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The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-17 17:34:37

At 5/17/08 05:27 PM, bill-the-donkey wrote: I'm new to flash and wondering what programs i could download to create animations. Could somebody tell me a good flash program that won't break the bank? oh, and nobody say pivot because its not big or clever

Adobe Flash won't break any bank.

Also, this is not a place to ask these kind of questions. Just search Newgrounds/Google if it has been asked before and if it haven't, make a new thread.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-17 17:41:37


So I've been around newgrounds a long time, far before my account was created, back when assassin was the shit. Anyways, I would say I consider myself a "reg" and I'm on here literally every single day but I don't think I'm considered a reg by others, I'm on here, but known like those that I myself consider regs. So this brings me to my point, for trips such as the newgrounds London meet up, and other "reg" meet-ups, what exactly is the threshold that someone such as my self must pass to enter this "reg" zone as I'll call it hehe. This isn't really a hey notice me plea, but more or less a hey guys, I'm on here a lot and feel like getting in with the community more. I'm actually about to get myself a job at IBM and save up some cash for the London meet up, if that's still open to the public fully, Luis is kind of in limbo on who's allowed to come, at least from what I've gathered. Anyways, ya that's my 2 cents on the deal, how about yours?

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-17 17:54:35

Open Screen Project
Adobe's removing the close use status of the FLV and SWF file types in order to encourage Flash Player to be the industry standard for all multimedia entertainment, and has set up partnerships with some very, very, very big names to get this rolling.

The Impact? Some people are vaguely aware that Flash is already available on a few phones in America and a lot of phones in Japan, as well as a fair range of PDAs. With these partnerships, and the permission granted for people to build thier own Flash players (hence the removal of restrictions on FLV and SWF), if it takes off we'll soon be coding AS3.5 for television and for every new mobile phone.

All it needs is Apple's say so to mess with the iPod and iPhone API and Flash may just yet offset Java as dominant platform of multimedia programming.



BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-17 17:54:42

If you have to ask if you're a reg, you aren't a reg.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-17 17:59:58

At 5/17/08 05:54 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: If you have to ask if you're a reg, you aren't a reg.

That, and you have to have some form of contributing factor other than Flash, but more in the Forums to be considered one. "Reg" is kind of a misnomer, because it refers more to the Forums, more than it does Newgrounds itself. If you want to be a reg, come in here, post, but also help out.



...and this is my fag...

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-17 18:10:14

At 5/17/08 05:54 PM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: Open Screen Project

Awesome :)

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-17 18:11:44

At 5/17/08 05:58 PM, BritishMoose wrote:
There's a new breed of fake regs who just post in the reg lounge...they're fake.

Does it really matter fake or not? A regs a regs. We all post. We all debate. We all share simular opinions.

At 5/17/08 05:19 PM, UnknownFury wrote:
You've got so much love in you, baby ;)

I shall spread my mullet curse of love across teh interwebz. >:3

Love is magical and wonderful and pretty dang awesome. ^^ Not just the love of someone special, or friends, or an object... but love for everything. Like the love of the world we are in. Look around and ya may notice that their are some real beautiful things.
Example - A pair of eagle wings in the clouds over the safeway a few months ago.

Pic crappy due to crappy cell camare.

The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

www.DuderEntertainment.com/ | Makin' Laughs and Kickin' Ass! >:3

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-17 18:31:28


I hear where you guys are coming from, it's not a I've used the site for 4 years, posted some decent submissions and make a post in the forums every day kind of deal, I get that. Aside from that obvious point, I wasn't really asking if I was a reg to whoever got that out of my message, I was more along the lines of asking what it takes to be considered one around here. As for helping, I'm no guru of helping, but with 800 + posts (less then 30 of them being in the general section), I would say I help around when I can.

Regardless of that, I'm not trying to force my way into some group of well known people here, but rather asking to see what it takes to be a part of it, and I'll work on that because I like what goes on around here. Anyway, I gotta go code my game and slap myself in the face for using AS2 rather then 3, peace.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-17 18:48:33

Being a "Reg"
Why is this discussed every other month, only to come to the same exact conclusion?

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-17 19:02:52

At 5/17/08 06:48 PM, Wurmy1029 wrote: Being a "Reg"
Why is this discussed every other month, only to come to the same exact conclusion?

Wasn't aware that it was, partially because I never hang around the reg lounge that often, just the flash forums in general. Regardless, EVERYTHING gets repeated in a forum, despite a flawless search engine it's going to happen. Also I can't really say there was a better way I could have asked, I'm sure you can deal with it.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-17 20:54:08

I can deal with it fine, I'm just asking, why ask? Does it really matter if your a reg?

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-17 21:01:24

One of the quickies on Motionographer today:

Waltz with Bashir is a full length flash-animated feature, recently premiered in the Cannes film festival. The art department for this Israeli war drama featured renowned illustrators Tomer Hanuka, Asaf Hanuka, and David Polonsky.


The trailers are pretty crazy. It took 4 years to create from beginning to end. I can't imagine working on a single flash project for more than.... a few days hahah.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-17 21:13:17

At 5/17/08 08:54 PM, Wurmy1029 wrote: I can deal with it fine, I'm just asking, why ask? Does it really matter if your a reg?

In general, not at all, but there's been talk of reg only activities going down in the London meet up, and I myself am actually considering saving up this summer and going, it would be pretty sweet. Personally I would be going alone, have nobody else there and know absolutely nobody there, so I would try and stay with the "regs" running the trip as much as possible. Basically I'm looking forward to going on the trip and don't feel like getting left behind to stroll London on my own. Don't get me wrong, I've never been out of the US and it would be a blast, but for the price I would be paying I'm more or less looking to hang with people from the site the entire time, I'll save the site seeing for another day.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-17 21:21:52

At 9/28/06 11:10 AM, Rustygames wrote: get a life


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-17 21:30:02

At 5/17/08 09:13 PM, Matt-Porter wrote: In general, not at all, but there's been talk of reg only activities going down in the London meet up, and I myself am actually considering saving up this summer and going, it would be pretty sweet.

I'm pretty sure that the "regs" only is just code for "Don't tell the general forum users".

The water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta.

| AS3: Main | AS2: Main | Flash Tutorials |

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-17 22:25:53

I missed 1111 wahh...oh well, no spamming went on so I didn't miss too much, now for my reason why I missed it:

Soccer Tournament

Ok, so this weekend I'm having a soccer tourney. Alright so yesterday we had a game in Crapid Shitty (AKA Rapid City), which is about 45 minutes away from where I live. Alright, so a bunch of people from my team came with this dude named Phil (one of my team mates brothers) they brought tents and stuff and were going to sleep at a campground. But they wouldn't let Phil get in cuz he wasn't 18

Anyway, that doesn't matter, we set up the tents, so on so forth

And this morning I had a game at 8, so I had to get up at 7:15, and I went to bed at 2 (cuz me and my team mates stayed up)

So now I'm tired as hell and stuffz

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-17 22:38:24


Just saw it. I'm actually planning on building a replica of partly the hovercraft...and then go from there.

I know that people have often built hovercrafts in things like physics class...but it's going to be different, and I'm hoping to you know, do some sick stuff with it. I'll leave the explosives out though.



...and this is my fag...

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-17 22:57:00

At 5/17/08 10:38 PM, El-Presidente wrote: Just saw it. I'm actually planning on building a replica of partly the hovercraft...and then go from there.


Saw it a few weeks ago. Your idea kinda reminds me of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fao3U0Wc2 ew&eurl=http://news.google.com/news?hl=e n&q=personal%20flight&gbv=2&ie=UTF-8&sa=

Coincidence that he finished it about the time the movie was released.


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-18 01:01:19


I... have not yet seen. :P;


It's freakin hot! We got poeples over, fires in the backyard, dogs playin', musicians trying to make music, beer, and etc.

New Sig


Roar! >:3

www.DuderEntertainment.com/ | Makin' Laughs and Kickin' Ass! >:3

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-18 02:39:19


I still have my 3 tier (Or was it 4 tier? I can't remember) of regs, the regs that are 'new', the regs that are 'well known' ... yeh its 4, the reg's that ive known for a while and who still post, and all those that were 'reg's and i still consider 'reg's even if they havn't posted in years.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-18 04:07:25

Soccer Tournament

Fascinating story there, NG-Unit. I'm sure we're going to have a ripping discussion about it now ;)

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-18 05:31:43

At 5/18/08 02:39 AM, dELtaluca wrote: reg

I still have my 3 tier (Or was it 4 tier? I can't remember) of regs, the regs that are 'new', the regs that are 'well known' ... yeh its 4, the reg's that ive known for a while and who still post, and all those that were 'reg's and i still consider 'reg's even if they havn't posted in years.

Don't forget that legendery tier of regs you hear about in stories of old :P Regs who the now ancient regs still talk about...

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-18 11:45:25

At 5/18/08 06:43 AM, yhar wrote:
At 5/18/08 05:31 AM, Paranoia wrote: Don't forget that legendery tier of regs you hear about in stories of old :P Regs who the now ancient regs still talk about...
I wonder, was TomFulp ever a reg?


iamcoreyg.com // campnorth

Need a website? music? graphics? CONTACT ME.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-18 14:08:40


i just saw it yesterday. i thought it was pretty good, the ending was a bit awkward though. It woulda been more awkward if he said "i am ironman" just like Ozzy. XD

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-18 15:21:22

At 5/18/08 02:08 PM, Blackfang wrote: Ironman

i just saw it yesterday. i thought it was pretty good, the ending was a bit awkward though. It woulda been more awkward if he said "i am ironman" just like Ozzy. XD

I think telling everyone he was ironman ruined it.. im sure he doesnt do that in the comics.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-18 15:38:34

At 5/18/08 03:21 PM, adman1993 wrote:
At 5/18/08 02:08 PM, Blackfang wrote: Ironman

i just saw it yesterday. i thought it was pretty good, the ending was a bit awkward though. It woulda been more awkward if he said "i am ironman" just like Ozzy. XD
I think telling everyone he was ironman ruined it.. im sure he doesnt do that in the comics.

I thought that part was pretty strange too. There are going to be another two movies though, so I'm pretty sure they had a good reason for doing that.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-18 15:49:16


They have that guy from shield too. I don't know if that was important but it might be.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-18 15:51:55

At 5/18/08 03:49 PM, MrMacro wrote: They have that guy from shield too. I don't know if that was important but it might be.

CLICK to understand

in last section under 'Film'

The first reference to the Avengers is in the 2008 film Iron Man, when Nick Fury (played by Samuel L. Jackson) appears in a post credits scene and speaks with Tony Stark about the "Avenger Initiative."

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-18 16:02:50

Yer if you watched past the credits Samuel L Jackson is Nick Fury :P the leader of shield so he will defenatly be in the next one.. and also the black dude, like tonys best mate, is going to be steel man or whatever cos theres three suits/ironman type people in the end isnt there?


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-05-18 16:15:15

At 5/18/08 04:02 PM, adman1993 wrote: Yer if you watched past the credits

As soon as the credits started I was out of the theatre.

BBS Signature