At 12/15/07 03:57 PM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: One Phong Shaded Earth spinning in a Particle Field with a Newgrounds Tank Bump Mapped onto the Surface of North America using Papervision3D2.0. As promised a page or so back
I think I'm in love...

At 12/15/07 03:57 PM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: One Phong Shaded Earth spinning in a Particle Field with a Newgrounds Tank Bump Mapped onto the Surface of North America using Papervision3D2.0. As promised a page or so back
I think I'm in love...
Was that done in Flash or imported into Flash?
At 12/15/07 03:57 PM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: One Phong Shaded Earth spinning in a Particle Field with a Newgrounds Tank Bump Mapped onto the Surface of North America using Papervision3D2.0. As promised a page or so back
Wow nice.
Is papervision 100% made in AS3? I knew AS3 was fast but some of the stuff I see papervision do is just incredible.
Could it handle an environment as complex as mario 64s?
Ah good. Finally some interest in...
At 12/15/07 04:50 PM, BoMToons wrote: What the phong?!
Phong shading is one of the standard shading algorithms for 3d objects. Papervision supports it and Gourard shading. Which makes it awesome
At 12/15/07 05:08 PM, Paranoia wrote: I think I'm in love...
So am I.
At 12/15/07 05:10 PM, PyroflameProductions wrote: Was that done in Flash or imported into Flash?
Flex technically. But the process is thus.
A jpg map of the earth is imported into the library, and a viewport object is created to render Papervision objects into. Inside the 3d space I make a new BitmapData material - one that uses the imported bitmap, and create a new Phong Shader material that uses a new light source and the material as both it's diffuse channel, it's specular (reflections) channel and it's bump mapping (depth) channel. Then I make a sphere and assign it the Phong Shader and create some particle fields for it to sit within (the original demo had these particles spinning around, but I removed it because it would slow your computer down...). And then everything's added to the Papervision scene using addChild and there. Done
So yeah. Entirely done in Flash
At 12/15/07 05:41 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: Is papervision 100% made in AS3? I knew AS3 was fast but some of the stuff I see papervision do is just incredible.
100% AS3. Flex preffered.
It can import external COLLADA meshes and animations as well for prerendered 3d work from 3dsMax, Maya, Blender and (soon) Swift 3d.
Suddenly I want to start a petition allowing us to upload external files to help our Flash toons work better on the portal
Could it handle an environment as complex as mario 64s?
Ralph said it should handle environments of 10,000 polygons if you did it right, with individual models no more complex than 1500 each. PS1 graphics. Which isn't bad for something running without hardware accelleration in your browser.
Was that done in Flash or imported into Flash?
Flex technically. But the process is thus.
A jpg map of the earth is imported into the library, and a viewport object is created to render Papervision objects into. Inside the 3d space I make a new BitmapData material - one that uses the imported bitmap, and create a new Phong Shader material that uses a new light source and the material as both it's diffuse channel, it's specular (reflections) channel and it's bump mapping (depth) channel. Then I make a sphere and assign it the Phong Shader and create some particle fields for it to sit within (the original demo had these particles spinning around, but I removed it because it would slow your computer down...). And then everything's added to the Papervision scene using addChild and there. Done
So yeah. Entirely done in Flash
Wow, that was just amazing then. I have heard about this Papervision before, but never looked into it. I have Flash Cs3, had it for about 3 months... Not sure why I upgraded becuase I haven't felt like learning AS3 yet, but if it can do stuff like this then wow.
Lmao, a couple of my friends sent that to me :/
That was afro-ninja on the left, right? And the 2 in the middle looked very familiar but I don't know who they are and I have no idea who the person on the right was.
At 12/15/07 06:42 PM, Masterswordman wrote: Dumb Christmas crap.
LMAO! This made my day.
At 12/15/07 06:54 PM, PyroflameProductions wrote: That was afro-ninja on the left, right? And the 2 in the middle looked very familiar but I don't know who they are and I have no idea who the person on the right was.
Afro-Ninja, jmtb02, Luis, and MindChamber, in order from left to right. It makes it all the more funnier. XD
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Newgrounds Photoshop Headquarters || Don't use MS Paint! Use Aviary!
At 12/15/07 06:56 PM, Kart-Man wrote:At 12/15/07 06:54 PM, PyroflameProductions wrote: That was afro-ninja on the left, right? And the 2 in the middle looked very familiar but I don't know who they are and I have no idea who the person on the right was.Afro-Ninja, jmtb02, Luis, and MindChamber, in order from left to right. It makes it all the more funnier. XD
Hah, I new they were familiar... I guess I just have never seen a picture of MindChamber though.
At 12/15/07 07:00 PM, citricsquid wrote: Fucking epic.
I like how Mindchamber is the big guy. :P
At 12/15/07 07:11 PM, PyroflameProductions wrote: Zomg.
Great. Now everyone's gonna do one. >:(
At 12/15/07 07:51 PM, Masterswordman wrote:At 12/15/07 07:11 PM, PyroflameProductions wrote: Zomg.Great. Now everyone's gonna do one. >:(
Sorry... <:(
At 12/15/07 06:01 PM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: Suddenly I want to start a petition allowing us to upload external files to help our Flash toons work better on the portal
You can still load files if they are hosted on your own server.
At 12/15/07 07:11 PM, PyroflameProductions wrote: Zomg.
Luis, Tom, and Afro Ninja. .... Wow.... just wow....
At 12/15/07 06:56 PM, Kart-Man wrote: Afro-Ninja, jmtb02, Luis, and MindChamber, in order from left to right. It makes it all the more funnier. XD
lmao... jmtb is so gonna ban you all..... someone should paste the link on to the flash inspiration thread.
At 12/15/07 10:16 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: I dedicate this to all of you. <3
This is awesome. I might have started a trend. :P
i just got cs3 and don't know how to use it one bit, help?
i did it for the lulz
At 12/16/07 11:22 AM, Killers123 wrote: i just got cs3 and don't know how to use it one bit, help?
You guys seem to love your collabs these days.
Once quick scroll and i think i saw at least a dozen on the first page.
At 12/16/07 04:26 PM, DannyIsOnFire wrote: You guys seem to love your collabs these days.
Once quick scroll and i think i saw at least a dozen on the first page.
It's not us - its the billion flash newbies who have just scraped a 3.0 batting av, and want have a go at making a collab. Its ridiculous.
At 12/15/07 08:51 PM, Luis wrote:At 12/15/07 06:56 PM, Kart-Man wrote: Afro-Ninja, jmtb02, Luis, and MindChamber, in order from left to right. It makes it all the more funnier. XDlmao... jmtb is so gonna ban you all..... someone should paste the link on to the flash inspiration thread.
I can't see any of them.
At 12/16/07 10:58 PM, Radioactive24 wrote:At 12/15/07 08:51 PM, Luis wrote:I can't see any of them.At 12/15/07 06:56 PM, Kart-Man wrote: Afro-Ninja, jmtb02, Luis, and MindChamber, in order from left to right. It makes it all the more funnier. XDlmao... jmtb is so gonna ban you all..... someone should paste the link on to the flash inspiration thread.
Aww, what a disappointment. Try upgrading to the latest Flash Player or something.
Below is what you're missing out on, lulz.
postcount +=1;
Newgrounds Photoshop Headquarters || Don't use MS Paint! Use Aviary!
Changing your name.
So my friends found out a few days ago that Mullet spelt with an extra t e.g. "Mullett" is actually an old english name. Usually a last name but anyway, they've been bugging me to legally change my name to "Mullett King", first name Mullett, lasy name King... Of course their's no way I'd do this... sober at least. But yeah I found that surprisingly interesting and made me think..
Would you ever change your name? Like say someone gave ya a nickname and you were called it for so long, so you eventually change it to your legal name.
I knew this one girl who's middle name was Anne and everyone called her that. So she eventually changed her first name to Anne amd made her middle name (which I've forgotten) to her last name.
Even if I don't change my name (which I probably won't...) that still makes an awesome name for a character I think though. Plus that be funny going around saying "I'm Mullett, Mullett King." :3
At 12/16/07 11:40 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: Changing your name.
I knew this one girl who's middle name was Anne and everyone called her that. So she eventually changed her first name to Anne amd made her middle name (which I've forgotten) to her last name.
<double-post-shame>Blargh! Screwed up that story.
Her middle name was Anne.
Changed Anne to her first name.
And her first name to her middle name. </double-post-shame>
i think changing your name for those reasons is the equivalent of having your first crush's name tattooed to your forehead... one day youll be older and youll be like fuck, that was stupid.
At 12/16/07 11:46 PM, Luis wrote: i think changing your name for those reasons is the equivalent of having your first crush's name tattooed to your forehead... one day youll be older and youll be like fuck, that was stupid.
It's funny how poeple do a lot of things others say they'll regret in the future. Poeple have been telling me I'll regret having a mullet, regret getting the tattoos I got, and etc.
I've met a lot of poeple, from the ages for 40-70+ and none of them have regreting any of their tattoos or stupid shit they did when they were young. Some will admit some things they did was stupid but that's what makes 'em good.
I think it's best for poeple to do stupid things. Even if they do regret it on some level they still can look back and laugh at it. Like... I remember when I was a stupid lil' brat I was at a public swimming pool and everyone was getting out of the pool cause their was some diving competition. I had just gone down the poor exuse for a water slide and was looking as to where I walk around to get back in line for it. Since I couldn't find a way I just jumped in the swimming pool and swam to the other side. While I was swimming a bunch of poeple yelled at me and stuff and when I got out I had life gaurds yell at me. I just stood their thinking... "What did I do wrong?".
When I look back at this I regret for being so stupid and not paying attention but I also find it funny as to how I was so stupid.
I don't think it's about wheither or not you'll regret it or not. It's about wheither or not your mature and true to yourself enouph to look back and laugh at it.
At 12/16/07 11:14 PM, Kart-Man wrote:At 12/16/07 10:58 PM, Radioactive24 wrote:Aww, what a disappointment. Try upgrading to the latest Flash Player or something.At 12/15/07 08:51 PM, Luis wrote:I can't see any of them.At 12/15/07 06:56 PM, Kart-Man wrote: Afro-Ninja, jmtb02, Luis, and MindChamber, in order from left to right. It makes it all the more funnier. XDlmao... jmtb is so gonna ban you all..... someone should paste the link on to the flash inspiration thread.
Below is what you're missing out on, lulz.
meh. I got to see a dnacing baby with a dancing pedophile. It as funny as hell.
Probably funnir than that.
Regardles, as much s I hate drinking, I got sloshed on a sunday night. Stupdiest idea evver.
lol. Fuck i have school tomorrow. >;D
also, work is goin amaxing;t well. we just hird a new girl. and she's hot. and playd vidoe games. bad ass. lmso.
its lik, 3.
fuck you guts. im oug.
At 9/28/06 12:03 PM, DannyIsOnFire wrote:At 9/28/06 11:52 AM, jmtb02 wrote: or is ridiculous enough that it probably shouldn't warrant its own thread.I just ate a sandwich.