I think aigamerDS doesn't speak English very well. He didn't use past-tense conjugation or the verb "to be," which strike me as being not unlike slavic-speaking broken English traits.
Wade's explanation could be considered a little verbose for someone whose first language isn't English.
So yeah. Cut him a little slack.
At 10/9/06 12:30 PM, WadeFulp wrote:At 10/9/06 12:29 PM, FullyLoaded wrote: Why do you so fucking swear all the fucking time?...fuckerSorry, I'm just a dirty old man.
no your not! your 31! (soon to be 32) thats not old!
o great, it went from silver to bronze...but i think it will be a lot easier for me to try for gold now though
At 10/9/06 11:08 AM, WadeFulp wrote: Now you have to keep working to get them back.
work? I wont be doing that wade
I was just about to ask why I suddenly had a bronze whistle... oh well. No biggy.
Thank Jesus I'm still a silver whistle. I would have cried if I went back to normal :3
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At 10/10/06 02:38 AM, HoboPorn wrote: Well, see I think we do need another stat, because look at the current number 1 spot for B/P it's like 96k or somthing, making a new stat would make it easier for people to start out and make them start to flag at hopes of being number 1 someday, I believe its about time a new stat was introduced, all our current stats are so high it's impossible for anyone to reach now, well except stickers anyways.
Even if whistle level became another stat, a new person starting out would have very little hope of reaching the number one spot, unless the numbers were reset to zero, which is unlikely.
At 10/9/06 11:11 AM, WadeFulp wrote: Some people have over 20,000 points.
At 10/10/06 01:04 PM, Omgee wrote:
Even if whistle level became another stat, a new person starting out would have very little hope of reaching the number one spot, unless the numbers were reset to zero, which is unlikely.
Wow I didn't even think of it that way I wonder how many whistle points I have since but atleast I have some sort of clue now.
At 10/10/06 01:18 PM, Washu-chan wrote: ow I didn't even think of it that way I wonder how many whistle points I have since but atleast I have some sort of clue now.
Think of it this way, you're numba one baby! ;)
At 10/10/06 01:20 PM, RupeeClock wrote:At 10/10/06 01:18 PM, Washu-chan wrote: ow I didn't even think of it that way I wonder how many whistle points I have since but atleast I have some sort of clue now.Think of it this way, you're numba one baby! ;)
That is true. Who knows I might have more whistle points then B/P points.
At 10/10/06 01:58 PM, Washu-chan wrote:At 10/10/06 01:20 PM, RupeeClock wrote:That is true. Who knows I might have more whistle points then B/P points.At 10/10/06 01:18 PM, Washu-chan wrote: ow I didn't even think of it that way I wonder how many whistle points I have since but atleast I have some sort of clue now.Think of it this way, you're numba one baby! ;)
Seems really possible, you have 21k BP points, and apparently it took 13k to get gold...
At 10/9/06 11:08 AM, WadeFulp wrote: Actually it turns out the old whistle scale had a glitch. It was giving silver whistles when a user had 10 positive whistle points! Meaning, you mark 10 reviews as abusive and you suddenly have a silver whistle.
wtf?! Thats what I need...
wut ev.... i just go to reviews of the gayest showdwn
there is a massive truckload of pissedoff anime fans there
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At 10/9/06 11:11 AM, WadeFulp wrote: Some people have over 20,000 points.
You should tell us how much we have >.>....
At 10/10/06 04:42 AM, the-man-in-black wrote:At 10/9/06 12:30 PM, WadeFulp wrote:no your not! your 31! (soon to be 32) thats not old!At 10/9/06 12:29 PM, FullyLoaded wrote: Why do you so fucking swear all the fucking time?...fuckerSorry, I'm just a dirty old man.
You son of a bitch, he has to bitch about how I'm holding the paper too close to his face, he always says "in my day" He is so old he is a hazard to him self and others
to all the people who say "oh no im normal again" You never were bronze/silver
At 10/11/06 03:31 AM, Cereal wrote: to all the people who say "oh no im normal again" You never were bronze/silver
I was lurking here in hiddeninthecrowd's profile, and he was formaerly a bronze.
5 people in BMTSWhoIsJesus. Ben, Mark, Todd, Steven, and Joe. Joe's a friend who's been there for us for 14 years. Find out more at bmtswhoisjesus.newgrounds.com
Your motherfucker you took my whiste away form me D':
I'm just gonna stop that whole voting and shit all together >:(
At 10/11/06 03:42 AM, SMAGStudios wrote:At 10/11/06 03:31 AM, Cereal wrote: to all the people who say "oh no im normal again" You never were bronze/silverI was lurking here in hiddeninthecrowd's profile, and he was formaerly a bronze.
well I mean liek they think they're losing points.
At 10/11/06 03:46 AM, Cereal wrote: well I mean liek they think they're losing points.
At this point in the game, that's a possibility, but I can't be 100% certain in this case, I'd have to look at their reviews.
Now, the review mods can delete reviews, and clear all flags from non-abusive reviews. So if they went around flagging a bunch of stuff for the wrong reason, they will be penalised when we clear the flags.
That can be combatted by legitimate flagging. Even if you have a garbage whistle, you can redeem yourself by using it the right way.
At 10/11/06 03:49 AM, Maus wrote: Now, the review mods can delete reviews, and clear all flags from non-abusive reviews. So if they went around flagging a bunch of stuff for the wrong reason, they will be penalised when we clear the flags.
if enough people flag somthing is it possbile for it to be automatically taken off, or temporarilly removed for mod viewing, because as soon as I would click abusive it said, "no review id in database" Yes, I think reading text makes them say it D:!!
Son of a bitch. I'm back to a bronze. Grrr... man, looks like it's back to flagging abusive reviews.
At 10/11/06 03:19 AM, hiddeninthecrowd wrote: Holy Shit, Im a normal again.
All you people are acting like you've had a huge drop, when in reality just an icon has changed.
You never lost any points unless somebody quickly went through your flags and saw they were bad...
At 10/11/06 03:19 AM, hiddeninthecrowd wrote: Holy Shit, Im a normal again.
Holy Shit, it doesn't matter.
5 people in BMTSWhoIsJesus. Ben, Mark, Todd, Steven, and Joe. Joe's a friend who's been there for us for 14 years. Find out more at bmtswhoisjesus.newgrounds.com
I use to have bronze but then it was taken away from me. Then I got bronze again. I feel successful at life now. I kinda wish you could see your whistle pointsd but oh well.
My whistle return to bronze
well,I need to get me some abusive reviews
I love ya all!!
Wow, big news. I was pretty happy that I finally got to Bronze, and now it's gone back to normal.
Damn it.