fairly irelevent thanks in advance.
Hmm, have you watched The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya? If not, you owe it to yourself to see it.
At 4/18/07 11:41 PM, Nucksta wrote: Nope I haven't, many thanks.
It's a great series, I'm trying to get my friends to watch it now.
Watched the whole series in one sitting on a sick day back in February, and it was amazing.
Will to bide my time until February comes again >:3.
At 4/18/07 11:46 PM, Nucksta wrote: Will to bide my time until February comes again >:3.
Oh, how I miss February, my month of birth.
I got 21 DVDs on the week of my birthday (bought all of Hellsing and some other stuff, got several movies and TV series as gifts) this year.
Lucky bastard, no one buys me anime and I don't have a job anymore. Hell the last time I bought any anime was when I got those RahXephon DVDs last summer, being poor officially blows.
At 4/18/07 11:54 PM, Nucksta wrote: Lucky bastard, no one buys me anime and I don't have a job anymore.
Getting bought anime is an uphill battle, because my family assumes it is all either violent or pornographic.
My mother actually asked me a few weeks ago if I had a schoolgirl fetish when I asked for $37 to cover the shipping for a 1/8 polystone statue I ordered.
Hell the last time I bought any anime was when I got those RahXephon DVDs last summer, being poor officially blows.
Man, at least you aren't like me.
I bankrupt myself buying anime and anime-related stuff.
$111 dollars for a statue and DVD = Hell
Me watching anime is an uphill battle, I was watching Elfen Lied and my mom came by to see what I was ended up not working out too well since she now assumes all anime is hentai and that all hentai involves people getting cut in half.
Completely unrelated to the topic but it looks like the nights of us bumping the club are back.
This makes 2 anime series's I've decided to finish watching in 2 days.
I've now watched all of Samurai Champloo, and don't understand why everyone has such a problem with the ending of it.
The ending seemed adequate.
Not as good as the ending of Cowboy Bebop (which I'm allowed to compare >:( ), but that's understandable, since the series isn't as good either.
Kuro - Puting the 'Kur' back in 'inkurable disease.'
wow, whats been going on in this club in my long absence? XD lol, anyway, I heard a rumor that their are plans in the works for a full lengh animated zelda movie! :O I wish thi is true, cause i absolutely loved zelda, and would love to see an anime movie of it. :D
Hey hey. I thought this would be a smart place to ask. I'm looking for a wallpaper worthy pic of an anime girl with a sword. I'm a huge fan of Elfen Lied so if you could find animation similar to that it would be awesome. I really like the look of the Elfen girls with the pale skin and bright hair colors. Since this is an anime club I thought someone here has got to have something that I'd like that they wouldn't mind sharing. Feel free to PM me or post here, I'll be checking back.