At 10/10/07 09:17 PM, Radioactive24 wrote:At 10/10/07 08:23 PM, Nuggs wrote: I made this post on my new iPod touch!!! Its a little slow on newgrounds but its not unbearableI'd never get one. Fucking have to wipe the screen every time I use it.... it would piss me off so much.
Very true. I don't even have the cash for an iPod, let alone have the patient to look at my own skin oils on my screen.
Big Flash Projects
I am planning two pretty big projects for the next year or so. I already have a script prepared for one, if anybody would like to read and tell me what they think, PM me. That one is just a little thing me and a buddy of mine were talking about once on AIM. Then I decided that flashitizing it would be a nice project.
This one may be put into production first. It is going to be a serious short called 'Cigar'. I have some great ideas, and think it will come out nicely. No definite script as of yet, but I will probably produce a storyboard soon. I have a lot of time in school to do it. I finish all my auto projects like 30 minutes earlier :P. (Yes I am a mechanic).
Earliest Memory Of NG and It's Flashes
I remember when I was about 12 or so, my friend told me about ol' NG. He mainly wanted me to see Dad's Home :P (Go Figure). I watched it, laughed, and really didn't stick too much to NG. I thought it was a site that only consisted of a few people submitting. I didn't know about the automated portal system back then, so I kinda looked at what was on the front page.
At 14, I started to delve deeper in the bowels of NG. It was quite fascinating to find out that ordinary people create these works of art (or spam :P). Of course I had no idea what made flash XD. I wasn't the guy who posted about it though, I googled it XD. Then I looked and all I could see was a seemingly huge piece of writing on it.
$699 USD
I was stunned and left.
Then at 15 I found the BBS and decided to give flash another go. So I got the trial. I liked it, stuck with it, and practiced. I was never the greatest artist, but I never gave up. Today I still am pretty noobish at art and such, but I am trying... studying... practcing... watching...
</long post>