Well, I'm going to have to find volume 1 of Negima. Damn bookstore onlly has volume 6!
Well, I'm going to have to find volume 1 of Negima. Damn bookstore onlly has volume 6!
At 11/27/05 02:15 PM, Fumetsu316 wrote: Does anybody here know if the Berserk manga series is finished?
No, it's not finished yet, and I hope it won't until #50 or 60^^
At 11/27/05 11:41 PM, Mast3rMind wrote: Thanks for reminding me about that, I offically own over 200 mangas now,
Neat number of books!
I wonder how many I have...
Dragon Ball
Fullmetal Alchemist
Tokita's Gundam Books
Roughly 90-ish.
At 11/28/05 12:39 AM, Kronik_The_Hedgehog wrote: Well, I'm going to have to find volume 1 of Negima. Damn bookstore onlly has volume 6!
www.bookamillion.com order it from there. You should get a good price for it.
www.booksamillion.com <- i wrote it wong in the 1st post.
At 11/28/05 12:46 PM, BigFan7 wrote: www.booksamillion.com <- i wrote it wong in the 1st post.
Unfortunaltely that's an American site. I'll have to look for it at chapters if I viist St. Catherines (town in Ontario) again.
At 11/27/05 11:41 PM, Mast3rMind wrote: Among Berserk, I've got to get back to Bastard!,
I also was thinking about getting that because of the crappy ending of the miniseries. I wanted to find out what happens next.
At 11/27/05 07:17 PM, _RanmaSaotome_ wrote: Also in response to the Berserk question, the manga is far from done.
At 11/28/05 07:25 AM, AUb wrote: No, it's not finished yet, and I hope it won't until #50 or 60^^
Thanks. I really want to get it some time especially after seeing the series and seeing that lame ending(although I know it was just supposed to tell Guts' backstory). I have to find out what happens after all that. I just have a few other questions about it.
#1: Is the manga in color?
Is Caska alive? It really sucks that everybody else died. I really liked Judeau, Pippin, and Gaston....Corkus, I didn't give a rat's ass about. But the series left it unclear as to whether or not Caska died. Did she die?
#3: Can I get each new issue in the mail through a subscription?
At 11/28/05 05:37 PM, Fumetsu316 wrote:At 11/27/05 11:41 PM, Mast3rMind wrote: Among Berserk, I've got to get back to Bastard!,I also was thinking about getting that because of the crappy ending of the miniseries. I wanted to find out what happens next.
Back then when I first started collecting mangas, it was Love Hina #10, from there I would only buy from that series until I had to wait for 12-14, I started to get imapatient, and then I started to buy different manga series left and right, putting me into this predicament. Out of all the mangas I own, I believe that I have only fully completed 30% of them. GTO was one that I had to get done sooner or later, seeing that I neglected it for a year when I found out that it was 25 books long, but I got the hang of it. For, I've decided to complete the manga series I have now, some will be easy to find, others will be damn near impossible. On a simular note, I just finished the Lament of the Lamb series unknowingly. Manga binge, at happens. All I have to say is, that series deserves to be made into an Anime, by a good company like Geneon, I'm heavily sure that company can make it work good. If anyone has any questions about manga, ask me, I got my own library.
Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.
At 11/26/05 01:34 PM, BigFan7 wrote: At 11/25/05 11:36 AM, Videogamemaster64 wrote: umm ok that was kinda odd in the ANIME CLUB although i do love video games. try the RPG CLUB
Well maybe he likes Anime based videogames. That would count in here.
BTW this is probably onld news to you all but Funimation has licenced the Negima Anime. I actually got to talk with the voice director of Funimation who will be heading up the Dubbing when i was at Nekocon earlier this month and she said that Funimation is going all out for Negima. I just hope it doesn't end up like Love Hina did......
Yeah I know the love hina dub was awful and after I read the mangas those voices are still in my head every time I read them ARGHHH!
Yeah I haven't been in this club in ages so you guys probably don't remember me.
Anyway has anyone seen the GUNGRAVE DVDS yet?
Sorry if that is all I talk about but it is my favorate anime. I havent been much into anime lately so if there are any good ones out ( pleast don't reccomend Naruto or anything popular) just hit me back.
peace out
At 11/28/05 06:22 PM, majorblood wrote:
Sorry if that is all I talk about but it is my favorate anime. I havent been much into anime lately so if there are any good ones out ( pleast don't reccomend Naruto or anything popular) just hit me back
Have you played the Gungrave ps2 game? It isn't that bad. Maybe you would like Trigun, since it is about shooting and stuff also.
At 11/28/05 07:16 PM, _RanmaSaotome_ wrote:At 11/28/05 05:37 PM, Fumetsu316 wrote: Lots of stuffAnswer to number 1. No its black and white
Damn. I wish mangas were made in color more often.
Answer to number 2. * Major Spoilers* ----- Yes shes alive. Thats all I am gonna say though * End major Spoilers *
Answer to number 3. Check Dark Horse's manga section, I am pretty sure you can order them there not sure if you can subscribe. They are up to 8 if I remember correctly.
Alright, I'll check it out some time. Thanks
Nahhhh...Mangas are much better in there orignal state when there black & white, and even better when in Japanese...Because I hate how in the U.S. they block out alot of things for anime and manga. ^_^
At 11/28/05 12:52 PM, Kronik_The_Hedgehog wrote: Unfortunaltely that's an American site. I'll have to look for it at chapters if I viist St. Catherines (town in Ontario) again.
Well all i can say is the next time you goto your local book store, order volume's 1-5 and volume 7 (Skip volume 6) . And since you can read english would it matter if you got it from the U.S. or not?
At 11/28/05 10:51 PM, Ren_the_furrie666 wrote: Nahhhh...Mangas are much better in there orignal state when there black & white, and even better when in Japanese...Because I hate how in the U.S. they block out alot of things for anime and manga. ^_^
I do agree, most if not all manga in my opinion looks better in black & white, that and not all mangas come from Japan. My cousin owns a lot of Manhwa which is Korean manga. If you look closely at it, you can see the style in it that seperates it from the all the other styles. Not only that, but the U.S. doesn't block out any manga, trust me on that, I know, it's the anime they block out. Best example of that would be DBZ.
Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.
At 11/29/05 12:48 AM, _RanmaSaotome_ wrote: ^ yep hes correct, the U.S. has brought over manga like Battle Royale, Berserk, Hellsing and numerous other horror manga in their full goryness.
Exactly. And many more, I heard that Ichi The Killer may be heading towards Tokyopop, my fingers are crossed, it's a rumor though, sadly.
The U.S. censors and edits anime for T.V. but as far as I know all countrys do that. It doesant bother me since if you want to watch a uncensored version or one with subs then just buy the DVD.
FCC, although I found it interesting that they didn't censor that brief robot sex scene that was in Kikaider, or what "seemed" to be sex anyway. I'd like to Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi on Adult Swim, but so much would be taken out.
Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.
At 11/28/05 10:51 PM, Ren_the_furrie666 wrote: Nahhhh...Mangas are much better in there orignal state when there black & white, and even better when in Japanese...
Of course, and given how many jokes or terminology gets lost during translation, it is best for comics to be in their original state regardless of origin.
Because I hate how in the U.S. they block out alot of things for anime and manga. ^_^
That only depends on who is doing the dubbing.
Example: Of all the ADV dubbings that I have seen (Full Metal Panic!, Golden Boy, Azumanga Daioh, Excel Saga and RahXephon), only the beginning credits and beginning logo has been changed, which is not really as critical as complete graphical edits and plot changes that other dubbing companies have been infamous for *Cough4KidsCoughSplatDie*
At 11/29/05 12:08 AM, Mast3rMind wrote: Not only that, but the U.S. doesn't block out any manga, trust me on that, I know, it's the anime they block out. Best example of that would be DBZ.
Actually, Viz do perform minor edits to some which may consider somewhat over-revealing.
One example I have seen is in the second chapter of the Pokemon Comics drawn by Toshihiro Ono where Satoshi was to fight against Kasumi for her badge. In the original, she was wearing a swimsuit designed to reveal some clevage and her butt. But this was edited into a normal swimsuit during its american release.
As for volume two's second chapter; this page was cut out:
Whaaa Ohaayo!! =D
eto eto.. Could I join?*pretty please eyes xD*
At 11/29/05 01:38 AM, Kanekia wrote: eto eto.. Could I join?*pretty please eyes xD*
Sore de yoii.
De wa, omae no suki na Anime no 5 mei wo hanasu, ato wa jibuun to iiu ANIME CHARACTER wo erau.
I went to one of the local book stores here and I found a Manga completely in Japnese, but I couldn't read it (obviously). Anyway, I keep hearing how "badly" Animated Anime is. Then again I could less if it was badly Animated.
At 11/28/05 07:07 PM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote:At 11/28/05 06:22 PM, majorblood wrote:Have you played the Gungrave ps2 game? It isn't that bad. Maybe you would like Trigun, since it is about shooting and stuff also.
Sorry if that is all I talk about but it is my favorate anime. I havent been much into anime lately so if there are any good ones out ( pleast don't reccomend Naruto or anything popular) just hit me back
Yes actuially I have both games and they are pretty good althoug the anime is a lot different from the game.
Also Trigun was made by the same guy that did GUNGRAVE and they are both similar except for the story and main characters.
At 11/29/05 01:35 AM, HaroFreak wrote: Actually, Viz do perform minor edits to some which may consider somewhat over-revealing.
That's Viz though, and for that part to be edited out of all the other mangas I've seen go through Viz, like Sanctuary, you'd think that they wouldn't censor that, although, you know what? I think they edited that because the majority fan base of that show is basically kids, we doon't want them looking at breasts at that age, now do we? From that point of view, I can see why they would edit it.
Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.
At 11/19/05 11:24 PM, Noctroler wrote: I refuse to allow you to say that Innocence was a great movie, at least without putting up some sort of resistance.
Oh my.
It was a total sham compared to the well-crafted and UNDERSTANDABLE GITS:SAC series.
You thought of it that way? I thought it was a great movie.
Most convoluted anime ever, worse than EoE! I mean what the hell was the mansion seen about? Where the hell did that battleship come from?
Okay okay, I'll try to sort things out for you. The mansion belonged to an old friend of Batou. More or less investigating all of the families who settled out of court that dealt with the main cyborg theme of the movie. Cyborgs geared up as sex dolls. The 'battleship' is more-so a factory for producing those dolls. They were taking the ghosts of other cyborgs and transferring them to the sex cyborgs.
And there was not nearly enough Kusanagi! The only seen I enjoyed was Batou taking out the Yakuza HQ out single handedly. Other wise I would have rather been forced to watch the original GITS movie dubbed in ebonics, at least that would have been entertaining.
Ha ha ha, ha. Yeah there could've been more of her but it was more centered around Batou, Tougusa[Can't spell, fine] and the lesser members of Section 9. Yeah, Batou in action was cool to watch.
Hey, not to mention SAC: Second Gig is now premiering on [AS]. Too bad the last episode was just a mild filler one though. :/ Not to mention that I'm finally catching up with the series now that they are re-running it on weeknights. Maybe Blue Gender will be on the air once G.I.T.S: SAC runs through. :S
At 11/27/05 07:45 PM, psykolord wrote: I never realized Evangelion was so good. I now see why everyone is praising it.
The OSTs are fantastic, you should pick up the first one.
Oh, and not like it would really matter to you but I've got the Slayers Try Treasury Vox CD.
I know I said I'd update the member list over a week ago but work called me in. I'll try to get it done this evening.
PS: It's my 2nd year being a NG member, neat.
[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]
XBL / PSN - Voidist
Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.
At 11/28/05 10:51 PM, Ren_the_furrie666 wrote: Nahhhh...Mangas are much better in there orignal state when there black & white, and even better when in Japanese...Because I hate how in the U.S. they block out alot of things for anime and manga. ^_^
Of course manga is better when it is not changed around in any way when translated, but it's a lot better when the original artist actually takes the time to color the damn thing. Black and white is nothing but a lack of detail.
i just saw midori days vol 1-2 and it was so funny that otaku char makes me laugh so much XD
chasing a girl that looks like marin LMAO XD
At 11/29/05 07:16 PM, Fumetsu316 wrote: Of course manga is better when it is not changed around in any way when translated, but it's a lot better when the original artist actually takes the time to color the damn thing. Black and white is nothing but a lack of detail.
I guess it's all a matter of opinion, I've seen colored manga, and I prefer black & white, since it's traditional that way to a certain extent. Plus, when it comes to horror mangas, the black & white makes it work, especially dark action mangas like Battle Royale, Arm of Kannon, etc etc. It's all on opinion.
Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.
Viz does show thier rating for a certain Manga... So. I don't really see why they should censor a few things. I mean, it's the parents fault for not looking through the book first.
I'm sure you all will like to read that I've finally updated the Members list. You can locate it by clicking the word 'Club' in my signature text.
If you see one of the following:
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- Mispelling
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- Other
Just e-mail me about it and I'll fix it. For those who have no character next to their names means that they did not choose one yet. Those of you who have not please do so. Any other questions you can e-mail me as well.
Also, if someone wouldn't mind of doing this task. Someone please send me the ID numbers of each of our members, that way if they change their names I'll know who is who. So it would be like this.
ID# - Alias
[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]
XBL / PSN - Voidist
Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.
At 11/29/05 01:35 AM, HaroFreak wrote: Actually, Viz do perform minor edits to some which may consider somewhat over-revealing.
One example I have seen is in the second chapter of the Pokemon Comics drawn by Toshihiro Ono where Satoshi was to fight against Kasumi for her badge. In the original, she was wearing a swimsuit designed to reveal some clevage and her butt. But this was edited into a normal swimsuit during its american release.
As for volume two's second chapter; this page was cut out:
I noticed some spoilers in there. You should relly make some spoiler warnings next time. As for buying graphic novels from Viz. I don't really buy much from them. In the English version of the Pokemon Manga the flipped it to Western style, and they still have the characters have thier 4kids names.
At 11/29/05 08:35 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: I'm sure you all will like to read that I've finally updated the Members list. You can locate it by clicking the word 'Club' in my signature text.
Alright, I'm on the list. It's been awhile since I had first stepped in here.
Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.