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The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-17 05:36:04

At 12/15/07 03:57 PM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: One Phong Shaded Earth spinning in a Particle Field with a Newgrounds Tank Bump Mapped onto the Surface of North America using Papervision3D2.0. As promised a page or so back

That's interesting. You made me download the classes and the Maya import model plugin too.
Flash seems pretty fast for rendering like that, might even be as good as shockwave in 3d :D


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-17 06:33:42

At 12/17/07 05:36 AM, JPI wrote: That's interesting. You made me download the classes and the Maya import model plugin too.
Flash seems pretty fast for rendering like that, might even be as good as shockwave in 3d :D

I think I just opened the 3D Pandora's Box...


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-17 09:56:29

At 12/17/07 02:48 AM, Radioactive24 wrote: fuck you guts. im oug.

i dont make typos when im drunk

did i miss much in the last couple weeks?

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-17 11:09:57

i agree with luis but changing you name is not like a tatoo if you change your name
to mullet king (or how you wite it lol) the best job you wuld get is at macdonalds

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-17 16:52:00

I ended up not getting an iPhone. Instead I got a phone and an iPod. I decided I'd feel to nervous abotu bringing the phone to clubs and concerts where I could loose it. I've never lost a phone in my life and I'm not one to loose things, like ever, but I'd still feel to wary about it. That, and you like CAN'T drop them...I would hate to get a scratch on that pristine screen. Maybe next year or the year after I'll pick one up, when I'm doing more networking and looking for jobs in my field.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-17 16:55:02

At 12/17/07 04:52 PM, Senti wrote: I ended up not getting an iPhone. Instead I got a phone and an iPod. I decided I'd feel to nervous abotu bringing the phone to clubs and concerts where I could loose it.

I would be the same. I get so autistic about possibly loosing/damaging valuable stuff.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-17 18:36:13

At 12/17/07 04:52 PM, Senti wrote: I would hate to get a scratch on that pristine screen.

It's actually near impossible to scratch the screen. People have tried taking razor blades to them, and they leave no mark. The back can scratch those.

But yeah, good choice if you are nervous about losing a chunk of technology.

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-17 18:48:22

At 12/17/07 04:52 PM, Senti wrote: I ended up not getting an iPhone. Instead I got a phone and an iPod.

You probably saved your self a couple hundred bucks that way. The iPhone is ridiculously expensive, and it used to be even worse

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-17 19:16:58

At 12/17/07 06:13 PM, ShortMonkey wrote:
I'm getting more like the CriminalDuder every NG day.

And thus my curruption has begun. Muahahaha. >:3

Soon I'll have even Luis on my bandwagon, then Negie, then John, then Tom, and then... the world!

NG Community Mascot.

I've been thinkin' 'bout NG stuff lately.. Ya know how Pico/TANKMEN are the NG site mascots? Do you think they count as a mascot for the actual NG community itself? I'm kind of caught on two sides for this one myself. Like NG is about crazy sick and twisted stuff like lil' kids smokin' pot and shootin' stuff up, it's also about dick jokes and homo-ish senses of humor. But I don't feel completely that Pico and Tankmen represent the actual community of NG. Like the idiots like us who don't have girlfriends and do nothing but post all day. :P But seriously... I may not be wording this right but when I look at NG I see two factions. I see the guys who like dick jokes and violence and etc, but I also see an army og NGers who enjoy making flash and talking to each other doing group projects like the latest gem Pass-The-Flash.
I guess what I'm saying is in my opinion Pico and Tankmen are great mascots for the actual site but not for the poeple who visit the site and interact with each other. If you were to pick a mascot for forums let's say... who/what would you pick? For some reason I see Luis' version of himself as the perfect choice. You watch stuff like Orgasmic Symphony, Important Announcement, and Luis day type stuff. The characters personally seems to reflect us in a way. The young kid that enjoys porn and shooting poeples up, yet still knows how to party.

Er, maybe I'm just rabbling on... I seem to be doing that lately. Poeple like me shouldn't think. :P

Also... I'm not kissing any ass here. Though I simply adore that stunning brow of yours Luis. <3

www.DuderEntertainment.com/ | Makin' Laughs and Kickin' Ass! >:3

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-17 19:31:26

At 12/17/07 09:56 AM, Siggy0501 wrote:
At 12/17/07 02:48 AM, Radioactive24 wrote: fuck you guts. im oug.
i dont make typos when im drunk

did i miss much in the last couple weeks?

I was also falling asleep. 3 in the morning. I went to bed at 4:30 am, leaving me to operate all day with about 1 and a half hours of sleep. Not fun. I was hung over and tired as all hell. And I had gym class >:V

It's not that bad a typo anyways, the keys are next to each other.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-17 21:38:19

At 12/16/07 11:43 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote:
At 12/16/07 11:40 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: Changing your name.

I knew this one girl who's middle name was Anne and everyone called her that. So she eventually changed her first name to Anne amd made her middle name (which I've forgotten) to her last name.
<double-post-shame>Blargh! Screwed up that story.
Her middle name was Anne.
Changed Anne to her first name.
And her first name to her middle name. </double-post-shame>

My dad's name was "changed" from something like nathaniel to Frank. He never went through courts or anything he just has only given that name since he was around 9. I think there will probably be some legal issues at some point but on all of his legal documents it says frank while his birth certificate says something like Nathaniel (I don't recall the name)

Of course last name hasn't changed

I'm cool now... Right guys?... Guys?

Art Thread So I don't Lose It >:(

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-17 23:01:53


Just a notice to you guys that i'm indeed not dead (although, i've not touched this forum in so long many of you don't have the slightest clue who I am <3) and that AS wars is still running for this Christmas break. The engine is 90% done, the range of skill required to make a bot is gigantic and it it *impossible* to change anything on the root or on another bot =). You guys are gonna love it.

So, just a heads up that this Christmas break is not a good time to be social. =P

If all goes according to plan, it should begin Thursday night.

And yes, AS3... learn to love it already so you can do the fun stuff. =)

At first there was nothing, then it exploded. - Big bang

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-17 23:41:01

seperate question.... its about the holidays and games about them...my coder refuses to animate a christmas game with much effort put into it, because he believes that the game, would have its 2 weeks in the sun, and instantly be forgotten....no not this years christmas jic your wondering....

now, this isnt going to be jsut another run of the mill christmas game...ive put much thought into, to give it a nice storyline, unlockables, hidden things, extras put in for sheer fun, VA (ill hire later, or get friends to do some parts) and, whats a game without nice graphics....now it does not NEED this theme to be good, i understand that, but what i think is that it wont hurt...

now, i have no GOOD christmas game that i can not and compare this to...there were alot of good ones, that i believe would have lived just as long, and scored just as good if it hadnt had the christmas theme....alot of what came up was "Newgrounds Rumble, but with christmas characters and backgrounds"

now i for one thought that this would not diminish the game in the least, it would score the same, it would get the same reviews, maybe a small christmas based comment here or there, and it would last just as long, if possibly 2 versions were put out, a normal, and a christmas, that would be an interesting event, but i dont know if one would be drastically better than the other

this was an argument, on his side was "think of any good halloween game "
mine was "think of one worth remembering this long"

i thought that people will look at its playablility
its bells, whistles, art, story, replayability, and wouldnt precisely care that the enemies would be seen around christmas, and that some of the backgrounds have snow.

i want to know, that if such a great game was to be made (not being vain, i swear, im just not cutting myself short of what i can do)

and it was to be a christmas game....would you lose interest if you hadnt collected all the items, beaten all the bosses, or hadnt grown tired or it, just because it stopped being christmas, started being march persay?

if it was still a fun game, through and through, would you stop playing, not becuase you thought the game stopped being fun, but the fact that it had to do with christmas around a non christmas time?

lets say NG Rumble where you have snowmen, and ng characters in christmas like outfits, some bgs that would have to do with christmas, and the game was still fun, but march arrived, would it become less fun? boring even? pm, reply, i dont care, i want opinions though

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-18 00:32:09

i thought i already tucked mindchamber in.. who the hell woke him up.

In other news, to those who celebrate xmas... i dunno if this is one of those foreigner things but does everyone open their xmas the next day or is there some like our family that do it at midnight... ive always wondered.



BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-18 00:36:25

At 12/18/07 12:32 AM, Luis wrote:
In other news, to those who celebrate xmas... i dunno if this is one of those foreigner things but does everyone open their xmas the next day or is there some like our family that do it at midnight... ive always wondered.


You mean our presents?
I open the presents my family gives me on Christmas eve, and what Santa-Clauss brings the next morning, cause he exists. DUH!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-18 00:36:41

At 12/18/07 12:32 AM, Luis wrote: i thought i already tucked mindchamber in.. who the hell woke him up.

In other news, to those who celebrate xmas... i dunno if this is one of those foreigner things but does everyone open their xmas the next day or is there some like our family that do it at midnight... ive always wondered.


We put up our tree the day before (the 24th). Otherwise, presents are opened at like, 7.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-18 00:40:19

I don't mean to steal the stage from Luis' post, but I don't quite understand it (the next day as in the 26th? if so, no) but I have another topic.

Lag... Acceptable?
I'm working on a game right now and it isn't getting a perfect framerate, but through a lot of code rewriting I have gotten it down to what I think is 'acceptable'. However, acceptable is a very subjective term. For all I know my 'acceptable' may be someone else's 'cut my eyes out why am I playing this lagging turd'. And so I raise this question: when is a game too laggy? At what point do you cross the line from noticeable lag to annoying lag to unbearable lag? Has anyone else ever wondered this?

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-18 00:48:51

no one helped me yet.....and you open presents when the parents wake up on the 25th....

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-18 00:49:50

At 12/18/07 12:40 AM, DingoEatingFuzz wrote: At what point do you cross the line from noticeable lag to annoying lag to unbearable lag? Has anyone else ever wondered this?

Really, I don't really care as long as it's above 15 fps and the controls aren't made impossible at that speed. Oh course, I've never really had the hardware to run a good game at full quality 60 fps so most people aren't so lenient.

But really, from my experiences the people that bitch about lag and frame rates tend to be the people that think the graphics make the game.

At first there was nothing, then it exploded. - Big bang

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-18 00:55:06

MindChamber001: ha
Auto response from superpyro242424: I am now the proud owner of a baby Penicorn.
MindChamber001: queer
superpyro242424: You work for a site where the main idea is that you all draw penises and giggle in the office
MindChamber001: haha

I love talking to MC. We have the best convos.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-18 01:00:31

At 12/18/07 12:55 AM, Radioactive24 wrote:

I love talking to MC. We have the best convos.

Maybe I should get this "AIM" thing. I wanna talk to the cool cats of NG too. :(

Even though I don't celibrate xmas I still get into the gift giving spirit. I buy mother and sometimes sister a lil' something. I don't wrap it or anything. Mothers birthday was dec. 16th actually. I gave her a laval lamp and she seemed to enjoy it.
I'll probably pick my sister up somethin' from a dvd bargin bin for 4-8 bucks.

www.DuderEntertainment.com/ | Makin' Laughs and Kickin' Ass! >:3

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-18 01:14:32

At 12/18/07 01:00 AM, TheCriminalDuder wrote:
At 12/18/07 12:55 AM, Radioactive24 wrote:

I love talking to MC. We have the best convos.
Maybe I should get this "AIM" thing. I wanna talk to the cool cats of NG too. :(

Even though I don't celibrate xmas I still get into the gift giving spirit. I buy mother and sometimes sister a lil' something. I don't wrap it or anything. Mothers birthday was dec. 16th actually. I gave her a laval lamp and she seemed to enjoy it.
I'll probably pick my sister up somethin' from a dvd bargin bin for 4-8 bucks.

i personally fucking hate aim...i really really hate it....ive kept it because its my only means of comminca with someone i know...cept for the ng pm system...

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-18 01:31:44

At 12/18/07 01:14 AM, reality-monkey wrote: probably pick my sister up somethin' from a dvd bargin bin for 4-8 bucks.

i personally fucking hate aim...i really really hate it....ive kept it because its my only means of comminca with someone i know...cept for the ng pm system...

I have msn but know one loves me on it and I are lonely.
On the NG PM's.... the only person I've talked to really is good ol' Tom Fulp himself but I just have a short convos mostly about business stuff. I think I've talked to him 2 or 3 times this year. Real cool cat right their. Also talked to Neg, Luis, Stamper, and Jeff. Though those were also really short 4-6 pm convos. Usually me just being bored and saying hi. :P

This totally is not a hint for everyone to start PM poor lonely criminalduder so he stops crying at night.

www.DuderEntertainment.com/ | Makin' Laughs and Kickin' Ass! >:3

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-18 01:35:56

At 12/18/07 12:40 AM, DingoEatingFuzz wrote: I don't mean to steal the stage from Luis' post, but I don't quite understand it (the next day as in the 26th? if so, no) but I have another topic.

Lag... Acceptable?
I'm working on a game right now and it isn't getting a perfect framerate, but through a lot of code rewriting I have gotten it down to what I think is 'acceptable'. However, acceptable is a very subjective term. For all I know my 'acceptable' may be someone else's 'cut my eyes out why am I playing this lagging turd'. And so I raise this question: when is a game too laggy? At what point do you cross the line from noticeable lag to annoying lag to unbearable lag? Has anyone else ever wondered this?

If it's noticeable then you can be sure people will notice and be annoyed by it...I hate laggy games...if fancy-pants can pull off their giant worlds with super duper physics and not have lag, then there HAS to be a way to design your game to avoid lag.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-18 01:43:56

At 12/18/07 01:35 AM, BoMToons wrote: there HAS to be a way to design your game to avoid lag.

High frame rate, edited publish settings, and some form of AS3 trick is my best guess.
I find games are fine when played on your own computer but once uploaded on NG and stuff they lag a few frames. So I've been upping the frame rate 2-3 frames and making the game just a lil' bit faster then it should be. Other then that theirs always editing the publish settings which seems to help it sometimes. I heard theirs tricks you can do with AS3 too but I fail to find any yet.

I remember when I first started with flash in the begining of this year. man... my first 8 or so flashes had killer lag here and their. Then i started using MP3's instead of WAVs, edited the publish settings a bit, and upped the frame rate. Now all seems fine for both toons and games.

Also: How much longer till that nut cracker game you a Glaiel are working on, comes out? I'm lovin' the look of it and want to "feel" it. Does that sound odd "feel" a game? I don't know.. when you play games do you actually get the "feeling" of the game? I don't know how to describe it. :P Like... playing Assassin's Creed feels different then playing ol' school Super Mario.

www.DuderEntertainment.com/ | Makin' Laughs and Kickin' Ass! >:3

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-18 01:49:03

At 12/18/07 01:35 AM, BoMToons wrote: ...if fancy-pants can pull off their giant worlds with super duper physics and not have lag, then there HAS to be a way to design your game to avoid lag.

I have no idea how Brad does that either... Anyway, this is generally what I think, and I usually don't come across much lag, but in my recent game concept I have particles all collision testing against about 200 blocks, which obviously means a frick-load of collision testing per frame. I've made my collision testing since the standard hittesting function has a more intense algorithm than I need, but I still can't shake the feeling that I can optimize it more; maybe cut out some trig functions, steamline the movieclip removals, or maybe something I haven't even considered yet. I'm still getting frame rates of around 24-27 on my computer which I would consider average so it isn't like I'm in bad shape, but I do feel like I don't have a whole lot of room to expand.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-18 02:02:14

At 12/18/07 01:49 AM, DingoEatingFuzz wrote: I have no idea how Brad does that either... Anyway, this is generally what I think, and I usually don't come across much lag, but in my recent game concept I have particles all collision testing against about 200 blocks, which obviously means a frick-load of collision testing per frame. I've made my collision testing since the standard hittesting function has a more intense algorithm than I need, but I still can't shake the feeling that I can optimize it more; maybe cut out some trig functions, steamline the movieclip removals, or maybe something I haven't even considered yet. I'm still getting frame rates of around 24-27 on my computer which I would consider average so it isn't like I'm in bad shape, but I do feel like I don't have a whole lot of room to expand.

Try and minimize how often you test for these collisions. Say for example, you group up the blocks into say four separate groups and depending on the distance between the object and a certain point depends on whether it checks for collision with the blocks in that group. Obviosuly you'd need to work something out that is practical for your engine but thats just a basic idea. Understand?


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-18 02:13:50

Page 888! yay!

You dont make parties for these useless numbers pages anymore?

total pointless post

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-18 02:21:09

At 12/18/07 02:13 AM, PinkSkull wrote:
You dont make parties for these useless numbers pages anymore?

It's 888 pages day everyone! Party! It's only 888 pages day once! (Unless the thread gets locked which shall never happen cause the mods know I'd cry and no mod or admin is that cruel ((except wade...)) to make poor criminalduder cry.)

Now then... cheers to 888 pages of intelligent convorsations, idiotic convorsations, discovory, and e-friendship.

Que the reg e-grouphug! ^^

www.DuderEntertainment.com/ | Makin' Laughs and Kickin' Ass! >:3

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-18 02:22:31

At 12/18/07 02:02 AM, Fion wrote: Try and minimize how often you test for these collisions. Say for example, you group up the blocks into say four separate groups and depending on the distance between the object and a certain point depends on whether it checks for collision with the blocks in that group. Obviosuly you'd need to work something out that is practical for your engine but thats just a basic idea. Understand?

This is basically what I'm doing. My current collision test is taking the absolute value of the difference between the x coordinate of the particle in question and the x coordinate of the block in question. If they are both less than 25 (block width) then the collision progresses on to the same test with the y coordinates. If they are both true then the collision is true. I can't think of any way to improve the collision beyond this; it doesn't get much simpler than four operations.