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Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2005-12-06 18:07:51

Lupin the Third is a cool show. I only have volumes 1 and 2 on DVD, so I have some searching to do for the rest, which don't seem to be available anymore at any of the stores near me. I've seen all the volumes in Media Play and FYE, but suddenly, the only thing they carry now is volume 1 with a toy of the red car and either a toy of Lupin or Jigen. Fuck toys! I'll have to shop online for them some time.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to Anime Club 2005-12-06 19:54:03

At 12/6/05 06:00 PM, Renewman wrote: That made me laugh.


well its a whole lot easier to spell than his last name...

btw...Lupin rocks, and anyone who says otherwise (while entitled to their own opinion), stinks!

Response to Anime Club 2005-12-06 20:02:59

At 11/30/05 08:40 PM, Fumetsu316 wrote: Ugh! I can't stand Gigantor- especially that theme song; "Gigaaaaantooooor!"


Or some crap like that.

At least I find most other mech anime I've seen to be okay, like Gundam Wing, Gundam 08th MS Team, G Gundam, and sometimes Big-O, I guess. I still haven't gotten into that particular genre, but I don't count Blue Gender. I like that show, but it's just different.

Wing - Meh/08th - Swell/G - Fantasticly fantastic/O - Decent/Blue - Good from what I've seen of it.

I was thinking about checking out Hades Project Zeorymer, Gasaraki, and maybe Megazone 23.......The whole "is it real or is it a simulation/dream?" thing. I know Hades Project Zeorymer is only 4 episodes, so I'll probably buy it...... I don't want to pay a lot of money for them, but I also don't like to purchase a mere fraction of any series. I always try to get the entire thing. The only show I haven't completed yet is Lupin the Third.

Out of those three I know of Megazone 23 being a wise purchase. I can't remember how long it is but it'll be worth your money IMO. Series like that always[for the most part]are really good and have fantastic endings. I understand you on the whole cost issue with series. Hell, the FLCL DVD's, one of them containing only two episodes was and probably still is $30. But you should finish off Lupin first, fantastic series and the game wasn't too shabby either.

Well, out of these three, Gasaraki, Hades Project Zeorymer, and Megazone 23, which do you guys think is the best? Probably Gasaraki, right?

It's any mans guess. I can't really tell you because you might find one to be better than the other. Why don't you look them up and read up a bit on those series and their story line/plot.

At 11/30/05 11:39 PM, Lavi721 wrote: wasn't it something like Nadesico or one of them...i didn't watch them but my bro did...

Yeah! That was the other one.

At 12/1/05 12:55 PM, Kronik_The_Hedgehog wrote: Wasn't Gigantor the first Mech/Sci-fi Anime made. It was made sometime in the 1960s.

Yes it was. As a matter of fact I do belive it is the first ever series to be considered 'anime' ever made. Some of the more ground breaking series is Speed Racer and MS Gundam. Magaziner Z came out a bit later and is over-shadowed by some of the bigger series but it is a good one at that.

Gatchaman is another ground breaker, made either in the late seventies or early eighties. It's a pretty big hit with the youngsters over in japan from what I've heard. Not to mention they have Doremon[spelling] toilet paper as well. Isn't that fantastic when you can wipe your butt with your favorite anime character? Bring me some Gundam toilet paper anyday.

Or better yet, if you hate them you can desicrate them by using 'said toilet paper' on your butt.

At 12/2/05 04:21 AM, Noctroler wrote: SAC is built on kickass art and film direction, throw in a kickin sound track, lotsa guns, and a cute comic relief character in the form of a talkin tank. This shit just comes together like Jesus and grace, and I'm willing to bust out the cash to get it in my DVD player legally. However, SAC is a bit dumbed down at certain points in order to fit in action and fun, but I didn't mind at all.

Seems like we share the same mind. I do get tired of some of the meager filler episodes at times, the ones that reveal character pasts are alright with me though. Besides, who wouldn't want a Tatchcoma?

If you were Canadian, like me eh, you could buy all the booze you want. Or do what I did, work for the Liquor Control Board of Ontario and keep the alcohol outta underaged hands :P

>:*( It's not my fault that the legal drinking age is 21 here and 19 there. No fair.

Sucks to be American.


At 12/3/05 01:34 AM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: Unfortunately, the first anime I remember watching was Pokemon, and damn was I addicted to it.

I'd have to agree with you on that one. Although there is still a part of me that does enjoy the series every now and then, brings back some nice memories. 'Nice' being the key word here.

Oh yes. Behold. The second coming of Wonko. For those that remember me.

Christ, I thought you had given up on the net for good there. Don't scare me like that, I'd rather have you around being your usual self than you gone for over half the year. Since what, April or May?

Okay. I have seven and a half months of Naruto to catch up on. Fuck that, I don't have the time. Anyone got some new anime to suggest? I don't like things like Love Hina, or Maburaho, but I do like Bastard, and other anime's where people get the shit beat out of them. And fuuny anime like FMA is good too.

You should, it'll be worth your time for sure. If anything you should catch up on the episodes at least. I think they are at 145 or something, I can't keep up with it at the moment. I'm not to sure what all you've seen/read series wise so I can't really say.

P.S. I can shoot you in the head from 500 yards. Marine Corps bootcamp kicked ass.

That's fantastic.

At 12/6/05 07:22 AM, mr_trivia wrote: From what I've heard, the original Japanese title translates directly into "Detective Conan", but someone thought that it would be too easy to confuse this anime with "Conan the Barbarian", so they changed the English title to "Case Closed".

Yeah... something like that. More so the guy who made Conan the Barbarian fought against it to have the name changed because of some sort of infringement or some crap like that.

At 12/6/05 04:53 PM, Gamehippy wrote: Could I join this fanatic club?
Favourite anime? - Lain SE, Key the metal idol, Hellsing, CC Sakura...

That's a start, now you have to pick a character[technically it's supposed to be four but you're close enough]that isn't taken on the members list. You can find it by clicking the word 'club' in my signature text.


Does anyone know how many episodes s-CRY-ed is? I figure it's around 40 + given the point in the story line which is now at episode 25.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to Anime Club 2005-12-06 20:48:07

Hey guys i'd think it be cool to be in this club so can i join? If not i won't take it the wrong way.

NG Mafia

I've evolved.


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Response to Anime Club 2005-12-06 21:15:06

I'm thinking about getting "Stellvia of the Universe." Has anyone here seen it? If you have what is your opinion about it?

Response to Anime Club 2005-12-06 23:54:37

At 12/6/05 08:02 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: Does anyone know how many episodes s-CRY-ed is? I figure it's around 40 + given the point in the story line which is now at episode 25.

Believe it or not, but this Saturday is Scryed's last episode with the final episode of it's run. Unyet they got an filler epi. of the Tenchi Muyo! being turn into scrap like in the manga.

Governor of the Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2005-12-07 00:01:38

I was wondering
in the end of evangelion why does everyone burst into LCL
isnt LCL what helps the eva pilots breath in the evangelions?

Response to Anime Club 2005-12-07 00:05:27

At 12/7/05 12:01 AM, secret_toad wrote: I was wondering
in the end of evangelion why does everyone burst into LCL
isnt LCL what helps the eva pilots breath in the evangelions?

They turn into water.....

Response to Anime Club 2005-12-07 00:36:37

At 12/7/05 12:01 AM, secret_toad wrote: I was wondering
in the end of evangelion why does everyone burst into LCL
isnt LCL what helps the eva pilots breath in the evangelions?


It's very confusing and there may not be a right answer. All I know is that mankind is the 18th angel. LCL is the blood of lilith and probably all the other angels too. The angels were other possible forms of mankind, but man in its current form is the most advanced. When all the humans turn into LCL, they are forming together into one being. That's my theory at least.

Response to Anime Club 2005-12-07 00:46:13

At 12/7/05 12:36 AM, Vash-The-Stampede wrote:

It's very confusing and there may not be a right answer. All I know is that mankind is the 18th angel. LCL is the blood of lilith and probably all the other angels too. The angels were other possible forms of mankind, but man in its current form is the most advanced. When all the humans turn into LCL, they are forming together into one being. That's my theory at least.

Oh well that makes sense is that why Shinji always says
thw cockpit smells like blood.

Response to Anime Club 2005-12-07 06:45:49

Is there any truth to the rumor that Speed Racer was a Japanese Animation developed specifically for an American audience?

Jack of all trades, Master of none

Head Scientist of NG Mafia

& proud member of Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2005-12-07 08:29:14

That's a start, now you have to pick a character[technically it's supposed to be four but you're close enough]that isn't taken on the members list. You can find it by clicking the word 'club' in my signature text.

I'll pick 'Yue' from 'CardCaptor Sakura'.

Thanks ^_^

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Response to Anime Club 2005-12-07 18:39:35

I'm thinking about getting the anime "Stellvia of the Universe." Has anyone else here seen it? If you have can you tell me if it's any good? I've seen the 1st 2 episodes and that's about it.

Response to Anime Club 2005-12-07 19:22:20

At 12/6/05 08:02 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote:
Out of those three I know of Megazone 23 being a wise purchase.

It seems that way judging by what I've read so far. Apparently, It's a classic.

I can't remember how long it is but it'll be worth your money IMO.

Here's what I read from the website in my sig....

"Megazone 23

Part 1

Company: ADVision

Running Time: 85 minutes (1 episode)

Region: 1

Rated: R for violence, nudity and mature situations"

WTF? What about the rest of the episodes? I see nothing about any others.

Hell, the FLCL DVD's, one of them containing only two episodes was and probably still is $30.

only reason I haven't bought it.

But you should finish off Lupin first, fantastic series and the game wasn't too shabby either.

I agree that it's a great show, but there's a lot of other stuff I've been wanting to buy, and each episode can stand for itself. The series is not one continued story, so I'm not motivated much, anyhow. I do plan on getting the whole series eventually, though.

Why don't you look them up and read up a bit on those series and their story line/plot.

will do.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2005-12-07 19:55:55

At 12/7/05 06:45 AM, mr_trivia wrote: Is there any truth to the rumor that Speed Racer was a Japanese Animation developed specifically for an American audience?

Well...back in the day around when that showed up in the U.S., racing as a whole was very popular. Seems to be interesting though. On a different matter though...

My friend was telling my about the strong comparission with DBZ and Sonic, well...when it comes to the mangas and a little bit about the game. One thing that he did tell me that just like in the DB, there was seven DragonBalls, but in the Sonic game/manga/story, there is seven Chaos Emeralds, in DBZ, people can be come Super Saijin, in Sonic, there is Super Sonic, notice how they're both yellow, and there eye colors are exactly the same. Coincidence?

Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.

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Response to Anime Club 2005-12-07 20:57:17

I'm probably going to try out the Guilty Gear games.

Response to Anime Club 2005-12-07 21:03:55

At 12/7/05 08:57 PM, Kronik_The_Hedgehog wrote: I'm probably going to try out the Guilty Gear games.

I'm not a fan of Metal, I really don't like Metal, although because the vocals were missing and the instrumentals were good, it was a big plus, try it out, I'm sure tht you'll like it.

Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.

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Response to Anime Club 2005-12-07 23:14:01

At 12/7/05 12:36 AM, Vash-The-Stampede wrote: When all the humans turn into LCL, they are forming together into one being. That's my theory at least.

To remove all conflict and hatred among Mankind, by forcing everyone into a single existance?

Status: MIA

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Response to Anime Club 2005-12-08 05:46:10

Come on Haro that's a given. We all know that. But if youremember, I think it was Ritsuko who told Shinji that LCL was pretty much like the primordial soup of the beginning of time. If it truly was Lilith's blood that would explain what Shinji had said, but I dont think a liquid that taste like blood would be orange. It makes sense too, a liquid that encompasses the task of joining all of man's souls together. Wasn't life started from primordiakl soup when nothing was seperate and we all were one entity? Think about that for a moment.

Response to Anime Club 2005-12-08 06:58:41

At 12/7/05 07:55 PM, Mast3rMind wrote:
At 12/7/05 06:45 AM, mr_trivia wrote: Is there any truth to the rumor that Speed Racer was a Japanese Animation developed specifically for an American audience?
Well...back in the day around when that showed up in the U.S., racing as a whole was very popular. Seems to be interesting though. On a different matter though...

I was actually referring to the "Car Wrestling". They took America's love affair with the car and combined it with Americans' fandom of wrestling (although I'm not sure how big wrestling was at the time), because they must've figured that combining two things we like will make us like the product even better.

My friend was telling my about the strong comparission with DBZ and Sonic, well...when it comes to the mangas and a little bit about the game. One thing that he did tell me that just like in the DB, there was seven DragonBalls, but in the Sonic game/manga/story, there is seven Chaos Emeralds, in DBZ, people can be come Super Saijin, in Sonic, there is Super Sonic, notice how they're both yellow, and there eye colors are exactly the same. Coincidence?

Actually, I think Super Sonic's eyes are red now and you don't need the Dragon Balls to become Super Sayajin, but there is truth to the golden hair.

Jack of all trades, Master of none

Head Scientist of NG Mafia

& proud member of Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2005-12-08 07:24:22

iv been looking at you guys 4ever so now im finally giving in...may i join?

Anime Club

Response to Anime Club 2005-12-08 07:28:13

Manga, hentai, doujin, OVAs, OSTs, and videogame discussion is also .

ok i love manga and anime both (manga more) but i have a quistion whats hentai,doujin,ova,osts? im sry but i really dont no

Response to Anime Club 2005-12-08 16:13:40

can i join????????????????? and whats hantai!!! hallooooooo

Response to Anime Club 2005-12-08 16:58:24

o...thats interesting well ok ill be...Mugan from samarie champloo or Al from fma wich ever

Response to Anime Club 2005-12-08 19:45:54

Thanks guys, I knew that there was something to that Sonic DBZ connection, anyways, I just bought Crying Freeman: Portrait Of A Killer the anime. It's great, now all I gotta do is find the manga. The manga is incredibly rare, almost as rare and Lone Wolf and Cub, and Sanctuary.

Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2005-12-08 20:21:42

Anime makes some of the best flash and shows.Ill give it a go.

[If you aint cheatin,you aint tryin]~ooooooo say can you rock!

O and ah........jesus christ is in heaven now!

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2005-12-08 23:38:07

At 12/8/05 09:47 PM, _RanmaSaotome_ wrote: Lone Wolf and Cub is rare? They have multiple copys of the entire series over at our local Books-A-Million.

Lucky for you guys, you know, anything made by Kazuo Koike and Ryoichi Ikegami are rare, mostly because of the content that's in those mangas, but around here, anything that has the name Kazuo Koike is rare, except for Samurai Executioner. Damn your lucky, I bet I could've bought all those right about now.

Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2005-12-09 02:25:44

At 12/8/05 05:46 AM, Renewman wrote: Wasn't life started from primordiakl soup when nothing was seperate and we all were one entity? Think about that for a moment.

As only viewable by mankind, yes. But we all know that God is the one who created all living things on Earth. And even Evangelion states so, given how many references it makes to the Holy Bible.

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2005-12-09 05:54:53

yeah i think ill join as well. this sounds like a interesting club

Response to Anime Club 2005-12-09 16:04:27

At 12/9/05 05:54 AM, XcaliburHentaiFreak wrote: yeah i think ill join as well. this sounds like a interesting club

List your 5 favorite anime and choose a character to represent you. There should be a link to the members list floating around somewhere so you can see what characters are taken. Who's updating that thing these days anyway, since Tink appears to be gone? I didn't know anyone else but me and her knew the password. I was expecting to come back and be forced to do a massive update.

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