I have a couple of FLCL fanfics, a long ass Kingdom Hearts fanfic and a variety of other shit I wrote last year.
Im a huge fan of anime, not cheap series like Poke'mon or Beyblades or any of that shit. But decent movies, final fantasy (advent children) aint really anime but thats great too.
Count me in
At 11/20/05 05:03 AM, willman74656 wrote: I saw this really old anime a while back, I forget what it was called but it was pretty cool, it was set in a post apocoliptic wasteland with this poisenous forrest that kept spreadig and killing everybody, anybody know what it was called?
Hmmm. That sounds alot like Nausicaa of The Valley of The Wind. Or it could be Princess Mononoke depending on what actually happened in the story.
Well the I have just posted the latest chapter to my Negima Fanfic on fanfiction.net.
if you want to read it:
At 11/22/05 03:05 PM, BigFan7 wrote: Well the I have just posted the latest chapter to my Negima Fanfic on fanfiction.net.
if you want to read it:
My Negima Fanfic
loved it simply put good job
I donm't know if anyone knew this, but if you go to fanfics.org you can search for my Kingdom Hearts fanfic. Only the first two chapters are up because I'm too lazy to type the last 10 of them. Also, if you don't like blood, sex, and serious adult overtones, this fanfic is not for you.
At 11/22/05 03:05 PM, BigFan7 wrote: Well the I have just posted the latest chapter to my Negima Fanfic on fanfiction.net.
if you want to read it:
My Negima Fanfic
Interesting. Not bad, I like the fact that you used some of the effects and and moods that you would read in a manga. Nice one.
Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.
At 11/12/05 08:31 PM, BeanBagBoy wrote: And Mr. Trivia about the games , Gundam : Federation VS Zeon is hard to find (where i am anyway)Oh damn, talk about a great game on any platform. That is probably the best out of all the Gundam games I have played so far. I haven't gotten to play the new one with the MSs' from Zeta Gundam yet or G.B.A III either.
I've tried G.B.A III. It's a big disappointment. It's not 2-D like the others, the new 3-D fighting's camera angles are complete bullshit. I could barely see where I was half the time. Rent it if you want and try to prove me otherwise, but I still thought G.B.A III sucked.
hi i was wondering if i could join because im a anime fan yeah.... and if not taken id like to be prince ashitaka
At 11/22/05 04:46 PM, Videogamemaster64 wrote:At 11/22/05 03:05 PM, BigFan7 wrote: Well the I have just posted the latest chapter to my Negima Fanfic on fanfiction.net.loved it simply put good job
if you want to read it:
My Negima Fanfic
Thank you very much! 1 people actually read it. Didn't think anyone would bother. Cheek out the Love Hina section. I have several Love Hina FF.
sorry i hit the "1" button instead of the "2" button. Thank you both for reading it.
At 11/22/05 09:12 AM, Renewman wrote: Hmmm. That sounds alot like Nausicaa of The Valley of The Wind. Or it could be Princess Mononoke depending on what actually happened in the story.
nausica of the vally of the winds, thats what it was called, thanks
So far my week has been good, and bad. The good part is I got an ANime on DVD, and my borthday is coming up. The bad part is I fractured my foot when sliding down a gully on a crazy carpet.
any 1 get elfen lied vector 4 yet?i have it.im gonna see it at about later
Ok initial d lovers. Who here plays the initial d arcade v3? are you the ridicule of your friends because you have a slow car? that can all change, because now you have a chance to win a FULLY DONE UP ACC.! Any car of your choice, I will do a complete file beat everyone, even Bunta. All you have to do is enter my competition at this thread
happy drifting!
"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"
Ronald Reagan
Proud supporter of the Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory
At 11/25/05 06:36 AM, StONeD_SiLEiGHtY wrote: Ok initial d lovers. Who here plays the initial d arcade v3? are you the ridicule of your friends because you have a slow car? that can all change, because now you have a chance to win a FULLY DONE UP ACC.! Any car of your choice, I will do a complete file beat everyone, even Bunta. All you have to do is enter my competition at this thread
happy drifting!
umm ok that was kinda odd in the ANIME CLUB although i do love video games. try the RPG CLUB
At 11/25/05 11:36 AM, Videogamemaster64 wrote: umm ok that was kinda odd in the ANIME CLUB although i do love video games. try the RPG CLUB
Well maybe he likes Anime based videogames. That would count in here.
BTW this is probably onld news to you all but Funimation has licenced the Negima Anime. I actually got to talk with the voice director of Funimation who will be heading up the Dubbing when i was at Nekocon earlier this month and she said that Funimation is going all out for Negima. I just hope it doesn't end up like Love Hina did......
At 11/26/05 01:34 PM, BigFan7 wrote: BTW this is probably onld news to you all but Funimation has licenced the Negima Anime. I actually got to talk with the voice director of Funimation who will be heading up the Dubbing when i was at Nekocon earlier this month and she said that Funimation is going all out for Negima. I just hope it doesn't end up like Love Hina did......
I havent read the Negima Manga, They don't have Volume 1 at the local bokstore here! It does look iinteresting. What genre is it.? Action? Comedy?
Romance? ANyway, has anyone read the Girls Bravo Manga? It's quite good actually.
Does anybody here know if the Berserk manga series is finished?
i'm just learing to make SOMETHING in flash but i hope i can draw anime some day.... count me in.
I never realized Evangelion was so good. I now see why everyone is praising it. Although, I've seen several similarities between both it and another anime I've been wathcing, DaiGuard. I'll elaborate on these differences when I finish Dai Guard.
At 11/27/05 07:17 PM, _RanmaSaotome_ wrote:At 11/26/05 09:35 PM, secret_toad wrote: WOOOHOOO!!! SUPER DUPER YES!Yep we did >_> at least I did. Actually its not a 2nd season its a entirely new series based on the manga which was quite different ( and better imo ) then the series. Also in response to the Berserk question, the manga is far from done.
Oh thats good the hellsing manga was way better and much more informative and psycho lord os corse evangelion is cool it fucks with your mind.
At 11/26/05 08:12 PM, Kronik_The_Hedgehog wrote: I havent read the Negima Manga, They don't have Volume 1 at the local bokstore here! It does look iinteresting. What genre is it.? Action? Comedy?
Romance? ANyway, has anyone read the Girls Bravo Manga? It's quite good actually.
It's a Romantic/Comady/Magic Manga from the creator of Love Hina; Ken Akamatsu. Basicly it's about this 10 year old wizard from Wales named Negi who, right after graduating from magic school, becomes an English teacher at an all girls' junior high school in Japan. Basicly he is searching for his long lost father who has been missing for 10 years, all the while trying to teach, keeping his secret about being a wizard safe, protecting his class and school from demons, whiches, vampires, dragons, and other evil wizards, AND making Magical contracts with a few of his student so they can become partners with him while fighting. It's chalk full of Fanservice, cute situations, and at least one romantic pairing. All in all in my opinion it's not quite as good as Love Hina but it is still very good never-the-less.
It's a bit complicated so you just need to read it. Just one thing. If you do start to read it skip volume 6 because the story sucks for that volume. As I and alot of other people have said in the offical Ken Akamatsu BBS.
At 11/27/05 07:45 PM, psykolord wrote: I never realized Evangelion was so good. I now see why everyone is praising it. Although, I've seen several similarities between both it and another anime I've been wathcing, DaiGuard. I'll elaborate on these differences when I finish Dai Guard.
Evangelion was one of several "Best Psychological Genre" animations I have ever seen, only second to RahXephon among what I have seen of this genre.
Plus, they have some interesting mechanics despite being dated.
At 11/22/05 07:05 PM, Warspyer wrote: I've tried G.B.A III. It's a big disappointment. It's not 2-D like the others, the new 3-D fighting's camera angles are complete bullshit. I could barely see where I was half the time. Rent it if you want and try to prove me otherwise, but I still thought G.B.A III sucked.
The Gundam Battle Assault series is shameful compared to the older fighting game Gundam Wing Endless Duel.
Personally, I prefer Gundam: Renpou VS Zeon, Z Gundam: AEUG VS Titans, and Gundam VS Z Gundam. And how can I forget the upcoming game which stars Gundam Gashapon? XD
At 11/27/05 02:15 PM, Fumetsu316 wrote: Does anybody here know if the Berserk manga series is finished?
Thanks for reminding me about that, I offically own over 200 mangas now, and I've been neglecting that series since I got the first book, I'll buy up the series within two weeks and give you a report about it. Among Berserk, I've got to get back to Bastard!, Saikano, Happy Mania, and Sensual Phrase, and to all the people who are into the Battle Royale manga, the last one shows up next year, April 11 2006, along with many other titles.
Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.