I don't really play any instruments...
My brother does though, he plays the drums. Does that count?
So un-interesting... Who cares who plays what anyway?

I don't really play any instruments...
My brother does though, he plays the drums. Does that count?
So un-interesting... Who cares who plays what anyway?
At 5/17/08 10:03 AM, GuyWithHisComp wrote: My brother does though, he plays the drums. Does that count?
Only if you and your brother are actually the same person.
At 5/17/08 04:46 AM, akasquid wrote: instrument
None, however I'd love to play the keyboard, but I'm "Musically retarded" :)
HIGH FIVE! me 2.
damn you server errorrssss
At 5/17/08 10:26 AM, yhar wrote:At 5/17/08 10:16 AM, Luis wrote:YEAH!At 5/17/08 04:46 AM, akasquid wrote: instrumentHIGH FIVE! me 2.
None, however I'd love to play the keyboard, but I'm "Musically retarded" :)
not you akasquid. dont ever highfive me without my permission again. i am not afraid to ban you. again.
At 5/17/08 10:30 AM, Luis wrote: not you akasquid. dont ever highfive me without my permission again. i am not afraid to ban you. again.
You have too much power.
If you'd spam...
Would you ban yourself?
Would you?
At 5/17/08 10:52 AM, GuyWithHisComp wrote: If you'd spam...
Would you ban yourself?
Would you?
I'd do it! Gladly! >:D
I play the Soprano and Tenor Ukulele.
Hi there!
3 mod posts in a row
I'm feelin unusually spammy today. i apoligize.
At 5/17/08 01:18 PM, Luis wrote: 3 mod posts in a row
I'm feelin unusually spammy today. i apoligize.
Answer GuyWithHisComp's question and ban yourself then.
And I can sing! We should form a Flash Reg band.
At 5/17/08 01:49 PM, UnknownFury wrote:At 5/17/08 01:18 PM, Luis wrote: 3 mod posts in a rowAnswer GuyWithHisComp's question and ban yourself then.
I'm feelin unusually spammy today. i apoligize.
Dont make me do it!
At 5/17/08 02:42 PM, Luis wrote: Dont make me do it!
Oh shi-. We're pushing Luis to the edge. Back off guys.
I like how the 'Ban User' button is massive ;D
Come on, Luis you wouldn't Ban us. Would you?
At 5/17/08 02:42 PM, Luis wrote:
Dont make me do it!
You can type in any reason you want?
So you could ban someone for being "too awesome".
...or having a mulelt. :C
Scarey... even though I sort of already knew. :P
Been reading With The Old Breed lately. Really great book. Allow me to quote a part...
"In disbelief I stared at the face as I realized that the Japanese had cut off the dead Marine's penis and stuffed it into his mouth."
Anyone else reading an interesting book? :3
Not reading any at this moment in time but I recently worked my way through a host of books from the Sharpe books.
You Americans probably won't know what they are but they're about a British soldier fighting in the Napoleonic Wars. There is a TV show which follows them which has been pretty successful.
lol Luis, did you think of the possibelity that in london mogly would ban you with your account insted of him ?
I just showed this to a friend and he described it as "total nerdgasm". lol
At 5/17/08 03:42 PM, novac7 wrote: How do I learn to make a Tankmen Movie?
Uh get good at Flash and have a good sense of humor to able to write a script.
At 5/17/08 03:42 PM, novac7 wrote: How do I learn to make a Tankmen Movie?
You type this into the actionscript panel:
var movie:Movie Style = "Tank Man";
var story:String = "Insert story line here";
_root.onEnterFrame = function(){
movie.storyLine = story;
No need to thank me.
This is the Reg Lounge. Not a place for you to ask stupid questions. If you want to learn to animate go to www.newgrounds.com/flash
Site broke.
My site is down. Me and my webmaster Johnno have no idea what the problem is and are tryin' to figure it out. Nothings expired and we've reuploaded everything.
I hate waking up to annoying things like this in the mornin. :C
At 5/17/08 03:49 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: Site broke.
Contacted your host? Leave it for a bit and see what happens. It might just be your host.
At 5/17/08 03:52 PM, UnknownFury wrote:At 5/17/08 03:49 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: Site broke.Contacted your host? Leave it for a bit and see what happens. It might just be your host.
Thanks for the advice. I'll do that right now. ^^
I love you guyz. <3
Bold text
I like how you guys use bold text to headline what you're gonna discuss. No, really, it makes it alot easier to follow up on subjects. :)
At 5/17/08 04:33 PM, Rucklo wrote: Bold text
I like how you guys use bold text to headline what you're gonna discuss. No, really, it makes it alot easier to follow up on subjects. :)
It's what happens when you add a bunch of OCD scripters, who force the "free-willed" artist to do as they please.
...and this is my fag...
Big thankies.
<3 you all.
It's the shit. >:3
Hey, El-Presidente, you have a new sig!
At 5/17/08 05:09 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: <3 you all.
If they do the forum awards at the end of the year, as usual, and theres an award for 'most loving user' it'd definitely go to Duder :D
You've got so much love in you, baby ;)
I'm new to flash and wondering what programs i could download to create animations. Could somebody tell me a good flash program that won't break the bank? oh, and nobody say pivot because its not big or clever