This thread is starting to look like the Dating Club on NG :P
But yeah, highschool relations are strange. It's hard to get into one that actually means anything, and even then, its not like it's going to matter after that phase of your life has passed. It's exceptionally funny how people react to relationships though, because automatically it brings out the elementary kid in everyone with their comments and their questions. It sickens me XD.
I used to care about having a girl. I did at one point but then grew bored. It's fun for a while, but you know at times, you just really don't care for any relations. Just party with friends and have fun in school. Its not like anyone is pressuring you to get a girl besides yourself.
Lastly, yes girls are the worst and sending or recieving signals. I swear to god they are so goddamn stupid when it comes to it. To some girls flirting is something they are used to but believe doesn't mean a thing, to others its an automatic "coming on". I swear, somtimes I wish they had stickers on their forehead that said what they were thinking. It sucks also that getting into a serious relationship means you usually become friends with a girl, but after you pass some invisible bound, you're fucked.
To Glaiel: Just be bold. Just think of the worst case scenario and how it will look one week after it happens. So what if the girl rejects you or just wants to be friends? Best case, you may get lucky, worst case you talk to her in brief awkward conversations. Girls don't make great friends but they make great GF's.
Hmm. Does Luis have a gf btw? :S I haven't heard of one ever.