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The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 12:56:24

At 11/30/07 12:04 PM, Luis wrote: Integrating more community into the forum
AOTMish thing

Sounds good, I think it'd be a fun thing to do, and it wouldn't hurt to see what happens anyway.


Yea that's how I'd read it too, except for some reason the first time I read it I read it as "yah, nah, maybah?" which makes no sense...

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 14:17:10

At 11/30/07 12:29 PM, Senti wrote: Would the AOTM be a seperate thread for each new month?

Yea different thread each month. One new thread a month wouldnt throw the forum into chaos i dont think. Besides it might be nice for people to be able to make sig links out of em as a way of keeping a keepsake of their feature.


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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 14:44:44

I just posted an update about Woogi World on my user page. It's the only flash-related thing I have to contribute to this thread atm.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 15:29:05

Just got offered £100 (allegedly $200) for making two short slide shows for a graphic designer who I know. Life is good.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 15:42:35

At 11/30/07 03:29 PM, trig1 wrote: Just got offered £100 (allegedly $200) for making two short slide shows for a graphic designer who I know. Life is good.


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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 16:30:32

At 11/30/07 03:42 PM, Senti wrote: Congratulations!


I forgot to mention, the money I'm getting is going to my ball-pond (for those who dont know what one is, here's a picture of a very big one) in my room fund. I'm going to make a small bed-size cage thing, and fill it with 2115 balls, and enjoy. Its gunna cost me £169, and its a lot better than a sofa.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 16:39:51

At 11/30/07 04:30 PM, trig1 wrote:
I forgot to mention, the money I'm getting is going to my ball-pond (for those who dont know what one is, here's a picture of a very big one)

Aww. It already has the xkcd comic that inspired that idea on the page already...

Best of luck with it trig.


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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 16:42:33

At 11/30/07 04:39 PM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: Aww. It already has the xkcd comic that inspired that idea on the page already...

Yeah, that comic was the thing that inspired me to do it :P

Best of luck with it trig.

Thanks. My friends and siblings don't think I'll end up doing it, but I'll show them!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 17:24:24

..::thoughts on thinking::..

For most of my life, thinking has been the enemy. Whenever I was alone with my thoughts I would get to ruminating about all the ways I've fucked up over the years, stupid shit like the way I worded an answer on a test I took ten years ago. I could connect almost anything to something I hated about myself. Learning to stay occupied is a common "coping skill" of people with mental illnesses, so I would try to occupy myself any way I could. But still, you can't not think, theres always stuff going through my mind no matter what I do, I'm thinking about things.

Now things are a little different, for the past week the war in my head seems to have reached some kind of compromise. I feel peaceful and my thoughts are more normal and I feel really fortuitous to be alive. My life is far from perfect, but that's okay, I yield to fate.

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 18:28:10

At 11/30/07 05:24 PM, BlackmarketKraig wrote: ..::thoughts on thinking::..

For most of my life, thinking has been the enemy. Whenever I was alone with my thoughts I would get to ruminating about all the ways I've fucked up over the years, stupid shit like the way I worded an answer on a test I took ten years ago. I could connect almost anything to something I hated about myself. Learning to stay occupied is a common "coping skill" of people with mental illnesses, so I would try to occupy myself any way I could. But still, you can't not think, theres always stuff going through my mind no matter what I do, I'm thinking about things.

Now things are a little different, for the past week the war in my head seems to have reached some kind of compromise. I feel peaceful and my thoughts are more normal and I feel really fortuitous to be alive. My life is far from perfect, but that's okay, I yield to fate.

I had/have that. I took a philosophy class my sophomore year in high school. Ruined my life. I questioned so much, like whether I actually existed or if it was a dream of someone's (like a Borges story). I also went as far to cut a LOT of relationships I had that i thought were unhealthy (like I was being used/ I was using). It completely ruined my life.

Often times, I now over think things and I can never just commit to things.

A Moral Dilemma

I can't romantically think of being interested in girls.

I'm not gay, I just seem to be only able to think about them in terms of sex, except for one girl who has broken my heart a number of times and has repeatedly told me she has no interest in me, not only as in dating, but as friends in general. Yet for some reason, I still can't get over her. I've been head over heels for her for 5 years. She's done things so bad to me that it hurts, but I still have feelings for her.

Due to that, I only see girls as "objects", sort of.. I can never commit to a relationship. I can think of one or two girls that I'd like to consider a relationship with, but I can't get over stupid shit like "Man, I would hit that like the fist of an angry god." It doesn't help that I also have horrible social skills. I'm also prone to "get bored" with girls. I somehow managed to commit to a 5 month relationship with a girl that I somehow managed to meet at a tech fair, but she dumped me for a guy I worked with. We still had to work together for another month. It was hell.

On top of that, I am now playing with this one girl. I tell her so many things that she is practically jumping on my dick any chance she gets. The sad thing is that she has really strong feelings for me, but I have almost none in return. I feel kinda guilty and this is the first time I've had it happen (the guilt). Occasionally, it's not just guilt, but an odd feeling.

I am a horrible person.

I also started smoking again. Plus, I haven't been able to complete ANY of my art test parts for Kutztown. Gah. I did a little bit of sketching, but, other than that, nothing.

So... any possibilities to not make me feel like shit about myself.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 18:41:19

At 11/30/07 06:28 PM, Radioactive24 wrote: I can't romantically think of being interested in girls.


Honestly for me, I told myself that I would sit tight until I was ready for a relationship. Really, you know when you are ready and it's clear that you are not. Most guys in high school were gunning for babes to not be in relationships, because it was the cool thing to do. I made the personal choice just to sit tight until I found someone I could be a good relationship with me. Luckily we have been together for four years now :).

If you don't feel good about it, why do you continue? Regret is so much harder to look at after you know it's going to happen.

Just my two cents.

And don't let philosophy take over your life. I know too many people who have gotten wrapped up in thinking about how life works to really take part in being part of life.

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 18:41:27

At 11/30/07 05:24 PM, BlackmarketKraig wrote: ..::thoughts on thinking::..

For most of my life, thinking has been the enemy. Whenever I was alone with my thoughts I would get to ruminating about all the ways I've fucked up over the years, stupid shit like the way I worded an answer on a test I took ten years ago. I could connect almost anything to something I hated about myself. Learning to stay occupied is a common "coping skill" of people with mental illnesses, so I would try to occupy myself any way I could. But still, you can't not think, theres always stuff going through my mind no matter what I do, I'm thinking about things.

Thinking too much about things you can't change can often lead into depressions. A few years ago i ran into a big depression also, but now that i look back to it i think it's good that i was able to put it into perspective.
Things may go very fucked up at any point in your life and the way to a stable and content lifestyle may seem far away, but nothing lasts forever. Nowadays i try to approach everything with a mild sense of humor. It may sound stupid, but arrogance and self confidence can be very good traits in limited doses. As long as they are in balance with a mind that doesn't take itself too seriously.

But this may just be a personal revelation. I have no idea whether or not the depression you feel is temporarily or something lasting caused by a mental condition. I'm glad to hear you are figuring out a way that makes you feel comfortable with things.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 18:58:56

I just got into college! With A 24,000 Scholarship. It's called CCS it's in Detroit Michigan. Heres their site www.ccscad.edu I'm so stoked!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 19:02:50

At 11/30/07 07:03 AM, Radioactive24 wrote: Haircut

So, I got it all lopped off and I'm going to donate like, 11 inches to Locks of Love.

Awww... you could've gotten a mullet and we could've been mullet-brothers. :*(

In comparison, Criminal-Duder cutting off his mullet and beard. That's what it's like. I'm in personal crisis.

lol How's this... if by some sick circumstances I become a mod.. I'll cut the mullet and shave the beard. Course I'd slowly grow it back though... but yeah.. that would never happen so I'm good. :P

At 11/30/07 12:04 PM, Luis wrote: Integrating more community into the forum

Stupid idea ? Yay nay? maybe?

Yay! Yay! Yay dammit! Yay to the eXtreme! It be cool 'cause I'd love to see a inside the head of a few of you guys. :) Plus that really would be cool and "Integrating more community into the forum".

Also: I've been doing a few tests latley thanks to jmtb02 Energy Drink blog post. I got my friend to buy a few cases of RockSt*r Burner. He said "I can sit down and get a huge amount of work done... more than normal." so I wanted to test this. After a few nights I've discovered this...
For programmers: It's great, your fingers just want to move and all hyped up on the drink makes you type faster and makes it feel good to type. Your minds uber-active and you can think up like 3 lines of code in advance.
For artists: Depends on your style really... Maybe not. Anyway... I discouvered that your hands and crap are all so "fidgety and giddy" that you can't even draw a straight line. So it's nearly impossible to get any work done. However if you need to draw something shakey-ish looking it's perfect. ^^

My conclusion: Programmers should be drinking enouph energy drinks to give them a heart attack whilse working. Artist should just drink some light coffee to stay awake longer.

Now then... I still have 4 cans to drink today from the current case I'm working on. :3

Who loves me?

The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

www.DuderEntertainment.com/ | Makin' Laughs and Kickin' Ass! >:3

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 19:22:07

At 11/30/07 06:41 PM, jmtb02 wrote:
At 11/30/07 06:28 PM, Radioactive24 wrote: I can't romantically think of being interested in girls.

Mmmm... no. I already have hair in my special place. :D It's not that I'm not attracted to them, I just don't find myself emotionally attached much, if at all.

Honestly for me, I told myself that I would sit tight until I was ready for a relationship. Really, you know when you are ready and it's clear that you are not. Most guys in high school were gunning for babes to not be in relationships, because it was the cool thing to do. I made the personal choice just to sit tight until I found someone I could be a good relationship with me. Luckily we have been together for four years now :).

Well, the last relationship i was in was pretty serious and, while we fooled around a little, nothing sexual happened. I think the farthest I got was second base. But it was VERY serious. At one point, she got me to breakdown and tell her one of my darkest fears, which I am slowly coming to realize as possibly happening. I will agree that I'm most likely not ready for a "true" relationship (no matter if I truly think I am), but I don't see anything wrong with trying.

If you don't feel good about it, why do you continue? Regret is so much harder to look at after you know it's going to happen.

Most of my life is regret, John. I can deal with it. I've done things that I've not been proud off (i.e. I smoked marijuana a few times, I have had sex with some "less savory" people, etc.)

Just my two cents.

Thanks for the help.

And don't let philosophy take over your life. I know too many people who have gotten wrapped up in thinking about how life works to really take part in being part of life.

I'm trying. But it's hard when my friends and I have debates over lunch in the school cafeteria.

Mullet-less Man?

I'm going to keep you to that if it happens.

but my haircut went over REALLY well. I got a lot of complements. I just wish I still had my beard :c lol.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 19:49:06

At 11/30/07 06:41 PM, jmtb02 wrote:
At 11/30/07 06:28 PM, Radioactive24 wrote: I can't romantically think of being interested in girls.

What's the difference between an enzyme and a hormone?

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 20:32:40

At 11/30/07 07:02 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: Your minds uber-active and you can think up like 3 lines of code in advance.

Ya um, if programmers aren't thinking 3 lines in advance, I don't know how they could get their code to work right.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 20:43:57

At 11/30/07 08:32 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote:
At 11/30/07 07:02 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: Your minds uber-active and you can think up like 3 lines of code in advance.
Ya um, if programmers aren't thinking 3 lines in advance, I don't know how they could get their code to work right.

Meh, I'm a shitty programmer... I thought that line would've been good to get the idea of it.
Sorries... :(

www.DuderEntertainment.com/ | Makin' Laughs and Kickin' Ass! >:3

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 20:58:07

At 11/30/07 07:49 PM, BoMToons wrote: What's the difference between an enzyme and a hormone?

Hormones are chemical messages, enzymes are catalysts. But if you were to look at the structure of both, you'd see two folded proteins that dont look very different at all. Thank goodness they seem to know what theyre doing though :P


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 21:00:40

At 11/30/07 07:49 PM, BoMToons wrote:
At 11/30/07 06:41 PM, jmtb02 wrote:
At 11/30/07 06:28 PM, Radioactive24 wrote: I can't romantically think of being interested in girls.
What's the difference between an enzyme and a hormone?

Enzymes usually break down certain proteins or can be used to build new ones. Hormones are chemicals secreted (usually by the sex organs) that invoke specific changes in the body and sometimes also invoke certain psychological reactions.

Good enough reply?

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 21:05:12

At 11/30/07 07:49 PM, BoMToons wrote:
At 11/30/07 06:41 PM, jmtb02 wrote:
At 11/30/07 06:28 PM, Radioactive24 wrote: I can't romantically think of being interested in girls.
What's the difference between an enzyme and a hormone?

You can't hear an enzyme!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 21:07:08

At 11/30/07 09:00 PM, Radioactive24 wrote: Enzymes usually break down certain proteins or can be used to build new ones. Hormones are chemicals secreted (usually by the sex organs) that invoke specific changes in the body and sometimes also invoke certain psychological reactions.

Lol, actually a pretty low percentage of them are dispatched by the sex organs, it just seems that way because the effects are often the most observable, and populare science has associated the word hormone with sex and puberty in most's minds


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 21:21:19

At 11/30/07 09:05 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote:
At 11/30/07 07:49 PM, BoMToons wrote: What's the difference between an enzyme and a hormone?
You can't hear an enzyme!

...um, LOL!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 21:22:33

At 11/30/07 09:05 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: You can't hear an enzyme!

Dumb. :-P

Community Stuff

Sounds pretty cool to me. I think it could really open up the community a bit.


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 21:23:21

At 11/30/07 06:41 PM, AloneInTheDark wrote:
Thinking too much about things you can't change can often lead into depressions. etc..

Mmm... the depression's always been there, it's a persistent and linked to my social anxiety. Right now I don't know what to do with myself because I'm not really having symptoms, I feel good and I never usually do. I can't remember a time when the depression has lifted like this and I've felt this good. I'm trying to take advantage of it while it lasts.

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-30 23:14:20


I hate the way I am when it comes to the opposite sex, I really do. I'm terribly shallow and cannot date someone who has is not hot or at least good looking. I don't care if they have the best personality in the world.

I've pretty much given up on chicks at this point because there is no one good for me.

My problem is that either a chick is ugly and shows interest in me, or they are completely 'Out of my League'. I'm just a terrible person; I wish I could be less shallow and look past what she looks like outside, but that's the way I am.

Late October I was in a relationship that seemed perfect for me. I mean, things were going great, she was absolutely gorgeous, and we had so much in common. It was perfect, or so it seemed.

Then she came up to me in tears and threw herself around me, crying hysterically. After she calmed down she told me when she was 13, she had a boyfriend named Mike. Mike and her were very in love, and he got in a car accident. He died... -.-. I reminded her of him too much, so we broke up because it was too painful for her...

Ya know the whole plenty of fish in the sea analogy? Well I'm in the fucking sahara desert.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-01 00:15:37

At 11/30/07 11:14 PM, Cheektoghetto wrote: Relationships

I've pretty much given up on chicks at this point because there is no one good for me.


Ya know the whole plenty of fish in the sea analogy? Well I'm in the fucking sahara desert.

You're 16. Is there anything else that I have to say beyond that?

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-01 00:54:52

At 11/30/07 09:05 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: You can't hear an enzyme!

Dang, you beat me to it...

Surprising that Glaiel, out of all of you, knew that joke...

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-01 01:01:01

At 12/1/07 12:38 AM, hashbrown wrote: Stomping Grounds
i saw this cool animation on deviant art, thought i might share http://frateroshi.deviantart.com/art/Sto mping-Grounds-71072109

That toon was pretty awesome. I like that he busted right through the devil's hand with dance.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-01 01:08:08

Death Race 2000 is a great movie, btw btw btw.

Hi there!

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