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Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 15:27:04

At 4/18/07 03:24 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: So on the elder's gather around the knight table to discuss there plans,while the lowly minions merly wait for the final saying.


Well, I vote yes on the "no gender restrictions on character choice" proposal, but I'm iffy about eliminating the "10 animes to join" one.

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 15:35:13

At 4/18/07 03:30 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: But keeping the other joining requierments shouldent really be tampered with in my oppinon.

If we were to get rid of the "10 animes" rule, what would we use as a joining requirement?

I believe Dr suggested a week or so long period where we examined a new user's posting style and behaviours, but that may be a bit too much for the dense kids on NG (read: future members) to swallow.

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 16:33:09

ummm... anyone here like DB, DBZ and DB GT???

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 16:38:23

At 4/18/07 03:35 PM, Gendo wrote: If we were to get rid of the "10 animes" rule, what would we use as a joining requirement?

Gendo, I got an epic level idea for this:

This is an Anime-based board with the inevitable amount of /B/ in it, so why not make all members give a self introduction and us; NG/A/ mods and admins will evaluate them as a first impression.

The probation period would be within the first 20 posts. If the "trial-member" fails to amuse or impress the mods/admins within the threshold (unwritten), then the trial-member is forefit from joining for another 2 months (i.e. reduced to lurker).

Of course, this 20-posts is but a maximum, so if by-chance a rare member such as RGG (for his /M/) can demonstrate high contribution potential, they gain approval and therefore become non-probation members.

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 16:41:11

At 4/18/07 04:38 PM, HaroFreak wrote: Gendo, I got an epic level idea for this:

Love the idea, that'd be a great way to weed out unworthy or "join and then never post" types.

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 16:42:54

At 4/18/07 04:38 PM, HaroFreak wrote: Gendo, I got an epic level idea for this:
This is an Anime-based board with the inevitable amount of /B/ in it, so why not make all members give a self introduction and us; NG/A/ mods and admins will evaluate them as a first impression.
The probation period would be within the first 20 posts. If the "trial-member" fails to amuse or impress the mods/admins within the threshold (unwritten), then the trial-member is forefit from joining for another 2 months (i.e. reduced to lurker).
Of course, this 20-posts is but a maximum, so if by-chance a rare member such as RGG (for his /M/) can demonstrate high contribution potential, they gain approval and therefore become non-probation members.

This songs quite strong, I like these idea on letting people in this Club.

ummm... anyone here like DB, DBZ and DB GT???

I love DB and DBZ. I think DBGT was a total failure because Akira Toriyama didn't make it and it totally went off course.

Guinness Book of World Record holder for the game Blur on Xbox 360, NG's Legendary Member.

Click my sig to see the best Newgrounds flash EVA! Give it a review as well. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 16:44:14

At 4/18/07 04:41 PM, Gendo wrote: Love the idea, that'd be a great way to weed out unworthy or "join and then never post" types.

For moee purposes, I'm made this suggestion with the class self-introduction in mind*.

Namely, Azumanga Daioh and Shinji Ikari Kakusei Keikaku.

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 17:09:12

At 4/18/07 05:04 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: ......Tell you the truth im not quite sure about this idea.

Lemme guess, you're saying that because more people would bomb the application and be denied entry, amirite?

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 17:12:12

At 4/18/07 05:09 PM, Gendo wrote: Lemme guess, you're saying that because more people would bomb the application and be denied entry, amirite?

Of course he has doubts for my idea, mainly because my idea is made with the intent of filtering out the lesser non-thinking people like himself.

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 17:23:40

At 4/18/07 05:19 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: Don't get me wrong for i know i'll be called a hypocrite for this.


Seriously, why defend crap users? If they make decent posts, they get accepted. If not, they're gone.

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 17:28:03

At 4/18/07 05:19 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: In a way yes,this might lead to lesser member's and people who just don't want to post here anymore,I can understand you like this option to deny the narutards and sapmmer's who don't know to much anime,But i think it might be going a bit far,If they can come up with decent post and not just (OMG THIS ANIME RULZZZZZZZZZZ) they should be accepted.


The keyword for your nonexistant glitter of hope is IF, boy! If the typical Narutard and spammer is capable of basic conversation skills, then their title of "Narutard" and "Spammer" is a meaningless word!

Get your facts and definitions right; it's like saying a blind person should demonstrate the ability to see.

Not everybody is incredibly smart and witty,some maybe don't have the sense of humor most other member's have, This could lead to just only vet's getting in on conversations while the so called unworthy are left with nothing.

Then they don't belong here, simple as that.
If the member-to-be cannot demonstrate basic conversation skills or are assed enough to type properly, then we do not want their kind polluting the club with their spam and stupidity.

Don't get me wrong for i know i'll be called a hypocrite for this.

You being in this club is a blessing already, we could have kicked you out eons ago.

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 17:58:35

At 4/18/07 05:49 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: Illegible wall of text.

And just WHERE did I state that the lesser experienced Anime fans should be rejected?

I was referring to the illiterate and downright annoying, dumbass.

Why in the hell would I demote growth in potential fans who know how and where to ask?
Why in the hell would I reject people based on their interests?
Why in the hell would I refuse access for those who are polite and willing to learn but don't know where to start?

What I want to do is refuse access to people who I know will spell trouble for the club such as spammers and your kind. Do I have to spell it out to you or even send you a voice recording of my motives and reasons with all words with five or more letters said slower for your illiterate self?

And finally, is HaroFreak have to slap a weasel? Because I WILL SLAP A WEASEL IF YOU DO NOT USE PARAGRAPHS IN YOUR NEXT POST.

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 18:29:59

lol Haro, I am putting that weasel line in my sig for the week. Also, can anyone here make me a sig pic of Duck-mousse with my name scrolling on it?

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 18:32:31

At 4/18/07 05:58 PM, HaroFreak wrote: And finally, is HaroFreak have to slap a weasel? Because I WILL SLAP A WEASEL IF YOU DO NOT USE PARAGRAPHS IN YOUR NEXT POST.

Gah, fine time to need a retcon:

"Is HaroFreak going to have to slap a weasel? Because I THINK I AM GOING TO HAVE TO SLAP A WEASEL."


At 4/18/07 06:29 PM, uhnoesanoob wrote: lol Haro, I am putting that weasel line in my sig for the week. Also, can anyone here make me a sig pic of Duck-mousse with my name scrolling on it?

I could try, but if you're going to include scrolling, it might exceed NG's limit.

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 18:33:04

At 4/18/07 05:58 PM, HaroFreak wrote: I was referring to the illiterate and downright annoying, dumbass.

Weasel, this is exactly what we've been saying the whole time.

We're not gonna reject people who aren't "perfect", we're not elitists, we're only gonna reject troublemakers and dunces.

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 18:34:42

Alright, as far as the box set goes, she can't quite ditch me on it. One of my best friends knows where she lives, and he's a videogame fanatic, so he understands how unhealthy obsessions over things that flash across glass screens can be (such as, for example, anime and videogames). In addition, I see her nearly every day, so if she tries to ACTUALLY ninja it, I hang her.
By her nipples.
From a ceiling fan.
And as far as the offsite forums go, I've never visited them, maybe I should...
And the purposes of the entry requirements are as follows:
1) To figure out peoples' anime interests.
2) To figure out what damned gender people are. That's the reason for the same gender as your character thing, I think.
There, thank you, good night.

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 18:38:30

At 4/18/07 06:34 PM, psykolord wrote: Alright, as far as the box set goes, she can't quite ditch me on it. One of my best friends knows where she lives, and he's a videogame fanatic, so he understands how unhealthy obsessions over things that flash across glass screens can be (such as, for example, anime and videogames)

Good, here's hoping you get it back soon.

In addition, I see her nearly every day, so if she tries to ACTUALLY ninja it, I hang her.
By her nipples.
From a ceiling fan.

Sounds like a plan, mind if I film it?

And as far as the offsite forums go, I've never visited them, maybe I should...

You should, it's a nice little place.

And the purposes of the entry requirements are as follows:
1) To figure out peoples' anime interests.


2) To figure out what damned gender people are.

Hahaha, people have profiles for a reason.

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 18:41:49

At 4/18/07 06:34 PM, psykolord wrote: By her nipples.
From a ceiling fan.

That sounds... painful to the point it becomes /D/. I hope you sanitised those clips beforehand. XD

2) To figure out what damned gender people are. That's the reason for the same gender as your character thing, I think.

Or the other way around, especially with more androgynous characters such as Dori and Gura (Yes, they are male despite their tails sticking out of their trousers).

At 4/18/07 06:33 PM, Gendo wrote: We're not gonna reject people who aren't "perfect", we're not elitists, we're only gonna reject troublemakers and dunces.

Though the 'perfect' people will get on our good side much faster than the rest, that's for sure.

At 4/18/07 06:36 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: ........okay well i suppose trying that rule HF suggested might not seem bad,I'll just wait and see how this actually goes.

It's useless to argue with me unless you have something to prove me wrong first or have a better suggestion.

Then and again, I do not expect anything 'smart' from you to begin with, so just stop trying.

Anime Club

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 18:44:40

At 4/18/07 06:41 PM, HaroFreak wrote: Though the 'perfect' people will get on our good side much faster than the rest, that's for sure.

Oh, no doubts. But at the same time, if a user deserves respect, they'll get it.

It's useless to argue with me unless you have something to prove me wrong first or have a better suggestion.

And he obviously has neither.

Then and again, I do not expect anything 'smart' from you to begin with, so just stop trying.

Subtle image is subtle.

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 19:11:35

At 4/18/07 03:27 PM, Gendo wrote: Well, I vote yes on the "no gender restrictions on character choice"

I don't see why not, though it will increase the potential of akward scenes in the Roleplay board in the off-site NG/A/.

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 19:16:56

At 4/18/07 07:11 PM, HaroFreak wrote: I don't see why not, though it will increase the potential of akward scenes in the Roleplay board in the off-site NG/A/.

Oh, but that'll make things fun.

Now I'll be able to says *touches your penis* while RPing without starting an OOC yaoi uproar.

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 19:18:34

At 4/18/07 07:16 PM, Gendo wrote: Oh, but that'll make things fun.

Ackbar: ... I'm not going to say that line again. <_<

Now I'll be able to says *touches your penis* while RPing without starting an OOC yaoi uproar.

Great, now I'm imagining horrifying archives of cyber-play on the Role-Play board...

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 19:24:55

At 4/18/07 07:11 PM, HaroFreak wrote:
At 4/18/07 03:27 PM, Gendo wrote: Well, I vote yes on the "no gender restrictions on character choice"
I don't see why not, though it will increase the potential of akward scenes in the Roleplay board in the off-site NG/A/.

Do people use their NG character on those, or pick a new one? Just because a character is someone's favorite, doesn't mean they would want to RP as them. Like Xelloss is kick-ass, but RPing as him would be tough because of lack of info on him. I'd only RP as him if I didn't really want to be that involved and just wanted to randomly drop in and cause trouble/save people.

So- Yes on No Gender restriction (though the character has to at least have AI, cus I don't want someone being a Zaku or White Base) and Yes- on the 10 anime requirement. A brief self introduction involving a short history of their anime viewing would give a good sense of their postabilitiness.

Classic Slayers Pic

Anime Club

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 19:25:09

At 4/18/07 07:18 PM, HaroFreak wrote: Ackbar: ... I'm not going to say that line again. <_<

The Admiral has had enough, he doesn't need moar traps to complicate his life.

Great, now I'm imagining horrifying archives of cyber-play on the Role-Play board...

Imagine that, but with exceptionally poor grammar...now that is a lulzy/utterly horrifying thought.

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 19:27:58

At 4/18/07 07:24 PM, Dr-HyakuNinGiri wrote: Do people use their NG character on those, or pick a new one? Just because a character is someone's favorite, doesn't mean they would want to RP as them. Like Xelloss is kick-ass, but RPing as him would be tough because of lack of info on him. I'd only RP as him if I didn't really want to be that involved and just wanted to randomly drop in and cause trouble/save people.

Which is why I need to do some 'tweaks' to Black Jack despite his James Bond-esque stunt capability.

So- Yes on No Gender restriction (though the character has to at least have AI, cus I don't want someone being a Zaku or White Base) and Yes- on the 10 anime requirement. A brief self introduction involving a short history of their anime viewing would give a good sense of their postabilitiness.

Which is why using the self-introduction to get a first impression is important, along with a post evaluation period.

Classic Slayers Pic

I was looking for that one, thanks.

At 4/18/07 07:25 PM, Gendo wrote: Imagine that, but with exceptionally poor grammar...now that is a lulzy/utterly horrifying thought.

Logically, I would prefer some fluff instead of horrible writing.

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 19:29:16

At 4/18/07 07:27 PM, HaroFreak wrote: Logically, I would prefer some fluff instead of horrible writing.

But of course, fluff is fine too.

Also, since Dr has cast his votes, have we reached a verdict?

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 19:30:57

At 4/18/07 07:29 PM, Gendo wrote: Also, since Dr has cast his votes, have we reached a verdict?

I believe so.
Now all that's left is for Wonko to read it.

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 20:22:40

At 4/18/07 03:08 PM, Gendo wrote: No one has posted any Guro at all in the last two pages....

If you're inferring Kuro's presence will fill the club with Guro, shut up and die.


He's not as one-note as people seem to think he is.

People think I'm one-note?

If anything, he's one my favorite NG /A/ members.


Kuro - Puting the 'Kur' back in 'inkurable disease.'

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 20:47:06

At 4/18/07 03:08 PM, Gendo wrote:
No one has posted any Guro at all in the last two pages....

If you're inferring Kuro's presence will fill the club with Guro, shut up and die. He's not as one-note as people seem to think he is. If anything, he's one my favorite NG /A/ members.

I was referring to you posting that thing about hanging the naked girl by hooks and then poking needles into her tongue and cheeks and then scalding her with hot grease. Sounds like light Guro to me. A lot like it. Not like heavy Guro like dismemberment and that shit, just light.

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-18 20:49:27

At 4/18/07 08:22 PM, Kuro wrote: People think I'm one-note?

Remember the Nazi Lolicon fervor on General?


Much <3, mate.

At 4/18/07 08:47 PM, Twilight-Knight wrote: I was referring to you posting that thing about hanging the naked girl by hooks and then poking needles into her tongue and cheeks and then scalding her with hot grease. Sounds like light Guro to me.

It was a reference to Ichi The Killer...