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Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2006-09-15 18:58:59

At 9/15/06 12:24 PM, Darkangel1988 wrote: SOmeW31rd0 wrote: alright!some girls like anime!say WOOT!

Yes that's right some girls like anime.

I'm can't believe that this would be a surprise to some, around 90% of the otaku in my town are female, maybe that's just me and my crazy country...

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-15 20:32:52

It is amazing how some people don't think girls would like anime but it is actually a higher percent then what most people do realize. It's almost like there is some kind of rule that only the guys can get into the whole anime stuff but not true. I think mainly because most animes are of hentai and stuff like that. Most hentai's are of females so I'd say that's why some people wouldn't guess that females like anime just as much as guys do. Personally, I'm not one for female hentai but I won't lie and say I haven't seen or read some because I have. Still not my cup of tea but I can tolerate it. This is my own personal opinion but I'm sure some if not most of you have your own personal aspects on this subject but I won't go on because if I do then I'll no doubt be here all night just writing.

"When your in your darkest hour remember Darkangel1988"

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-15 20:41:51

At 9/15/06 08:32 PM, Darkangel1988 wrote: It is amazing how some people don't think girls would like anime but it is actually a higher percent then what most people do realize.

It's amazing how many people are ignorant idiots.
Mainly, I've noticed, that the fad anime watches are males, while the real fans and what not are mostly females. Preppy females however, the mainstream culture type girls, typically do not watch anime or cartoons, and hence stereotype the gender.

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-15 20:45:05

At 9/15/06 08:32 PM, Darkangel1988 wrote:

:. I think mainly because most animes are of hentai and stuff like that.

Where in the hell did you get that idea from, in reality a small percentange of the anime out there is true hentai or even along the lines of hentai. Just cause theres boobs in the show doens't make it a hentai my good sir. I personally think most people think girls don't get into anime is because they think since girls don't get into games, and usually arn't as internet savy as guys that they of course can't like anime, a bit sexist yes but it's how people usually think.

On another completley unrelated not I'm making a trip to Borders tommorow with $40 in hand so that means 3 new manga ( I'm going to a german candy store after and am saving $10 for taht) I'll post what I pick up after I get back tommorow.

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-15 23:59:15

Yes, yes, yes I'm sure most of you are amazed that we have women in this club. It's nothing new. Tink is still technically our leader, and she would be a she. We've had a lot of women in this club, they just never usually last.

I got the Samurai Deeper Kyo, and Beserk box collections. Both kick ass.

Iraq is an awesome place to be right now. Ramadan is starting so shit is about to get crazy. You all suck.

Especially LLStarks.

Godamn I hate you.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-16 00:55:34

At 9/15/06 08:45 PM, Nucksta wrote:
At 9/15/06 08:32 PM, Darkangel1988 wrote: . I think mainly because most animes are of hentai and stuff like that.
........On another completley unrelated not I'm making a trip to Borders tommorow with $40 in hand so that means 3 new manga ( I'm going to a german candy store after and am saving $10 for taht) I'll post what I pick up after I get back tommorow..........

Ooohh. Pick up at least NGE Angelic Days. You don't have to if you don't want to, but check it out.

Formerly Shift7089

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-16 01:01:47

Sorry to double-post, but do I have to repost 10 fave anime to update my name on the list? If so, my list is:
1. Neon Genesis Evangelion
2. NGE Angelic Days
3. Paranoia Agent
4. Fullmetal Alchemist
5. Eureka 7
6. Cowboy Bebop
7. Fruits Basket
8. Inuyasha
10. DNAngel
Oh, and I want my alias changed from Momiji Sohma to Kaworu Nagisa. I used to be Shift7089 for future reference.

Formerly Shift7089

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-16 01:07:21

At 9/15/06 11:59 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: You all suck.

Hey! I don't suck! Love me damnit! : P

Anyhow, I still haven't dissappeared. Shocking? I guess it would be...

Anyone got any NEW anime to recomend. When I say new I mean only a few episodes played in Japan and still running. Let me know k? thanks!

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-16 02:24:59

At 9/16/06 12:55 AM, Kaworu-Ikari wrote: Ooohh. Pick up at least NGE Angelic Days. You don't have to if you don't want to, but check it out.

I second this endorsement, it's a great series.

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-16 02:39:46

At 9/16/06 02:24 AM, Gendo wrote:
At 9/16/06 12:55 AM, Kaworu-Ikari wrote: Ooohh. Pick up at least NGE Angelic Days. You don't have to if you don't want to, but check it out.
I second this endorsement, it's a great series.

Yes it is. Oh, and about my alias change, I havent received an answer yet (see earlier post)

Formerly Shift7089

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-16 07:25:10

At 9/16/06 12:55 AM, Kaworu-Ikari wrote:
At 9/15/06 08:45 PM, Nucksta wrote:
At 9/15/06 08:32 PM, Darkangel1988 wrote: . I think mainly because most animes are of hentai and stuff like that.
........On another completley unrelated not I'm making a trip to Borders tommorow with $40 in hand so that means 3 new manga ( I'm going to a german candy store after and am saving $10 for taht) I'll post what I pick up after I get back tommorow..........
Ooohh. Pick up at least NGE Angelic Days.

I'll check it out might pick it up depending on the storyline. One that I already know I'm buying is BECK volume 4 tis a great manga and a great anime as well.

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-16 09:33:04

At 9/14/06 04:50 PM, Darkangel1988 wrote: Sooooooooooooooooooo! There is another female who has signed up. Alright! Not afraid to show your true colors either. You go girl!!

Cool, but I think there's only four girls in the anime club (I think, what the hell I'm not going to count)

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-16 11:03:09

well arnt you a lazy lil person

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-16 13:41:39

At 9/14/06 03:30 PM, Nucksta wrote:
At 9/13/06 08:17 PM, Mast3rMind wrote:

long talk about Battle Royale.

Well, I haven't read the book or manga, but the movie has been on my Netflix queue for a little while now. The list got kinda long. It should be near the top by now, though.

I saw Audition today. seriously fucked up. not a good movie, IMO, but I just HAD to watch it.

At 9/15/06 10:10 AM, AUb wrote: How many were released yet?

Here it's 29.

I have absolutely no idea. I've seen volumes 1-13 available somewhere before. I only have 1-5.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-16 14:05:31

At 9/16/06 01:41 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: Well, I haven't read the book or manga, but the movie has been on my Netflix queue for a little while now. The list got kinda long. It should be near the top by now, though.

If you're Patriotic towards America and highly Conservative with no patience, you won't like Battle Royale 2. Although I highly suggest the Novel and the Manga over the movie.

I saw Audition today. seriously fucked up. not a good movie, IMO, but I just HAD to watch it.

Audition is a great movie. It builds up and up, I'd say the last 15 minutes were powerful. I think there was a moral to that story. I'd have to watch it again.

Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-16 16:05:48

At 9/16/06 01:41 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: I saw Audition today. seriously fucked up. not a good movie, IMO, but I just HAD to watch it.

Grrr!!! Audition was a masterpiece, how could you not like it?!
Also, got meself a copy of FMA: Conqueror Of Shamballa today for about twenty-eight bucks after taxes(lower than the American MSRP!!!!) and holy shit, the reversible cover is beautiful, the guide book is cool and the dub was surprisingly good.

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-16 19:13:27

hey, there is a anime drawing thread in the new "ART" category. i have been posting there for the past day.

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-16 19:26:59

Alright, alright first off I'm not a sir. I am for a fact a pure-blood female and always will be. Secondly, are you Nucksta sexist because it sure sounds like it. I have already said anyways that anime isn't always hentai. Yes I give credit to you that there is a small percentage that is but the fact still stands that there is and always will be hentai. Oh, and thinking about females not anime crazed or internet savy as you so nicely put it there is a good amount of girls that are like this. People just don't know because they don't tell anyone about it because they are afraid that they may become and "out cast" which to me is a really lame reason. Now for the interent issue you'll again be surprised how many females are more into it: IM's,on-line shopping,or just for the heck of it. There is much much going on then what people actually know. You might want to be careful about being sexist as well even if your not people may think you are just by the way you rub off.

Anyways, onto more important matters. Some anime talk. Whatever topic it is I'll be glad to respond to it.

"When your in your darkest hour remember Darkangel1988"

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-16 19:45:44

Hey guys, one quick question, do we have to notify the club creator in order to change our name on the list?

On a different note, what is your main source for anime? Cable tv, DvD stores, or Online?

Formerly Shift7089

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-16 20:09:56

You white people always love them japs dont you?

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-16 20:11:30

At 9/16/06 07:45 PM, Kaworu-Ikari wrote: On a different note, what is your main source for anime? Cable tv, DvD stores, or Online?

Defintely stores, I've got a fumbly internet connection and have limited TV options.

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-16 21:11:25

At 9/16/06 07:26 PM, Darkangel1988 wrote: Long ass rant about me being sexist

Listen I don't know who the fuck you think you are but I'm far from sexist I wasn't stating my personal belifs I was stating the belifs of most of the amierican society and am truly sorry that I offended you by posting it but you took it waaaaaay outa context considering I put in there the words Most People so in that case fuck off. On the part of calling you good sir I deeply apoligize because for some odd reason I neglacted to look at your profile that was a mistake on my part.

For the anime talk now, I unfortunatley couldn't get to Borders today seeing as my ride didn't feel like traveling the hour to Bangor so unfortunatley I am un mangaless.

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-16 22:08:56

At 9/16/06 08:11 PM, Gendo wrote:
At 9/16/06 07:45 PM, Kaworu-Ikari wrote: On a different note, what is your main source for anime? Cable tv, DvD stores, or Online?
Defintely stores, I've got a fumbly internet connection and have limited TV options.

Same here. My On Demand refreshes every month, and my comps cant handle the load.

Formerly Shift7089

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-17 08:05:26

heya guys im back and i feel great,has anything happend will i was gone?

I'd put something witty here, but that would be pointless and unoriginal.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-17 11:00:34

I do forgive you Nucksta for not looking at my profile. Anyways, I personally didn't think you were being sexist and I didn't think it was your personal beliefs. As I said at the bottom some people may think you are. Other then that I was just making it clear that females do like anime. Okay maybe not as much as guys. I will apologize for coming out too strongly and if it seemed like I was hitting you directly. I'd say let's forget this has ever happened and move on before we both get banned from here, if the mods come to that conclusion. I guess I was abit offended by it but it's all clear.

Anyways, moving on...

"When your in your darkest hour remember Darkangel1988"

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-17 11:10:21

At 9/17/06 11:00 AM, Darkangel1988 wrote: I do forgive you Nucksta for not looking at my profile. Anyways, I personally didn't think you were being sexist and I didn't think it was your personal beliefs. As I said at the bottom some people may think you are. Other then that I was just making it clear that females do like anime. Okay maybe not as much as guys. I will apologize for coming out too strongly and if it seemed like I was hitting you directly. I'd say let's forget this has ever happened and move on before we both get banned from here, if the mods come to that conclusion. I guess I was abit offended by it but it's all clear.

Anyways, moving on...

I completley accept your apoligy and I also went a bit overboard on what I typed out too you and would like to extend an apology it's just I was having a somewhat bad day yesterday and ended up venting on you ac omplete stranger no less.

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-17 13:05:33

hi guys i baught some naruto game for 24$+tax=28$(canadien) and i think i gaught my money worth have you guys baught any anime games in the past month?

I'd put something witty here, but that would be pointless and unoriginal.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-17 13:08:10

After reading all seven of Saikano my friend lent me her Saikano anime to check it out. (Well, she kind've forced me.) 13 episodes, just the like the manga, it's about enough to break a man. No other series I've seen shows so much emotion. The show basically drowns in it. I'm looking forward to seeing the movie. I heard it already came out. Live action. Also I checked out Bubblegum Crisis 2040 again after about six years. Still my favorite. I find it funny and interesting how this show has somewhat of a Religious background and somewhat preachy. For one thing, the town is called Sodom, and you have a city that is ran by Robots that are called Boomers. The Boomers act up, transform, and start breaking and killing people. Great show, if you like some of the old school anime, this is one to check out. It's like Charlie's Angels, only with Robots, and mechas.

Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-17 14:57:47

wow this crew is really not active

I'd put something witty here, but that would be pointless and unoriginal.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-09-17 15:04:02

At 9/17/06 02:57 PM, dude1548 wrote: wow this crew is really not active

We're plenty active, most of us just have jobs and whatnot thankfully I can only work for 4 days out of the week because of my age and am one of the few that can post here as often as I want.