Other Hobbies
Me? Do something besides animate/code/go on NG?
You crack me up. :')
No, but seriously.... I don't do anything but go on NG, animate, and code shit I'm workin' on. Been like this for nearlty 10 months now. Mainly because I have no skill in anything really IRL.... Never been interested in anything other in flash, can't stand flippin' burgers, not a big fan of crowds, I'm a hermit I guess. All last summer I left my house and went outside only to bring the garbage to the curve. That's it... But hey before I did nothing but sit on my ass and animate & etc. all I ever did was smoke pot, do some other crap, and go out late at night to do some dealin'.
Since I started workin' with flash and comin' to NG my life I really think has changed for the better. I got actual goals, I'm being productive, layin' off the hard stuff, socializing with poeple, and think I've gained some actual sanity! ^^
Now I'm curious.... How has NG impacted you and your life?