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No whistle glitch!

22,015 Views | 314 Replies

Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-09 21:39:51

oooo... so thats why im a bronze now

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Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-09 21:40:05

At 10/9/06 09:35 PM, Matt wrote: I went from Silver, down to bronze today, in about 2 or 3 flaggings I got my silver whistle back under the new standards. I may as well try getting to gold or diety now that it's somewhat fathomable.

Progress is always good. :D

At 10/9/06 09:31 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: The new scale seems better, and allows more people to get gold and so on, but why noy add NEW whistles like you have for b/p's so that there will be higher rewards for the really hard flaging people???????????

Wade mentioned that earlier, not if the threshold would be pushed higher or the gaps would be split more evenly, but possibly more whistle levels in some way or another.

At 10/9/06 11:24 AM, WadeFulp wrote: BTW, later on with the redesign we may introduce more whistle levels.

I can't wait until the new whistle levels come how knows there might be something even better then deity. If not oh well but regradless I will still continue to flag as hard as I did for the good of NG!

Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-09 21:40:19

That made my whistle go from silver to normal... DAMMIT! NOW I HAVE TO DO SO MUCH MORE SHIT!



Thanks for the sig BlueFlameSkulls.

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Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-09 21:42:34

Freakin sweet! Now I got gold! THANK YOU WADE! MUCH <3!!!!!

Happily ETS'd.

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Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-09 21:44:02

Lol, I was scared to death. Thinking I lost my nice shiny silver whistle.

I quickly rush to my account, to find that my nice shiny whistle hasn't been changed a bit.

Yea for the new system!

Hello, from the past!

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Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-09 21:47:00

At 10/9/06 09:40 PM, Washu-chan wrote:
I can't wait until the new whistle levels come how knows there might be something even better then deity. If not oh well but regradless I will still continue to flag as hard as I did for the good of NG!

I still think Deity will be the best whistle, they might add new levels in between normal and bronze or Gold and Deity, or even a more garbage whistle.

Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-09 21:51:04

At 10/9/06 09:47 PM, Patrick-Star wrote:
At 10/9/06 09:40 PM, Washu-chan wrote:
I can't wait until the new whistle levels come how knows there might be something even better then deity. If not oh well but regradless I will still continue to flag as hard as I did for the good of NG!
I still think Deity will be the best whistle, they might add new levels in between normal and bronze or Gold and Deity, or even a more garbage whistle.

If they make a new garbage whistle then that will be one level I will never get to. I never had a bronze whistle either. I Hope they add an emerald level since it is my favorite gem

Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-09 22:21:50

damn. My whistle is now bronze.
I *sob* loved my silver whistle!

Oh well. back to flagging abusive reviews.

Sigs are overrated.

Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-09 23:25:24

Finally. Deity. After all that (Seemingly Pointless) flagging in the past...

It's almost enough to make me return to being active on this site.

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

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Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-09 23:30:49

Bronze... eh.

Well, good for getting it back up.

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Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-09 23:33:30

Lol, I went down to Bronze D:
How many points would it take for me to get to Gold(I've always wanted Gold, but didn't want to waste a long time flagging and getting no where)?

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

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Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-10 00:45:27

At 10/9/06 09:51 PM, Washu-chan wrote: If they make a new garbage whistle then that will be one level I will never get to. I never had a bronze whistle either. I Hope they add an emerald level since it is my favorite gem

I think you'd have to work pretty hard to get a garbage whistle, Washu. :D Emerald whistle -- and other gems -- would be cool, though. You'd probably never get to be any of those because you already have so many whistle points, unless they were added after the diety level, which wouldn't make much sense. But, at least we'd all have a better idea of where we stand, and we'd have some cool new icons to look at.

For what it's worth, I like the fact that the actual whistle level numbers are an unknown. It's kind of cool having a mystery stat to work toward.

Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-10 02:14:52

mmm yezz bow down to my deity whistle


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Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-10 02:26:39

At 10/9/06 11:36 PM, KemCab wrote: Damn, I got demoted.

I wasn't a huge fan of the whistle thing, but maybe we need to display whistle points as well as other stats.

Sorry but that isn't a really good Idea. If that was to happen then the whistle system would be at risk at being abused.

Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-10 02:28:26

At 10/10/06 02:26 AM, Washu-chan wrote: huge fan of the whistle thing, but maybe we need to display whistle points as well as other stats.

Sorry but that isn't a really good Idea. If that was to happen then the whistle system would be at risk at being abused.

I don't believe so, like I stated before, I think everyone would think what you just did and not abuse the system. Shit if they did do it, they could always change it back if we did start to abuse it. but that would probably be to much work.

Besides I doubt people would abuse it because it would take away points from them if they cared so much, so they would make damned sure that the review was abusive.

Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-10 02:34:00

At 10/10/06 02:28 AM, HoboPorn wrote: At 10/10/06 02:26 AM, Washu-chan wrote: huge fan of the whistle thing, but maybe we need to display whistle points as well as other stats.

Sorry but that isn't a really good Idea. If that was to happen then the whistle system would be at risk at being abused.
I don't believe so, like I stated before, I think everyone would think what you just did and not abuse the system. Shit if they did do it, they could always change it back if we did start to abuse it. but that would probably be to much work.

Besides I doubt people would abuse it because it would take away points from them if they cared so much, so they would make damned sure that the review was abusive.

I remember reading somewhere in the BBS in the past that was the reason why they never displayed whistle points. Also Believe it or not Whistling isn't a stat it is serious business to the NG staff and by posting whistle points in people's profiles and how much you need to do so it would become just that a stat and we already have enough Stat whores when it comes to B/P we don't need reakless flaggers flagging everything just so they can get to the next level.

Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-10 02:38:13

At 10/10/06 02:34 AM, Washu-chan wrote: I remember reading somewhere in the BBS in the past that was the reason why they never displayed whistle points. Also Believe it or not Whistling isn't a stat it is serious business to the NG staff and by posting whistle points in people's profiles and how much you need to do so it would become just that a stat and we already have enough Stat whores when it comes to B/P we don't need reakless flaggers flagging everything just so they can get to the next level.

Well, see I think we do need another stat, because look at the current number 1 spot for B/P it's like 96k or somthing, making a new stat would make it easier for people to start out and make them start to flag at hopes of being number 1 someday, I believe its about time a new stat was introduced, all our current stats are so high it's impossible for anyone to reach now, well except stickers anyways.

Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-10 02:57:07

At 10/10/06 02:38 AM, HoboPorn wrote:
At 10/10/06 02:34 AM, Washu-chan wrote: I remember reading somewhere in the BBS in the past that was the reason why they never displayed whistle points. Also Believe it or not Whistling isn't a stat it is serious business to the NG staff and by posting whistle points in people's profiles and how much you need to do so it would become just that a stat and we already have enough Stat whores when it comes to B/P we don't need reakless flaggers flagging everything just so they can get to the next level.
Well, see I think we do need another stat, because look at the current number 1 spot for B/P it's like 96k or somthing, making a new stat would make it easier for people to start out and make them start to flag at hopes of being number 1 someday, I believe its about time a new stat was introduced, all our current stats are so high it's impossible for anyone to reach now, well except stickers anyways.

Trust me when I say this if whistling did become a stat people would find ways to abuse it like they did with B/P. When the B/P system was introduced People stated massvoting in crappy flash as a result if affected how people vote today. Plus the whistle system has been going through a lot of abuse with idiots massflagging flash that doesn't break any rules for childish reason like "I can't blam this flash and it is pure shit" or in some other cases to remove the flash out of the running for TOTW or some other NG award. Besides if the NG staff wanted people to see their whistle points don't you think they would have made them visible to the public from the start?

Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-10 03:03:16

Mines back to normal :(.

Ok, thats cool, but it wasnt really a glitch, was it?

Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-10 03:03:42

At 10/10/06 02:57 AM, Washu-chan wrote: stuff

Alright you make a valid point, but still we have grown since the B/P was first introduced. Hopefully we're more mature as a site now.

Besides if the NG staff wanted people to see their whistle points don't you think they would have made them visible to the public from the start?

lol no....

Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-10 03:07:28

Back to normal for me then. How long does it take to get to a bronze whistle then? Its gonna take me ages.

Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-10 03:09:41

At 10/10/06 03:07 AM, Obliquo wrote: Back to normal for me then. How long does it take to get to a bronze whistle then? Its gonna take me ages.

I think washu sayd it takes a while to get from normal to bronze then to silver...?

Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-10 03:12:25

At 10/10/06 03:09 AM, HoboPorn wrote:
At 10/10/06 03:07 AM, Obliquo wrote: Back to normal for me then. How long does it take to get to a bronze whistle then? Its gonna take me ages.
I think washu sayd it takes a while to get from normal to bronze then to silver...?

No to get a bronze whistle you don't need to flag that many abusive reviews flag about 20 abusive reviews and you should be good. While they increased the amount of whistle points needed to get bronze and silver they did this so they could decrease the amount needed for gold and deity.

Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-10 03:20:51

At 10/10/06 03:12 AM, Washu-chan wrote:
At 10/10/06 03:09 AM, HoboPorn wrote:
No to get a bronze whistle you don't need to flag that many abusive reviews flag about 20 abusive reviews and you should be good. While they increased the amount of whistle points needed to get bronze and silver they did this so they could decrease the amount needed for gold and deity.

Oh ok I coulda sworn you or somone said that you needed alot for bronze wich didn't make sense.

Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-10 03:37:30

There something wrong! I used to have silver but now it went straight to normal. Why that? I didn't think I flag non-abuse review. Right? I only false blow the whistle at one flash call "fight?". But I shouldn't drop down that hard. What wrong?

Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-10 03:41:23

At 10/10/06 03:37 AM, aigamerDS wrote: There something wrong! I used to have silver but now it went straight to normal. Why that? I didn't think I flag non-abuse review. Right? I only false blow the whistle at one flash call "fight?". But I shouldn't drop down that hard. What wrong?

the whistle system was changed and they increased the amount of points needed for bronze and silver. you must have stopped after you had silver as a result when they changed it you whistle level went down.

Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-10 03:43:58

At 10/10/06 03:37 AM, aigamerDS wrote: What wrong?

Well moron if you read Wades post instead of going "WAT WRONG GUYZ!!?!?!?!1ONE" you'd know already. Good God is it that fucking hard to read?

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-10 03:49:48

At 10/10/06 03:43 AM, Inuyasha wrote:
At 10/10/06 03:37 AM, aigamerDS wrote: What wrong?
Well moron if you read Wades post instead of going "WAT WRONG GUYZ!!?!?!?!1ONE" you'd know already. Good God is it that fucking hard to read?

Calm down Inuyasha while what you are saying is true a lot of people still don't read and ask dumb questions it is very common in the BBS.

Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-10 03:51:14

OHH!!! I get it! So I have to built the REAL whistle level. Better work it up!

Response to No whistle glitch! 2006-10-10 03:55:04

At 10/10/06 03:49 AM, Washu-chan wrote: Calm down Inuyasha while what you are saying is true a lot of people still don't read and ask dumb questions it is very common in the BBS.

It's hard for me to 'calm down' when people don't even read the initial post. The stupid shouldn't be sheltered and be hand fed answers, they need a good beating and to learn how to read.

You might have not dealt with as many morons since you've only been around for about a year and a half but after a while it becomes ridiculous.

I'll end this here now since this is starting to send this topic off.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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