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The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-14 17:01:15

At 11/14/07 04:56 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote:

I'm really not too keen with the whole "Go to College to Learn one Trade" sort of thing. Going to a four-year that has multiple subjects and majors is really half the fun of college. I liked the idea that I could learn about Fungi, Japanese, Bacterial Cultures, and C++ all in the same day, and come out knowing people from different backgrounds and subjects. I also know that 60% of people change what they want to do for a living in their first 2 years of college, so it's also nice to have legroom.

Just my take on things though. But congratulations, digipen definitely has the reputation.

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-14 17:10:35

At 11/14/07 11:46 AM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: Quick Kirk. Go buy a ticket to the Papervision lessons...

Quick Kayn. Go to a pub and get a pint...

lol, I would go but I don't have a laptop. Or CS3. Or £300. Plus I hate you.
LOL JOKE!!! <3 <3 <3

The water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta.

| AS3: Main | AS2: Main | Flash Tutorials |

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-14 17:19:27

At 11/14/07 05:01 PM, jmtb02 wrote: Just my take on things though. But congratulations, digipen definitely has the reputation.

I agree with everything said.

RE: reg collab thing
I can see it building into something gigantic again.. cant we just settle on something short and dumb for the sake of saying we actually got one of these collaborative pieces done and then just refine on the process for future collaboratives?


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-14 17:24:02

RE: reg collab thing

At 11/14/07 05:19 PM, Luis wrote:
I can see it building into something gigantic again.. cant we just settle on something short and dumb

I reckon something like the sketchbook tour would work well here. 'Cos the SBT was fairly open-ended. And if we can't agree on what to do, why not let everyone do whatever the fuck they want to do (within in reason of course). The problem with the original reg collab was (IMHO) that we didn't really know how the story was gonna turn out.

Srsly, Jmtb who was the murderer?

The water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta.

| AS3: Main | AS2: Main | Flash Tutorials |

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-14 17:24:38

i'm not really a reg to the thread, but i have an idea. why don't you do an animation collab like the retro collab. with a simple set way to make a short animation anyone can do. even scripters. short and stupid.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-14 17:24:51

At 11/14/07 05:01 PM, jmtb02 wrote: I'm really not too keen with the whole "Go to College to Learn one Trade" sort of thing. Going to a four-year that has multiple subjects and majors is really half the fun of college. I liked the idea that I could learn about Fungi, Japanese, Bacterial Cultures, and C++ all in the same day, and come out knowing people from different backgrounds and subjects. I also know that 60% of people change what they want to do for a living in their first 2 years of college, so it's also nice to have legroom.

Ya I know what you mean. I got a lot of variety in highschool of those different subjects though, and to be honest the ones I enjoyed the most were the physics and math courses. Plus, I hear that 60% stat a lot, but then again few people know what they want to do throughout all 4 years of highschool into college, and even fewer even have a start in that job. I love making games, and I've known that for four years. And if for some reason the game industry fails, I have flash skills as a backup. The internet certainly won't die anytime soon (and hopefully neither will the game industry. Keep buying games people, it'll help me eat one day).

I've done the research, and I certainly know myself well enough to make this decision. Plus, I LOVE math, and some of the courses they offer sound so cool. What the hell is a "wavelet" anyway, they have a whole class based on them. I can't wait. But highschool first.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-14 17:25:05

At 11/14/07 05:21 PM, BritishMoose wrote:
RE: reg collab thing
I can see it building into something gigantic again.. cant we just settle on something short and dumb for the sake of saying we actually got one of these collaborative pieces done and then just refine on the process for future collaboratives?
Can't we all just animate/make a game about a different member of the forum? That'd be nice and simple ^^

Yea see thats sort of what i was thinking with the mini games idea.. like maybe have a few minigames that sort run like K-Fed : Dancing on Fire where you have to pound on jmtb or something.. we could have 3-4 of those depending on how many people want to do that sort of thing.. then maybe we could have a few platformy type games maybe one where you are that stupid blinkingcloud .. i dunno but the idea would be that there would be genres for anyone to feel semi satisfied over.. just simple one level things or something and then we mash em together


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-14 18:20:10

http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/gaming/the-ca l-marching-bands-amazing-16bit-video-gam e-halftime-show-322662.php

This is perhaps the coolest half-time show ever. I'm mad my school band didn't do this for the halftime show. Instead we got to play ghostbusters while an incompetent drum section trips over their own feet while trying to form a square...

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-14 19:27:33

This is perhaps the coolest half-time show ever. I'm mad my school band didn't do this for the halftime show. Instead we got to play ghostbusters while an incompetent drum section trips over their own feet while trying to form a square...

when they make the mortal combat dragon... OMG!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-14 19:38:53


I didn't have anything to do with the last collab but I'd LOVE to give this one a try. I'm pretty much up for whatever, animation or game arts. I'm not one for programming though.

Like I said, whatever I'll do it. I gotta get something in here.


Congratulations! I know I felt great when I got accepted into school. I'm sure you feel the same. With a name like digiPEN I thought it might be in PA and if in Philadelphia maybe we could have roomed together. BUT I WAS WRONG WASHINGTON SUCKS.

Well enjoy man, you'll have more fun than you can imagine. I know I am.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-14 20:01:30

At 11/14/07 06:20 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/gaming/the-ca l-marching-bands-amazing-16bit-video-gam e-halftime-show-322662.php

This is perhaps the coolest half-time show ever. I'm mad my school band didn't do this for the halftime show. Instead we got to play ghostbusters while an incompetent drum section trips over their own feet while trying to form a square...

For once you show us something cool..
What do you play anyway? I remember i used to play trumpet in middle school.. then i realized it sucks cause it involved staying after school and so i got kicked out for never attending any practices.

luckly this animation thing panned out.... sorta..


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-14 20:12:19

RE: Reg Collab thing

While watching that drumline thing.. the thought of the collab came up again.
So why dont we just say lets have 5 minigames, covering 5 genres and just appoint 5 actionscripters to build each niche and then we can just have whatever art talent either wander from genre to genre to help out or just stick with one.

Maybe one game could be something like test your ng iq. like how they have at the movies when you are waiting for the feature presentation to start... like have a time based quiz.. it could be like multiple choice, maybe audio enhanced questions like what movie does this song come from... or maybe take a screenshot of a chunk of a part of a movie and ask

Second game could be something involving button mashing...

third one could be something very puzzley...

fourth could be some top down shooter or something where you control the ng tank..

and then fifth could be something that i havent mentioned..


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-14 21:01:56

At 11/14/07 08:01 PM, Luis wrote: For once you show us something cool..
What do you play anyway? I remember i used to play trumpet in middle school.. then i realized it sucks cause it involved staying after school and so i got kicked out for never attending any practices.

luckly this animation thing panned out.... sorta..

Tuba.... it's a lot easier than trumpet. And heavier.

I bet luis was in a mariachi band. playing the hat dance. and la cucaracha

I play piano too though.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-14 21:15:02

RE: reg collab thing

I'm glad the idea is starting up again. The last one just fell apart. My original thinking was just to have a bunch of short reg themed games and movies, but if you want to have it organized that'd be cool too. I'd recommend doing one where certain people don't need to finish their part, or else it would end up like the last collab. People dropping out is going to be inevitable.


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-14 21:43:06

Flash as a Hobby

I know this has most probably been done as a topic, and I'm getting a lot of déjà vu while typing the title. Anyway, any of you guys not even dreaming of pursuing any kind of professional career with flash, and just here for the kicks? And, if this is just a hobby for you, what type of career are you considering/pursuing for the future?

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-14 21:52:09

Reg Collab Thing

it would be pretty cool.....what we should do is pick the 10 best topics or so in the flash regs lounge and each person picks one to make an animation of describing it.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-14 22:04:20

We could all make our own mini game but with the same main character...would almost be cohesive....

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-14 22:47:26

What if we just had a 'showcasing the flash forum regulars' thing. Where, animators can spend weeks making something really awesome, coders can create some sort of special effect, then you click left or right to go through all the peoples different submissions.
That way, if someone drops out at last minute it wouldn't make a difference.

========|| WWWWWWWW>[-[Blog] - [Audio] - [Userpage] - [Flash] - [Last.fm]-]<WWWWWWWW ||========

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-14 22:56:12

At 11/14/07 10:47 PM, Vengeance wrote: What if we just had a 'showcasing the flash forum regulars' thing. Where, animators can spend weeks making something really awesome, coders can create some sort of special effect, then you click left or right to go through all the peoples different submissions.
That way, if someone drops out at last minute it wouldn't make a difference.

Isn't that just like bragging in slideshow form? I think it'd be cooler if it was a minigame or something or a collab of some sort where it doesn't seem so snobby. I dunno 'snobby' is a weird way of describing it but I think people would appreciate more if there was more of the teamwork aspect - like regs all in it together.

I get what you're saying about the dropping out thing though, that could do a number on a mini-game submission if someone doesn't turn there's in.

always behind schedule.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-15 00:23:53

On the topic of a reg collab,

A main character gets created as does a basic engine. Then everyone who wants designs a level with enemies and builds upon the basic code. Then the next level a dfferent reg designs a level makes the enemies then using adds on to the basic engine.

So the only thing throughout would be the basic engine+main character... level design and additioinal coding wold be up to each reg.
Then it wouldn't really matter if someone dropped out as long as teh levels were just in a random format with no story connecting them. lol

I'm cool now... Right guys?... Guys?

Art Thread So I don't Lose It >:(

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-15 01:30:50

At 11/14/07 05:25 PM, Luis wrote: Yea see thats sort of what i was thinking with the mini games idea.. like maybe have a few minigames that sort run like K-Fed : Dancing on Fire where you have to pound on jmtb or something.. we could have 3-4 of those depending on how many people want to do that sort of thing.. then maybe we could have a few platformy type games maybe one where you are that stupid blinkingcloud .. i dunno but the idea would be that there would be genres for anyone to feel semi satisfied over.. just simple one level things or something and then we mash em together

I like the idea a lot... It could work out. Perhaps its time for me to take the dust off of my flash...

Game idea

I came up with this idea two years ago, told authorblues and he agreed to code it with me, but alas, i never was able to put it into... flash. Here goes, for anyone:

"A day in the life of a reg". It was like, there were 8-10 characters you could chose from, luis, authorblues, neg1, afro, me, glaiel, toast, nc, and cant remember who else... thing is, it was kind of a platformer fighter. You fight noobs and flamers, sometimes noobs engaged you in minibattles like pokemon style or minigames, or sometimes they just said random words to you and ran off like idiots. And at the end of every level, there would be a mega spammer or a huge flamer. For first level I had even thought about bobricci, later on, using jamrock (hehe). But alas, never managed to put it into work. Perhaps someone here wants to take it.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-15 02:32:18

If you want something simple - how about we make up a sentence (e.g. 'we are the regs of the flash forum and we all wish you a merry christmas') and then each person speaks and animates one or two words?

And maybe afterwards, everyone'd jump into the air to do the tom pose. I mean everyone does that bit in an mc to a roughly standardised height/width then everyone jumps together?

That'd be pretty simple but it could look fairly cool. Seriously - recording/animating one word, then animating a jump. No-one'd have an excuse not to.

I'd actually like to see jmtb02's thread revived and that collab completed, but something like what I mentioned above could easily be done in a few weeks without problems. Start low, then build up's what I say.

At 11/14/07 10:53 AM, Luis wrote:
At 11/14/07 10:43 AM, AloneInTheDark wrote: london meetup
Yea that woulddd be awesome... anyway for anyone that cares ill be there jan 17th - 21st just bought my airfarez.

Count me in for sure.

I need to see Dim lick his elbow and get you wasted.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-15 02:53:18

RE: Flash as a Hobby

My original intention when I started Flash was to just do it as a hobby, but it has slowly become a bigger and bigger dream to make Flash or at least something similar for a living in the future. However, my graduation comes closer (this summer) and although I of course do look forward to it, it also means that I have nothing to do (in case I don't decide to study even more after that) but to get a job, and if that happens I don't know if I'll be able to make that much Flash anymore. This is why I try to explore all possibilites on making a living out of it now, for example I've chosen to make a game site (which will hopefully come soon btw ;D) as a project in school, and I hope that I will have a solution by the time I graduate. Most people here can make Flash just as a hobby and money from sponsorships and similar are all just bonuses, and while I am one of those people now I have to find ways to earn more, not because I'm greedy, but because I want to keep going after school is over :3

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-15 09:39:45

RE: Reg Collab

Well if the project is small and manageable enough, people wont drop out... thats why i dont want to make it one huge game because even thinking about the idea of a game with so many pieces makes me feel lazy and unmotivated.. the idea is we have these 3-4 solid little ng themed games and then just package it up nice and go with it...

The key is making things that arent going to take over your life... i have alot of projects going on, i dont want to make the next halo 3 .. i dont want to manage the next halo 3... i just want a weekend project or something to get my mojo going.

I dont even want to call it a 'REG' collab because i'd like for it to not seem inclusive ... like it'll be done by regs but the themes could be newgrounds related as a whole... I think that gives you more play room than having to feature neg, myself, etc.. it becomes too constricting i think.. and the audience in general might not 'get it'.

If we stick to 3 broad genres i think we could pull it off..

1- thinking type of game
2- action type of game
3- i think someone mentioned ddr-type of game


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-15 10:06:03

Democratic Game Making Process
Well personally I like Venge's idea. So I propose we all sit down with a design spec, make whatever we want, throw it into a mix, link it together somehow.

We all make a self contained movieclip with lockroot (or whatever if we're using AS3) showing whatever we want, and then collect it together. Build a framework (like a patchwork quilt, or if someones clever, a Museum or display or environment), and fit everyone's work in where it's best suited.

Make a Flash people can play about with, find new things to do, new games to play and new animations to watch. Not just a simple game / animation, but something constructed out of whatever we get our hands on, bolted onto a framework that showcases someone's animation next to a minigame, next to a beautiful rendered Flash art piece next to an Actionscripted Fractal pattern.

A nice Flash stew. A cornucopia of talent. Something dangerously unique

And once again, if people drop out, no big loss. No one is shown any higher than any one of thier peers, and we can all just have fun making whatever we want to be included.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-15 10:14:20

Unfortunately, Kayn, it's the "linking together" that would be the difficult part. I agree with you and I think that should sort of be our direction, but like most things it is easier said than done.

Luis is taking this the right way and explaining it as a small weekend fun project. If we don't have fun with it and it isn't small enough to capture out attentions for a couple weekends then it won't work and will fall through.

Ray is a type of game that has a lot of different "modes" to it but a continuous story line. Maybe something like that? Of course not as huge though.

I also don't think it should be something revolved around the BBS or Reg lounge...that is too small of a group to get a large appeal.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-15 10:18:56

At 11/15/07 10:14 AM, Senti wrote: Unfortunately, Kayn, it's the "linking together" that would be the difficult part. I agree with you and I think that should sort of be our direction, but like most things it is easier said than done.

Which is why I suggested it just be a patchwork quilt or an environment containing all our works as exhibits. It wouldn't need a mechanical reason to work - you just choose to run someone's animation, or play someone's game, or accidentally walk into someone's fractal pattern. It would need no effort.

Ray is a type of game that has a lot of different "modes" to it but a continuous story line. Maybe something like that? Of course not as huge though.

The problem with games of ANY type is that it NEEDS to be done by, at the most, three coders who know how the others code. If it ended up that me, Gust, Delta, Kirk and Vengeance ended up coding something (because that's how it'd slip... I don't think I have the right art quality compared to the rest of the artists here), we'd all end up killing each other.

There's too many of us here, and we'd step on each others toes.

I also don't think it should be something revolved around the BBS or Reg lounge...that is too small of a group to get a large appeal.

And yet the Sketchbook works. All I want to see is a Digital art version of it.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-15 11:20:01

At 11/15/07 10:18 AM, KaynSlamdyke wrote:
At 11/15/07 10:14 AM, Senti wrote: Unfortunately, Kayn, it's the "linking together" that would be the difficult part. I agree with you and I think that should sort of be our direction, but like most things it is easier said than done.
Which is why I suggested it just be a patchwork quilt or an environment containing all our works as exhibits. It wouldn't need a mechanical reason to work - you just choose to run someone's animation, or play someone's game, or accidentally walk into someone's fractal pattern. It would need no effort.

Well, the idea I suggested at the time was some sort of Rashomon thing where every reg gets their own view of an event and none of them are centeral to anything.

That's probably a little over-complicated, but I still think that the collab should consist of a map screen where you talk to all the different regs, and the individual games or animations would demonstrate their point of view left entirely up to the artists. Teaming up and all that jazz would just be something for people to sort out between themselves. I still think that a Point Of View approach would be the best way of merging wildly different styles and genres of game and animation without looking out of place.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-15 11:53:28

At 11/15/07 10:18 AM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: And yet the Sketchbook works. All I want to see is a Digital art version of it.

The sketchbook tour isn't ABOUT the BBS. That's all I meant.

I like the idea of everyone animating, of course that kind of limits the programmers but maybe they could make a fancy layout or something...I dunno.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-11-15 12:14:58

Regs Thingaroo
Once again, I wonder why we just don't do an animation collab.

Hi there!

BBS Signature